02x06 - Log 103: A Sound Like Thunder

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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02x06 - Log 103: A Sound Like Thunder

Post by bunniefuu »

Lincoln X-ray Ida 483.

One-Adam-12. A

with chains and knives.


Would you be kind enough
to wait in here for me, sir?

I can't seem to remember.
Why did you arrest me?

We didn't arrest you, sir.

Now, you just take a seat in there
and relax. Will you do that for me?

Uh, I'll think about
it. Hello, Gus.

Oh, I might've known.

You're in trouble. You
know that, don't you?

Never mind the lecture.
You go call my daughter.

Couple of bluenosers...
Both of you.

I'll check him through R&I.

I take it you two
are acquainted?

If you like Billy the Kid,
he's a nice, old man.

Where'd you find him? In
the middle of the intersection

at 6th and Alvarado.

He appeared dazed and
couldn't even give us his name.

His name is Gus Archer,

and he lives with his
daughter on Union Drive,

and likes to ramble,

only sometimes he has a
little trouble finding the barn.

Don't you, Gus? Busybody.

Blame busybody. Excuse me.

You can tell my
daughter I said so, too.

Kind of like the gal,
don't you, boy? Sir?

Takes a lot of
figuring, don't it?

Look, son, pretty gals
are just like rainbows.

Nothing to them. You
take my advice, son.

When the chips are down,

put your money on
the homely woman.

Pretty gals just ain't in it.

Poor old Gus.
He's a doll, isn't he?

Too bad you can't say the
same about his daughter.

I don't blame the old
guy for liking to ramble.

If it weren't for his daughter,
he'd be in an institution.

All right, all right.

That's enough about the Archers.

Let's talk about us.

You all set for tomorrow?

Mm-hmm. When do we leave?

Crack of dawn. Beat the traffic,

have breakfast on the road,
and be in the mountains by 10:00.

You really make the most
of the day off, don't you?

I've been trying to get
to Silverload for years.

I... I dig ghost towns.

Anyway, I wanna see this one
before it becomes a tourist trap.

Did you get the word on
that "crack of dawn" reveille?

Just now. How does
Jean feel about it?

Ah, she's up with
the birds, anyway.

You know, her
sleeping's a waste of time.

You really think it's
a good idea, Jim?

I mean, Silverload
is a long haul,

and you could be a
father any day now.

The doc said no sweat, especially
when I told him we were taking a RN along.

Now I know why
I got the invitation.

Thanks, Pete. I gave
it a lot of thought.

You do deliver
babies, don't you?

No. And I don't intend
to start tomorrow.

You can tell Jean
something for me. What?

She's out of her mind.

Wow! I bet nobody's
been here for years.

No wonder with
that road back there.

It'd be great if it
could stay this way.

Come on.

Come on. Let's get
out and look around.

All right. But not too
much walking, okay?

No exertion, no excitement.

Come on. Let's take a walk.

Fascinating, huh?

It's hard to believe this place
was once bustin' at the seams.

You know, I bet it was
fun here years ago.

The silver strike, people
pouring in. I bet they had a ball.

I'll tell you what they had.

Lye soap, outdoor
plumbing, bad food,

and a mortality rate
you wouldn't believe.

Especially among infants.

I know. That part
would've scared me.

There's a saloon. Come
on. I'll buy y'all a drink.

Hey, watch your step
now. What's the matter?

Afraid of ghosts? No,
I'm afraid of the floor.

You're liable to step in a hole and break
your ankle, and I'll have to sh**t you.

We forgot to lock the car.

Come on. Who's
around to bother it?

I don't know. I feel
funny, that's all.

Gus was right. What?

Never mind.

This place is like a grave

that somebody forgot to fill up.


What is it?

It sounds like thunder.

Afraid not.

What else could it be?

Do me a favor. Go on inside.


Just do as I ask you, okay?

What's going on?

Population expl*si*n.

Jean, you and Sally
stay back out of sight.

Two more down by the car.

That makes six altogether.

Hey, come on out, you squares!


We just wanna play!

You hear me?

Give me that beer.

Hey, Lou baby, take a lesson.

I'm going down there.
You coming with me?

Yeah. What do you
mind losing most,

your car or your wife?


What do you know! Broads!


All we gotta do is find 'em.

What are they sh**ting
at? My car, that's what.

