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05x20 - The Great Crash Diet

Posted: 01/18/24 19:01
by bunniefuu
I never heard of a

It must have
taken you all night.

Nope. It only took four
hours, but it was incredible.

Heck, we had
couscous, we had lamb,

a bunch of different salads,
we had stuffed grape leaves,

we had baklava, sherbet.

And we had six
different kinds of wines.

What did you have to eat?

How can you eat that much?
How could anybody eat that much?

I don't know. But I tell
you, it was pretty incredible.

But I probably won't
eat for a couple of weeks.

It sounds like a good idea. You are
getting a little paunchy there, huh?

What are you talking about, Cap?
Look at that, I'm in good shape.

Yeah, well, watch this.

Well, you're gonna be
in better shape by tonight.

Headquarters says they're
sending a doctor over here.

He's doing some kind of
a diet and nutrition study

for the county
health department.

It might do all of us
some good. I don't know.

Well, if they send a doctor

we got a real good
guinea pig right there.

Well, let's get to work. We're
going to go down and do a check

on those new hydrants
near the refinery on Belleview.

Roy, why don't you and John
whip on down to Oceanside Park

and make a fire
inspection, okay?

All right.

Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.

Quit that.

How much this t*nk hold?

Half a million gallons.

Bet you need every drop of
that just to hold these guys.

Yeah. They like a
little room to play.

Ned, I'd say you got
a whale of an act here.

John, I've only heard
that joke 300 times.

That few?

Wanna check the pump room first?

Yeah. Might as well get this
inspection over before you open, huh?

How much chlorine do
you keep in the tanks?

Never more than
two or three sacks.

You run sea water through these?


Don't you have a
corrosion problem?

John, don't worry about it.
We change them regularly.


Well, everything's okay.


Come on, I wanna
show you something.

Frank! What is it?

Charley's stuck
down in the t*nk.

Where? In the boat!

RADIO: 51, informant reports

toxic chemicals are
stored in a tanker.

Use caution.

Squad 51, this is Rampart.
Can you send me some EKG?

10-4. Transmitting EKG.

We're sending you a
strip. Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim is
in extreme pain, Rampart.

This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.

We're defibrillating
victim, Rampart.

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

Administer 2 amps sodium
bicarb and insert an airway.

Start an IV, 51.
Lactated Ringer's.

Squad 51, continue monitoring
vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.

What happened?

Leg's stuck in the boat and he's a little
distressed. We got to get to him fast.

Uh-huh. Listen, we're
gonna help you out.

All we need is some scuba gear.

All right. We got some here.

Get some scuba gear.

LA, this is squad 51.

How deep is it?

We have a man trapped at the
bottom of a t*nk at Oceanland Park.

Fifteen feet.

Respond Engine 51.

Squad 51.

Engine 51, assist Squad 51.

Man trapped at bottom of a t*nk
at Oceanland Park. Time out, 09:10.

You stay here.

Come on, there
you go. All right.

Come over here
and sit down, huh?

Calm that foot.

Wanna give me a hand? Yeah.

You okay?

Yeah, yeah.

What happened?

Well, I was down
under, fixing the hull.

Amore got a little
excited, went for my hand.

I backed up and
went through the deck.

LA, this is Squad 51. We've
removed the man from the t*nk.

You got a little gash here.

Cancel Engine 51.

Got a first aid kit?


Engine 51, cancel.

Oh, yeah.

You looked like you were
completely out of air down there.

Well, when I realized
what had happened I just...

I slowed down my
breathing a little bit.

What you needed down
there were a set of gills.

I'll see a doctor about it.

Yeah, well, you really should see a
doctor to make sure everything's okay.

Hey, you guys, thanks a lot.

It's okay.

Just superficial, Roy? Yeah.

What do you say we go get
into something more comfortable?

It's the best offer
I've had all day.

All right, take
it easy. All right.

Thanks a lot. See
you later, Ned.

Yeah. Thank you.

And the Health Department
is studying these stress factors

so inherent in your
work and will make...

Stress, huh? Now, see
isn't that funny, Doc?

The other night, I
was dead asleep,

and all of a sudden I leaped out of
bed 'cause I thought I heard the alarm.


So I was at home at the time.

That's known as
unconscious conditioning,

which is one of the
areas of the study.

Related to that is the physical aspect,
the constant starting and stopping

of adrenalin flow to the heart
and how it affects the heart.

How does it?

