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03x06 - The Battle Begin

Posted: 01/18/24 18:14
by bunniefuu
Besides... are not the only one...

...who is having trouble
controlling their anger... having one of
their friends being insulted.

Anger at having your friend insulted?

Is psychological dependence on
others becoming a trend or something?

You try to look like a hero,
doing something for someone else,

but when you find yourself stuck
in a situation you can't get out of,

you just blame it on them and wish you hadn't.

It looks like people
with no sense of imagination

can't understand that unless
they experience it for themselves.


I've always heard that
unconscious people were heavy, but...

She's gotten lighter...?

Is this your ability, Awatsuki?

It won't last very long.

Please hurry off, while you have the chance.


Whoa, there!

Do you think I'm just going
to let you walk away from this?


If that's all you've got,
my Great Dane Types can leap over them!

The only lead I have...!

Yeah, right.

Even after injecting its nanodevice,

the Mosquito Type can still come
in handy for its GPS transmitter.

As long as I have her trail,
I can do whatever I have to once I finish here.

But for right now...

...I'll have to take care of these two.

"A Certain Magical Railgun T"

I need to call an ambulance and Antiskill.

I hope Wannai and Awatsuki are all right.


Well, Baba? Is everything moving along smoothly?

Yes, without a hitch.

Great Dane Types, you've gotta get in there!

What's this, now?

Baba, are you in the middle of a fight?

It just sort of happened.
So this might take a little more time.

Are you okay? Should I send in reinforcements?

No, there's no need.

You sure?

I'm so worried about you,
I can't do anything else.

She's such a liar.

Okay, how about I just retrieve your leads?

Unfortunately, I still don't
have any helpful intel yet.

So tweak the data to delay
Antiskill's arrival, if you would.

You idiot. You think I'm going
to let you steal all my credit?

Now, those two didn't
compete in the Balloon Hunter,

so I haven't checked out their abilities,

but the chestnut-haired
one's ability is Hydro Hand.

If the Great Dane Types get drawn into
the water, even they could be in danger,

but she's not so strong that she can
land a fatal blow while fighting on land.

The braided-hair one uses telekinesis, is it?

But seeing as how she
can't pin down a Great Dane Type,

she doesn't have all that much power.

Their abilities put them both around Level 3.

I doubt they've had much combat experience,

but they seem to be making
do pretty well by attacking in sync.

I have a limited number of pawns to use, myself.

Wow, not too shabby at all.

I am looking for Misaka Mikoto's Sis--
er, her twin, you see.

You there, with the chestnut hair--

you called that girl earlier
Kongo Mitsuko, right?

You were discussing something
about a lead on her sister, weren't you?

Would you mind telling me what that lead is?

I'm not asking you to give it
to me for free, of course.

There is a nanodevice inside here.

A real high-caliber model,
which can immobilize whoever it's used on.

I injected one of these
into Kongo Mitsuko earlier.

It's the truth. Using a mosquito-shaped
robot, with just a little "pfft."

When I touched Miss Kongo,
she had a pretty high fever.

I think there's probably at least
some truth to what he is saying.

It's tricky to remove a
nanodevice once it's been injected.

But if you had this, you may be
able to find a shutdown command.

Would you like to exchange
your information for it?

You want to help your friend, don't you?

We cannot tell what it is to someone like you.

However, we will be taking that nanodevice.

--Even if we have to take it by force!
--Even if we have to take it by force!

Well, well, negotiations
have broken down. Oh, well...

One of these two has already
been used and is empty.

The other one has the nanodevice inside it.

Which one is the right one?

Miss Awatsuki!


They know it's a trap, and still they split up.

These girls are a couple of pushovers.

Stop right there! Where are you--?

Come on, now! You have
to start chasing me, or I'll get away!

In the Balloon Sandwich,

"Daihasei Festival News"

it looks like Miss Kongo and
Miss Misaka competed together.

I wonder if those two are good friends.


Whenever I think about that girl,

I get an uneasy feeling across my chest!

I do not even want to think about that
conceited girl, who is just a pretty face!

If you're that mindful of her, then
that must have been one fateful encounter.

The two of you may make
a surprisingly good pair.

Huh? M-Me, and that girl?!
There is absolutely no way!

Oh...? Ah, just a moment, please!

I will be fine on my own now!

Let us split up now
and start patrolling separately!

That sure was a long line to get a taxi.

