01x04 - The Mystery of the Sex Scandal

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Mysteries of Laura". Aired: September 2014 to March 2016.*
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A single mom NYPD homicide detective cracks case after case while raising wild twin boys and locking horns with her less than helpful police detective ex-husband.
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01x04 - The Mystery of the Sex Scandal

Post by bunniefuu »

Jameson: I have no comment. Now, I'm happy to talk about marriage and equality. I'm happy to talk about tax incentives for small businesses. But I refuse to talk about these baseless allegations. Yes. According to my anonymous source, Congressman Jameson had an extra-marital affair with a 26-year-old campaign staffer, Caitlin Coyne. He, of course, denies the affair. We'll see how this evolves when I sit down for an exclusive live interview tomorrow night with the alleged mistress.


Taxi for two boys!


Whoa, what is going on?

The boys have a "guess-what-I-am" presentation in science class today. Guess when I found out?


A tumor?




Not even gonna guess.



I know.

Mom fail. They're gonna repossess my PTA card.

Uh, okay. So this might not be the best time to ask you this, but...

No. No, no, no. It's my day off, and I have a spa Groupon that expires today.

All right. But this is a big one.

This is the Jameson scandal.

Does anyone even consider a politician cheating on his wife a scandal anymore?


Where's the water bottles?

Affair hasn't even been confirmed.


Did you run that spin in cheaty husband camp?

Jameson himself was down at 1 Police Plaza this morning, says he didn't do it.

Oh! Guy says he didn't cheat and you believe him. Who are you? Me?

The commissioner thinks this might be a setup for extortion.

Campaign is in our precinct so we caught the case.

Now, I need you to follow the staffer.

Ah. Two words. "Spa" and "day."

Laura. You are my best detective.

You've got skills that I just don't have.

Oh, please.

Okay, fine.

You can follow her into the bathroom. I can't.

You know who else has that super special ability to follow a woman into a bathroom?

Any woman.

Even Meredith qualifies.

Nicholas, where is the sight word test? I know that I signed it.

Nicholas and Harrison: The hamster ate it.

Laura: The hamster died six weeks ago, thanks for noticing.

I will take care of the boys.


Look, I need you on this one.

You're my best detective.

You say that like it's a good thing.

(Reporters shouting indistinctly)

Hello, Caitlin.

Female reporter: Caitlin!

Male reporter: Tell us what's going on?

Male reporter 2: Caitlin, over here!

(Tires screeching)

Male reporter 3: We're live! We're live, right now!

C'mon, Caitlin!

Gonna get stuck on a train with wall-to-wall paparazzi.

Dumb move, Caitlin.


Oh, yes, you did.

Not so dumb after all.

(Pop music playing)

Man: This is it!

Welcome to The Hunger Games.

(Customers chatting indistinctly)

This is my rack.

Oh, which piece?

All of it.

You can't do that.

Yes, I can.

One, two, three. Called it.

This woman's hoarding!

Wait, no, no, no, wait. No, this is my rack.

No, wait. Hold it.

Whoa. Hey, whoa, back off.

Oh, my gosh. Okay. Man down.

(Women exclaiming)

I called it.

Nice get.

Eh, you take it.

I love the color, but, I haven't done the spaghetti straps since my wardrobe malfunction at prom.

Think it will go with my cape?

I think it's a nightgown.

I know it's a nightgown.

-(Chuckles) Sorry, I'm being too...


No, I love it. It doesn't happen too often.

And especially at a sample sale.


Honesty hasn't been my strong suit lately.

But at some point, (Sighs)

I gotta face the music.

(Cellphone ringing)

Jake: What do you got?

New skirt, 60% off.

I also just had a moment with her.

She seemed nice, not very Paula Jones-y.

Doesn't mean she's not.

Laura: Wait. She's been standing there too long.

This might be a meet-up.

(Silenced g*nsh*t)

(People screaming)

Someone call an ambulance!


Hold on! Caitlin?

Stay with me.

Laura: She looked nervous.

I don't think she had any idea that her life was in danger.

I was right there.

I mean, right there.

Wasn't your fault, all right?

Detective, detective, hi.

Hey, so, Caitlin Coyne, died in your arms. Can I ask you some questions?

No, but you can answer one.

Who was your source on the Jameson story?

You think I'm gonna give up a confidential source?

When it can be a m*rder suspect, hell, yeah.

You ever heard of obstruction of justice?

Hell yeah. You ever heard of the journalist's shield law?

Start talking or move on.