I'm afraid it can't do
the heart much good.

We're also concerned with the

induced organic illnesses.

How fear and anxiety in
your work can lead to ulcers.

Excuse me, Doc. Soup's on, Cap.

Hey, why don't
you stay for lunch?

Thank you, no.

What's for dessert
there, Stoker?

Ice cream with chocolate sauce.

All right.

Is this fairly typical of the
way you all eat here every day?

Depends on who's cooking.

Is there something
wrong with lunch?

Pretty rich.

You see, we'd like to
experiment with diet.

Statistics show that there are more deaths
among firemen from cardiovascular disease

than from any other form
of stressful occupation.

And diet can have
a lot to do with it.

I've asked John and
Roy to take readings

on everyone's blood pressure,
pulse and respirations and...

Squad 51, man
with abdominal pains.

2015 Woodburn Street,
cross street Dakota Road.

2-0-1-5 Woodburn
Street. Time out, 12:33.

Squad 51, KMG 365.

In here. It's my son.

Yeah, what's happened?

It's his birthday and he
loves cinnamon bread.

I'd set aside the dough
to let it rise and he ate it.

How much did he eat?

He ate two loaves.

I didn't call at first because he
just complained of a stomach ache.

But then it got so bad.

We better contact the hospital.

You just take it easy.

Well, happy birthday.
How old are you?


Seventeen, huh?

All right, we're just
gonna get you're BP here.

Stand by for BP.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Rampart Emergency.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a
male patient here, age 17.

He has acute abdominal pains due
to a hyperdistension of the stomach.

Patient's ingested two
loaves of raw dough.

Stand by for vital signs.

Rampart the BP is 150 over 90.

The pulse is 110.
Respirations are 25.

Stand by.

Bowels are clear. No guarding.

Rampart, the bowels
are clear and no guarding.

patient as soon as possible.

Ambulance has just arrived.

Is he going to be all right?

Yeah, he's going to be fine.

Can I come with
you? Sure you can.

Yeah, you can come
on in. Yeah, come on in.

Okay. Hey, you
take it easy okay?

We'll get you back here
so you can have some cake.

Hello, Johnny.


Pulse is 110. Blood pressure,

Carol, get me a
nasogastric tube.

It's good.

Son, I'm going to insert this into
your stomach to relieve the pressure.

It can be a little
bit uncomfortable,

so as I get it in, I want
you to swallow some, okay?

Okay, just hang on.

Atta boy, atta boy.
Just keep swallowing.

Atta boy.

Hi, guys.

How's the boy?
I think we're out.

Oh, he's okay, now.

Not much of a birthday for him.

No, not much at all.
There's no coffee.

By the way, Doc, sorry we
had to leave on you like that.

But you want to fill us in?

Well, you guys are going
to have to help me out.

I mean, there seems to be some
dissension among your colleagues

over the diet program. Chet's the
only one who seems interested at all.

We got trouble.

What? Uh-huh.

You see, you don't
know Chet like we do.

You see, Chet has a tendency

to overreact sometimes,
you know what I mean?

Mmm-hmm, well, there's
no need to overreact.

So, I left the list.

I want you to try these foods for
just a little while. Help me out, okay?

Okay, yeah, that's no problem.

Yeah, right after lunch.

Yeah, you know, a spinach steak smothered
in alfalfa sprouts is pretty good.

Yeah, that sounds good. Anything with
alfalfa sprouts is bound to be healthy.

What's the hurry?

I'm just going to have one
drum-stick. Just one drumstick.

Mike Stoker cooks the
best chicken I've ever had.

Just one drumstick, and we'll
start the diet tomorrow, okay?

Okay? Okay.

Where's all the chicken? Did
you guys eat all the chicken?

Not all of it.

Well, where is it then?

I threw it out.

You threw out the... Why?

You heard what the doc said. I
mean, you don't wanna eat all that junk.

I'll have some chili then.

There isn't any.

Chet, you didn't throw
out the chili, too, did you?

Look, it isn't just because
of what Dr. Morton said.

I mean, the way we eat
around here, it's scary!

Now, aren't you carrying
this a little too far?

No, I don't think so.

You know, some of the foods on this list
are right in our physical fitness manual.

Vegetables, lean
beef. No spices?

What? No spices?

The new program is a little
bit more strict than this manual,

but I guess it's just
for the time being.

You hear that, Chet?

