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02x12 - Tree Diagram

Posted: 01/17/24 18:39
by bunniefuu
OP English: Sister's noise I continue to search

OP English: For the place where my hesitant heart belongs

OP English: I will not let anyone destroy the overlapping feelings we share...!

OP English: The repeating truth is ever far away

OP English: Even now, I still cannot feel your pain

OP English: ,Even if the dream you entrusted to me that day starts ripping me to shreds

OP English: ,I will believe only in that precious hope and make it through

OP English: You stood closer to me than anyone else

OP English: And yet I could not hear your voice

OP English: Among the everflowing passage of time, I have finally met you

OP English: Sister's noise I continue to search

OP English: For the place where my hesitant heart belongs

OP English: I will definitely protect that same smile that I felt

OP English: I will no longer let anyone destroy it...!

ED English: When I started to count the many clouds in the sky, they drifted away once again

ED English: I chase after them, finding my dreams of tomorrow

ED English: I make certain of this moment that will never again arrive

ED English: Your feelings have reached me

ED English: One day, I will also tell you my feelings

ED English: Just like the clouds, I gently, gently

ED English: No matter where, I will always, always drift forward

Default-Alt,Misuzu: I'm home.

Default-Alt,Misuzu: Mikoto-chan, why are you crying?

Default-Alt,Misuzu: Oh, my.

Misuzu: Yep, he'll be fine like this.

Mikoto: Really?

Misuzu: If you're a good girl, I am sure he'll be as good as new in no time.

Mikoto: Really?

Mikoto: Will Santa come fix him?

Default-FT,Misuzu: Santa, eh? Even though it's still spring...

Misuzu: Yep, that's right.

Misuzu: I'm friends with that old geezer, so I'll go ask him.

Mikoto: You're friends with him?

Misuzu: Of course!

Misuzu: So be a good kid now, and go to sleep.

Misuzu: All right, I'm done.

Mikoto: Mama! Mama!

Mikoto: Mama!

Mikoto: Look, he's fixed!

Mikoto: Whenever I cried as a child,

Mikoto: my mother would take care of all my problems while I slept.

Mikoto: It would be nice if the experiment and everything else that happened that day was all just a bad dream...

Mikoto: that would vanish when I wake up.

Kuroko: Good morning, Onee-sama!

Default-FT,Kuroko: Just let me enjoy this blessed sensation of feeling her up until she beats me!

Mikoto: Yeah, good morning.

Mikoto: The weather is so nice today.

Default-FT,Mikoto: But it's not that simple in reality.

Default-FT,Mikoto: Mama isn't here to take care of all my problems.

Default-FT,Mikoto: Even if I prayed to God, there wouldn't be any miracles.

Default-FT,Mikoto: I don't have a hero who will come to my aid.

Kuroko: Are you going out again today?

Mikoto: Yeah, but I'm going to finish up those errands today.

Default-FT,Mikoto: Today...

Default-FT,Mikoto: ...I'll finish all of this with my own hands!

Mikoto: It's about time.

Mikoto: I wish that they wouldn't be looked at differently just because they're my friends.

Mikoto: Tree Diagram...

Mikoto: Built within the satellite Orihime ,

Mikoto: Academy city sent the world's most powerful supercomputer into orbit under the guise of climate analysis.

Mikoto: It predicts the movements of all the particles in the Earth's atmosphere once a month,

Mikoto: and then uses that information to generate the entire month's weather forecasts.

Mikoto: On other days, it's used to compute simulations for Academy City's many research projects.

Mikoto: It's also the one simulator that ordered , clones to be produced and k*lled.

Touma: Hey.

Touma: Heading home after cram school too, Middle Schooler Biribiri?

Mikoto: Oh, it's you.

Mikoto: It's not Biribiri, it's Misaka Mikoto.

Mikoto: I'm tired today, so I'm trying to save up some strength.

Mikoto: I'll hold myself back from electrocuting you.

Touma: You said biribiri yourself.

Touma: Beside that, isn't your sister with you today?

Touma: She helped me carry all those drinks yesterday, so I'd like to thank her.

Mikoto: You saw her again?

Touma: Well, yeah...

Mikoto: Why?

Touma: Why, you ask?

