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03x18 - Bust Upper

Posted: 01/18/24 18:22
by bunniefuu
What do you think of my kendama skills?

That was amazing.
You mean you mastered all that in one night?

Yes. You can get so you
can do this by just dreaming.

Sleep-learning, huh? I didn't realize
Indian Poker could be used like that.

There are those who
mastered English conversation

through the dreams of
someone fluent in English

and who acquired
professional-rank bowling skills

through the dreams of an ace bowler.

And next up for me is this
one--a master-class pen spinner.

Seems like her selections
skew pretty heavily.

So you know people who are expert
kendama players and pen spinners?

No. I get them through a Trader.

A Trader?

At first, all we could do
was trade cards among friends.

But that inevitably got
pretty humdrum after a while.

Lately, there have been Traders who deal
in large volumes of cards classed by rank.

Oh, yeah?

The more popular S-Rank and A-Rank cards
can generally be acquired through Traders now.

By exchanging several low-ranking cards,

or by buying them straight-out with cash.
I traded for this one.

Traders, huh?


I just hope there's nothing
funny circulating around...

"A Certain Scientific Railgun T"

Whew, I can finally have a shower.

You can wipe away blood,
but that metallic smell still stays in your hair.

That's because you didn't use your ability,
you just ultra-pummeled them.

Today's target was
kind of a pain in the ass, right?

A quick Meltdowner blast didn't seem
like it would let me vent my stress.

Takitsubo, would you mind
fetching me the Cybele #5?

The one with the orange label?

Yeah, that one.


Mugino and Takitsubo are
both sporting some spectacular goods.

But taking my age and height into
consideration, my figure is the ideal!

In comprehensive terms, I can safely
declare that my body is ultra-perfect!

Not to mention we also have
the ultra-flat-chested Frenda!

F-Frenda, have certain parts
of your body ultra-developed?

Hmm? Yeah, a little bit lately, huh?

Maybe it's because my
little sister has been rubbing them.

My bras have been fitting tighter,
and I've had to buy new ones more frequently.

There's so many other things
I'd like to take time shopping for, too!

It really is getting to be a pain!

I'm back.

Took you long enough.

Damn it, why do I have to be an errand boy?

Quit your griping and hand it over, already.


--Banana tea.
--Thank you.

Black bean cider.

Thank you!

And Kinuhata, you weren't
there when they ordered,

so I bought a few for you to choose from.

Pomegranate cola,

guarana green juice,

and Musashino milk.

What did you have in mind
when you bought the milk for me?

"Musashino Milk"

Huh? Drinking this is supposed
to be good for growing kids.

Wh-What was that for?!

Hey! Stop ultra-ducking me!

Don't k*ll him. Re-staffing
subsidiary organizations is a hassle.

This is ultra-aggravating.

Care for a card, little lady?

Oh, Indian Poker? I am \Nultra-peeved right now.

Maybe it will help alleviate
some of my stress.

"Talented rock singer"

"Omelet expert"

"Speed up your..." "Kunoichi \NWorld" "A Maid's Day"

Which one should I choose?

Okay, I'll take this one,
and this one, and this one, please.

Okay, three C-Ranks. Thank you.

Right, thank you.

Ah, that must be one of those
Traders Miss Saten was talking about.

Miss, have you decided?

Hmm, I'm ultra-lost here.

I recommend this one.
It was created by a Portuguese teacher

and could let you master
the language in a snap.

No, I'm ultra-uninterested
in the knowledge or skill types.

I'm looking for something where I can
ultra-experience a story in the dream.

And not an A-Rank one,
geared toward amateurs, either;

I want an ultra-incisive one,
C-Rank or below, with matchless character.

Huh, I guess everyone
wants something different.

How about you?

Oh, no, I've had an ultra-bad
experience with these before, so...

Um, did I do something wrong?


Railgun! If Mugino were here,
there'd be an ultra-bloodbath,

but I have the day off.
Everything's ultra-fine.

Ho, so you drew a dud card, did you, Miss?

But you know, if you give up on
dreams just because you had a bad one,

then your life from here on
out won't be much fun.

Who asked you?

"A Rank"

"B Rank"

"C Rank"

You don't have any S-Rank cards out, huh?

Well, I keep those in reserve.

All I have right now is this single card.

It's not anything pornographic, is it?

I can't really deal in those here.

If you want one, though,
we could retire to the back alley.

No, I didn't say I wanted one...

Then try this one out.

This one has a sort of story behind it.

It's loaded with the dream of a
certain long-lost but brilliant scientist.

Apparently, he was quite the wack job,
even by Academy City standards.

His final research theme
was called "Bust Upper"!

There's a chance that the
essence of it is infused within here.

Now, whether you believe
that or not is up to--


"Musashino Milk"

Drinking this is supposed
to be good for growing kids...

...growing kids... growing kids...