There was a single shot to the chest fired at close range.

They probably used a sil*ncer.

The tech said they found the shell casing 10 feet from the body.

Well, at least the sh**t chose the most surveilled spot in all of New York City.

So we just need to get a warrant on every camera that even thinks about looking in this direction.

(Cellphone beeps)

Got her home address. I'll go check out her place.

I'm gonna go talk to the congressman.

All right.

None of this makes any sense.

All the rumors, now this?

By this, you mean your mistress being shot dead in Times Square?

Alleged mistress.

Are you his lawyer?

Any objection to me asking about an alibi?

I was at a pancake breakfast at the children's initiative all morning.

Maybe you didn't pull the trigger yourself, but call me crazy, it sure does look bad that the one person who could verify the adultery rumors winds up dead.

You got this all wrong.

Caitlin was the one person who could have cleared my name.

Well, now she can't. She's conveniently in the morgue.

I didn't have an affair. There's no way.

We're not judging your behavior, congressman.

Captain, I'm telling you...

There is no physical way.


Equipment... problems.

Well, I hope you'll forgive the intrusion but even that is gonna need verification.

You'll get it.

My doctor can send my records.

But please be discreet. This could end my career.

If it's not ended already.

If the affair was a lie, then why was Caitlin named as the other woman?

I don't know. But I can't believe Caitlin had anything to do with it.

She was a genuinely good person.

I mean, ask anyone, she lit up the room.

We lived together since law school, but, I hadn't seen much of her since she started volunteering on the campaign.

So, she spent a lot of late nights at the Jameson camp?

Did she talk about him?

No. Not how you're thinking.

Not how everyone is thinking.

I mean, she talked about his causes and his social reform.

That was it.

Was she seeing anyone?

She made a choice to focus on work when she got hired at the justice defense fund.

She worked for a guy named Walters. That was her dream job.

I'm gonna need an address.



She bombed the LSATs, SATs, but she worked her butt off and graduated Magna from Fordham Law.

Heather, I hate to ask you this, but where were you today at noon?

In my firm's library.

Look, I am the last person that would ever hurt Caitlin.

She was my best friend.

I would do anything for her.

Billy: Where were you when you heard, Mr. Walters?

I was in an immigration hearing all morning, and when I came out, I saw the news feed in the lobby.

It's impossibly painful.

Caitlin was like family to us.

Did she have any disgruntled clients?

You know, detective, the people who come to this clinic are used to losing, and so if somebody like Caitlin fights for them, they've really already won.

Wow! You won Debate Nationals?

Guilty as charged.

"Resolved "that the federal government should establish and finance "administrative departments "to control air and water pollution "in the United States."

Crushed Bronx science to pieces.

I was on varsity debate in 12th grade.

We lost in octo-finals at state.

Andrew Cohen, of course, blames me even though he was the one that dropped topicality in rebuttal.


(Clears throat)

Actually, public speaking is what brought me to Caitlin.

I judged her in moot court at Fordham, immediately hired her as an intern, right here at justice defense.

She was our rising star.

If she was such a star, why would you let her go off to work on the Jameson campaign?

Well, I worked on the last Jameson campaign.

In fact, I was on his short list for a judgeship.

He's a social reform advocate, so I thought he would be a perfect match for Caitlin, given her politics.

Do you have any suspicions about Jameson?

Not in the slightest. He's a delightful man.

More to the point, I simply cannot see Caitlin throwing away a promising career to be the affair of the week punchline for late night talk shows.

Do you have any idea who might have started those rumors?

I would take a hard look at that so-called journalist, Store.

That guy would do anything for a headline.

Anyway, I'm sorry, I have a deposition.

You can stay here, drink your coffee, and let me know if I can help you in any way.

Laura: Thank you.

Caitlin looked like she was meeting someone at Times Square.

It could have been Store.

He was the first reporter on the scene.

A little too convenient?

All right, let's just get Max to pull everything from...


(Sirens blaring)

So, that's the last of Store's blog posts, phone records, and, uh... oh, it looks like you're almost done with the credit card statements.

And it appears the chicken shumai.

Knock yourself out.

You wanna laugh? Look at this.


My grandmother canceled AOL back in the '90s but we might have something here.

Store drops 350 bucks at Dahlia's Tea Room every Tuesday and Thursday like clockwork.

That's a lot of darjeeling.

Laura and I are going to join him for a little Tuesday tea time.


Do you hear that silence?

It's the sound of my spa Groupon expiring.

I'll let you know if I see Store.