Look, fellas, I'm just
thinking about your health.

Hey, I wouldn't eat those if
I were you. Too much salt.

I think you're just...

Is that you?

No, that's my stomach.

Yeah, I'm starving.

There anything in the kitchen?

Yeah, there's a head of lettuce.

You know, that
dinner Chet fixed us?


Oh, we should have gone out
and got a hamburger or something.


A banana, an apple
core, a toothpick.

Oh, shut up.

Right. Shut up!

bad at all, Cap.

Sure, I'm strong as an ox.

Roy, that calves' liver you made
for lunch today was really good.

Thank you. Kelly, you
should have had some, pal.

Animal fat, the
root of all evil.

Look, I was watching
you guys eat today.

Bolting your food down
like a pack of wolves.

See, I'm reading
this book, and it says

each bite should be chewed
at least 15 or 20 times.

Where is this book, Chet?

Never mind, you
guys don't understand.

Look, the slower you chew,

the more time it gives your
vital organs to adjust. It's simple.

Yeah, but if you eat
three meals a day

you won't have time to
do anything else but chew.

There's no need to exaggerate.

Look, do you guys know what
the major cause of disease is?



Well, that's easy to fix. We
just eliminate food from our diet.

Did you get that out of
that book there, Chet?

Yeah, what's the
name of that book?

How to Survive
on No Meals a Day.

Very funny, Gage. See, that's
what I get for trying to help.


You know, it so happens that all of
us, I mean, everybody in the world

has an excess of
poison in their system.

So, you gotta try and eat foods that don't
contribute to the excess. It's simple.

Hmm, like what? I mean,
what kind of foods do you eat?

Oh, fruits, nuts, plain toast, maybe
an occasional pumpernickel roll.

If I ate nothing but fruit
and nuts for a month,

I'd k*ll for a
pumpernickel roll.

Yeah, how about a tortilla?

Now, look, wait a
minute, you guys,

I got something else here.

Vitamins, and I want you to
take them every single day.

Vitamin X?

Bee pollen tablets?

Station 51,
possible heart att*ck.

187 Waveril Place.
Cross street, Ardmore.

187 Waveril Place.

Ambulance is responding.
Time out, 13:12.

Station 51, KMG 365.

I'll get them. I'll get them.
Oh, no, no, I'm all right.

Stoker, keep the
sidewalk clear, pal.

Oh, thank God! Hurry.

All right, you take it easy. You're in no
condition to be excited like this, okay?


Take it easy.

Hi, how you doing?
Is she your mother?

Yes, yes.

What's your name?


Ma'am, you come on over here
and just sit down, okay? Take it easy.

Sarah, where
exactly do you hurt?

Here. In your left arm?

Uh-huh. Does it
hurt anywhere else?

In here. Hurts in your chest?
What does the pain feel like?

Oh, it's like a push,
crunching pain.

Is it crushing you?

Do something!

No, no. I asked you to sit down, so
just take it easy. You can talk from here.

Has she had an
att*ck before? No.

Okay, all right, now, look, I
want you to settle down, okay?

Just try to relax as much
as you can, all right? It's 110.

Okay, we're just gonna put this
right over here on your right shoulder.

It hurts.

Just try to relax
okay, just try to relax.

Are you on any kind
of medication at all? No.

You have any allergies? No.

No? All righty.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a female
patient, about 50 years of age.

She's complaining
of pains in the chest.

Crushing pain
radiating down to left...

Okay, now, I'm gonna put
some oxygen on you, okay?

Vital signs are the
BP is 160 over 106.

The pulse is 110. The
respirations are 24.

We are patching
her in at this time.

Request permission
to start an IV.

Take it easy.

an IV with D5W 500 cc's TKO.

IV D5W 500 cc's TKO.

Hey, hey, get...

Okay, okay, settle down, settle
down. Just sit down. There we go.

What did she...

Lie back down and
relax. She's gonna be fine.

She's gonna be fine.

Is this your first child?


What's the month?


Eighth month? Okay. Can you
just shift around? There we go.

And we'll put your feet
right up here, all right?

Michael, can you get the OB kit?

There we go. There
we go. You okay?

Now, I want you to keep them
right here. Right here on the corner.

Keep your legs hiked
up, okay? All right.

Now I mean it, now relax. Okay?

We got an IV established
here. She's gonna be fine.

What kind of a phone is this?

Rampart Emergency.

