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03x02 - The Daihasei Festival

Posted: 01/18/24 18:12
by bunniefuu

that's quite the favor you're asking.

I am terribly sorry, Miss Konori.

Using only what is here in the hospital

is a little inadequate
to perform my Judgment duties.

Sheesh, your wounds aren't
even completely healed yet.

Wow, those look painful.

C-Could you please not use
your clairvoyance ability in here?!

Still, I'm serious.

Don't push yourself too hard.
Miss Uiharu is worried about you.


...must feel somewhat
responsible for me getting hurt.

She was the one who helped
steer me into this situation.

That's true.

Which is exactly why I must
get better as soon as possible.

To keep her from taking more
upon herself than is necessary.

It turns out you two are cut
from the same cloth, huh?


Mm-mm, nothing.

We did it!


We made it.

You've done well, everyone.


why do I have an awfully bad feeling about this?

The Daihasei Festival is about to begin!

"Daihasei Festival"

Here in the main stadium,
during one of the few times

that Academy City opens
its doors to the outside world,

the parents of the students,
as well as many others, have come to visit.

Ms. Watanabe!

Long time no see!
Another year's festival is starting.

Ms. Tsukuyomi,

why are you dressed like that?

I have cheerleading to do.

I understand that you're all worked up, but...

Ah, that's right, Shokuho is taking
the athlete's pledge this year.

Yes. The plan was to have Level 5s
carry out demonstrations this year.


--The athlete's pledge!
--The athlete's pledge!

We will...

We will...

...adhere to the ideals of sportsmanship

as we undertake this year's Daihasei Festival...

...use our youthful dreams
and fervent wills as our strength...

...and forge undying bonds with... bonds with...

Aw, what was it again?

Whatever! Do something or other
with undying bonds and overflowing guts...

--demonstrating what we learn daily,
--showing off our daily training and guts,

--showing our gratitude to our families...
--displaying our bravery and guts

--by showing the growth we've made...
--to those who are rotten to the core,

and ensuring that this event
creates fantastic gutsy memories,

we pledge to overcome
all obstacles and hardships,

getting back on our feet every time we stumble,

and surmounting everything we must with guts!

What was that?

Looks like that got botched, huh?


Um, this concludes our opening ceremonies.

He upstaged me.

"A Certain Magical Railgun T"

The Daihasei Festival.
An event that spans seven days,

that gets held in Academy City every year--

kind of like a large-scale field day!

Unlike conventional athletic festivals,

the Daihasei Festival has all
of Academy City's students

compete with their schools.

The TV stations broadcast what's
happening to the whole world!

And the biggest difference

is that all of the events
have espers competing in them!

And you know what?

The result of all those
espers' fierce competition

is said to create a phenomenon
that can't be seen anywhere else!

You bean dat urban wegend aboud
dat whadeber-ids-cawwed metal?

Non, non! Shadow metal! Shadow metal!

When dozens, even hundreds
of esper abilities clash together,

they say a new metal,
one not found in nature, is created!

The only chance of that happening
is during the Daihasei Festival!

What's more, it's so rare that it
fetches an incredibly high price.

--There's no choice but to look for it--

Are you taking those rumors seriously again?!

O-Oh, no. I was just kidding.
Rumors are rumors. Even I know that.

--One strawberry yakisoba, please.
--Oh, no! You always say that,
then get yourself into trouble!

--Coming up.
--Oh, no! You always say that,
then get yourself into trouble!

Being curious is fine, but please take
a moment to consider the consequences!


Misaka in her gym uniform, up on the monitor!


In Lane 4 is this pair,

from Tokiwadai Middle School,
Misaka Mikoto and Kongo Mitsuko!

"Block 7, Event 3"
"Three-legged Race"

And that is the lineup for the third
event of Block 7, the three-legged race!

Now to explain the rules.

If the band around their ankles
comes off, they are disqualified.

Use of their abilities to directly
harm other competitors is prohibited.

Further, as a restriction
on higher-level espers,

Misaka is not permitted
to use her electric shock ability.

In other words, any non-electrical
abilities are still okay, right?

On your marks!

So, is it fair to say that
Tokiwadai is the favorite for this race?

If they were simply
throwing their abilities around

until the others are knocked out, maybe,

but within the framework of winning a race,

depending on the tactics used,
this could be quite eventful.

Ha-ha-ha, thinking the others
can do anything with their tricks?

You do realize that we are Tokiwadai's
Gods of Thunder when you say that, yes?

We practiced a whole lot, too.

And we fell down just as much.
By the way, what's with that nickname?

Incidentally, providing your play-by-play
will be your usual pirate radio DJ, and...

...your belly-button-baring Katyusha.

And here comes the starting g*n!

Get set!

Wh-What is this?!

See you later!

Ah! Right from the start,

the wrappings from the
Airin Girls' High School contestants

are clinging to the other like snakes!

And now they are dashing off!
What is happening?

According to my data, she is a telekinesist.

She can control anything she is in contact with.

Her partner is an esper who can reduce
anything she touches into raw materials.

It appears that she broke
down the track's pavement.

That explains it. So the black
on the wrappings is asphalt.