Every time a Groupon expires, a kitten dies.

Whoa! Okay.


You need a menu?

You need pants?

This ain't your momma's BDSM club.

I have no idea what those initials stand for but I'm sure you're right about my momma.

What can I get for $350?

30 minutes of bondage.

For beginners.

For $350?

Does that come with a gift bag?

And a pony?

No, no, no, no. I don't want the pony.

(Whispers) Trust me.

Mistress Alex will be right with you.

First door on the left.

Let's split up.

(Imititating) Mistress Alex will be right with you.

That's what I'm afraid of.

(Man grunting)

Hey, I still got five minutes.

Billy: And this little piggy went to bondage.

Vaya con dios.


Stay down. I'm taking over.

(Whip cracks)

Billy: Go momma-matrix!

Yes, mistress.

Are you here to punish me?


Have you misbehaved?

Oh, yes, I misbehaved.





Hurt people?


Yes, yes. Oh, yes!

A lot. I need to be punished.

Tell your cellmate at Rikers.

What the hell are you doing here?

You fabricated a story about Caitlin and hours later, she was shot dead.

That makes you the prime suspect.

Are you kidding me? You've got nothing.

No, please. I swear I didn't k*ll Caitlin.

Prove it.

Or I'm dragging you out of here in your dog collar and tighty-whities.

No, please, don't...

(Whip cracks)


Caitlin: Mr. Store. This is Caitlin Coyne.

I had an affair with Mike Jameson and I want to tell you the whole story.

I had to give my eyes a bath last night, but good news.

Store finally gave up the source.


So wait, she did have the affair?




Caitlin: I had sex with Mike Jameson at the El Rey Hotel on April 12th.

He pulled down the straps on my dress and started kissing my shoulders.

The problem is, the El Rey didn't open until el May.

So, you think she made it all up?

Hmm. Now listen to this last call that came in after the story broke.

Caitlin: I have evidence that you need to see.

Store: Bring it to the interview. Don't show anyone before then.

Caitlin: Don't worry. It's completely sub rosa.

Sub rosa.
Lawyer term. Latin for secret.

So this was some sort of political dirty trick? Someone paying her to lie?

I have Max looking into her financials.

Meanwhile I'm gonna go talk to the person who has the most to gain if Jameson loses. His opponent.

You're not meeting big Bill McGuire on your own. He's a bit uptight.

Well, his campaign stop isn't.

(Upbeat Bollywood song plays)



I think I might have accidentally twerked.

That was no accident.

There's McGuire.

And we all have our traditions.

(Microphone screeching)

You have Diwali and I have "Di Super Bowl".


Remind me to give a donation to the Jameson campaign.

Look, we're all New Yorkers.

So you'll be glad to know I spent the last week at the Geneva Summit talking about economic reform.

Switzerland's a pretty good alibi.

And I will not rest until I bring that reform to you, the good people of New York.

(Microphone screeching)


What the hell were you thinking?

I had a better PA system on my high school forensics team.

I'm so sorry, Bill. We could try to get a new system before...

Nah. I have seen your charm on politicians.

I'll talk to McGuire.

I've seen your charm with women.

I'll talk to the campaign manager.

You know that sort of thing can't happen.

It ruins everything.

And you see how he reacts to that. He doesn't take it well.


Looks like you could use some barfi.

It's better than it sounds. (Chuckles)

Thank you. I haven't eaten all day.


We're not supposed to eat on the job.

It's the only time I eat.

You know, some of us campaign moms secretly call big Billy McGuire, big Bully McGuire.


McGuire's not so bad. At least he's not...


Calvin Gold.

The dark prince of campaign managers.

He suddenly left three days ago leaving me holding the bag.

Right. Right.

Wow, what happened to him again?

(Whispers) Rehab.


Alcohol, dr*gs, pervy stuff?

Anger management.

He punched a 55-year-old volunteer.

Landed him two weeks at Serenity Gardens.

Mcguire: Elizabeth!


What the hell is this?

Welcome to Times Square.

Ah, I didn't recognize it without the stench of roasted peanuts and taxi exhaust.

Red tape shows the sight lines of every camera between 42nd and 45th.

This is where Caitlin was standing when she was shot?

The shell casings were found right around here.

Meredith: Exactly. But get this. Where you're standing, the intersection of 43rd and 4th is out of range of every single video camera in the vicinity.

Please. You're telling me there's a blind spot in the middle of Times Square?

How do we not know about this?

Especially when our k*ller clearly did and lured Caitlin right into it.

