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02x18 - Moving

Posted: 01/17/24 18:54
by bunniefuu
So what was this job supposed to be anyway?

I dunno.

This is super-weird.

We were ordered to stop a weapons deal,

but there's absolutely nothing here.

And to top it all off, we've got all these toys attacking us.

What's wrong, Takitsubo?

Something feels off...



Super-no problem. (don't remember how we styled this)

Sheesh. That made me jump...

Thanks, Mugi—

This test run went smoothly.

We're getting excellent data as we move toward the real—

Aritomi. (check?)(It's right.)

Oh, man. I'm so stuffed.

That's the first time I've had softshell turtle.

The meat Misaka-san brought was pretty good too.

I ate way too much of it.

Maybe you should take an antacid.

Oh, hey.

How was the talk with your teacher?


They found a good place.

I see...

About time, huh?


So, who was that?

That cool guy just now.

Just someone I know.

Oh, come on.

Was he the guy you made those cookies for?

N-No, no!

He's just been stalking me, and I hate it.

Well, who did you give those cookies to?

Like I said, I—


You're late.

What were you—


Oh, look! The elevator's here!

Let's go!

Come on, come on!

Alternative ,What's the rush, Misaka-san?

(hontou)She's way too cute.

Congratulations, Edasaki-san!

They're discharging you the day after tomorrow, right?

Thank you!

It's thanks to you all!

I promised myself to get discharged and wear that before the end of summer vacation.

So have you decided what to do after you get out?


Edasaki-san's going to live with Haruue-san.



I grew up at an orphanage, so...

It'd be a bit tough to suddenly start living on her own,

so I asked Sensei to let Banri-chan live with me.

I see.

So you're moving again?

Do you need any help?

Don't worry.

Uiharu-san and I already finished.



The movers are coming by tomorrow.

I see.

You could've just asked us.

Haruue-san said she wanted to talk with Edasaki-san for a little longer.

I see.

You know, we would've been more than happy to help with the moving if you'd told us.

Well, it wasn't a lot of work.

Although our room's filled with boxes now...

It looked like a storage unit when Haruue-san first moved in.

There are even more boxes now.

It's so weird. It's not like a lot of time has passed.

Oh, right...

Isn't it about time, Shirai-san?


You're right.

What? More Judgement stuff?


We'll be working as security for the upcoming Academic Assembly.

We're doing preliminary inspections today.

I see.


Why do you need security for an academic assembly?

Oh, it's not like that, Saten-san.

This isn't a school assembly.

It's the Academy City Research Exhibit Assembly.

Academic Assembly for short.

It's an exhibition for the research done by the top students of Academy City.

That's what the Academic Assembly is for.

In this case, "top students" doesn't refer to esper power, but to academic ability.

So it's kind of like a Daihaseisai for really smart people?

Well, it's not as grand as that...

But they'll have lectures and talks and all sorts of things going on!


I don't really get it,

but that interesting event starts this year?


This happens every year...

For real?

Are you sure you don't mind helping out?

Our club's captain asked us to do this, so...

There's no need for you to—

What are you talking about?

A senpai of yours is a senpai of mine!

I've also never attended the Academic Assembly since I haven't been here long,

so this is a good opportun—


Are you okay?

Y-You oaf!

How dare you push me, Kongou Mitsuko, aside like—


My purse!

To perpetrate such heinous acts on these streets in broad daylight... (白昼堂々天下の往来で悪事を働くとは不埒千万!)(...furachi senban)

The gods on high may bestow forgiveness upon such scum as you, (anata no you na... yurusou to)

but Kongou Mitsuko will not! (あなたのような悪党はたとえお天道様が許そうと、この婚后光子が許しません!)(kono kongou mitsuko wa yurushimasen)

Wonderful, Kongou-san!

Such brilliance!

Wannai-san, Awatsuki-san.

There's an Anti-Skill office not far from here.

May I ask you to call them over?

Yes, right away!

Now, then...

Hi there.

Might I have a word with you?

I saw what happened.

Don't you think you went a bit too far?

He may be a criminal,

but I can't say I agree with your rampant use of powers.

And who might you—

There were a number of ways you could've gone about solving this.

As you mentioned,

there's an Anti-Skill office nearby.

There are also security cameras all around.

What are you trying—

But more importantly,

you should be aware that you endangered innocent bystanders with your actions.

Didn't you notice?

Fortunately, you were able to disable him with one hit this time.

But had you failed, what do you think would've happened?

Maybe he'd have taken a woman or child hostage in desperation.

Yeah, he's right...

Alternative ,That's scary...

That's true...

She shouldn't have used her powers...

You seem confident in your powers,

but your powers are not an all-purpose tool.


Please wait!

I don't know who you are...

but I don't think there's any need to go that far.

The fact of the matter is that Kongou-san apprehended the criminal.

When did you...

Sorry we took so long.

An Anti-Skill officer will be here shortly.

Th-Thank you.


Where did he go?

I'm back!

Welcome back, Kuroko.

What's got you so tired?

Preliminary inspections for the Academic Assembly...

I knew they'd divided up the exhibits across several university campuses,

but I didn't think I'd have to walk so much...

My feet are k*lling me...

Judgement's having it rough, huh?

By the way, how's Uiharu-san doing?

The same as always.

She did her job.

I see.

But moving, huh...

It's definitely a lot of work.

I remember we fought a lot when you first came here.

That's in the past...

Those don't count anymore—


A lot happens.

It's Academy City, after all.

That's right.

Hey, if you're tired, want me to give you a massage?

Want me to give you a massage?

Want me to give you a massage?

Want me to give you a massage?

...give you a massage?



Let me take a shower first...



Why do you always have to...

My bad.

Were you waiting for me?


Well, not exactly...

