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01x12 - Adoptcalypse Now

Posted: 01/18/24 17:41
by bunniefuu

Huh? Huh?

Hola. Mi nombre es eduardo.

Hola. Mi nombre es eduardo.

Hola. Mi nombre es eduardo.

Hola. Mi nombre es eduardo.




Ha ha. Come on, jokey.

One more. One more!

Ok. Ok. Here's a new one

I've been working on all week.

It's perfect for today.



Hike two! Hike two!

[Singing gibberish]

Ha ha. That jokey

Sure can tell a mean joke.

Ha ha. He sure can.

Oh, good. I was hoping

To find you.

Things are getting crazy,

And I've kind of go

My hands full here.

Mind helping wilt out for a bit?

Sure. I'd love

-uh. Thanks,

But haven't we been

Over this already, bloo?

I know you want to be

Part of all the fun,

But you gotta stay inside today.

You wouldn't want

Someone taking you home.


Come on, guys. Let's go!


Oh! Come back here!

Sorry, bloo.

Yeah, sorry.

You're not missing much.

Here. Have a cupcake.

I don't want no

Stinking cupcakes.

Ha ha. Wilt, you missed it.

Jokey told the funniest joke.


Yeah. It was awesome.

I mean, see, there's

These two jack rabbits

Not jack rabbits.

Jack russells.

Wilt: ha ha.

Jack russells are good.

Yeah. Yeah.

Two jack russells on jet skis.

And they're both

Wearing leg warmers.

And one says to the other one,

Umhold on.

Uhi think I got it.

Master blooregard,

Going somewhere?

I thought

I'd get some fresh air.

Maybe work on my tan?

Have we not

Discussed this at length?

We can not afford to have you

Stealing attention away

From other friends,

So stay put!

Ha. Wait.

I gotta get this right.

It's really great.

Hola. Mi nombre es eduardo.

Hola. Mi nombre es eduardo.




My name is jenny.


And I think there was

Something about a coconut.

Hey, I think I got it.

Master mac.

Ah, and now it's gone.

Now, we want to place

As many friends as possible.

The prospective families

Will certainly

Have questions for you,

So be polite and thorough

When answering their

Respective inquiries.

Be sure to sing the praises

Of our residents

To all the families

But steer clear of

-sell pressure tactics,

As they're most off

Finally, when a friend

Is matched with a new family,

You are required to complete

These forms in triplicate.

Need I remind you

To print legibly?

You think you can manage

All that?

Of course he can.

He knows this is the mos

Important day of the week

For all us friends.

Mac would never

Let us down, right, mac?


Oh. Yeah, yeah. Sure. Right.

Very good.

So, what am I supposed to do?

Just make sure

Everyone's happy.

Oh, ok.

So, there's these

Two elephants on a yacht

And one porpoise says

To the other porpoise

But wait.


Wait, wait.

This is the best part!

Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Wait.

And the pig says,

"He's not a pecan pie.

He's my brother!"


A pecan pie? Ha ha.

My brother? Get it?

Well, you should just hear

The way jokey tells it. Heh.

Stay right here.

Oh, wait. I get it.

No, you don't.

You got that right.

Jokey? Jokey?

Jokey? Jokey?

Jokey? Jokey?

Ah, jokey?



[All laughing]

Hey, jokey!


Wait up!



Aw, man. Frankie, you know

When jokey's getting back?

I gotta get him

To tell that joke again.

Um, mac,

Jokey's not coming back.

Of course he's coming back.

I need to get that

Punch line right, and

Sorry, pal, but he's not.

Jokey got adopted.

Adopted? What do you

Mean adopt?

That's the craziest thing

I've ever heard.

Why would he be getting adopted?

Mac, it's adopt



-thought satur


Aah! Aah!



Bloo! Bloo! Bloo!

Jokey's gone,

And he's not coming

Back. Of course

He's not coming back.

It's adopt
-thought saturday,

The day they come to take

All our good buddies away.

Now jokey's off being all jokey

With who knows who?

But what about our jokes?

Who's gonna be jokey with us?

Exactly! And who's next?

Wilt? Eduardo? Coco?

That silly
-looking guy

With the eyes?

Oh, yeah. I like him.

We all like him, mac.

You can like him

6 Ways to sunday,

But that's not gonna

Save him now, is it?

Well, I

Is it?!

They try to fool you

With the balloons

And the lemonade,

But believe you me,

This is a dark day.

They want me out of the picture

'Cause they know I'm the only

One who can stop 'em!

So, what's the plan?

That's a good question

And I've got just the answer.





So be polite and thorough

When answering









Huh? What? What?


Just what do you think

You're doing?

Uhooh, weller

You know

You're not gonna let them take

My poker buddy, are you?

Heh heh heh heh.

No, ma'am.