But the sh**t had to get into and out of the area beforehand.

Alright, Meredith, I want you to get footage from the cameras there and here.

And I will fill Laura in when she gets back from Serenity Gardens.

Laura is in rehab? She gets to do everything fun.

Hope she's not trying to question a patient.

They don't let anyone in that place.

Have you met Laura?
Laura: Hi. I just want to check in. I'd love something with a view and what time does room service end?

This is a facility for clinical disorders. You can't just check in. You need a diagnosis.

Mom burnout.

From a doctor.

I am too burned out to go to a doctor, with soccer and Tae Kwon Do, and violin and allergy sh*ts and making costumes for the science thingy that the school announced at the bottom of this ridiculously long e-mail. (Yelling) Who reads those e-mails? I had gummy bears for dinner last night. I don't remember the last time both legs were shaved. And my last parent-teacher conference meeting ended with the teacher leaving... the profession.

Room service ends at 10:00.

Thank you.

You're Calvin Gold, aren't you? Big fan.

It's the quiet garden, so...

Right. My bad.

Your guy's up 13 points in the polls.

How do you do it?

13 points?


How did I do it?

They confiscated my BlackBerry.

Both of them.

So you don't know?

Double header. Sex scandal and m*rder.


Jameson and who's the mistress?

Caitlin Coyne, some staffer.

And then she was shot in Times Square, and no one saw who did it.

The blind spot.

The blind spot?

Last year the secret service found a blind spot smack in the middle of Times Square.

No security cams. Highly classified.



Someone knew about it. Besides you, obviously.

Well, the hacks they found to replace me don't know anything.

And if you're suggesting I puppet mastered an assassination from rehab, I'm flattered, and I could have, but McGuire was busted for ethics violations last go round, so he wouldn't even allow a smear campaign.

Which was why I've been so wound up, I punched that stupid volunteer in his stupid face.

Well, his poll numbers are up now.

Someone at the campaign knows what they're doing.

Dumb luck.

If I had set up the sex scandal, I certainly wouldn't have k*lled the girl now.

Timing was sloppy.

Work of an amateur.

But, you're right about one thing.

Whoever did this wanted to make sure that McGuire wins.

Now playing in theater one, security footage from the Times Square Game Pipe store, six minutes before the sh**ting.

(Crowd noises from tablet)

Wait for it...

Whoa! Does it start up again?


Five minutes after the sh**ting.

What are the odds? All right, Meredith, Billy, you're on this.

Billy: They don't get a lot of women here.

Don't think these guys get a lot of women anywhere.

We need to speak to whoever controls your security cameras.

Uh... inside...

Hey! Hey!

Whoa! Whoa!

Excuse me, pardon me, pardon me.

Whoa! Excuse me, excuse me!

Meredith: Move, move, move, move!

Stop! Police! Step aside! Step aside!

(Both grunting)


Don't move!

Liberty, meet justice.


What happened to that woman wasn't my fault!

Okay, so you just happened to turn off the security cameras at the exact time that she was m*rder*d outside your store?

It wasn't like that. I had no idea there was gonna be a m*rder.

Then why did you unplug the camera?

The overlord told me to do it.

"The overlord"? Great. Get psych in here.

I'm not crazy.

I was at work, we were slow that day.

So, I was playing Scepter of Shield online.

And I saw this guy playing in God mode.

Impossible. Scepter has the strongest encryption of any game.

That's what I thought. But this guy had flight, invisibility...

So you're saying he modified the source code?

Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute.

What are you two talking about?

And are you a closet gamer?

Me? (Scoffs)


I dated a huge gamer once. He told me about God mode.

It's when someone hacks into a game and can make their character immortal, right?

But Scepter's supposed to be unhackable.

Okay, so who's this overlord?

No idea. Overlord's his avatar.

He IM'd me while I was online.

He knew my name, address, social, everything.

He told me to unplug the security camera at a specific time, or he would tell my boss about my porn addiction.


I had no choice.


How was rehab?

No noise, firm mattress, best three hours of my life.

You were right, somebody else is calling the sh*ts.

Calls himself the overlord.

That's his avatar, an avatar...

Got it, blue people, I slept through the movie.

Hold on a second.

I'll have you know Avatar is the best film of the last 20 years.

Which is about how long it takes to watch it.

Okay. What do we know about this overlord?

He's a world class hacker.

He dug up some dirt on the clerk from the Game Pipe.

Maybe he dug up something on Caitlin, and used it against her.