Rampart, this is Squad

We're still on the same
rescue. We have another victim.

Female, she's pregnant,

She's gone into labor.

All right, the mother's
probably had an MI.

Push 8 mgs MS. Any cervix
dilation on the daughter?

Stand by, Rampart,
and I'll check.


Mother! Mother
are you all right?


Is my mother all right?

She's fine, she's fine. You just
worry about yourself now, okay?

She's gonna be fine.

All right.

All right.

You okay? Huh? Yeah.

You're having trouble breathing?

Okay, just use the
oxygen. All right?

Just lie back and relax.

Chet, can you get
some oxygen on her?

Rampart, the cervix
is three centimeters.

Has she had any other children?

That's negative, Rampart.

Start an IV with D5W.

ambulance just arrived.

Request permission to bring
her in as soon as possible.

ETA about 10 minutes.

All right, go ahead, Johnny.

One. Two.

Miss Jones, reception please.

Miss Jones, reception please.

Well, there's no pulmonary
edema. You're going to be all right,

but I'm going to take you
upstairs to keep an eye on you.

How's my daughter?

Don't worry, Dr. Brackett's
taking care of her.

What are the
contraction spacings?

Every four minutes.

Dix, see if there's anybody
available in obstetrics.

Okay, you just relax.
You're gonna be fine.

Fetal heart tones have slowed
down and fetus has become engaged.

Suspect fetal compromise
with possible cord compression.

Yeah, right away.

I think she's out of danger.

Okay, good to hear.
Oh, Dix? Yeah?

Could you let us know
about the mother?

Oh, sure. Why don't you call me?

Okay, will do.

Okay, wait a
minute, fellas, look,

after hard exercise
the mind needs to relax.

Well, we intend to.

Yeah, well, wait a minute, no.

I don't mean just by going in the
rec room and reading magazines.

Come here, Johnny,
this is a spiritual thing.

It really is, come on.

Now, look, you've
got to relax your mind.

Here's a way to do it.
Now watch me, okay?


Now, imagine
your body as a river.

Flowing gently,
without pressure.

Your body and the
universe are one.

Your veins, your blood
flowing through your veins.

Easy, like a quiet brook.

Gurgle, gurgle.

Stoker, I heard that.

Now, if you don't concentrate,
you're not going to get results.

Oh, man.

Now, wait a minute, wait a
minute! There's one more.

Very, very important.
Just wait a minute.

Now this is designed to relax the
legs. The lower extremities. Watch this.

It's called, "Reversing
the flow." Now, watch it.

Hands down, fingertips down.

Huh? Into the squat,

into a head position.

Into what we call, "The
Reverse Lotus Position."

This is it. I
got it, this is it.

This is great.

Now, fellas, this also
cures headaches.

Just about three
minutes of this a day,

and that's all you...

I just don't think these
guys are taking me seriously.

Come on, Kelly. Let's eat.

I'll be right there.

What is it?

It's a big surprise. Says
it's gonna change our lives.

We better keep the
hotline open on the deli.


Here we go. Dig in, boys.

That's it?

Well, I'm just serving
one course at a time.

This is a course?


These are ugly.

That's it, Johnny.
Eat real slowly.

I'll get the next course ready.

I've got to get
a drink of water.

Hey, no liquids. Book says so.

I wanna see that book right now.

Oh, come on, Cap, give me
some cooperation, will you?

I'll show you guys the
way to perfect health.

Forget it. Look, Chet,
what's my name?

Marco Lopez.

And what does that mean?

It means your mother
probably liked the name Marco.

Yeah, well, besides that.

It means that I've eaten
certain foods all my life.

And you keep eating them, you're
not gonna be long for this world.

Look, Chet, all I'm trying to tell you
is that my grandfather is 85 years old.

And all that time he
has eaten refried beans.

Look, can I talk to
you for a minute?


Look, we know you really
got your heart in this thing

and you're just doing
this for our own good

and I wanna tell
you we appreciate it.

Oh, look. That's okay.
Really. Here, you want a fig?


Fig? No, thank you.

What, have you gone nuts?

There's only one man
who can help us out of this.

Yeah? Yeah, Dr. Morton.

We're supposed to
pick up some supplies.

Why don't we just pick
them up now? Right.

Right now. Right.

Four pounds, eight
ounces. Gee, that's tiny.

Well, he was premature.

He? Oh, it's a boy, huh?

Sure is. And he's
doing just fine.