It's sticky and starting to harden.

It's not a bad move
using it right out of the gate.

How do you mean?

With a few exceptions,
most abilities have a limited range.

Once they leave that range
after first slowing the others down,

they can leave the competition in the dust.

That follows. Now,

the other teams are starting
to break their bonds.

Damn it, my clothes are sticky and heavy now.

It's a straight shot to
the finish line for us now!

Oh, there's been a development!

What's this now?

A-A hamster! But why?

It's likely that Ninoude
Affiliated Middle School

set this up before the race.

Those two are both rodent-specific telepaths.

But won't it take more
than that to slow them down?

You sneaky little...!

I believe the target is
the band around their ankles.

So that's it! The goal is to have
the hamsters cut that, and disqualify them!

Oh no you don't--


H-Hey, where are you--?

Hmm, they chewed through
their underwear straps by mistake.

Hold it!

They've slumped down unable to move!
Good job, hamsters!

Now, coming up from behind
are Habatobi High and Tokiwadai.

And here come the tiny assassins!

Well, that seems about right.

Hey! What are you doing
to my cute little Kotaro?!

Cram it! You don't like it,
don't send them after us!

What's this? Contestant Misaka is on her knees.

Her EM field must be
keeping the assassins at bay,

and she appears to be in shock because of it.

"100m dash contestant rendezvous point"

Oh, my, the strength of
everyone's youth is on display,

and things are a confused mess.

Well, if it were me, I would control the
contestants and judges with Mental Out,

and walk away as the winner
without breaking a sweat.

Oh, using it on those not
in the race is against the rules.

I'll take this.

"#2 The Daihasei Festival"


Okay, the third event of Block 7,

the three-legged race,
is entering the home stretch!

Once they round this last corner,
it's a straight shot to the finish line!

The Habatobi High team,
which has been pouring it on thus far,

is now in the lead as they turn the last corner!

Tokiwadai and Ninoude are close behind!

This isn't over yet!
I'm sure we can overtake them!

S-Suits us just fine--

Ah, what just happened?!
Both teams have inexplicably slipped!

Tokiwadai has stayed upright, thanks
to Contestant Misaka's magnetism!

Contestant Amime from Habatobi High's ability

allows him to control the frictional
coefficient of anything he touches.

As we were rounding the corner,
I touched the inside track!

It only lasts a short time though,
which can sometimes be a drag.

Tokiwadai uses the
centrifugal force to close the gap!

Sure enough, it wasn't that easy.

But still...!

Oh! Contestant Amime has used his ability

allowing them to speed up by skating!

I can collect the moisture form the air,
break it down, and ignite it!

Harnessing the blast creates a rocket boost!

We just have to make a break
for the finish line! This is in the bag!

Ow, that's hot!

Uh-oh! Habatobi High has
gone off course and out of bounds!

Oh, no!

What's this?! A gym mat has flown
through the air, catching the pair!

This dramatic rescue was
of course performed by this team!

Contestant Misaka pulled up
the gym mat with her magnetism,

and Contestant Kongo launched it
toward them with her Aero Hand!

One false step would have spelled a disaster,

but that was an outstanding combination!

Damn. If we hadn't screwed
that up, we would have won.

What is this?


Iron filings?

Back from when we were
wrapped up in those bandages.

I mixed iron into the
asphalt before it hardened.

I was planning to stop you

if it looked like you were
crossing the finish line first.

But you saved me the trouble.

Forgive me.

She doesn't miss a trick.

Is that something someone from
such a prestigious school would do?

Turns out we wouldn't
have won no matter what we did.

And now...

The Tokiwadai team crosses the finish line!

Such is the way things ended up,

but if all the other schools
had teamed up against Tokiwadai...

Oh, amazing!

Leabe id do dose dwo.

If it were not for my injuries,
I would be the one standing next to her!

Ah! Kongo Mitsuko!
I cannot see Sissy if you stand there!

Damn it, how do I talk on this?

Must be the latest model. I wish
they hadn't given me this crazy phone.

I can use a regular cell phone...

If you pull that out on the side,
the screen appears,

and you can call them back
from your call history.

Oh, you're right. That was extremely helpful...

Is something the matter?

Oh, er, no...

Mish Shaden, we're weabing!

Oh, mm-hmm, okay!

I-Is something wrong?

Have we met somewhere before?

No... must be imagining it.

Ha-ha-ha, I guess so!

Mish Shaden!

Mm-hmm, coming!

Is something the matter?
Have you run into any trouble?

No, I was just unreachable for a bit.

You've safely managed
to get into Academy City, then?


This is your first mission for MEMBER.

You need to fulfill your duty,
my Aztecan young lady.

I know.

Oh! Nagatenjouki Academy
breaks ahead of the pack

and is first across the finish line!

They have not lost an event yet!

The Daihasei Festival...

Misaka does not go to any school
and is not allowed to participate.

Time to go back to the hospital.


We saw you in the three-legged race!

As impressive as always.

I'm glad we won, but we got awfully dirty, too.

We saw before that, too.
Misaka, you're pretty fast, huh?

