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03x05 - Trust

Posted: 01/18/24 18:13
by bunniefuu

you aren't all collectively
pulling my leg, are you?

What are you talking about?

Miss Uiharu... and Miss Saten...

How does she know our names?

Miss Shirai, did you tell her?

No. We are not even acquainted.

I do not know where you heard about us,

but if you are in some trouble,
I will hear what you have to say,

as a member of Judgment.


...that's okay.

You've really done it now...


Now you're messing with my friends, too. This...

...has gone way beyond just horsing around!

If I show Kuroko and the others
our dorm room or some photo albums,

I'll be able to explain to them that
their memories are being manipulated.


...will they even cooperate with me
when they see me as a total stranger?

I don't want to drag them into it like this.

Miss Misaka?

We need to start getting
ready for the next competition.

What is her objective
if she's taking things this far?

Now that she has me immobilized like this,

what can I even do?

"A Certain Magical Railgun T"

You are in top form, Miss Kongo.

Yes. Even the color commentary
person complimented you.

It sounds like the color commentary
person has a keen eye.

What was that all about?

I wanted to talk to her a little longer.

You were just infatuated
by meeting someone famous.

Still, it seemed to me like
she wanted to say something.

Miss Shirai? And Miss Saten
and Miss Uiharu, too...

Ah, Kongo, hi there.

Miss Shirai, how are you feeling?

As the one who took over
in the competition for you,

I have made sure to take first place.

Huh? Why are you acting so sullen?

There is a girl they call
"Railgun" at our school, right?

She just lashed out at us a moment ago.

She came up to us
and asked if we were pulling her leg.

Ah, would you please continue
taking my place in the competition?



Okay, bye.


Take care.

Could Miss Shirai be having
a fight with Miss Misaka or something?

They usually seem to get along
so well with each other.

Miss Shirai, you sure were signed up
to compete in a lot of events.

Hmm? Yeah, you're right.
And they're all pairs events, too.

Hmm? Pairs?

Our next pairs event is the Balloon Sandwich!

Each team of two holds a balloon
between them without using their hands,

and races to carry it to the goal line!

--As soon as the balloon breaks,
the team is disqualified!

As soon as the balloon breaks,
the team is disqualified!

--Now really isn't the time to be doing this.

I have to get out of this somehow
and go looking for her.

Miss Misaka?

Is it all right if I blow up our balloon?

Oh, mm-hmm.

Go ahead, Sissy!

Please embrace me!

Hey, if the balloon breaks, we're out, you know!

Kuroko couldn't control herself,
and we didn't get any practice done.

Can I ask you to not
call out my name so casually?

By the way, Miss Misaka,
I was not aware you had a twin sister.


Yesterday, during the Balloon Hunter,

that was your sister who entered, was it not?

Miss Kongo,

you could tell that wasn't me?

Oh, I have quite the eye
when it comes to sizing people up.

Let us just say that there is a
subtle difference in the air about her.

Listen, Miss Kongo,

I need to ask you for a favor.

--Tokiwadai sure is a powerhouse, huh?
--They're one of the five fingers, and all.


Yeah, thanks.


You take sneaky cruelty to
a whole new level, Shokuho Misaki!

Miss Kongo, keep it down, keep it down!

To kidnap your sister,

to say nothing of manipulating
Miss Shirai and the others' memories?

She is not fit to be a student at Tokiwadai.

I understand what you are telling me.

I will look into what happened with your sister,

so Miss Misaka, please keep
the Shokuho clique's attention off of me.

I'm sorry for getting you involved
in my personal business.

But whatever you do,
don't get in over your head.

The scary thing about her is that
we don't know what she's thinking.

If only I had a lead,
I could do something about this myself.


Miss Misaka, you should not
trust any information I give you.

Huh? Why not?

Because I may have already
been brainwashed by Shokuho Misaki.

Any and all information
I give you will be false.

You should consider that possibility.

Oh, man...

Yes. No one would trust me
after I said something like that, right?

So I will bring you not information,
but your sister herself.

I hate to do this after
telling you not to trust me,

but please believe me and wait for me to return.

Miss Kongo...

Way to win first place.

As impressive as always.

Oh, thanks.

The reason she did not turn Miss Shirai
and the others against Miss Misaka

was probably because she did
not feel it was necessary to go that far.

If her objective is the sister,

then the whole course of events
was simply meant to buy some time.

And at best, all she needed
was a stopgap measure, at that.

I think I had better hurry this up.

Don't do anything crazy, Miss Kongo.

If you put yourself in danger,
even to help her...

Miss Misaka?

Your cell phone...