It's ultra-easy to beat a whipped
subordinate into obeying you.

But as a woman, to do so
makes me feel ultra-defeated.

If I'm going to knock that stupid jerk
down a peg and get him to respect me...

Miss, I was the first one
to grab this card, you know.

My fingers were the
ultra-first ones to touch it.

Unless my ears were deceiving me,

you said you weren't interested
in knowledge and skill cards.

For someone who said they had
an ultra-bad experience with a card before

and were done with them,
it's ultra-shameful of you to call the kettle black.

Take your hand off the card already,
you dirty little runt.

Keep dreaming, you ultra-ironing-board jerk!

This girl is no ordinary customer.

Given the information gap and the distance
between us, I'm at an ultra-advantage.

I don't think she can beat me.

J-Just a minute! If the film gets
peeled off, it will become unstable,

and then nobody will be able to use it!


M-My cards! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

Now I don't know which card is which!

I remember it was silver-colored.

There are several cards that look like that.

Aw, now what do I do?

I'll buy all of the cards you have here.

Huh? I-I don't have any problem
with that, myself, but...


I'll pay half of it.

"#18 Bust Upper"

Thank you...

"Nap Room"

After some more careful thinking,

what we both really want is
the method of obtaining Bust Upper,

and whichever one of us hits the jackpot

can just provide that
information to the other, right?

An unproductive conflict is ultra-absurd.

Besides, if we're going to check each
and every one of this many cards...

...two heads...

...are better than one.

Both of us share the same motive.

Ultra-good luck to us both.

Self-performed physical exams, done monthly.

No change at all in breast size
during the latter teen years?!

And yet my classmate's breast
development has been so pronounced,

--Va-va-voom! Va-va-voom! Va-va--

--one wonders if that isn't
the core of her body!

--Va-va-voom! Va-va-voom! Va-va--

No, let's think about this differently.

--Va-va-voom! Va-va-voom! Va-va--

If there is no change in these measurements,

it means that I'm holding on to my youth.

I'm still in the clear.

My waist has grown three centimeters?!

N-No... If I convince myself
baselessly that I'll develop eventually,

it'll be too late once I end up like that.

Hmm? What's this?

I'm a maid?

But this is an ultra-plain room
for someone to have to hire a maid.

Looks more like an ordinary dorm--

--A perv!

My super-rare Loli Leviathan Bra Maid
top has arrived from London!

This will look good on you even if
you aren't 36-24-36 like a fallen angel!

If you don't get that nasty thing
out of my sight, I'll ultra-k*ll you!

Whoa! Your refusal today
is especially extreme! However...

...I believe that the only one fit
for this filly from Britain is you,

the most beautiful maid
in all of Academy City.

I hope you realize that, at least.

This man is an idiot and crazy,
but his heart is sincere, pure, and simple.

Whomever this dream belongs
to doesn't hate him deep down inside.

The opinions of the world
at large don't matter.

As long as the man I adore acknowledges me...

I'm sure the size of my breasts
is all the same. Is that how things are?

If you don't like that one,
I also have this maid swimsuit--

Look, I'm ultra-against
this sort of perversion.

He's late. How dare someone like
Yobou keep me waiting.

I'll have to punish him for this later.

I'm being watched. Is she hostile?

No, her posture is that of a regular person.

A high-class suit and shoes
well worn-down from walking.

A business card case in her inside pocket.

Sh-Sh-She's not about to--!

I'm a producer for a talent agency.
How would you like to be an idol?


The pure and innocent young lady
from the Garden of Learning

in her brilliant debut!

I would be an instant sensation!
But no, if that were to happen,

I would become alienated
from my class friends.

I have to...

...turn her down...

Excuse me,

--do you have a moment?

Excuse my abruptness,
but would you like to be an idol?


You are a woman of discerning taste, I see!
However, I am a student.

In order for me to perform my part,
I am afraid I must decline.

We are dead even in the looks department.

Moreover, I was standing in front of her!


That's why!

I hate it! I hate the
social stratification of bust sizes!

If my breasts were just
five centimeters larger...!

Imagine, being wounded by a friend in
a dream from someone I don't even know...

The uniform this girl is wearing
emphasizes the bust line nicely.

I wonder where I can buy one.

First a maid, now a kunoichi.

"Temptress Scroll"

What's this?

A temptress scroll?

Must be a technique for ultra-abducting men.

"Use your feminine form to the utmost.
The bigger your breasts, the better.

If you can direct his gaze
to your breasts in combat,

you can create an opening to attack.

Your charms can be useful in
seducing even insurmountable foes."

Tch, men really are nothing
but a bunch of stupid scum!

"On those occasions, forsake
all sense of shame.

However, feigning bashfulness
is permissible."

Ha! Girls who are well-endowed
don't have any shame to begin with!

"Ooh, my shoulders are stiff."
"Ooh, I don't have any cute bras."