Touma: It was just a coincidence.

Touma: It's sunny tomorrow too!

Mikoto: I hate that blimp.

Touma: Huh? Why?

Mikoto: Because it makes us follow the decisions made by machines as if they were absolute.

Default-FT,Mikoto: That's why, in order to prevent it from making bizarre orders like that again,

Default-FT,Mikoto: I will change their plans.

Touma: Hey!

Default-FT,Mikoto: I'm going to destroy it!

Touma: What's with her?

Touma: Geez.

Touma: I have no idea why she's so riled up about everything.

Touma: Huh? Biribiri?

Touma: Weren't you over there just now?

Default-FT,Misaka : There is no basis for me to be called Biribiri.

Default-FT,Misaka : Therefore this cat has encountered a fatal error known as biribiri,

Misaka : Misaka guesses.

Touma: So you're the sister, huh?

Touma: I really can't tell when you don't have your goggles on.

Touma: By the way, thanks for carrying those drinks for me yesterday.

Default-FT,Misaka : I did not do it for your gratitude, Misaka answers.

Default-FT,Misaka : I took my goggles off because cats have a property of disliking reflective materials, such as lenses,

Default-FT,Misaka : and I was simply playing by the rules,

Misaka : Misaka explains.

Touma: Are cats like that?

Touma: In that case, why are you wearing it now?

Default-FT,Misaka : Because there is no longer a reason to keep them off, Misaka explains.

Touma: What?

Touma: Have you fed it already?

Misaka : I haven't.

Touma: Then why did you start wearing it again?

Touma: Hello?

Default-FT,Misaka : It's not anything important, Misaka refuses to answer.

Touma: Huh? Oh, what?

Touma: Is it just because you don't want to be seen like this?

Misaka : That is not the reason.

Touma: Then what is it?

Touma: Hey.

Default-FT,Misaka : I refuse to answer, Misaka again declares.

Touma: Fine.

Touma: See you.

Default-FT,Misaka : Stop right there, Misaka halts.

Touma: Again, what is it?

Default-FT,Misaka : Hear me out. There is a cat here.

Default-FT,Misaka : Do you intend to walk away from this starving, black kitten without feeding it anything?

Misaka : Misaka questions.

Touma: Like I was saying, can't you just give it one of your bread snacks?

Default-FT,Misaka : It is probably impossible to feed this kitten, Misaka concludes.

Default-FT,Misaka : That is because there is a fundamental flaw to Misaka, Misaka adds.

Touma: Flaw?

Touma: Don't make it sound so scary.

Default-FT,Misaka : No, the term 'flaw' is accurate.

Default-FT,Misaka : That is because Misaka's body is always generating a magnetic field,

Misaka : Misaka explains.

Misaka : It's not something humans can detect, but animals can.

Touma: In other words, because of your magnetic field, animals come to hate you easily.

Default-FT,Misaka : They don't hate me,

Default-FT,Misaka : but I think they find me hard to deal with, Misaka begs to differ.

Touma: Then give it to me.

Touma: I'll feed it.

Default-FT,Misaka : That's not it. Why aren't you taking it with you? Misaka asks again.

Default-FT,Misaka : Do you have any idea how animals are treated once they are taken in by health centres? Misaka suggests an example.

Default-FT,Misaka : First, the animal is put in a transparent polycarbonate-made case, then they inject millilitres of ASD--

Touma: Quit it!

Touma: Don't say something unpleasant with a serious face.

Touma: If you think that way, take it in yourself.

Default-FT,Misaka : It's impossible for Misaka to take this cat in, Misaka replies honestly.

Default-FT,Misaka : Aside from the flaw I mentioned earlier,

Misaka : Misaka's circumstances differ slightly from your living environment, Misaka explains her reason.

Touma: Like I told you...

Touma: All right.

Touma: I got it.

Yumi: You feel pain in your chest?

Yumi: It doesn't seem like there's anything wrong.

Eika: It's No. ,'s shift tomorrow.

Eika: Won't it be a huge problem if this disrupts the experiment?

Yumi: Yeah, should we give her a thorough check?

Default-FT,Misaka : No, it's not going to affect the experiment,

Misaka : Misaka analyses herself.