Master mac, might I ask

Where you're taking

Our good friend coco?

To get some clothes.


Yeah, clothes.

Ah, see, she's embarrassed.

Whispers: coco's nude.

Yes, well, "technically,"

Most of our imaginary

Friends are nude.

Hey, I guess you're right

-less joe.


Could you just

Stay put already?

Coco, co, co, coco coco.



Coco, what are you

Doing inside?


[Bloo laughing]


Hi, guys.

What's shaking?

[Door slamming]


Now, ed, you


What is going on?

Yeah, what is going on?

What's going on?

What's going on?

I'll tell you what's going on!

Bloo, no!

It's adopt
-thought saturday,

And coco here doesn't want to

Say good
-bye to all her friends,

So she tried to hide inside

So she wouldn't get adopted.

Isn't that right,

You silly goose?


Yeah, ok, but eduardo

Wanted to come in here

And tell her

How cool adopt

Saturday was

And how awesome it was

That she might get

A new home and move away.


That's right.

So, go on, and get out of here,

And get yourselves adopted,

You crazies.

Wellok. If you say so.

But still

Oh, that was close.

What are we gonna do?

What are we gonna do?

This isn't working at all!

We've gotta get rid of the enemy

Once and for all,

And I've got just the plan.

Operation abe lincoln drop

Purple scaredy ca

Run and scramble.

Tactical maneuvering

On the arbor rally poin

Will lead to the deployment

Of the ultimate w*apon

That will unleash

A devastating chain reaction,

The likes of which

The galaxy has never known!


We're gonna drop

This fake spider

On eduardo, he'll freak out,

And everyone will run away.


We have a pool, and we can

Go swimming together

And play on rafts.


-huh. And we have

These cool sleds,

And we can go sledding

When it snows.

And we have bikes

That we can ride around

The neighborhood and stuff.


I usually go

With my friend jamie

And her imaginary friend chuck,

So now we can all go together.

Chuck likes to sing a lot







No, ed, no!

You gotta calm down!

You gotta calm down!

Master eduardo,

Stop this unacceptable

Behavior this instant!

You're ruining everything!

No! You stop it!

Your behavior is unacceptable!

You mean meanies!

Why you be so mean?


Ed, wait!

I'm sorry! Come back!

What the?

All the friends

Are back in the house!

Oh, well, of course they are.

The plan was flawless.

I can't believe it worked!

Yeah. Me neither!

No one's making off

With our friends today.

You got that ri

Both: behind you!

Wilt! So nice of you

To come and visit.

You look well.

How's everything outside?

What are you doing, bloo?

You're up to something,

And it's not cool, ok?

Don't be silly.

Then why are all the friends

Hiding in the house?

I know you don't want

To lose your buddies,

But I'm sorry to say

You're being really selfish, ok?

Want a cupcake?

Don't change

The subject, please?

I'm not.

I'm unselfishly offering you

One of my cupcakes.

You know, I'm sorry, bloo,

But it's adopt

Saturday, and well,

A lot of our friends

May finally have a chance

To find new homes

To call their own.

I know. That's the problem.




This hurts us

More than it hurts you.

Yeah. Sorry, wilt.

No! I'm sorry.

Leave me alone, you meanies!

It's ok, ed!


Hey, where'd all

The people go?


Bloo: awesome.

Everything's cool.

But the friends are still

Relax. There's no

People around.

It's late in the day.

We can handle this.

Yeah. We can handle this.

What else can happen?

[Tires screeching]


Why are you in a school bus?

It's saturday!

-pitched trilling]

[Music playing]

I want him!


Wait! Not him!

Behave yourselves, children.

That friend is not up

For adoption.



Eduardo no mean to el niño.

Frankie and herriman

Mean to eduardo.

They are mean meanies.

Hold on, niños.

I save you

From the mean meanies!


Lemon lenny, harry herman,

Fuzzy fred, wilt, zornon,

Zornat, zacsnort, and dennis.

Lingo ringo, ringo rango,



Help! Help! Eduardo!

Help! Frankie and herriman

Are being mean to me!

You meanies!

No be mean to señor mac!


Hey, guys, where you been?

Where's bloo?

In the house.

Where are the children?

Just took off.

Where are all the friends?

Just adopted off the last one.

And the paperwork?


Right here.


I suppose

That is that, then.

Suppose so.

I gotta say, mac,

You're quite the salesman.


Hey, everyone.

What was that all about, bloo?

I thought we told you

To stay inside.

Guess I was getting

A little stir

Well, all in all,

A perfect end to the day.

[Cuckoo clock chiming]

Coco! Coco! Coco!

Coco! Coco! Coco!

It's a christmas miracle!

Name of friendso

Adopted to mr. Man

And lady ladington?

This is preposterous poppycock!

Sorry, but believe me,

This hurts me

More than it hurts you.
