03x07 - Log 75: Have a Nice Weekend

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x07 - Log 75: Have a Nice Weekend

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,
a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


- Nice day.
- Yeah.

Great day for the game.

- What game?
- "What game"!

- The Rams, of course.
- Oh, yeah.

- Who do you like?
- Um... I'll take the Packers.

What about the
Chargers in Oakland?


Wanna bet? One lunch?

Okay. You're on.

Hey, what if we split?

Dutch treat.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

see the man. Female mental case.

319 Oakley. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

She sounded like she
was tearing the place apart.

I'm afraid she
might hurt herself.

One move out of you, sheriff,

and I'll let you have it
right between the horns.

And don't you bat a
cotton-pickin' eyelash!

I'm sorry, I... I understood that
there was somebody in there

that needed help.

Him? Ain't nobody
could help that skunk.

Excuse me. I must
have made a mistake.

I better go check
with my partner.

You're tempting me, sheriff!

Now this cannon's
got a hair trigger.

My name's Jim. Jim Reed.

You remember me, don't you?

No, I can't say I do, Jim.

Why don't you
come on in the house

and we'll palaver,
the three of us.

Just you, me, and him.

Don't nobody can't
tell him nothing.

Inside, sheriff, or
I'll blow a hole in you

big enough to
drive a herd through!

You got her phone number?

Sure thing.

Do me a favor. Call her
and change your voice.

Ask for Officer
Reed. You got that?


Say, you know,

I think there is
something kind of familiar

about you, sheriff.

- Sure, you remember.
- Yeah.

I think you locked me up once.

I think you put me in a cage.

Now what'd you want
to go and do that for?

That weren't very
neighborly, were it?

Oh, come on now. You
know that wasn't me.


Yeah, this is her.
Who wants to know?


Well... I guess he is.

Hold on.

Somebody on the
phone for you, sheriff.

Officer Reed.


Look, I'm busy right
now. Can't it wait?

It can't?

No, uh, it's not the
connecting rods.

It's the generator.

Yeah. The generator.

It's kind of warm in here.

You wouldn't happen
to have a glass of water,

would you?

No. We only serve
rotgut here, sheriff.

No, thank you.

Listen, it's the generator.


Now what you want
to go and do that for?

I see.

You're his friends.

Why don't you just
get him out of here

and leave me be!

Just leave me be.

No good.

You no good for nothin',
that's what you are!

You never lifted a finger
for anybody or anything.

You're his friends.

I never had a friend

in all my life.

I never did.

Five cartridges.

One's been fired.

Oh, just leave him alone.

Why don't you just leave him be?

He'll find out what
it's like to be alone.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 459 just left.

See the woman.

- Code 2.
- One-Adam-12, roger.

Thank you for coming so quickly.

Did you call about
a burglary, ma'am?

Yes, I'm Mrs. Green.

I got a good look at him.

He must have been in
the house when I drove in.

He ran out back
and down the alley.

I saw him climb over the fence

into the Foster's backyard.

You said that you got
a good look at him?

That's what was so shocking.

He was just a boy.

He couldn't have been
more than 12 years old.

Nice looking, too.

He was blond. I think he
was wearing tennis shoes,

a blue t-shirt, and jeans.

His clothes were very clean.

He certainly wasn't one
of those hippie types.

What was stolen, Mrs. Green?

A necklace.

Normally I wear it for
bridge but I didn't today.

And a fur. A natural mink.

Could you describe
the necklace, please?

It was a diamond pendant,

two carats, on a platinum chain

with emerald baguettes.

I'll get this on the air.

Did you ever see the boy before?

No. I'm positive.

Do you think he may have
robbed the Foster's house, too?

Well, we'll check it out.
What's the address?

Well, it's just around
the next street.

You can't miss it. It's
three houses down.

They have one of
those old-fashioned

iron hitching post things...
A horse's head, you know.

Thank you, ma'am.

Just think. A little boy.

What are things
coming to, officer?

I wish I knew.

- Yes?
- Mrs. Foster?

I'm Mrs. Foster. What is it?

We'd like to talk
to you, please.

Well, I'm afraid not now.
I'm expecting some people in.

Well, one of your neighbors
has been burglarized

and she thought maybe the
thief got into your house, too.

She saw him going
over your back fence.

Good heavens.

Well, I just got back
a short time ago.

But my mother was here.

She's a little hard of hearing,

but I'm sure she would have
seen somebody trying to break in.

- Whose house was robbed?
- Mrs. Green's.

Hmm. Getting to
be epidemic, isn't it?

What do you mean, ma'am?

Well, so many of my friends
have been stolen from.