Yumi: Well, I don't see any problem.

Yumi: If you say so, then let's leave it at that.

Misaka : Um...

Misaka : How would you feel if your own clone showed up before you? Misaka asks.

Eika: My own clone?

Eika: You can count me out.

Yumi: Really?

Yumi: I think it'd be quite convenient.

Eika: Eh?

Eika: Imagine seeing someone who looks exactly like you!

Eika: And she's going to talk to you with your own voice!

Eika: Just thinking about it creeps the hell out of me!

Yumi: Well, once you put it that way, I guess that's true.

Default-FT,Mikoto: Don't use that voice...

Default-FT,Mikoto: Don't show up in front of me ever again!

Misaka : Onee-sama must want to deny Misaka's existence.

asdf: Thank you for riding the Academy City Tour Bus today.

asdf: Our bus has now entered School District , the Space Development Area.

asdf: As its name implies, there are many facilities that specialise in the aerospace industry in the Space Development Area,

asdf: and it is also where the Academy City Space Development Centre, which has its own rocket launch pad, is located.

asdf: The building to your left is the information centre that communicates with the world's most powerful supercomputer, Tree Diagram.

asdf: Every day, it uses the information gathered to compute weather forecasts...

fdsa: It's rare to see a student come here at this time of day.

Mikoto: Yeah, I wanted to research something here for my summer homework report.

fdsa: That's very diligent of you.

fdsa: That's what I'd like to say, but if you're doing it this late, haven't you been procrastinating?

fdsa: It's starting to get dark, so don't wander off to the restricted areas.

fdsa: The security robots would surround you.

Mikoto: Yeah,

Mikoto: I'll be careful.

Mikoto: The Information Centre.

Mikoto: It's the only way to communicate with Tree Diagram.

Mikoto: If I hack into the system here and have it send out false predictions...

Mikoto: Yes...

Mikoto: For example: The currently running Level Shift project has resulted in a fatal error.

Mikoto: The error was produced in a battle between the Accelerator and Railgun and cannot be fixed.

Mikoto: Therefore, Accelerator cannot become a Level user.

Mikoto: Those researchers, who only know how to rely on Tree Diagram, will probably end up panicking.

Mikoto: Of course, they'll find out it's a mistake once they compute the numbers again.

Mikoto: It's a trick that they'll eventually find out.

Mikoto: But,

Mikoto: before that, I'll destroy the facility!

fdsa: Man, you should've just given it to us.

asdf: That's...!

fdsa: Shut it.

fdsa: That's it?

Touma: Geez, you're quite unfortunate, too.

Default-FT,Misaka : Why is it crying? Misaka asks.

Touma: It's mad because it wants more food.

Misaka : Mad?

Touma: You should feed him too.

Misaka : As I said, it is impossible-

Touma: Enough of that. Here.

Touma: See? It ate it.

Misaka : Is it mad?

Touma: No, I think it's happy.

Misaka : It's happy?

Touma: Oh yeah, let's give it a name.

Misaka : A name?

Misaka : Isn't it Biribiri?

Touma: No.

Touma: It's your cat, right?

Touma: Give it a name that you like.

Misaka : Misaka's...

Misaka : Dog.

Misaka : Misaka names this black cat Dog.

Misaka : It's a cat, but it's called Dog.

Touma: Hey, can you try to be more serious here?

Touma: Give it one with more dignity.

Default-FT,Misaka : In that case, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Misaka changes her decision.

Touma: That's too dignified.

Misaka : In that case, Schrödinger.

Touma: Stop kidding around!

Touma: Even if it's just an example,

Touma: how could a professor who happily posted an example of tossing a cat into a poisoned box like cats?

Misaka : In that case, let's defer it for later.

Misaka : Later.

Touma: I have a feeling it'll end up being called Later.

Misaka : By the way, where are you going?

Default-FT,Misaka : You're taking a different route than the one we took when we carried drinks yesterday, Misaka points out.

Touma: I'm taking a detour.

Touma: There's a book I want to buy.

Default-FT,Misaka : Is the bookstore your destination? Misaka asks.

Misaka : From a geographic point of view, it would be faster to use the crossroad we just passed.

Touma: Nope, not that one.

Touma: The used bookstore over there.