Oh no, has she gotten suspicious? the Lovely Mitten Gekota model, isn't it?

Huh? Why yes, it is.

As it happens, I have one, too.


I saw the Gekota strap on your bag
and wondered if you were into them.

Oh, so that's why...

Miss Misaka, I have long wanted
to have a nice long chat with you.

I sure do wish that they weren't labeled
as being for children, you know?

I always get funny looks from mothers
who have their children with them.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

My dorm rules keep me from lining up
early on the day the new ones come out.

Speaking of new releases, you know
the regional series that just went on sale?

Don't you think they're thumbing
their noses at us Gekoers?

They aren't paying enough
respect to the original story!

--They're really getting into it over there.

--I wish they'd learn from this year's
M-Fest mail-order limited editions.

Aw, I still haven't gotten my hands on one.

They haven't come up
on any net auctions, either.

Oh, in that case, I have two of
them--one to enjoy, and one to save.

You have two?!

Tell you what. If you do
your best in today's events,

I'll give you the one I'm saving.

Huh? Really--

What a sophisticated trap!

I'm telling you, Misaka Mikoto
has definitely been neutralized.

I injected her with that nanodevice,
so there's no way she can move.

Besides, securing her is your job, isn't it?

Are you sure she wasn't taken
to some hospital somewhere?

Well, I guess that's good enough for now.

Baba, I have another job for you to do.


Your target...

...will be Misaka Mikoto's clones...

"#5 Trust"

...the Sisters.

According to what Miss Misaka said,

this is the location where she and
her sister last saw each other. Which means,

it is also likely that this is where she
came into contact with Shokuho Misaki.

There is something not quite right about this.

Is Miss Misaka's sister not at a
high enough Level to avoid Mental Out?

She could have simply used her ability

to order her to go someplace
where she would not be seen.

Why would she have gone to the
extra steps of capturing and relocating her?

What if it was not her ability
that incapacitated her sister,

but some other circumstance,
unforeseen to Shokuho Misaki, as well?

If that is true,

then there may be a clue around here.

Is that...

...the character Miss Misaka
likes so much--Kerozo, was it?

Isn't that...?

H-Hey, you!

You should not pick on those weaker than you!

You are all right now.

Look, I know you must still
be uneasy, but right now,

I do not have a moment to spare.

I really do not have time for this.

For now, I will take you to Judgment.

Oh? Miss Kongo!
You seem to be in a hurry. What is happen--

Perfect timing! I hate to do this to you,

--but could you hang on to--

Does this kitty cat belong to Miss Misaka?


It does?

I am not 100% sure, myself,

but it looks like the cat I looked after
during the Balloon Hunter competition.

Balloon Hunter?
Then this is Miss Misaka's sister's...

Miss Misaka has a sister?

Er, um, I do not have time
to go into detail right now,

but Miss Misaka asked me to help look
for her sister, who has gone missing.


This cat was where I believe
her sister got into some trouble.

Well, I am not sure what
all the circumstances are,

but I know a psychometrist on
the swim team who can mediate with animals.

Knowing her, she may be able
to make contact with this cat.

Oh, my!

Mama, look!

A robot dog!

Wow, you're right.

That's Academy City for you.

--Nagatenjouki is running away with this.
--Whoa, look at all these people!

--Wow, who's going to have this strawberry yakisoba?
--Are they doing the night parade again tonight?

--That girl in pink is so cute!

--Then it might provide a clue
to finding Miss Misaka's sister!

A Tokiwadai student... Misaka... sister?

I'm going to go call her.
Please wait here a moment.

All right, then.

Imagine, this little kitty being a clue.

A girl who possesses psychometry
would be too far removed from Miss Misaka,

and Shokuho Misaki's reach
would not have extended to her.

I brought your sister back, just as I promised!

Thank you, Miss Kongo! You saved the day!

--Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
--Excuse me...


What can I do for you?

I was hoping to have a word with you.

Um, I am afraid I have little time right now--

It concerns Misaka Mikoto's sister.

There are so many people around here.

Why don't we go somewhere else?


A Daihasei Festival limited edition.
I'm sure it's already been checked off,

but I'd better ask, just to be sure.

Ask who...?

Miss Kongo? With...

...who is that?

When you say her "sister," does
that come from the "Sisters" nickname?

Or were you introduced
to her as being her actual sister?

Well, I guess it doesn't matter either way.

You see, I, too, was asked
to safeguard this "sister" of hers.

If you wouldn't mind,

could we compare our notes on what we each know?

While I appreciate your offer,

I am afraid that I will first need you
to explain to me who you are,

and for what purpose
you are looking for her sister.

