03x14 - Log 115: g*ng w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x14 - Log 115: g*ng w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


- It's hot.
- Mm-hmm.

Must be those Santa
Ana winds from the desert.

Ah, you still uptight about
us losing that ball game?

You mean about me
losing the ball game.

Four times at bat, and I
can't even get to first base.

So you had an off
day. We all have 'em.

And then I boot the ball
that lets in the winning run.

Next time, you'll probably
hit a grand-slammer

and field like a hungry octopus.

You know what really bugs me is the
way that chopper jockey rubbed it in.

I know what you mean.
Sgt. Rainer acts like

he's Metro Division's
answer to Sandy Koufax.

All units in One-Adam-12.

A 211 just occurred.

5125 Coronado Boulevard.

See the man at
the service station.

One-Adam-12, code 2.

One-Adam-12. Roger.

There's been a hold-up, no
more than five minutes ago.

- Which way did he go?
- I don't know.

He made us lie down
inside. On the floor.

- Can you give us a description?
- Yeah.

He was a tall, heavy-set fellow.

About six foot one or
two. Maybe 40 years old.

And he had blond hair. I don't
know if he had a g*n or not.

He had his hand jammed inside his
pocket all the time. You know, like this?

One-Adam-12. Code 4, Adam,

at the gas station, 5125
Coronado Boulevard.

Request clear frequency
for initial broadcast

on 211 suspect.

All units, code 4 Adam.

5125 Coronado Boulevard.

All units on Frequency
One, stand by.

One-Adam-12, go ahead.

One-Adam-12.211 suspect.

Left on foot. Described as male.

Hey! There he... that's him!

That's the creep! That's
the guy that held me up!

- Go get him! Get him!
- Stop, thief!

Stop! thief!

Hold on! Police officers!

This is One-Adam-12.
Officer needs assistance.

My partner is in foot
pursuit of a 211 suspect.

Last seen proceeding
north on Sumner Avenue,

from Coronado Boulevard.

Responding units,
meet me on Tech 2.

All units, officer
needs assistance.

Coronado and Sumner.

partner is in foot pursuit

of a 211 suspect.

Last seen northbound
on Sumner from Coronado.

All units responding to the
Officer Needs Assistance,

identify and meet
One-Adam-12 on Tech 2.

Adam-19 to Adam-12.

We're a couple of blocks away.

Where do you want us?

Adam-19, cover Lockhaven

between Coronado
Boulevard and Hill Drive.

Roger, Adam-12.

Adam-12, this is Air-3.

We're 500 feet over
Sumner and Los Flores.

Do you have anything
else on your 211 suspect?

Affirmative, Air-3.

Air-3, suspect is male,
Caucasian, six feet one or two,

wearing tan
chinos, green jacket,

possibly armed, no vehicle seen.

Roger, Adam-12. We'll
work a grid and circle-search.

Roger, Air-3.

Had yourself a real
hot pursuit, eh, partner?

Yeah, I, uh... I lost him.

Figured. Well, you
can't win 'em all.

One-Adam-12. I'm
with my partner now,

in the 800 block of Los Flores.

The 211 suspect was lost

between Lockhaven and Borrano.

Air-3 to Adam-12.

Looks like your
partner struck out again.

- Sgt. Rainer.
- Yeah. But I know him.

- Cool it.
- One L-20 to Air-3.

Thanks for the assist.

We'll handle the rest of
the search from down here.


L-20 to Adam-12.

Meet me at the market.
Coronado and Sumner.

Roger, L-20.

Had me kind of worried
back there for awhile.

- Huh?
- I thought maybe

you'd decided to start
your own police force.

What's that supposed to mean?

I kinda think my godson

would like to have his
dad around long enough

to give him a few pointers
when he starts Little League.

I get the message, Pete.

You're right.

Your 211 suspect
probably got away

in that apartment complex
over in the Tunaville section.

That's what I figure.

Find a needle in the haystack.

I'm gonna kick you guys loose
so you can complete your reports.

We'll continue the search.

I'll take the gas station.
You take the market.

He ordered six blintzes
with sour cream to go.

When they were
ready, I asked him,

"Do you want anything else?"

And he pulls out a paper
bag with a load of coins

and bills already in it,
and he holds it out to me.

And what looks like a
g*n in his jacket, he says,

"Yeah, I want all your money."

Across the street, and a few
minutes away from his last hit.

Would you please read
and sign this report, sir?

Thank you, gentlemen.

Now, uh, so what
do you do with this?

You just file it
and forget it, huh?

No, Mr. Martino. Follow-up.

The detectives will
be in touch with you.

I should live that long.

Come on in for a cup of coffee.

Another touching
vote of confidence

for our boys in blue.

Kinda quiet for
a Saturday night.

It's probably just the
lull before the storm.

One-Adam-12. One-Adam-12.

See the priest regarding
possible g*ng activity.

Northeast corner of
the El Centro parking lot.

