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02x14 - The Promise

Posted: 01/17/24 18:44
by bunniefuu



You're not coming home tonight either, are you?

You even said you'd be done with everything by today...

No, there's definitely something up.

I can't just sit idly by.

If there's absolutely anything that I can do to help,

then nothing's going to stop me from doing it.


I've already decided that I'm going to wait.


What on Earth happened to you?

I... I mustn't!

Being enveloped by her scent made me lose focus.

That's not the problem, though!

I need to figure out what to do!


It's not often we have visitors at the dorm...


Uh, um...

My name's Kamijou.

Is this Misaka?

Um, hello?

Does this thing even work?

This face...

Is this the ape who tried to court Onee-sama before?

Has he tracked her down after falling head over heels for her?

How could this ape be so senseless when there's a chance that Onee-sama's harboring some grave issue?

The only reason I let him live was to help Onee-sama develop a natural immunity against his kind.

Otherwise, I would've disposed of him instantly.

Hang on!

Maybe he knows something about what Onee-sama's going through!

It is room ... right?

Ow! Stop that!

I've already decided to wait, so it's not like finding out would change anything.

Alternative ,Stay still! Calm down!


K-Kamijou-san, is it?

Oh, crap. Did I call the wrong room?

No, this is the correct room.

You're looking for Onee-sama, aren't you?

I'm actually her roommate.

So Misaka's not home yet?


She should be coming home soon, though.

If you have business with her, I suggest waiting inside.

Are you sure?

You wouldn't want to miss her, now would you?

Not to mention that we have guards, as well as automated security,

so it's not like you could wait for her there.

Come in.

The door isn't locked.

Open the door for yourself.


Please come in and close the door behind you.


My apologies.

These dorms were designed for sleeping, not for accommodating guests.

If you're going to wait for Onee-sama,

then take a seat on that bed.

Wait, that's kind of rude.

I didn't even get permission from her.

Don't worry.

That's my bed.

What are you doing, then?

What are you doing on someone else's bed?

What are you, a pervert?

Calling me a pervert is quite hard to ignore.

There are things that people consider

"this should be acceptable" inside their hearts.

You know, like playing the recorder that belongs to a girl you like,

or stealing the person's bike saddle.

I don't do any of that!

I'd appreciate it if you'd lower your voice.

You wouldn't want someone else to hear you.


Wait, so since you're Misaka's roommate, are you the same school grade as her?

You call her Onee-sama, so I thought you were an underclassman.

No, no, I am an underclassman.

I had the previous tenant move out, and I moved in.

Legally, of course.


So why exactly are you here to see Onee-sama?

Stop right there!

You don't have to say it.

I've already decided to wait, so it's not like finding out would change anything.

I see...

These footsteps...

This isn't good!

It's the dorm supervisor's inspection time!

The supervisor?

She's a wicked creature who loves to check on us when we least expect it.

We're going to teleport outside for a bit, okay?


How come my power doesn't work on you?!

Uh, well...

We have no choice.

Go hide under the bed!

Wait, it's impossible! It's too tight!

Just get in!

I thought I just heard something.

As did I.

Perhaps it's coming from the next dorm?

Is Misaka asleep?

She is.

She was complaining about how she's having trouble sleeping at night lately.

So she just went to bed earlier today.

I would much appreciate it if the others would keep it quiet too.

Let me go complain.

Food research laboratory.

Laboratory number .

Radio Noise Accelerator's Level shift.

Level ?!

What the hell?

It wasn't them either.

How odd.

Perhaps it was someone on the upper floor?

I don't have time for this!

"There are a total of seven Level espers in Academy City,"

"but it has been concluded that only one person can attain the unknown, Level ."

"By preparing different battlefields and k*lling Railgun times..."

"...Accelerator will be able to evolve into a Level ..."

"The Railgun"?

That's Shocker, right?

"As it is impossible to prepare Railguns,"

"we have set our eyes upon the Level Mass Production Project, 'Sisters', progressing in parallel."

"Via this re-calculation, by preparing , different battlefields and k*lling , Sisters,"

"the same results can be achieved."


answers MISAKA.

, August th, .

, August st...

"And the MISAKA that died today was serial number ."

, August st, .


That monkey!

Does he think this is the jungle?!

I wasn't able to ask him about anything...

So she knew about all of this?

Why on Earth...

She knew about her clones!

I don't like that blimp very much.

Why not?

Because humans are abiding by the policies set by machines.

She knew about the experiments, and the plan!

There's no wind, yet the propellers are turning?



Why did it end up like this?

Isn't there any other way that doesn't require sacrificing people?

But what if that wouldn't even stop them?




A cat?

Hey. What are you doing?

I can do whatever I want, wherever I want.

I do whatever I want.

To begin with, you don't have the right to lecture me.

Cut it out.

Cut what out?

You should—

I've read all about younger Misaka, the Sisters, and the experiments.

So let's skip the small talk.



He found out...

You're pretty good.

Just yesterday you met one of my clones,

and now you've found out so much.

The police could use detectives like you.

Even being the meddler that you are, I bet you can't look past this.

But you know,

The fact you have those papers means you went into my room without my permission, right?

From your point of view, I'm just an accomplice who provided the DNA for these experiments.

(watashi wo)Are you here to blame me?

You even went so far as to search my stuffed animals.