The place is packed with
spectators wherever you go.

Let's just wait for the next bus.

I can't leave all of this in Miss Kongo's lap.
I have to get out of here...

Huh? I wonder what that's about.

I hear there has been an
upswing in cases of heatstroke.

We should be careful, as well.

Hydration and electrolytes are key.

Is that...?

Miss Saten!

--Miss Misaka, wait up!
--Ah, um, Miss Misaka...?

What happened?

Why are you in an ambulance--

Stop right there!

Huh... Even away from the pond,
she can control a decent amount of water.

The Great Dane Type that took
in the water chestnut-hair controlled

was destroyed from the inside.

I guess that once the water
is under her command,

she can control it without even seeing it.

I pretty much have her analyzed.

For one thing, there's an upper limit
to the weight and effective range

that those with powers like hers can control,
depending on their power level.

If I get her far enough away from the pond,

she can no longer replenish her water supply.

Then, once I pretend to leave myself
open within her effective range...

What a shame.

Sure enough, she loses control
over water that becomes detached.

One other limitation
that espers with Hydro Hand have

is the count of the water
that they can control at once!

Physical att*cks against water
may look futile at first glance,

but every time she deflects,
her watery armor gets ablated away.

I think I'll watch and enjoy as this young girl,

who only knows how to fight head-on,
is overcome with despair!

"Critical Care Center"

When I got to the park,
Kongo was lying on the ground,

and Wannai and Awatsuki confronted
an icky guy who was controlling robot dogs.

This is my fault.

I was naive.

I thought it was an extension
of the usual rivalry between cliques.

I thought she was just messing
with me because she doesn't like me.

I thought that not even she would do anything

to hurt someone who went to the same school.

We're ready. Those of you who
are her friends, please wait over here.

Oh, sure.


Um, Miss Misaka?

Something appears to have happened here--


We need to wait for other
members of the clique to arrive--


Unless you're prepared
to k*ll me to stop me, then move.

"#6 The Battle Begins"

Miss Misaka...

By my reckoning,

you should have run out of water
with two of them still remaining.

I'm impressed that you beat them all,
even if you did use up your water.

But you have no more water to protect
yourself with. Now what will you do?

As part of my studies as a Tokiwadai student,

I have learned a few self-defense techniques.

If you are unarmed, then I will take
you on without my abilities, too!

Heh, how courageous of you.

But I dislike the barbarity of duking it out.

Instead, I'll put these reserve forces
I'd been saving to work.

It's basic strategy to always have
a move ready to make in any situation.

It's not getting clean away,

but it's also maintaining a
certain distance from me as it runs.

It's trying to buy time by
keeping me separated from Miss Wannai.

I have to hurry.

This should work.

That was a successful shortcut.

This is all...

the aftermath of where
Miss Kongo used her ability.

I did a complete lap without even realizing it.

You know what?

I'm actually surprisingly strong.

Or am I?

If you had any water left,

I'm guessing this line
would be the limit of your range.

When you're someone as
exceptionally perceptive as I am,

it isn't too hard to figure out
that your effective range is 18 meters.

And that's not all.

I can tell that the maximum volume
you can control is 300 liters,

and that the number of streams of
water you can control at once is three.

So what will you do now?
Fight me hand to hand and go out a hero?

Bow down and beg for your life?

Or here, under these clear skies,
pray to God for a sudden cloudburst?

It's hopeless. The only option
you have is to curse yourself

for thoughtlessly sticking your neck
out where it doesn't belong.

You're going to meet
the same fate as your friend.



Have you noticed?

This park has a network
of drains buried underneath it,

so that when it rains heavily,
the water will flow into the pond.


Your finesse in analyzing
my ability was quite skillful,

but you should have paid more
attention to things you can't see, too!

W-Water?! Where is it coming from?!

Is that a water drain?!

Don't tell me she had that water
hidden down there all the way from the pond!

My limit for controlling
water streams is four at once.

Always having a move ready
to make in any situation--

even I'm crafty enough to know that.

My fingers! They're doing nothing! I'm drowning!

If this keeps up, I'm gonna drown!

Great Dane Types, suck up this water!
Suck up all this water!

O-Oh, crap!

Is that all of your robots, then?

This is bad! This is bad!
This is bad! This is bad!

I have zero Great Dane Types left!

There's no other choice!