It's terrible. Simply terrible.

Look, I'm dreadfully sorry.

But if I stand
here talking to you,

my guests are going
to catch me in my apron.

Mrs. Green gave us a
description of the suspect.

A boy, blond,
about 12 years old.

We thought you might
have seen him around.

Well, I wish I could help you.

But I'll tell you where I
think you ought to be looking.

Someplace where those
long-haired kooks hang out.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

my guests are going
to be here any minute.

Hello, Malloy. That 459,
the necklace and the fur...

You fellas didn't leave
anything out of the report, did ya?

I don't think so. Why?

The detectives thought
you might have got

a more complete
description of the suspect.

That's all the
victim could give us.

You know, this
makes the 20th time

that a house in
that general vicinity

has been hit in
the past six months.

Well, there should
be some good prints.

The victim said she
hadn't touched anything.

No. 19 times before

and still not a single print to
show from any of those heists.

A 12-year-old
professional thief?

Maybe we better find
him before he grows up

and decides to pull
something really big.

They going up or down?

Are what going up or down?

Skirts. Dresses. Hemlines.

It's up to the ladies.

Or the designers.

Most of the guys are fortunate

to keep up with the styles.

Only if you're married.

You rat.

One-Adam-12, code 6.

One-Adam-12, roger.

- Number 210!
- 11!

- 210!
- 111!

Simmer down! Break it up!

- Take your hands off me.
- Let me go.

You gentlemen
might hurt yourselves.

All right, what's
the trouble here?

He's tone deaf. Tone deaf!

I have perfect pitch
and you know it.

Okay, now. What's... What's 210?

It's an abomination.
I'm sick of it!

Sick to death of it!

And that's what you
two are scrapping about?

There comes a time when a
man must stand on principle.

Yeah, but it's hardly
worth going into battle over.

Yeah, battle. Well, there it is.

That's all he ever
wants to open with.

The congregation loves it!

Well, give them a chance
to learn something new.

All right, wait a
minute. What battle?

♪ Onward Christian soldiers ♪

I will not make my
choir sing that song

every, blessed Sunday.

- I simply will not.
- Heathen!

Uh, the way I read this,

you two are connected
with the church, right?

I am the organist.

Pick all the preludes
and postludes you want.

But the choir master
selects the hymns.

You may sing whatever you wish.

The organ will be playing:

♪ Onward Christian soldiers ♪

Hey, what about
"A Mighty Fortress"?

Yeah, I always liked that one.

Clearly uninitiated.


That's a good tune.

Hey, wait a minute, fellas!

Let's fill out a couple
F.I. cards on 'em.

One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, clear on a call.

459's just left.

11695 Carville. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Oh, I feel a trifle dizzy.
Please, sit down, both of you.

I... I'm afraid I can't offer
you anything refreshing.

I'm alone this afternoon.

Now what can I tell you?

Could we have your name, please?

Ruth Phillips, Mrs.

Well, do you need a
doctor, Mrs. Phillips?

No, I'll... I'll be all right.

It's just a bump.

You reported a burglary, ma'am.


Several pieces of
jewelry. I've made a list.

They must have thought
no one would be at home.

In fact, I hadn't planned
on being at home.

This is my bridge day and
I wasn't feeling very well.

Excuse me, ma'am.
Did you say "bridge"?


I lay down and fell asleep.

I awakened and heard
someone moving about

in the dressing room.

When I called out, he ran.

Pardon me. But you
said "they" before.

And just now you said, "He ran."

Well, yes.

But I only had a chance

to get a good look
at one of them.

Then someone hit me
on the head from behind.

No, no, no, no. Wait,
wait, wait. Um-mm.

He pushed me. He didn't hit me.

I struck my head on something

and it stunned me for a moment.

But I did manage to get
a glimpse of both of them.

And they were just boys.

Was one of them
about 12 with blond hair?

Very neatly dressed.

I'd never seen him before.

But the other boy...

What about the other
boy, Mrs. Phillips?

Well, I could be mistaken...

I must be.

As I say, I only caught
a glimpse of them.

What did he look like?

He looked like Eva Foster's son.

How many of your friends
play bridge, Mrs. Phillips?


Oh, I believe there
are nearly 60 of us

in the bridge circle now.

Do you play on some
kind of a schedule

at each other's homes?


How long has the bridge
circle been in existence?

Oh, six or seven months.

Well, we'll turn this
over to the detectives,

along with our report.

They'll be calling
you to find a time

convenient for you
to have them drop by.

Would you please
sign this, ma'am?

And thank you.

Thank you, ma'am.