It was so cool how you passed
those boys in the same year at school.

Oh, you really think so?
Ever since I was little, I've been pretty--

Mikoto has been fast ever
since she was in kindergarten.

Oh, Mama!


What's up? I thought we were meeting up later--


Ah... "Mama" is what I used to call
her as a child, and it just slipped out.

It's not like I'm not independent of her--

"Mama," as in her mother?!
Not her older sister, but her mother?!

You like you're only around 20!

Oh, that's what you meant.

Ah, are you two Mikoto's friends?
What a kind thing for you to say.

Ah, but no w that I'm looking,
I can see parts of Misaka here and there.

Bustline excepted.

Okay, Miss Saten,
let's have a nice long chat later.

Just the two of us.

Ah-ha-ha, I'm kidding! I'm kidding, okay?


Oh, come to think of it, where's Kuroko?

Miss Shirai went out on Judgment patrol.

If you need her for something, I can call her.

Oh, no, that's okay. I was just
thinking that if I asked Kuroko,

she could teleport me back to Tokiwadai
and I could change out of this.

Yes, I can see why you would want to change.

But as late as it is...

I don't think I can make it
back in time for the next race.

What if you asked someone
to fill in for you in the meantime?

Yeah, maybe.

I do have my showdown
with that idiot coming up, though.

I don't know if letting someone else--

Which "that idiot" is that? Mama is curious!

--Huh? D-D-Don't make too much of it. H-H-He...

--Oh, you mean that guy?
--Huh? D-D-Don't make too much of it. H-H-He...

Huh? What's this, now?

Oh, he's someone who
Misaka apparently owes a lot to.

Ho-ho, tell me more, tell me more.

Ah, I was watching the
scavenger hunt coverage earlier,

and Miss Misaka was with a spiky-haired boy.

Spiky-haired? Ah, that boy!

You know who he is?

I happened to see them this morning.

She was talking to a high-school-aged boy,

and said that if he beat her, she
would do anything he said, or something.

--Th-There are three of them against me now...?
--Oh? You don't say!

--Th-There are three of them against me now...?
--Anything he says?!


You might say this is gruesome.
What incredible force!

Miss Awatsuki...


Have you ever been in a fight before?


We've been taught all this time
that the enemy is within us,

and that we are not training ourselves

to prove that we are better than others.

But looking at the other schools' students,

I wonder if our competitive psyches
are not somewhat lacking.

It's true, we may not be able
to duplicate that kind of

force and power in the pursuit of victory.

I know that it isn't right to
hurt others or look down on them.

However, I do wonder if we
shouldn't learn the skills we need

in order to fight competitively.

I've never even gotten angry,
let alone gotten into a fight.

So that's why you asked me about that earlier.

In that case, I was thinking the same--

I have it!

Miss Awatsuki, would you
mind trying to get angry with me?




Hey, you!

--Down with Tokiwadai Middle School!
--Down with Tokiwadai Middle School!

Elite school my eye! They're all girls,
and middle-schoolers, at that!

We can't let ourselves be outdone by them!


Oh, goodness.

It is nice that you have so much spirit.

However, we are one
of the five fingers competing

for Daihasei supremacy.

We are not going to roll over
and be beaten that easily.

You'll be telling your grandchildren how
fearsome Tokiwadai Middle School is.

Oh, wow, Miss Kongo!

Such grand poise in the face of
those gentlemen! How impressive!

Time for us to cheer, as well! Tokiwadai, yeah!


I cannot hear you! One more time!


One more!


Oh dear, what are we going to do?

Is something the matter?

Well, the contest is about to start,
but I don't see Miss Misaka anywhere.


"Once again, Misaka is
here to watch the games.

N-Not that she is depressed about
being unable to compete, you understand,"

says Misaka, offering a tsundere rationale.

Well, she cannot deny that there
is some feeling of alienation.

Ah, Miss Misaka!


Oh? Why aren't you wearing your gym uniform?

Now that you mention it,

your gym uniform got pretty dirty
in that three-legged race earlier.

Oh, and you have nothing else
to change into, right?

In that case, you may borrow mine.

Oh, man!

I thought that if I used my ability,
I could dash there and back in time,

but this is pushing it!

Sorry I'm late--

It's not too small, is it?

Nothing that will obstruct any movement.

In fact, it is extra roomy across the chest.

I will hold on to your cat for you.


Is something the matter?

No, I just thought I saw someone over there...

Wh-What is she doing?!

How is the matter coming along?

Everything is in place.
There will be no problem at all.

We will render her powerless,
just like you want.

Baba, we're getting started.

Yeah, sorry. I'm on my way.

Well, well, he sure sounds sure of things.

I guess I should expect as much
from someone from MEMBER,

the dark side outfit under the
direct thumb of the governing board.

Let's see what he's actually capable of.

"Next episode preview"

"Oh dear. Misaka has
been mistaken for Big Sister,

"Next episode preview"
"#3 Balloon Hunter"

and ends up having to compete in the games,

but she must do her best for the others,"

enthuses Misaka, in the style
of a morning anime show preview.

Mm-hmm, well, at least
you sounded determined.