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03x04 - Tampering

Posted: 01/18/24 18:13
by bunniefuu
What are you sighing about?

You would sigh, too.
Here I am, finally out of the hospital,

but when I think of how I must again

spend the next several
nights without you, Sissy...

What can I say? Tokiwadai's
custom during the Daihasei Festival

is for their students to stay
with their families at a hotel.

Yes, I realize that.

I will suffer through the nights of loneliness.

But in exchange,

as soon as the Daihasei Festival is over,

we will share a hot, passionate night...

Come on, what are you talking about?

Hey, mister... extra-large, please.

You got it! One extra-large,
coming up. Just a moment.

I wonder...

...what she decided to get.


Oh, sorry. Listen, Kuroko,
is there anything you'd like to eat?

This time it's my treat.

Maybe I should get something
for Miss Uiharu and Miss Saten, too.

--Something light to snack on...

--I-If it is coming from you,
Sissy, anything will be fine...
--Something light to snack on...

But then, if you are offering anything...

I would like some of your half-eaten--

I'm here...!

Ooh, it almost looks like there was a w*r here.

Yeah, Uiharu?

This field isn't scheduled to be used again today.

I can search it all I want.
I'm waiting on you for more information.

Okay, okay, I'm way ahead of you.

You know, I wonder what it looks like.

Maybe it's in tiny grains, like gold dust.

Is there any information on the color or shape?

Hmm, about that--

My searches are returning
an unusually large number of hits,

and yet there's nothing but vague
nonsense written in any of them.

Yeah, but like they say,
where there's smoke, there's fire.

If you have that many hits,

it must mean there's something to it, right?

That's certainly positive thinking.

All righty!

Time to find some Shadow Metal!

This is a little bit weird, huh?

"A Certain Magical Railgun T"

I'm not finding anything here that's metallic.

I doubt this scorched stone
here is Shadow Metal, either.

Nothing new on my end, either.

For that matter, I can't find the site
that you said you browsed earlier.

Well, that's strange.
I just looked at it a week ago.

This is it, Kazari! A conspiracy! A conspiracy!

A conspiracy?

If you go after Shadow Metal,

some people say you'll get
targeted by a mysterious organization!

If those stories are true,
we may be closer than we think!

Oh, are you working?

I'm here dropping off Kuroko.

Good. While I'm at it,
I'll k*ll some time before my next competition.

Mm-hmm, any way you look at it, that must be it!

If we don't get a move on,
the organization will snatch it all away!

That makes sense. But Miss Saten,
if these people actually exist,

--doesn't that put you in
considerable danger right now?

--It sounds like you are up
to more funny business.
--doesn't that put you in considerable danger right now?

Huh? Danger?

If any organization that would manipulate
data to monopolize Shadow Metal

were to find you there now...

H-Hold on, Uiharu...?

Don't say that; you're scaring me.

I'm joking, I'm joking.

That's what you get
for always flipping up my skirt.

Oh, brother...

Huh?! Who are--?! Hey! Wait--

Miss Saten?!

Miss Saten, what's the matter?!

Has something happened?

I-It sounded like Miss Saten
was att*cked by someone!

Uiharu, where is she?

The grounds at Kirigaoka, in School District 18!

Sissy, we are off!

--I'm coming, too--
--Uiharu, you stay here to back us up.

Depending on what we find,
we might need you to contact Antiskill.

--Miss Uiharu...

We've got this.


All right! All right, already, just let me go!

You're hurting me! You're hurting me!

Those look like...

What do you think...

S-Sissy,'re doing?!
--just a moment!

--We're sorry!
--We're sorry!

Our job is securing the
school grounds and prep rooms,

"Contestant Locker Room"

and thoroughly cleaning them.

You never know; somebody might show
up trying to collect high-level esper DNA.

In fact, there have been many
unsuccessful attempts in the past.

Given all that, it's only natural that
we'd take in a prowler if we found one.

And then you go and attack us, to boot.

You're absolutely right.

We are terribly sorry!

If you've learned your lesson,
I'm willing to let you off today--

Excuse me...

On a side note, have you
ever heard of Shadow Metal?



So not even those people
have ever seen Shadow Metal.

Idle gossip springing
from people who were suspicious

of the tight security around school grounds,

meant to prevent the leaking of DNA maps--

that appears to be the
true story behind Shadow Metal.

This is why I cautioned you about
not getting caught up in baseless stories.

I'm sorry.

You, too, Sissy!

I've learned my lesson.

Listen to me.

--If you will pay attention to what I say every day...

--Ugh, this is going to be a long one.
--Ugh, this is going to be a long one.
--If you will pay attention to what I say every day...

Thank goodness they're safe, anyway.

Miss Saten really is a handful.


These results really are abnormal, aren't they?

Is it possible that someone
spammed all of this dummy data

to keep anyone from finding
the site that she said she looked at?

To conceal some embarrassing
information that was on it?

Oh, please. Maybe Miss Saten
is starting to rub off on me.

But if this dummy data is something
that was automatically generated,

then by analyzing its pattern,
I may be able to recreate the original site.

That's a tall order, though...


Well, well, what have we here?