It means using the last one of
these that I got from the Doctor, but...

Do you give up yet?

I said I didn't like duking it out,

but that doesn't mean
I'm not good at it, either.

I've been trained in specialized
assassin skills since I was a child.

Family situation, you see.

These are taboo moves whose use is forbidden,

but I see no other choice but to use them
against someone as strong as you.

I'll bluff my way through keeping her attention,

and use the Mosquito Type
to inject her with a nanodevice!

Almost there...! Almost there...!

It dropped?!

A dead battery? Impossible! I just activated it!

No, but wait, the way it's moving...

It looks like you're safe.

Miss Awatsuki!

The case I went after was empty,

and I figured that if you got the upper hand,

he would use his nanodevice on you,

so I reduced the buoyancy force
around you down to zero.

It looks like that was the right decision.

Buoyancy? The braided-hair
girl's ability isn't telekinesis?

It's buoyancy manipulation?!

H-Hold on a minute!

Are you two espers planning
to both hit an unarmed man?!

I-I was just hired to do a job!

The Mosquito Type with the
nanodevice is lying right over there!

Sure, I may have been
a little too rough on your friend,

but can we just agree
to call it quits for today--

If I may be presumptuous enough to say so,

the reason you disdain the trust and
connections people have for each other

is because you don't have
anyone worthy of your trust.

But that is a result of
you looking down on others

and not letting anyone else in.

Unless you acknowledge the people you know

and show that you are willing
to meet them halfway,

no one is ever going to help you.

There I go, a novice, sounding
like she knows what she is saying.

No, I think it was something that
had to be said, for his sake, as well.

I hope he takes advantage of
the opportunity to rethink his ways.

Damn them!

Damn those girls!
They looked down their noses at me!

It's intel, all right.

If I'd only known what
their abilities were from the start,

there was no way I could
have been beaten by them!

Mantis Type!

I was reluctant to use you, since you stand out,

but your power is in a whole other league

from those Great Dane Types meant for searching!

Now that I know the specs of
their abilities, I can't possibly lose!

Go, Mantis Type!

For the humiliation they put me through,
merely k*lling them isn't good enough!

I'll tear them up, then capture them!

I'll make them sorry they were ever born female!

I'll stream their indignity
to the world over the Internet,

and not only shatter them
both mentally and physically;

I'll destroy them socially, as well!

They'll beg me in tears, "Please k*ll me"--

The GPS signal from the Mosquito Type
I affixed to Kongo Mitsuko?

What's it doing here? If it keeps
going that direction, then pretty soon...


Why is Misaka Mikoto here?!


She shouldn't be able to move,
thanks to the nanodevice injected into her!

So that's it! She just looks like Misaka Mikoto!

That's one of the Sisters!

I'm in luck! As long as I capture her,
I'll redeem myself!

I can deal with those
other girls afterward! Mantis Type,

seize that girl!


It's really her...?

S-Stay back!

You can hear me, right?

I avoided the communications system
when I smashed this thing.

I pinpointed your location
by following your comm signal.

I-It won't open! Don't tell me she's
already taken over all the systems!

I'll be there shortly to do
the same thing to you as I did to this.

At least I'd like to,

but taking into account that you
might be under that girl's control,

I'm going to let you off
this one time. However...

...from here on, if I ever see one of these,

or one goes near one of my friends,

even for an instant,

then no matter where you are,
I swear I will find you...

...and crush you.


What's wrong?

Oh, man. Baba is out of the picture.

Out of the picture?

All of his mechanical pawns are wiped out.

He says he's looking
for a shelter to hide out in.

This is cryptic. He says he failed
to neutralize Misaka Mikoto.

I guess this means I'll have to get involved.

She's formidable.

What's this, now? You know her?

Once before,

I got to see her fighting close-up.

Well, now, it's not like
I have to pound her to death.

We can manage as long as this
gets settled by the end of the day.

"Next episode preview"

The key to unlocking this mystery is
"Auribus oculi fideliores sunt."

"Next episode preview"
"#7 Auribus oculi fideliores sunt
[The eyes are more trustworthy than the ears]"

"Auribus oculi fideliores sunt."

"Auribus oculi fideliores sunt."

Okay, everyone, all together, now!

--"Auribus oculi fideliores sunt."
--"Auribus oculi fideliores sunt."
--"Auribus oculi fideliores conto."

Did one of us say something different?