Usually, that would be a death sentence.


Even if I'm wrong,

the results show the opposite.

For all I know, having someone else blame me might calm me down a bit.

You thought that this was unforgivable?

Are you stupid?

Of course, I'm worried.

Well, I guess it's always better to have someone say that

even if it's a lie.

I'm not lying.

I said, I'm not lying!


Those girls... refer to themselves as experimental animals...

...and they know the context of what they say...

They have their bodies tampered with for the sake of experimentation.

And when they're done, they're thrown out like garbage.

They actually know what "guinea pig" means.

They know... and yet they still call themselves that.

It's all my fault.

That's why I need to save them myself.

Where do you think you're going?

There's another experiment tonight.

I'm going to Accelerator's location now.

Can you win?

It's written here that, in accordance to the Tree Diagram's simulations,

(tree diagram)you'd die in moves.

Do you really plan on winning?

You're right.

Even if I go all out,

I won't even be able to scratch him.

But then, what am I worth?

So what if I lost miserably in the first move?

Then it would contradict the simulation completely.

After seeing those results,those scientists would definitely think...

...that "things machines do are indeed wrong"...

This way, I can still be useful somehow.


You want to die, huh?

With your death, the remaining , sisters of yours will be saved? You seriously think that?


For those scientists, the predictions made by the Tree Diagram are absolute.

If after the first move I were unable to do anything more than run while coughing out blood,

then the scientists would be bound to think,

"The Tree Diagram's predictions can be wrong."

Even if you could get by them for one calculation, they'd just resimulate and restart the experiment again.

That won't happen.

Tree Diagram was destroyed by an attack from Earth's surface a few weeks ago. (lol)

That means, they won't be able to resimulate.


How do you know that?

Do you get it now?

Let me through.


I would consider it if your plan was to take down Accelerator,

but if you're planning on dying from the very first move, then no way!

What do you propose, then?

Do you have any other ideas?

There's absolutely nothing you can do.

Don't just spew your pretty words and ideals.

You make me sick.

I still won't let you pass.

That's some sound reasoning.

You don't care about the lives of my , sisters, huh?

If you don't want to let me through, then I'll have to go through by force.

If you don't want that, then step aside!

I see. So you want me to do it the hard way.

I may not have won one fight against you so far,

and I still don't know what kind of power you have,

but I'm not allowed to lose today!

Move aside or put up your dukes with death in mind!

If not,

you will (\r) die!

What's this?

I will not fight you.


I will not... fight you...


Are you stupid or something?

Do you really think I'll go easy on you?

There's no path open to me besides this one.

Do you think that "I will not fight" will work?

Even so...

I'm not going to.

Damn you!

Put up your dukes if you're going to fight me!

Move out of the way if you're not going to!

Don't try to stop someone's will with your half-assed feelings!!

I'm telling you...

(itte no yo)to fight me!

No way...

My power shouldn't work on him...

He usually erases my abilities half-way through, but...

my electricity pierced his body...

Maybe now you understand.

I won't hold back—

Why... won't you fight me?

Beats... me...

I don't know... why I won't fight you...


You know how messed up these experiments are, don't you?!

I'm trying to stop it all!

Why are you getting in my way?!

Yeah, they are wrong.

There's no reason for someone to get hurt by that.



You already realize that your way won't save anyone...

That's why I'm not moving.

What the hell are you saying?

I'm not the kind of good person you think I am!

There is no reason for a villain like me to be living in this world... none!

Why in the world... are you standing up for a villain like me?

Do you think your remaining sisters would appreciate that?

I know you understand.

You know this won't save anyone.

Shut up...

There'll be at least some form of peace if I die.

The only way to save them is for me to die!

If everyone can be saved with my death...

Isn't that a wonderful thing?!

Then let that be, no?

If you think so, then move out of the way!

I will not.

You really are stupid.

This has nothing to do with you.

Just close your eyes and pretend like you never saw anything.

You could still go back to your ordinary life.

Why would you let yourself get beat up like this?

Your heart might've stopped for a bit too.

How can you keep smiling like that?!

Because I'm glad to be your friend. (maybe ally?)


(nakunai)don't cry.

I know how to stop the experiment now.

Tree Diagram designed the experiment under the assumption that Accelerator is the strongest esper in Academy City.

But what if he were actually really weak?

If the strongest Level in Academy City lost to the weakest Level ...

The presumption would turn out to be false, then.


Don't tell me...

I'll go fight him.

It's impossible.

You don't know Accelerator's powers.

The fact you're trying to fight someone who wouldn't flinch at the thought

of taking on the entire world's military straight up is already insane, okay?!

To take on a rule breaker like that face on...

Mom's not here to solve all my problems for me.

I'm begging you...

I can't add someone else to the list of ten thousand people who have died because of me.

There are no miracles, no matter how you pray to the gods.

I need to finish this myself.



How about you help me, then?

It's my dream to go back home smiling, without having lost anything.

So help me fulfill that.

There are no heroes who will rush to the aid of crying damsels—

Just wait here.

I will bring her back...

I promise.

The experiment...

begins at half-past eight.

I couldn't do anything, hold back my tears


Or even say "Thank you" as they fell



She thinks that I don't stand a chance against him.

If she... No, if they would have to die because of this Ret*rded plan,

then I'll just smash the messed-up delusions behind it first!