Alger and Perlita. Code 2.

One-Adam-12. Roger.

All units, code 4, Victory
and Sherman Way.

- What's up, Father?
- I just got a call.

There's going to
be a big rumble.

They should be here any minute.

What's the beef
this time, Father?

Who knows?

Today, with all
the frustrations,

it takes very little to set some
of our young Chicanos off.

Such a waste of time, energy.

And lives.

Si. Sometimes, lives, too.

It's too bad they don't put it all
together for something constructive.

That's exactly what
we're working on, Pete.

Brown power through education.

He gets through to some.


There they are. The Verdugos.

The one in the
middle is their leader.

Pepe Romero.

Of course, it is
not the whole g*ng.

- Probably just a w*r council.
- Which is a good sign.

The way they're armed, it
doesn't look so good to me, Father.

What I mean is, they
must be here for a pow-wow

with a rival g*ng, which means

there is still time to
prevent bloodshed.

They're coming over.

The Eagle Rocks.

The one in front
is Salvador Cabo.

Their jefe. Their leader.

They don't look
very peaceful, either.

Better get a backup unit.

No! Please! The more of us here,

the more there is a
possibility for overreaction.

For real trouble.

I think I can keep
them from fighting.

If only we show them a
token presence of authority.

I'll tell you something,
Father. The way I see it,

a little more token,
a lot less trouble.

Get a backup unit. Let's get
over there. Come on, Father.

One-Adam-12, code 6
at El Centro parking lot.

Juvenile g*ng activity.
Requesting a backup unit.

One-Adam-12, roger.
One-Adam-19. One-Adam-19.

Back up One-Adam-12
in El Centro parking lot.

Look, here come
the Anglo black guys!

- Pigs.
- Oink, oink, oink!

Ah! Look at the pigs!

They bring their priest
for their protection!

The God Squad!

Let's play a little game!

What is the game?

k*ll the pigs!

You know that real trouble
you were talking about, Father?

I think we got it.

All right, that's as far
as your game goes.

Hold it right there.

Right now.

Butting in our business!

You come to a meet
with clubs and bottles,

it gets to be our business.

We're just being

Picking up the no-returns.

What about the clubs?

Ah, just wanna
play a little softball.

Don't put us on, Romero.

Okay, okay. So the
Vergudos and the Eagle Rocks

decided to have a rapping
session. Something wrong with that?

Nothing. As long as
the rap stops at talk.

Let me speak to them.

Okay, Father. It's your bag.

But take one more
step, it's gonna be ours.

I want you to drop
all those weapons.

We don't wanna
trash up the lot, Father.

That's polluting!

Look, Padre.

Just because you have
your collar on backwards

doesn't mean you
can tell us what to do.

I'm telling you, Pepe.

- Drop that club.
- Come on and make me!

Drop it!

Drop it.

All of you!

Stupid Chicanos!
Fighting among yourselves!

We want the Verdugos to
stay away from our barrio

and away from our girls!

Look, Cyprus St. belongs
to us, too, you know.

- It also our barrio!
- If you can't get a hold of your own,

we can't do nothing about that!

Well, we can, cholo.

The next time you mojados come
into Cyprus St., we'll show you.

You think you can
prove your machismo,

that you're somebody,
by acting like...

Like animals!

But you don't.

You prove it by acting like.

By coming to the Tea Club,
and acting like real men!

All right, I'm declaring
this an unlawful assembly.

You got one minute
to leave the premises,

or you're all subject to arrest.

You ain't always gonna
be around, puerco.

That's right, man. But we
ain't gonna be far away, either.

Oink! Oink! Oink!

Whoever said Saturday night
was the loneliest night of the week?

Sometimes I wonder if
there's any hope of the world.

The country. If my own people
can't even get along with each other.

But I guess that's
part of my job.

To keep hoping and praying.

Can we give you a lift, Father?

No thanks, Pete.
I think I'll walk.

And think.

What about this stuff?

I'll take care of it.

Thanks for the assist.

Well, Father? Keep the faith.

You mean don't spread it around?

You think those
gangs will cool it?

I got a hunch we'll find
out before the night's over.

One-Adam-12. One-Adam-12.

See the woman. A

2124 West Rockland.
Apartment 309. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Turn around.

Yeah. Come on in.

He's in there.

- Is he your husband?
- Yeah, more or less.

- Ma'am?
- It's common law.

And Willard is just about
as common as you can get.

- What's the complaint?
- See that shiner?

as*ault with a deadly w*apon.

- What did he use?
- His left!

Faded with his right.
Crossed with his left.

See, he used to be a fighter.

A loser is more like it.

Old Canvas Back, I call him.

That makes his fists a
deadly w*apon, right?

Of course, he likes to
claim we're an even match.

His fists and my mouth.

Is he okay?

I didn't lay a glove on him!

Never had a chance,

or I'd have conked him
with a bottle of brew.

No. He comes in here, just galloping
in here about three hours ago,

like he just finished six
furlongs at Santa Anita.