Well, how's Elaine?

Excellent. And the mother's
condition is stable, too.

All right.

Is that it?

Yeah. Have you seen
Dr. Morton anywhere?

Yeah. Let's see. Last time I
saw him he was in Kelly's office.

All right, thanks a lot.


The situation is
getting real desperate.

Come in.

Sorry, could we
talk to you for a...

I was just gonna call you guys.

I'd like for you to get your company
down here for some more testing.

Testing. Well, listen,
while you're at it, Doc,

do you think maybe you could
perform a lobotomy on Chet?

Oh, no, what's wrong?

Things have gotten a
little bit out of control, Doc.

The diet? Hmm.

I told you not to go overboard.

Yeah, but you
didn't tell Chet that.

You see, he thinks
you're counting on him

to make sure that
we eat correctly.

For instance, we had a lovely
meal today of dried toast and figs.


I think I get the picture.
You want me to talk to him?

The sooner, the better.

All right, I'll take care of it.

All right, thanks. You have
our undying gratitude, Doc.

At the same time we'll set up
some time for testing, yeah?

Okay. All right.

Sorry to interrupt
you guys. See you.

Nice talking to you, Doc.

Well, it seems you have created
a monster, Dr. Frankenstein.

Yeah. Thanks. At least
it'll be a healthy monster.

Station 51, vehicle
accident with injuries.

1300 block of Canyon Road.
Cross Street, Mulholland.

Here we go.

Ambulance responding.
Time out, 14:15.

Engine 51, KMG 365.

Squad 51.

I put in the call.

Thanks. What happened?

I don't know, I was driving
home from my office,

my penthouse office, and I
spotted him right where he is.

Got a wire up there loose.

We're paramedics. We're
gonna get you out of here.

Can you tell me where it hurts?

My leg.

We'll go get the equipment.

I got a phone in my car. I'll
call the mobile operator and...

Got a wire loose up there.

Okay, look, we're gonna get
you out of this. Just stay still, okay?

That door is jammed. I think
we're going to need a crowbar.

Maybe this one's open.

We gotta get him out of there.

Nice car you got.

Well, that's my office car.
I got another one at home.

Can you pull it? There we go.

All right, take it easy now.


It's this leg here? Yeah.

Oh, yeah, I see it.

Okay, Roy, he's got
a broken right femur.

Okay, I want to check
your other leg here.

I hit that pole.

Yeah, you did.

Don't worry about the
car, let's worry about you.

Did you hurt your neck?

I don't think so.

You don't think so?
Okay, look, does this hurt?

Uh-uh. No.

Didn't hurt your back, huh?

Uh-uh, no.


All right, now, let's see if...

Can you sit back
up just a little bit?

Yeah, I think so.

You think so? If you're
hurt just tell me, all right?


Okay, now, do me a favor.

Look at the number
on my helmet, okay?

And your car is gonna be okay.

Rampart Emergency.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

Roy. Eyes are unequal.

Okay. Rampart, we have a
male victim here, age about 42,

involved in a vehicle accident.

We got a possible
broken right femur,

the pupils are unequal,
suspected concussion.

Stand by for vital signs.

Pulse is 100.

Okay, I'll just slide my hand in
here, gonna get your respirations.

Respiration is 25.

Just take it easy.

Rampart, the pulse is 100,
respirations are 25, stand by for BP.

Nobody's gonna believe
this. What a mess.

Roy. ROY: Yeah?

BP is 110 over 86.

Marco, can you take this?

Rampart, the BP is 110 over 86.

Start an IV, normal saline.

Now, if you can raise up just a
hair. There we go. There we go.

Don't move too fast in
any one direction, okay?

All right.

Marco, stay in here!

We got a fire!

Let's get him up.

Chet, come on
in here with a line.

Let's set him down there.


LA, Engine 51. We have a brush
start with two separate ignition points.

Respond a brush assignment, notify
the power company, lines are down.

We also have a
Code I at this location.

Engine 51.

Someone get me a
scope, will you? Yeah.

Get a scope.

Just lie back.

We got some fire right there.

All right, all
right, just relax.

Take this out, will you?

Engine 15, Engine 30,
Engine 82, Station 58,

Camps three-one,

Oh, man!

Okay, now, what I
want you to do is...

Wait till I get ready here.


Anybody getting the fire? Roy?

Okay, freeze it.

There you go, very
slowly, easy now, easy.