Plausible, but why k*ll her after she had cooperated?

Caitlin said something about facing the music.

What if she was about to go public and say that she was blackmailed into lying about the affair?

It might have pissed off the overlord enough to k*ll her.

Yup. We just need to find out what he had on her.

Let's go. Billy, Meredith, go online and see if you can track this overlord.

No problem.

And I'll have you know, my avatar is unstoppable!


(Avatar groaning)

Ugh! Fail.

Was that supposed to happen?

I'm a level 12 paladin, this is very advanced, you wouldn't understand.

(Growling in game)

Woman's voice (in game): Legendary!

Does that guy have a wolf head?

Oh, overlord.

Okay, try to see if you can get somebody to track his gamer I.D.

I'm gonna teach this guy some manners.

It's gamer tag.

Can't you just sh**t him or something?

This guy's too good, he's got moves I've never seen before.

Maybe if you had moves of your own...

What? Ugh!

Come on! Okay, use the wall of fire.


It's control-alt-shift, just do it.

Billy: Nice! Wow.

Wait. Where'd he go? Oh, we lost him. Crap.

Okay, go to that rock.


It's an easter egg. It unlocks the circle spell.

Billy: All right.

You know what? There is no gamer ex-boyfriend, is there?

You're the expert.





Okay, kick-kick-flame combo will unlock the dragon fire okay, listen. We're trying to catch a m*rder*r here.

If you have some secret ninja gamer skill, let your freak flag fly.


Woman's voice (in game): Legendary!

Wow. And you were keeping your superpowers hidden why?

Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to be taken seriously as a young female detective?

And if they figured out I was a hardcore gamer? Huh.

You better keep this between us, Soto, or I will kick your ass in real life.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Easy with the crazy. Play the game. I'll keep your secret.

(Clanging in game)


Laura: Okay, Caitlin, what music did you need to face?

Caitlin's practice test for the bar exam.

She never got higher than 50%.

Whoa! Heather was right.

She bombed the LSATs, SATs.

Caitlin was not good at taking tests.

I'm amazed she passed the bar at all.

You find anything?

No, nothing yet.

Oh, bingo!

No one can leave a box of Gold Fancies uneaten.

I remember I ate these when I was pregnant.

I don't remember you ever not eating them.

Okay, Caitlin, where are your secrets hidden?


Sub rosa.

She meant it literally, under the rose.


Caitlin's I.D. with Heather's photograph?

Blackmail, anyone?

Let's go talk to the BFF.

Oh, my God.

I don't think we're gonna get anything out of Heather.

Anything useful in Heather's bag?

Wallet, credit cards, the usual, but...

Saturday crossword done in Sharpie.

Oh, she was smart, huh?

Caitlin bombed her SATs, LSATs, all of her prep tests, so how did she pass the bar exam?

Heather took it for her?

Heather said she would do anything for Caitlin.

Handwriting analysis is in!

State bar exam sign-in sheet had Caitlin's name with Heather's handwriting.

Let's see what it gets us.

Heather helped Caitlin cheat, she ended up dead.

So she must've known about blackmail...

Is that why she didn't say anything?

Probably worried about being disbarred, maybe even implicated in the m*rder.

That's a good theory, but it doesn't leave us any suspects.

Any leads on the overlord?

Uh, yeah, we're zeroing in on his exact location.

I just needed a little strawberry whipped boost.

Where's Meredith?

Taking notes.

(Video game sounds)

There you go.

Ah, check this out. His gamer stats show ridiculously fast ping time.

Which means he's not too far from the server.

Hmm. Which is in... Queens.

Nice work, level 12.

I'll get the team ready.

So, once we trace his signal, we have an exact address?

Normally, yes. But he's got a massive firewall.

There's no way we're breaking in.

Unless, we get him to break into us.

Yeah, if he hacks into our system, we can probably get a trace on him.

How do we get him to hack us?

We need to pique his interest.

Hey! By blowing my ass up?

You had 4% health, it was a mercy k*lling.

If we're gonna lure this guy in, we need better bait.

Meet my avatar.


You're a level 40 paladin?

Level 40.



Oh, we've got something.

We've got him.

I want to watch you. Turn on your camera.

Ugh, not good. Not good.

Stall him.


Why don't you turn it on for me?


We gotta sell this place as not a police station.

Okay, well hurry. Our firewall will slow him down, but not for long.

All right, all right.


Oh, no. He really thinks I work at a bank.

Too big for you to handle?

Max is gonna be pissed.