All right. Both you girls get
back behind the bar. Come on.

I'm scared, Jim.
Come on, now, honey.

You were the one that said you
dug all the excitement around here.

Did I say that? I don't think
there's anything to worry about.

But just to be on the safe side,

take a seat on the
floor, both of you.

Feeling okay? Listen
to me, all three of you.

Excitement or no excitement,

I refuse to have
my baby in a saloon.

Good. Keep it that
way. I promise you, I will.

Best can opener I know.

Hey, what's in the
basket? Hey! Christmas!

Ah! Open it up. Open it up.

Hurry up. Don't get impatient.

Aw! What do you know!

They were gonna have a picnic.

Well, I just canceled it!

Open it up. Hurry up. Come on.

Come on, you
crumbs. Live a little.

Hey, any booze in here?
No booze. No booze.

What about the dessert, Batch?

What's a picnic
without a piece of cake?

Don't get impatient, Lou baby.

You'll get your dessert...
just as soon as we find it.

Girls okay?

For the time being, I guess.
What have they been up to?

See for yourself.

Yeah. Aw!

Catcher! Catcher!

What would you like to find in
one of them shacks over there?

Broads. Why? I know.
I know, but what else?

There ain't nothin' else.
That's what you think, Billy Boy.

Hey, you dudes! Hey!

Pay attention. Listen
to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Handcuffs! You know
what that means?

Fuzz, babies! Off-duty fuzz!

Let's go dig 'em out! Yeah!

Georgie. Yeah?

You and, uh, Eddy
stay here with the wheels

just in case they try to split.

Lou, you and Mills

cover the other end
of the main drag.

Anybody tries to
get by you, cool 'em.

Catcher, you take the
other side of the street.

I'll take this side.

Okay, Slip.

Here they come.

Keep that trigger
finger relaxed.

Give me one good
reason why I should.

Up till now, you got
no good reason not to.

You know something
funny, let me in on it.

It's not funny. I
was just thinking.

In the days when
this town was alive,

the bad guys rode horses.

All they've done is figured
out a new way to get around.

Newer and faster.

People don't change
much, do they?

Freeze, buddy, or I
blow your head off!

All right. Turn around. Hands up
against the bar. Let's go. Move it.

Where are your,
uh, chicks, fuzz?

All we wanna do is
have a little number.

Keep your mouth
shut. No kiddin', man.

Run 'em by me. Let's
have a look at 'em.

Hey, Batch, where are ya?

Ride off, Billy! Make it!

Down on the floor, wild mouth!

Now what are you gonna do, fuzz?

Face down.

What's the matter, Catcher?
They grabbed Batch.

They got him in that shack
at the end of the street.

Come on now. He had a
piece. Why didn't he use it?

Maybe they got g*ns, too.
They're cops, ain't they?

You told me that yourself. That's
beautiful. Now what happens?

What are we gonna do?
I'll tell you what happens.

First, we surround
that shack up there.

Then we wait. Sooner or
later, they gotta come out.

Yeah, with a .38 back there.

So what? How are they
gonna leave, in a taxicab?

Come on! Let's go!


Thanks, fuzz.

You think we ought to gag him?

Why not?

Use the socks he's wearing.

How about it? That all
right with you, Mr. Batch?

Oh, no, man.

That'd be cruel and
inhuman punishment.

Okay, man, I won't say a word.

Why should I?

What are they doing?

They just put your
car out of its misery.

Like, in one minute,

they'll be all around you fuzz.

Hmm? How about it?
You wanna make a deal?

Keep your head
on a swivel, okay?


All right, Batch. We're through
playing cowboys and Indians.

You call it off before
somebody gets hurt.


What can I do? I'm a prisoner.


But you're not on death row,

and nobody out there
has a b*llet in him.

Not yet. Goody.

Let's keep it that way.

Let me have your iron, fuzz.

You're not reading me, friend.

I'm hanging on to you,

and I want that whole
mangy crew of yours

right in here alongside you.

Hey, man.

You're a riot, you know?

Am I?


Like, you're as good as dead.

All of you.

That's it, man.

Well, maybe so.

But I promise you
something. You'll go first.

Hey, man.

You know something?

I believe you.

Untie me.

We'll split. What do you say?

You just don't listen, do you?

Look, pig.