Two little sacks.

So I says, "Where have you been?

"What have you got in the bags?"

You know what he
did? He says to me,

"Shut you mouth, and
mind your own business."

I'd like to offer you
guys a bottle of beer.

But I've only got
a six-pack left.

Thanks just the same.

Now you were saying?

Huh? Oh, yeah.

Mind my own business.
Mind my own business!

I mean, like I'm
his wife, ain't I?

More or less.

I mean, I'm entitled!

You know, fellas,

a gal likes to get out
every once in a while.

Especially on Saturday night.

I mean, have a little fun.

A little juicin'.
A little dancin'.

A little smoochin'.

Kind of Women's Lib.
You know what I mean?

Are you sure you
didn't defend yourself?

I never had a chance!

No, I'm tellin' ya,
I'm sitting here

telling them about
my Women's Lib,

and all of a sudden,
before you know it, bang!

He nails me with his left.

And I fall down on my keister.

And all of a sudden, he
charges in that bedroom,

and locks himself up.

A little while later,
he comes out with that

moaning, groaning jazz.

This time, he ain't
gonna get away with

sluggin' the little momma.

Mm-mm, no, sir.

This time, I'm
proffering charges

against Willard Danhart.

Why'd you wait
so long to call us?

Well, it wasn't
till I saw this eye

swelling and rising like
a loaf of pumpernickel

before I says to myself,

it's about time he
gets his lumps. Huh?

Bust it in.

Police officers! Open up.

Go away. I'm sick!

Come on, mister.
We wanna talk to ya.

I ain't talkin' to no one.

- Any other way in there?
- Just through the door.

But be my guest.

- Hey!
- Hold it...

- Up against the wall.
- I'm sick!

Let's go. On your feet.

Hands up against the wall.
Feet back and spread 'em.

What are you guys doin' here?

- Your wife called.
- You big-mouth broad!

Shoulda broke her jaw. Hey,
come on. Ain't got no g*n.

- He's clean.
- Looks like he
ate the evidence.

It's probably his trouble. Sour cream
doesn't hold up too well in this weather.

But he didn't eat
all the evidence.

He's gonna have a lot
more trouble digesting that.

Well, Old Canvas
Back! K.O.'d again!

Shut your big mouth!

Hey, what are you guys doing?

You're under arrest,
mister, for robbery.

Arrest? No, you can't arrest me!

- I'm sick!
- Yeah.

On the blintzes you stole.

One-Adam-12 clear.

One-Adam-12 clear.

Now you can tell
Rainer you scored one.

Yeah, right in the
suspect's home run.

Looks like it's
getting quiet again.

- I wish you wouldn't say that.
- Why not?

Every time you do, things
bust apart at the seams.

All units in the vicinity
of One-Adam-19,

a 415 juvenile g*ng fight.

El Centro parking
lot. Algier and Perlita.

One-Adam-19, code 2.

Looks like your hunch
was right about those gangs.

Let's get over there.

All units in One-Adam-19.

Additional on your call,

sh*ts are now being fired
at the El Centro parking lot.

handle the call, code 3.

There goes 19.

Call an ambulance.


Sarge is finishing
up with the scene.

He'll be along with the
detectives in a while.

How's he doing?

The doc says he's
not gonna make it.

He didn't make any
statement in the ambulance.

He was in no condition to,
with a head full of buckshot.

Yeah. What about his family?

So far, they haven't
been able to locate 'em.

That says a lot, right there.

Doc's given the okay
for one of us to be in there

to try and get a dying
declaration from him.

I'll wait out here for
Mac and the others.


Romero? Can you hear me?


I hear.

It's Malloy.

k*ll... the pig...

You know you're
critically injured.

You may die.

I know.

What a bummer.

I wanna get a
statement from you.

Nothing from me,


Who shot you?

I don't fink.

My boys.

Who will take care of them?


k*ll pig.

Okay, Sarge.

Yeah, I'll tell him. Right.

He wouldn't talk.
Part of their code.

Code zero.

Ah, it doesn't
matter now, anyhow.

- Hmm?
- That was Mac on the phone.

He wanted to let
us know that, uh...

They got the others
in the maroon coupe.

It was Cabo.

That figures.

Waste. Senseless waste.

They just wouldn't listen.

Crazy kids.

Fighting and dying
over a few feet of turf.

I don't know, Jim.

Are we adults that
much different?

Maybe older. Bigger.

But not, I'm afraid, any wiser.

Or better.

I must go now.

Look for his family.

Vaya con díos, amigos.

Vaya con díos, pardre.

How do we reach those kids?

We reach a lot of 'em.

Yeah. But not enough.

If we lose one, it's too many.

But some of 'em are
so far gone already,

nobody can get to 'em.

Well, I guess we just have to
keep doing what the Father said.

What's that?

Hope and pray.


And keep workin' on it.

Which reminds me, we
got a lot of reports to get out.
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