Go! Go! Go!


Overlord: Mmm, you're hot.

One Direction, seriously?

(Laughing) One D. It's my thing.


Let's play. Follow me.

(Dispatcher speaking over radio)

(Sirens wailing)

(Video game noises)

Police! Don't move!

Computerized female voice: You win!

Put your hands in the air!

Turn around.

Turn around!

(Grunting and groaning)

(g*n cocking)

Game over.

And my alarm sensors, and my security cam feed are blowing up.

It's the cops busting down my door.

Not exactly a 15-year-old geek.

Real name, Paul Scott.

Arrested for hacking the secret service, presumably including a certain file, and a certain blind spot.

Yes you are! You're my guy!

Looks like he called my mother-in-law instead of his attorney.

Jake: Nice, leave her out of it.

Max: Huh, lawyers usually like getting hired.

I assume your (chuckles) attorney won't be joining us?

Get me a public defender.

Suit yourself. Al, put him in the cage.

(Dialing tone)

(Phone ringing)

Woman: Justice defense fund, may I help you?

You just did.

Man: Congressman Jameson!



How can I help you?

I'd like to ask you a few questions about Caitlin Coyne.

Ah, sorry, captain. I told you everything I know.

Did you know her boss, Kenneth Walters?

I'm sure I know the name, can't place him though.

So you never considered putting Kenneth Walters forward as candidate for judge?

Ha! No. That I'd remember.

All right, thank you.

Well, you're two for two.

Oh, good. There are lots of lawyers here.

Gotta make sure we do this by the book.

Do what?

Arrest you.

For the murders of Caitlin Coyne and Heather Daniels.

You've got to be kidding.

Caitlin was like a daughter to me.

I've been grooming her to take over this clinic.

Yeah, because you were expecting to be put onto the bench.

Jameson didn't come through.

But, big Billy McGuire did, didn't he?

He pinky promised that he would make sure that you were made a judge if he was elected.

McGuire's on the other side of the political spectrum.

Yes, but friendship runs deep.

You know McGuire from high school debate.

I'm sorry, forensics.

So what?

And even if McGuire could help me become a judge, that doesn't mean I'd do anything to Caitlin.

She was my best associate!

Well, your best associate made a terrible mistake.

She trusted you with her darkest secret.

That she cheated on the bar exam.

And you used that secret to blackmail her.

Oh, it's outrageous.

She went along with it. At first.

Leaked a false story about an affair, but then when she saw the harm it was causing, she made a second meeting with Store.

Caitlin: I have evidence that you need to see.

This time, to tell the truth. But the truth would ruin you.

So you decided to get rid of Caitlin.

That was tricky, because the paparazzi was around, so you asked her to meet you in Times Square.

Schlubby guy, practically is invisible in a crowd.

Which allowed you to pull the trigger...


And disappear into the sea of tourists.

Oh! It gets worse.

Caitlin's roommate, Heather, she knew too much.

So you shot her too.

You have no evidentiary support for any of this!

Is that your rebuttal? Weak.

Here's my rebuttal.

You said that you were at an immigration hearing yesterday.

That court was closed for fumigation.

That doesn't mean I k*lled anybody.

Your old client, Paul Scott, aka overlord?

He called you today for help, you told him to get lost.

He told us that you had him blackmail the Times Square store clerk to shut off a surveillance camera.

So that you literally could get away with m*rder.

I did everything right, for 28 years.

I never turned my back on anyone.

I fought for every victim. Every loser.

Do I get any credit for that?

All I wanted was a place on the bench, and that judgeship, that should've been mine.

Jameson intentionally blocked me!

Jameson has no idea who you are.

I earned that job!



(Lawyers clamoring)

Really? You had to steal my thunder?

You sh**t the next one.

(Groaning in pain)

Mondo bust.

Old lefty lawyer turned ruthless k*ller, I would've said inconceivable.

Go figure.

Commissioner just called to congratulate us.

Whatever you did in there was amazing, I had no idea you were such a hardcore gamer.




Thanks for having my back.


You deserve the credit.

I have something better.

Which is?

A little parting gift from the overlord.

All the easter eggs in Scepter.

Oh, I am...

Oh! No, no.


Hey, where's our red-headed menace?

Spa day.


(Peaceful Asian music playing)

I am peace. I am calm. I am rejuvenated.
I am peace. I am calm. I am rejuvenated.

(Police siren wailing)

I am peace. I am calm. I am rejuvenated.
I am peace. I am calm. I am rejuvenated.
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