I'm calling it off.

We'll bug out. What
more do you want?

Ask my friend. You
wrecked his car.

What are you
gonna do about that?

I'm letting you live!
Take it or leave it!

When we go outta here, Batch, you're
going with us, one way or the other.

That's my deal.

So you tell your punks
to come in here right now

with their tails
between their legs.

No dice, fuzz.

I change my mind.

Sally, Jean, come on out.

Hey, yeah!

It's about time.

This is Mr. Batch.

Don't get too close. He's
allergic to soap and water.

Pardon my not getting up.

I heard you take a
g*n away from him.

Where is it? Why?

There's somebody
moving around out back.


The pregnant one
belongs to him, right?

That's right, mister.

I'd hate to be in your shoes

if I have my baby before
we get out of this place.

You dig?

Nobody likes me.

Heading for the timber...
The one he called Billy.

Better keep an eye out.
He'll probably be back.

You can make
book on it, friends.


Hold it right there, mister!

You get him?

That be Eddy.

Those pills make him a big man.

How many more do we have
to put out of commission, Batch?

Let's wait a while.


You're Bach. That was Beethoven.

Yeah. All but the last note.

You fool a lot of
people, don't you?

Say what?

Your buddies in that
psychedelic sewer you inhabit.

You've really got 'em
snowed, haven't you?

Go on, love.

Glad to.

First, you paint your
name on your bike.

B-A-C-H, Bach, like
in Johann Sebastian.

Big deal.

Especially when your
unwashed pals mispronounce it.

Next, you take
out your harmonica

and tootle a few
bars of decent music.

Tell me something,
"Batch," old boy,

do you always hit the
clinker in the same spot?

Keep on talkin', honey.

You know you do,

because that's all you
need to impress, isn't it?

Four bars of decency,

and in that symphony of filth that you
helped to compose, it sounds like genius.

Right or wrong, Batch?

No comment, baby.

Hey, fuzz, I wanna talk!

Hey, fuzz!

White handkerchief! You see it?

That means a truce!
What do you say?

I don't believe
it. Quiet, genius!

Come in here with your
hands above your head!

No dice, deadeye! You
come out in the street!

Look at us!

We're clean! No
iron, no nothin'!

Move inside or take a
b*llet! Make up your mind!

Didn't you ever hear of a truce?

That means we trust you, and
you trust us! Play the game, man!

This is your last chance!

Come in with your hands
up, or make a run for it!

We gotta rap about it!

One peep outta you, mister,
and you've bought the farm.

Do I make myself clear?

We're coming in!

Remember, truce now, okay?

Yeah, sure.

No funny stuff, fuzz.

You gave us your word.

Hey, Batch, how you doin', baby?

You stupid animals.

Aw, man, that's
gratitude for you.


We came in here to make
a deal, and he hassles us.

What... What kind
of truce you call this?

The kind you understand,
buddy. Yeah, you're clean.

Take it easy, will you, man?
"No iron, no nothin'," huh?

Wouldn't play your
game, would they, Billy?

A truce?

This town must have
made you soft in the head!

The cavalry, Batch...
Where they headed?

They're buggin' out,
Batch. Do somethin'.

I got a great idea, Georgie.

What is it?

Lend me your white flag.

All right. On the floor.

Jim? Yeah, honey?

You used to ride one of
these things, didn't you?

Oh, no.

Do me a favor, honey. Ride.

You made good time.

Yeah, it's a nice bike.

I wouldn't mind owning it.

You want a divorce?

Well, Mrs. Reed, your
baby could arrive anytime.

An hour from now
or a week from now,

but not this minute.

I'm glad.

I hate this place.

Take me home, honey.
You're on the way.

See you back in town. Right.

Well, I'll tell you one thing.

I'll never complain again
about the rule that says

you're supposed to carry
that g*n of yours off duty.

I'll remember that.

You and your holidays.

What holiday? We
captured three nuts,

and the sheriff's
department got five more.

Now, I call that a pretty good
day's work. You're the nut.

Not me, baby. What
did the old guy say?

What old guy?

Mr. Archer. Yesterday
at Central Receiving?

I missed it.

He said, "When
the chips are down,

"put your money
on a homely woman,

'cause a pretty
gal just ain't in it."

That's what he said, huh?

Yeah. Now, there's a nut.
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