I'm fine, you know.

Haruue-san and I have been talking about it for a while.

We both agree that it'd be best for her to live with Edasaki-san after she's discharged.

I see...

I'd be lying if I said I won't miss her...

but the way I see it...

those two really should be together.

It's not like she's moving far away, either.

Once the new term starts, we'll see her every day at school.

I see.

I guess that's true.

Well, that makes me a little less worried!

Come on, Saten-san!

Sounds like you're just fine.


Thanks for waiting.

What... do you think?

Great! It's great!

You look wonderful!

Thank goodness...

Oh, was this what you were talking about after we left?


(Plainbitch)I wanted you guys to see it first!

Alternative ,(Kuroko)Come now, Onee-sama.

Oh, right.

Edasaki-san, congratulations on being discharged.


Thank you!

All right, let's get going!

Huh? Where to?

To celebrate your discharge, of course!

We ordered a cake from this great bakery.

What? A cake?!

Thank you so much!

Alternative ,Hello? This is Shirai.



Traffic signals down?

Hey, I didn't do anything!

They're not working in this part of the district.

I'm sorry, but can you come out and help us?

Yes. Yes.



You're leaving too, Uiharu-san?


(Saten)Come on...

Edasaki-san was just discharged.

I can handle this myself—

What are you talking about?

I'm part of Judgement too.

Go on without us.

We'll meet up with you when we're done.

Take care.

Good luck with work!


Okay then, Shirai-san.


Excuse us.

They disappeared?

Well, I guess we should head over.

This isn't exactly how I planned this going down,

but anyway...

Congratulations on being discharged!

Thank you!

It's delicious!


Uiharu insisted we get you this cake.

She arranged everything from the room to the cake!

Uiharu-san's really amazing.


Before I got discharged, she helped with the paperwork for moving and for changing schools.



Oh, really?

Judgement members are just so amazing...

Uiharu-san would die of happiness if she heard you say that.

She really would!

Still, this cake is delicious!

Is that the key to your new place?


Uiharu's practically bursting with excitement.

It was the same for me too.

You mean when you moved in with her?

Oh, that's right! She was super excited back then too.

I was scared to be on my own...

But Uiharu-san was there for me.

So now it's my turn to do what I can.

For Banri-chan, the way Uiharu-san did for me.

I see.

Hopefully Uiharu gets here soon.

I'm sure she's doing everything she can right now.

I bet she's wearing some unfashionable helmet and guiding traffic.

She should really take breaks for times like these.

But she can't. That's how she is.


Maybe I should join Judgement too.

That's kind of sudden. Why?

Because maybe I'd be a little more like Uiharu-san.

I don't think Uiharu-san's being nice to you just because she's part of Judgement.

Why, then?

'Cause we're friends, right?

Yeah, we are.

Either way, getting discharged...


Oh, nothing.

Someone I know's in the hospital right now too.

I was thinking, maybe we could go out for something when they got discharged too.

Oh, no, don't worry! It's nothing serious!

I promise!

I hope they also get discharged soon.



Good job.

Sorry to call you on such short notice.

Still, traffic signals down?

Apparently there was a problem with the grid.

It's unimaginable in this day and age, and in this city...


Oh, right.

Well, I guess we'll take our—

What the heck is it?

There's somewhere I wanna go!

Yes, I know. I was—

No, there's somewhere I want to go before that!



What now?

Should we call them?



I'll call them right now.

Sorry we're la—



Took you long enough!

What were you doing?!

Edasaki-san had to leave for one last check-up!

Wait, really?!

I'm so sorry!

It's okay.

Banri-chan said she loved the cake.

Um... here.

This is for you and Edasaki-san.


Hey, Uiharu...

We just had some cake...

W-Well, yeah, but...

Taiyaki after cake?

No, that's not what—

I told you...

Now, now. It's the thought that counts.

That's not—

It's the same taiyaki...

This is the same taiyaki that Uiharu-san bought me when I was feeling really scared.

It was delicious.

Wait, Haruue-san!

I can't help it!

I told myself I wouldn't cry!



I'll do my best!

The same way you helped me, I'll help Banri-chan!

Don't worry.

You can do it, Haruue-san.

I'm sure of it.

You can do it.



You don't need to cry...

My, they're such children.

Come on, now...

Leave them be.

Did I...

Did I do enough for Haruue-san?

Come on, now!

You obviously did!


And not just Haruue-san.

You did plenty for Edasaki-san as well.



And you've done more than enough for me—

All right! Let's go home!

Oh, right!

There's a shortcut over here!

Wait, are you sure this is a shortcut?

Don't worry!

Cut across the park, and we'll be at a main street!

How on Earth did you find out about this?


Is something wrong?

Is that...


...a girl?


She's so cute...

This isn't the time for that!

Wait, Kuroko!

She's awake!

Good morning.

Why were you sleeping here?

What's your name?


How old are you?

Hey, where do you live?What school do you go to?

What's your homeroom teacher's name?

Quite problematic...

Maybe she doesn't know Japanese?

No, no!

When talking to a little kid, you bring your eye level down to theirs, and...

Ooh, is that a good lollipop?

My name's Ruiko.

What's yours?

Can you tell me your name?


Febli-chan, huh?

Okay, Febli-chan.

Could you tell us what you know?

Misaka Mikoto?


We were able to obtain the precise data we expected from the fourth-ranked Level in our experiment.

Though something unexpected did occur at the scene.

But that should solve itself soon enough.

All preparations are now complete.

Now it's time to show this esper-power-obsessed city our own power!

All in favor of proceeding to the next phase of our plan, raise your hand.


Who's that Febli girl?

And why does she know my name?

Maybe she's lost?

I wonder.

We'll see at the Academic Assembly.

The Academic Assembly?