Mm-hmm, this is exactly the
kind of site Miss Saten told me about.

However, the strange thing about this is...

the information it has on
Shadow Metal is roughly the same

as what she was saying.

"A very precious orange color."

"Disciplinary Guides."
"A DNA computer that produces abilities"?

Huh? Isn't the person in that picture...?

We're back.

Ah, welcome back!

Ugh, I'm sorry, Misaka.

Hey, I acted without thinking, too.
We're both to blame.

Uiharu, I'm sorry to drag you into this, too.

Oh, I'm just glad you're all right.

So, have you found out anything new since we--


Have you really learned your lesson?!

Well, uh...

Well, I did check into it my own
way after everything happened,

but I didn't find anything special.

"File has been deleted"

But never mind that, I did find some good news.

There's a secret spot among secret spots

where we can watch
the night parade fireworks up close.

Huh? For real?

Is this someplace we can legally get to?

It's all right. I confirmed everything.

Oh, yeah? Doesn't that sound nice? Let's go see.

They are so pretty.

They do this every night during
the Daihasei Festival, right?

Yes, they do.

Well, let's all meet up here again, okay?


It just isn't the same not
sleeping on your own pillow.

So where is the Queen?

No one has seen her since last night.

Oh, Miss Misaka, good morning.

Yeah, good morning.

--You mean, she wasn't at the hotel?

--Members of Shokuho's clique, huh?
--You mean, she wasn't at the hotel?

--Members of Shokuho's clique, huh?

Miss Misaka!

Miss Wannai, morning.

Good morning. Um,
if I may be bold enough to ask,

when can I expect my gym clothes back?

Your gym clothes...?

Huh? She hasn't come to return them yet?


Oh, I mean... sorry... I, uh...

Coffee! I spilled coffee on them,

and even having them cleaned,
there will still be a stain,

so let me buy you new ones.
I'll order another set to be delivered.

No, no, you needn't go to that much trouble.

Mmm... Oh, Tabikake...

A whole night has passed,
and she hasn't returned the clothes yet?

Has she not had enough fun
and is trying to pass herself off as me?

No, she isn't like that.

I'm getting...

"#4 Tampering"

...a bad feeling about this.

These are the surveillance cameras
near where we parted ways yesterday.

If I look through the recordings,
I should be able to pick up her trail.

Nothing here. Next.

I have more free time in my schedule today.

Maybe I'm worried over nothing.

But those girls' bodies need
regular maintenance, and all.

If something has happened to her...

An ambulance?

There she is. It's her!

She's passed out. Is she hurt? Sick?

Mm-mm, this is no time
to let emotions take over.

Which jurisdiction is this?

"School District 7 Fire Station 3"

Found it.

It has the same number as the one on the camera.

Excuse me!

Who was driving this yesterday?

Yesterday? Me and him.

Did you transport a girl
with shoulder-length brownish hair

a little before noon?

Oh, that girl?

Mm-hmm, we took her.

That girl is a friend of mine.

Would you please be able to tell me
which hospital you transported her to?

It's the one right over there. You see it?

That one...

is the real-life Gekota doctor's hospital.

He knows the situation with the Sisters.

Thank you very much!

If she was taken there, then I'm sure...


Huh? She wasn't brought here?

No. There are no records of
any emergency cases at that time.

But the ambulance crew
told me they brought her here.

Perhaps they confused us with another hospital?

No, there's no mistake. Right?

Yeah. We definitely took her to that hospital.

But they don't have any record--

Wait, something's wrong.

She was wearing gym clothes from Tokiwadai.

--If they took her, then regardless of the hospital,
--We got the call, and drove to the scene...

--they would have also contacted the school.
--We got the call, and drove to the scene...

--they would have also contacted the school.
--Right, and we picked up the girl, who was unconscious.

--It's strange that a whole night has
gone by with no action from the school!
--Right, and we picked up the girl, who was unconscious.

--It's strange that a whole night has
gone by with no action from the school!
--We contacted base, like we always do...

Excuse me,

but are you telling the truth?


Okay, can you tell me the name of
the hospital staff you turned her over to,

or tell me what else happened when you did so?

Of course we can. You see...


Hey, you going addle-brained?
Remember, we... Huh?

Ah, hey!

If I check the ambulance's route history...

I knew it. They didn't go to the hospital.

They went to an underground
parking garage, then came back!

Hey, come down out of there!

She was taken there in this ambulance and
moved to another car in the parking garage?

--Then, where is she now--
--That's enough, already!

What's going on here?!

From what I see on your route history,
you never went to the hospital!

Would you explain that, if you can?!

That can't be right.

I have conclusive proof!
You can't talk your way out of this!

Huh? You're the girl from yesterday...?

What's going on?

Why would the same girl we transported
be faking like she went nowhere?

Y-You're wrong! I'm...

Hold on.

I knew I'd seen you before somewhere.

You're that Level 5 girl, right?
The one that controls electricity or whatever.

You sure you didn't use your ability
to tamper with the route history?

Wha-- There's no way I'd do that!

I apologize for keeping my identity a secret.

--But don't lie to me! Tell me the truth!
--Hey! What are you doing?!