Touma: It doesn't matter if it's old or new as long as it's a book about taking care of cats, right?

Default-FT,Misaka : Do you want a book about raising cats? queries Misaka.

Touma: Rather than books, I guess I should say I want knowledge.

Touma: It would be fine if it was just me,

Touma: but those girls in the sister and miko getups at my place...

Default-FT,Misaka : Does that mean you are transferring your custodianship to someone else? Misaka asks.

Touma: That's not it.

Touma: Huh? Are you mad?

Default-FT,Misaka : I'm not mad.

Default-FT,Misaka : It's just that you'll be charged with property damage if you don't treat the cat with care, Misaka warns.

Touma: You're mad, aren't you?

Misaka : I'm not.

Touma: I'll head inside.

Touma: Wait for me here.

Default-FT,Misaka : I understand. Misaka acknowledges.

Touma: You just repeated yourself...

Touma: Oh, I wonder if I can take the cat inside the store with me.

Default-FT,Misaka : It sounded like you were trying to explain that to me,

Default-FT,Misaka : but please do not leave the cat with me-

Default-Alt,Touma: Take this: A cat b*mb!

Default-FT,Touma: It's going to hate you because of your physical condition?

Touma: A true friendship can only be made by overcoming that barrier.

Default-FT,Misaka : Geez.

Default-FT,Misaka : He must really be out of his mind to throw a kitten around, Misaka says to herself.

Misaka : Are you mad?

Misaka : Are you happy?

fdsa: It's our fault. Don't k-

Yuriko: Come now, you're the one who started it,

Yuriko: and you think it's just going to end if you apologise?

Yuriko: Geez.

Yuriko: Even those puppets know how to finish their mission without whining about it.

rofl: S-Stay away!

Yuriko: At least try to make yourself useful as a warm-up.

Yuriko: That reminds me, it's about time to start.

Yuriko: You cheated death.

Misaka : Sorry for the wait.

Default-FT,Misaka : Your next opponent is me, Misaka ,, Misaka states.

Yuriko: That's why you guys are so bothersome.

Misaka : Should I apologise for causing you confusion?

Yuriko: I don't want to be apologised to by someone I'm going to k*ll soon.

Misaka : Acknowledged.

Misaka : Misaka , and , will now proceed as planned.

Mikoto: This is weird.

Mikoto: I can't feel anyone's presence.

Mikoto: If the sensors aren't running, then the cameras are probably...

Mikoto: This is the primary facility that can communicate with Academy City's brain,

Mikoto: and yet it's pretty much empty even though it looked to be well-guarded from the outside.

Mikoto: Did they run away, or is this a trap?

Mikoto: In any case, things are bound to get uglier.

Mikoto: But there's no merit in drawing people here.

Mikoto: Is it because they're confident they can't be hacked?

Mikoto: Even the communications room is empty.

Mikoto: All of the facility's functions are still online.

Mikoto: But...

Mikoto: It's obvious they've abandoned this facility for quite some time, and not just a few days.

Mikoto: So why?

Mikoto: It's pointless to think about it right now.

Mikoto: I just need to finish what I can...

Mikoto: Is this it?

Mikoto: What does this mean?

Mikoto: There have been transmissions today?

Mikoto: Shouldn't there be a couple hundred requests made to it every day?

Mikoto: No, the requests are coming in, but they aren't being processed.

Mikoto: Not just yesterday's, but it's been happening for a while.

Mikoto: Reports?

Mikoto: The rd report... th report...

Mikoto: This is...

Mikoto: The final report regarding the missing Tree Diagram.

Mikoto: On July , :, Tree Diagram disappeared from the satellite's orbit.

Mikoto: At : that same day, the first search party was sent out.

Mikoto: At : that same day, part of Remenant was found and retrieved.

Mikoto: The results of the analysis states that Tree Diagram...

Mikoto: Tree Diagram no longer exists.

Mikoto: Then...

Mikoto: Um... Cat...

Mikoto: Tree Diagram no longer exists!

Misaka : The experiment is ongoing.

Mikoto: There's no longer a way to save them?!

Default-FT,Misaka : Misaka will now participate in the next experiment, Misaka states.

Mikoto: Please stop!