Yes, I suppose you would. However,

perhaps you'd rather just
blindly tell me what your "lead" is.

Because if you don't...

A robot?!

...I will end up using dr*gs
to force it out of you.

You just keep your distance, please!

My suspicions exploded from the very start,

so I figured he was working with Shokuho Misaki,

but if he really is looking for her sister,
is he with a different interest?

I tagged along, thinking that maybe
I could get some information out of him,

but whatever the case,
it does not change the fact...

...that he is Miss Misaka's enemy.

Look! Look!

--I need to find a way to get away from here.

--All right, while we wait for the
next competition to start, we should--

Wah! My balloon!

This is it!

--Thanks, miss!
--Miss Misaka, look out!

Whoa. I accidentally jumped aboard.

Now I can't get down.

There, that was just an unfortunate accident,
so it's not my fault, right?

Miss Misaka... should wait for us at the next stop...

I'm outside of her effective
telepathic range. Now...

Are you hurt, Miss Misaka?

Yes, we caught up to her. She's safe.
We'll get off at the next station,

--and if we can't catch a train back,
we'll call a taxi.

--So you can easily catch up to a
train running away from you, can you?

--and if we can't catch a train back, we'll call a taxi.

--So you can easily catch up to a
train running away from you, can you?

--Yes, we will.

I am so sorry about this...

You aren't getting away.
I researched your ability after your race.

Your ability involves creating air jets
on objects and launching them.

But then,

there is nothing here
for you to use your ability on.

That's the reason I brought you here.

If you'll just give in and talk to me,
you won't have to get hurt here.

And if you don't...!


You have made two mistakes
concerning Aero Hand, my ability!


there is no restriction on
where I can place my jets.

You created a jet on the ground?

And secondly...

Th-The parabolic antenna?!

...if I bundle my jets together,

I can produce enough output to launch

even heavy equipment into the stratosphere!

There is nothing that I cannot send flying!

I can just pay for whatever I destroy!

It looks like you are
the one who will be giving in!

I had no idea she possessed this much power!

The Great Dane Types don't pack enough punch.

If I can just create a brief opening...

Hmm, Miss Kongo is not here, is she?

Are you sure this is the right place?

Y-Yes. This is where I told her to wait for us.

I'm sorry for making you come all the way here.

That's okay. If you find her,
please feel free to call me again.

Bye, now.

Where could she have gone?


Miss Saten?

Oh, we keep running into each other.

Did you happen to see Miss Kongo?

Suddenly... I'm feeling faint...

I'm surprised.

I went for the cat,
and you actually leapt in to defend it.

That won't help.
I just injected you with a nanodevice

that deprives you of control over your body.

They're quite valuable,
so I was hoping I wouldn't have to use it.

At least... let the cat...

...find its way... back to Miss Misaka...

By any chance, are you doing this
because Misaka Mikoto asked you to?

For nothing in return? All for someone else?

It's hilarious that you ended up
having this happen to you as a result.

I mean, what a terrible girl she is.

To snow-job you into this,
when it has nothing to do with you.

Those Level 5s really are all the same...

You take...

...that back...

She is not... Miss Misaka is not
someone who uses other people... This is...

...something I decided to do all on my own...

Someone like you... might not understand that...

Buzz off, will you?!

Don't you talk down to me! You ended up...

...not being able... do anything, did you?! Huh?!

You're completely useless, you know that?!

The fact that Misaka Mikoto
can only use trash like you

proves she's a complete disaster--

Whoa, that was a close one.

I'd be screwed if she dies before
I get any information out of her.

Aw, what a drag. The lower the life form,

the easier it is for them to piss someone off.

Great Dane Types, carry this girl away--

Miss Kongo?!

How awful. How did...?

You did this to her?

So what if I did? It doesn't matter
how human debris ends up, does it?


The girl said she was here acting
on behalf of Misaka Mikoto.

The fact that she yielded her will
to someone else makes her second-class.

And since she wasn't able
to carry out the role she was given,

that makes her worse than third-class!

Truly human debris.

Why, you...!

Miss Saten,

I hate to ask this, but could
you take Miss Kongo and the cat...

...and move them someplace safe for me?


If we do not keep that cat safe,

all of Miss Kongo's effort
will have been for nothing.

Besides... are not the only one...

...who is having trouble
controlling their anger... having one of their friends being insulted.

"Next episode preview"

Miss Awatsuki, I have never felt
such a strong impulse as this before.

"Next episode preview"
"#6 The Battle Begins"

Neither have I. Miss Wannai,
we need to have a word with that gentleman

who insulted Miss Kongo like that!


For a high-schooler, you have the
verbal skills of someone in middle school!