There we go. Okay,
easy now, easy.

How's the fire?

We're taking care of it.

All right, all right.


It's okay.

Oh, boy.

Okay, okay now let go of it.

Okay, real good.

Try not to move around.

Okay, come on over here. Okay.

Is this mine? Yeah.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead 51.

Rampart, we have
another victim, electrocution

victim, male, about

BP is 100 over 80, pulse is 150,

respirations are 40.
Stand by for EKG.

Administer D5W TKO.


LA, Engine 51, brush fire
under control, cancel all units,

send in one camp
crew for cold trailing.

10-4, 51.

All units responding
with Engine 15, cancelled,

except for Crew

I think before I patch you in here I'm
gonna get an IV started on you, Cap.

You okay?

How you doing, big? You
get the fire knocked out?

Yeah, Cap.

Carol, Treatment
One, stay with him.


Hank, you have pain
throughout your entire body?

Yeah, I do, but the muscle contractions
I was having have finally stopped.

Okay, Carol, I want to do a
CBC and cardiac enzymes.

Draw twenty cc's. Also an EKG.

Where's the point of contact?

Right here.

No exterior burns.

You got something you can
give me for the pain here?


Carol, 75 milligrams
of meperidine.

Right, Doctor.

Normal sinus rhythm.

Carol, as soon as we've finished
here I want to get a chest x-ray.


You're gonna be fine.

Doc, I appreciate it.

His chest x-ray is
normal, CBC is normal,

except for the cardiac enzyme count
which, understandably, is pretty high.

How long is he gonna be here?

I'd say another 24 hours.

If there are no more
unforeseen problems,

why, he should be out of
here tomorrow sometime.

When do you think he'll
be able to go back to work?

In couple of days.

Okay. We better get
going. We'll talk to you later.

Look, you guys. Don't
worry, he's gonna be fine.

All right. Okay. Thanks, Doc.

Looks fine,
everybody looks good.

Yeah, except for the Cap.

I saw him at the hospital. He
can't wait to come back to work.

Yeah. Probably can't stand to
be away from Chet's cooking.

Doc, I'd like you to look
at one more thing here.

Here. Take a look at that.

They're fine. Vitamins.

Take a look at this.

"Extract of alfalfa."

Yeah. He says it prevents
hair from falling out.

Yeah, yeah. He tries to pop 12
of these down our throat everyday

on the theory that he's
never seen a bald horse.

You know, he's
beginning to worry me.

Well, why don't
we go talk to him?

Yeah, yeah. Yeah.


Hey, Marco. Where's Chet?

Sitting on his bunk, meditating.

Are you going to
talk to him now? Yes.

Yeah, well, don't be subtle,
Doc. Because he's not the type.

Thank you, Marco. Listen,
wait guys. Tell you what.

Let me do this alone.
It'll be better that way.

Yeah, okay. We'll
wait out here for you.

Thank you, thank you.

Oh, Dr. Morton, just
the guy I wanted to see.

Pardon the interruption, Chet.

Oh, forget it.

Look, I'm sorry to say that I'm
not getting much cooperation

from the men on this diet.

That's what I want
to talk to you about.

Yeah, we've got to do something.

Chet, you seem to
have deviated somewhat

from the list of food
that I brought over.

Well, Doc, after what you said about
the way we were eating, I got worried.

See, I got this book this friend
gave me, and he swears by it.

I'm sure that it works for him.

But sometimes these extreme diet
programs are mostly just a state of mind.

See, that's what I'm trying to do
with the guys, and they're fighting it.

Does that tell you something?

Yeah, they're thickheaded.

Well, could be. Most importantly
is that they don't want to.

And if that's the
case it'll never work.

See, I hadn't really thought about
that because I've been so caught up.

I know. Chet, you know,

you must consider the
kind of occupation you're in.

You need protein
for energy reserves.

And you're not going to
get it eating toast and figs.


Chow's on. Cap,
you're gonna like this.

What are we having?

Well, I got on the old barbeque

and made you something
I think you're gonna like.


Barbequed steaks.

Hey, great!

All right!

Good for Morton. He got
him off that health food kick.

And carrots.


This is terrible.

What is that stuff?

Well, I had all that
health food stuff left,

so I just whipped up a sauce.

Heck, I got enough
for a couple of weeks.

Oh, come on, guys.
Give me a break.

I had all that stuff left.
I couldn't waste! No!