All they do is humblebrag!

"However, there are
also underdeveloped shinobi."

Nobody ultra-asked you!

"If that is you, consider your legs!
You can charm them with your legs.

Go ahead and show off your
inner thighs to incite their lust."

Mm-hmm, well, I guess they do get it, huh?

"Though the boobs are in greater demand.
You'll never beat those out."

Shut the ultra-hell up!

I can always subjugate men with my fists!

If you like big lumps of fat so much,
you can eat fatty foods your whole life

and die racked with gout,
you big dumb, dumb, dummy!

You're bothering the other guests here.
Could you please keep it down?

I'm ultra-sorry.

I am a telekinesist, too.
A much better one than you are.

Aw, I remembered it again.

Looking so smug while jumping the g*n.
That was really embarrassing.

Are you still feeling down?

Miss Kobayashi?

The Daihasei Festival is
over. Please cheer up.

I messed up big-time, too,
but it doesn't bother me now.


Our Queen told me that feeling down
is a waste of our brain's resources.

So, come on, shoulders back, chest out!

That may be fine for you, Miss Kobayashi,

but with my chest like this,
there's no point in sticking it out.

You have plenty!

If you're saying that at your size,
there isn't any point,

does that also mean that
anything less is also pointless?!

Have you even considered
the feelings of people

who aren't even sure when
to start calling them boobs?!

Would you mind leaving now?


There's still some cards ultra-left unchecked.
What do you want to do?

Hmm, there's a hotel I
sometimes visit nearby...

"Undergoing renovations"

I am terribly sorry,
but because of the renovations,

our general public rooms
are closed for about a week.

Hmm, my dorm, to say nothing
of the Garden of Learning,

would need us to jump through
a bunch of hoops to allow a visitor in.

I can't very well bring
her back to our hideout, can I?

For that matter, if Mugino saw me
hanging around with Railgun,

things would get ultra-messy.

Is the outdoor lounge still open?

It is nice and warm out today.

This is ultra-good-enough.

Huh? This isn't like all the others before.

I haven't changed into anyone else.

That moment you dream of a brighter future--

could there be any time
when you are filled with more hope?


Like, say, the size of a girl's breasts.

Any girl would want to gain
a figure that people admire,

but the process of developing,

and the excitement as you
grow into your ideal body type--

the period where you are able to feel that... the sweetest time of your life.

But we experience many
obstacles in our way during life.

They throw a wet blanket
over our hopes for the future.

Like, for instance, a
threat you cannot ignore.

But then, eliminating that threat
may introduce yet another threat.

What would you do if that happened?

What kind of dream was that?

We ended up viewing all of them,
and Bust Upper wasn't in any of them.

The next time I come across
that Trader, I'm ultra-k*lling him.

I thought something seemed
off from the start.

There's no way he would have just
had such a specifically-targeted item.

It's just an urban legend.
There's no basis to it.

And a scientist that just dropped off the map?
That seems awfully fishy, too.

Even for a made-up story,
I ultra-wish it had been more realistic.


Uh, look, I'm sorry.
I didn't know you hated milk so much.

I figured it's the go-to beverage
for people to grow taller.


Remember, you said so earlier,
when I faked your student ID,

so we could go see that rated-R15 movie,

and the lady behind the counter
gave you that look of suspicion?

I wish I could be a little bit taller.

So anyway, I thought maybe
you'd like some milk.

--Yow! Wh-What did you
do that for?! M-My leg!

--That was ultra-misleading!
--Yow! Wh-What did you do that for?! M-My leg!

Anyhow, there was this girl who
kept saying "ultra" this and "ultra" that.

We kind of got off on the wrong foot,

but after we talked for a bit,
she seemed like a surprisingly good girl.

Sissy, it is about time
we should go to sleep.

I napped so much this afternoon,
I'm not at all sleepy now.

Oh, come to mention it, I had this one dream.

There was this girl who
was a street performer.

She wasn't very endowed,
but she was wearing this super-revealing outfit.

And she was so confident, too.

I am ever saying that I hope to spend
the night together with you, Sissy,

but this is not the way I meant it.

You see? You see, you see? Well?

Wow, you really got that good overnight?

Yeah. It's so much fun!

Next up, I'm thinking of getting
a card from a house-of-cards expert.

House of cards, you say?

That sounds like something else
that will be utterly useless.

Though that is just like you.

Aw, I wish nighttime would get here, already.

Did you see that girl? Her breasts are huge!

Hey, that's impolite to say, Miss Saten!

Oh, where's the harm?

"Next episode preview"

That was an ultra-awful experience.
So, what are you up to, Frenda?

"Next episode preview"
"#19 Strange Coincidence"

Just texting with a little someone I know.

Let's see. "I got pounded on by
my associate. She has gorilla power."

Wait, who are you talking about?

Eep! Who, indeed?