Would you mind letting
yourselves out, please?

You think she could be mistaken

about it being
Mrs. Foster's son?

I don't know. It'll only
take eight blocks to find out.

This is One-Adam-12.

Wonder if they caught
her with her apron on?

- Hello, boys.
- May we speak with
Mrs. Foster, please?

- Huh?
- Mrs. Foster!

No. No. I'm Mrs. Britton.

Mrs. Foster's my daughter.

Could we talk to her?

Could you talk to her?

Yes, ma'am!

Oh. Well.

You just wait and let me see.

You better have a look.

I was playing 6 No Trump.

What is it now, officer?


I make it myself.
Wouldn't you like some?

Of course you
would. I know boys.

They're always hungry.
You just come along with me.

- No, thank you, ma'am.
- Oh?

Well, I'm sure Mrs.
Phillips was mistaken.

It's possible. But
you do have a son.

You don't mind if we
talk to him, do you?

No, of course I don't mind.

I just don't think
now is the time.

And frankly, I don't
know where he is.

But you know who
his friends are?

Well, naturally I know some
of the little boys he plays with.

Now you said yourself that
Mrs. Phillips could be mistaken.

I wouldn't want to expose
Paul to an experience

that might be traumatic.

You do understand?

Now I must get
back to my guests.

Now, Mrs. Foster, I'll
have to make a report.

The officer will want
to talk to your son.

Well, you have your officer
drop around tomorrow.

My son will be home
from school at 3:30

and he's very punctual.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

- Any luck?
- No.

Mrs. Foster claims she
doesn't know where her son is.

Yeah. Well, somebody was playing
basketball when I got back here.

I wonder if that nice old lady

keeps anything besides
marmalade in her garage.


Yeah, she was coming
out of the garage

when I got back here.

Let's take another look.

Want to tell us why you ran?

- For nothing.
- What's your name, son?

Well, I guess we better have
another talk with Mrs. Foster.

- Why?
- That was her garage
you were in.

I play basketball
here sometimes.

You do, huh?

In the garage?

My daughter said
you'd be back tomorrow.

Mercy, who's he?

We were hoping
you could tell us.

We just got him coming
out of your garage.

- So?
- He refuses to give us
his name.

Well, he doesn't look
very desperate to me.

However, I can't help
you. I don't know who he is.

He claims that he
plays basketball here.

Earlier today a
house was burglarized.

The victim described the thief.

This youngster
fits that description.

About half an hour ago
there was another burglary.

This boy was clearly
identified by that victim.

She also says she
recognized your son.

Look, we've been
through all of this before.

You were supposed to
come back here tomorrow.

I just don't know
who this boy is.

Would you mind if we took
a look inside your garage?

Yes, I would mind.

You say this boy
broke into houses?

He stole things? Fine.
You have your thief.

If you want to see my son, Paul,

you can come back here tomorrow.

Oh, Mom, why try to lie anymore?

- Can't you see
it's no use?
- Paul!

It's not right to let him take
the whole blame by himself.

Paul, what are
you talking about?

Aw, for corn's sakes, Mom.

We took the stuff.

A lot of stuff.

It's in the garage.

Mother, take Paul
into the house.

- Come on, Paul.
- Officer, he must be sick.

I mean, this is ridiculous.

I've never heard such utter
nonsense in my entire life.

I wasn't gonna tell.

What's the use?

Come on, I'll show you.

Let's all see.

Mere children. You're
gonna listen to them?

Well, you're not gonna
find anything in there.

Besides, it's locked.

And I won't give you the key.

I've got the key for this.


It ain't all here.

Mom sold some of the stuff.

I'm sorry.

What do you know or care
what it takes to live like this?

To have the best of everything?

Do you know what
it is to keep up?

What it costs to live properly?


Lots of money.

This applies to all of you.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent,

anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to
speak with an attorney

and to have an attorney
present during questioning.

If you so desire and
cannot afford one,

an attorney will be
appointed for you

without charge
before questioning.

You understand each of the
rights I've explained to you?

Of course I do.

You'll have to
come along with us.

Let's get a backup unit.

They weren't alone.

There were six of them.

Six fine boys.

They listened to me
and I taught them how.

It was easy.

So very easy.

If only you'd kept
your mouth shut.

I said I was sorry.

All right. I won't let you
take the blame by yourself.

But don't say a thing
until I get us both a lawyer.

Do you understand?


You'll take care of everything,

just like always.

Where was your father
when I needed him?

Answer me that!

Can't we just go?

I would prefer if I didn't
have to see my bridge group.

Well, I think they may feel

the same way about
you, Mrs. Foster.
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