--I-I'm not lying to you!
--S-Somebody! Somebody, come here!

If you're not lying,
then what's wrong with your memories?!

Everything you told me is untrue--

Memories...? Tampering...?

It couldn't be...

You there! Take your hands off of him!

There just isn't any spark
of life in her face, you know?

She said that the thought of
five more nights away from Miss Misaka

is sapping her will to live.

Ah, that explains it.

Huh? Uiharu?

This street is not on our patrol route.

Huh? That can't be true. I remember this was...

See for yourself.

Huh? You're right.

Honestly, before you second-guess others,
please pull yourself together.

How could I have made that mistake?

Now, now, it's no problem to circle back around.

Do you have a moment?

Are you ladies with Judgment?

Uh, y-yes.

I am a spectator from the outside,

and I just got robbed right over there.

Oh, that's awful!

What did they steal from you?

--Also, please tell me whatever you
can about what the culprit looked like,

--It turns out that taking the
wrong route worked out all right.
--Also, please tell me whatever you can about what the culprit looked like,

--Hey! Watch what you say.
--Also, please tell me whatever you
can about what the culprit looked like,

--Hey! Watch what you say.
--and which way they ran.

I can't...


...or teleport...

What was taken was... let's see...

...your memories of Misaka Mikoto, let's say.

I really am terribly sorry about this!

Come on, let's go.

For heaven's sake, what were you thinking?

Very nearly committing as*ault
while pranking a public agency?

It's lucky for us that they
were accommodating enough

to not let this become a big incident.

What exactly brought this on?

While waiting for Miss Watanabe to arrive,

I tried asking all kinds of trick questions,

but they didn't seem to be lying.

Which means that sure enough...

I suspect that Shokuho Misaki
is misusing her ability

to cover up her committing crimes.

If that is true, it is a serious matter.

Do you have any evidence
that forces you to that conclusion?

Well, I...

It's no use. Any way I explain this,
I have to mention the Sisters.

I can't say what is going on, specifically...

Then that makes it difficult
for me to do anything.

Miss Misaka,

the Daihasei Festival is currently underway.

The attention of the world
is focused on Academy City.

As a Level 5, you must conduct yourself

not only as a representative of our school,
but of all of Academy City.

I do realize the tremendous
pressure this places upon you,

but please refrain from thoughtless
behavior even more than usual.

You can understand that, right?


I don't get it. Assuming Shokuho
manipulated the ambulance crew

to turn them into traffickers,
what is her objective?

Mm-mm, right now, that doesn't matter.

Whatever the case, once the
competition gets started, I'll slip out.

The underground parking garage where
the ambulance went is my only lead.

Oh, this works out perfectly. Ladies,

could I ask you for a favor?

Miss Misaka here is feeling a
little emotionally unstable right now,

so I'd like for you to keep your eyes on her.

Sure, we don't mind.

Guards? And of all people,

members of Shokuho Misaki's clique?

My, Miss Misaka,

I have long wanted to
have a nice long chat with you.

I will be looking forward to it.


We shouldn't be causing
trouble for our teachers.

Miss Misaka, you're such a mischievous girl.

What is this? I can't take it.

Miss Misaka?

Was that telepathy?

Since I'm going to be watching you,

I've connected a line to you.

--While this line is connected,
I will be aware of your general whereabouts.

--Miss Misaka?
--While this line is connected,
I will be aware of your general whereabouts.

If you run away,

we will come after you at full force.

Please start driving.

Yes, ma'am.

I am sorry, Miss Misaka.

It was not my hope to throw
a wet blanket over this nice festival...

but Miss Shokuho's "Optimization" is absolute.

I can shake them off if I really try...

At least I think so...

But collecting more information
while on the run will be really hard.

I don't sense any open hostility
from the clique members.

Does that mean that Shokuho
hasn't told them anything?

Is that...

Kuroko! And Miss Uiharu and Miss Saten, too!

Uh, could I go and talk
to my friends really quick?

I won't run away.

Huh? Okay.

I can't say too much about this.

I'll get them to help me
without causing them any trouble.

Kuroko! I need a little fa--


What is this?

Can I ask you to not
call out my name so casually?

How overly familiar.

Miss Shirai, is she a friend of yours?


This is Misaka Mikoto,
an upperclassman at my school.

Oh, you're famous! They call you "Railgun,"
if I remember correctly!


you aren't all collectively
pulling my leg, are you?

What are you talking about?

Miss Uiharu... and Miss Saten...

How does she know our names?

Miss Shirai, did you tell her?

No. We are not even acquainted.

I do not know where you heard about us,

but if you are in some trouble,
I will hear what you have to say,

as a member of Judgment.


...that's okay.

You've really done it now...


Now you're messing with my friends, too. This...

...has gone way beyond just horsing around!

"Next episode preview"

Shokuho, what do you think you're doing,

"Next episode preview"
"#5 Trust"

tampering with Kuroko and the others' memories?

Not to mention having
your clique stand guard over me,

and keeping me from looking for her!
I have to do something...

Miss Misaka, please let me,
Kongo Mitsuko, deal with this!
