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02x10 - Meltdowner

Posted: 01/17/24 18:33
by bunniefuu
They've stopped attacking.

I don't think they let me off the hook...

Are they waiting for me to make a move?

If one of them can determine my location,

then trying to hide would just end up backfiring.


I don't have the strength to face them head-on.

This tape...

It's that blonde girl's.

She laid it down throughout the facility?

That girl...

Hang on...

I can use this.

Welcome back.

We're meeting up with Kinuhata.

We need you S Processor guys to stand by until Mugino comes out.


Oh man, I'm beat!


You didn't have to come back with me, you know.

Oh, don't worry about it.

Just let Mugino handle the rest.

And, thanks to you, we managed to corner her too.

Besides, is it really okay to abuse your power like that?

It freaks me out just to watch.

Yeah, I'm fine.

This is the only place for me.

I see.

Hopefully you can find another place sometime.



My bombs...

I forgot to clean them up!

Finally. You're here.

You sure took your time.


How could she leave without cleaning up?

Where'd your friends go?

I sent them back.

I want to fight you fair and square, Railgun.

So much for my cover.

Well, whatever.

A one-on-one battle is easier for me anyway.

I see.

Trying to make up for fatigue by using Frenda's bombs?

All that does is show you can't defeat me with your own power.

So her power can block shockwaves too?


It doesn't matter how many times you throw 'em.

Wait a minute.

Is she planning on using the expl*si*n as a decoy while she makes a move?

Or maybe she's planning on passing me and running straight to the database?

Well, it doesn't matter if I sh**t it down first!

What? She tweaked the doll?

Yep! I loaded it with metal so I can control it with magnetism!

Such a drag!

sh**ting down a few might be easy,

but how are you going to deal with this many?

From what I can tell, she can't unleash a curtain of fire.

That means...

Do you really think you can overwhelm me with numbers?

Silicon Burn.

Don't they teach you to make up for your weaknesses in Combat ?

Don't underestimate ITEM, you brat!

Thanks to Frenda's stupid mistake,

this has gotten to be a bit of a drag.

Is this really what you're capable of?

Give me a break.

Third strongest my ass.

Since the standard is based on how much they can profit off of you,

you became the third, and I became the fourth.

Meaning, if I k*ll you here,

will that be enough proof for them?

The fourth strongest Level ?

So she's the Meltdowner?


Only three more.

Huh? What's wrong?

Don't tell me that's all you've got.

You dumb brat.

So desperate you'd rush in head-on?(So desperate you'd try Head On?)

You're not only shabby, but trigger-happy too?

What? There's another?

She hid it behind her back?

My shield!

No, it's too late to make one!

Damn you!

Just kidding!

Have you already forgotten that I can interfere with your lightning too?

Did you really think you beat me?

This battle was over before it even began, Rail—

And have you forgotten that I loaded those with metal?

Even if I don't detonate them, they're still dangerous.

Is this it?

That should just about do it.

I'd really like to see the fire do its job properly,

but torn up as I am, I'd rather not get caught up in it.

The problem's the remaining facility.

If it's protected by espers of this level too, I wouldn't...

Wait... She's gone?!

No way! She shouldn't be able to move so soon!

Hey, hey...

Don't just lie around!

I'm gonna pay you back...

a billion times for what you did to me!

Hey now, what's wrong?

If you don't get up,

then I'm gonna wipe the floor with you!

You're such a pain in the ass.

Thank God I've hardly eaten in the past few days.

Quit running around!

Is that all you can do now that you're out of bombs?!

You're bringing shame to the title of "the third strongest!"

Who cares about that?!

I did what I came here to do.

I just need to get out of here.

Now that I've burnt out the power lines,

there are only three escape routes left.

I can run down the fire escape.


She can just vaporize me along with the stairs.

There's no room for me to dodge, either.

I could go back through the logistics gate I used to get in.

But there aren't any side corridors that way.

If it got blocked, I'd be cornered.

That means...

Oh, so you're really out of ideas now?

You're running about so quickly.

You're not a spider, you're a roach!

I'll just have to squash you like one, then.


It's Kinuhata.

What is it?

I'm at a super great part just now, so keep it short.

We're super-done with the transport preparations here.

The others have just arrived as well.

Alternative ,(bg)However, our client is in a super-panic about...

So even blowing away her footing won't help?

I'll just have to blow away her feet, then—


Yes. Yes.


Should I tell her super-just like that?



She said we can super-go on by ourselves.



Did Mugino... you know, sound angry?

I mean... about my bombs or something.


She sounded super-hyped though.

Thank goodness!

But she told me to super-tell you this.

What, what?

"I'm giving you a spanking."

Just like that.

Can I really outrun her?

Huff-huff-huff?(Snap, crackle, pop?)

You're killin' me, kid!

Do you really think your childish quarrels could erase the darkness of this city?!

Come on, let's have some more fun!

So long as you don't wanna turn into some abstract blob that'd pass for modern art!

I guess you were desperate,

but running here's the same as saying "k*ll me"!

Third strongest my ass.

You're just an angry little chick!

Hey, since you're going to die here anyway,

why don't you work up the energy and sh**t that famous "railgun" at me?

Hey, don't go nuts on me before we're done.

(omo)That wouldn't be fun.

Oh well.

At this point, I don't even have the power to block one of your sh*ts,

let alone sh**t the railgun.

That's why I bet on this route.

That blonde friend of yours was really troublesome.

She blasted me away with bombs,

tricked me,

kicked me,

and even dropped me straight to hell along with my footing.


So I bet on that.

If she set her web everywhere,

then she must've secured this last choice route too.

I can still make a spark like those igniters.

You shouldn't make fun of a kid's quarrels, you old hag.



Grab on!

No way...

Don't tell me...

Get down here!

Alternative ,(bg)We're not done yet!

She's not dead?

What a hag!

She got away?

I used the Meltdowner's recoil to slow my fall,

but it wasn't as smooth of a landing as I'd have liked.

I'll need to work on it.

I should call back Takitsubo and then—


That brat's a Tokiwadai student.

So what was her goal?

I did what I came here to do.

But the last facility...

I don't have the strength to go...

Damn it!

Hurry it up!

The fire's spread through most of the top floors!

But he's still—

Screw him! It's his own fault!

Damn it!

We even hired mercenaries!

We were supposed to be safe!

Damn those worthless—

What the—

I'm interested in your project the Railgun wanted to crush.

Show me, will you?

Like hell I could!

If I leak that information to outsiders,

I'll mysteriously disap—

Would you rather turn into some fatty lump of meat,

or would you rather bet on your chances of imprisonment and live trying to escape your fate?

Which will it be?

What the hell is this?!

They're having Number One do this?

Leveling up by k*lling , slimes?

Just what the hell are the Board of Directors' thinking—

Oh, I see.

So that's why you hired ITEM.

Now it's getting interesting.

Sink into the depths of the darkness, kicking and screaming.

Into the depths of the abyss beneath Academy City.

Won't you?

Morning already?

sh**t. I'm all banged up.

S Processor Neuro Pathology Analysis Lab.

The last facility that I destroyed yesterday.

Or at least should have.

Something's up.

Not just that no one's going in or out.

Not only is the security down, but not a single electrical device is running inside.

Could it be a trap?

Yeah, no one's here.

And all the data's been erased.

Did I force them to retreat?

Is this... the end?


It just doesn't feel real.

Is it because everything up till now was so completely unreal?

"Farewell, Onee-sama."(Matched to episode .)

Oh, I get it!(Matched to episode .)

This wasn't part of the plan, so I was a bit surprised.(Matched to episode .)

You're...(Matched to episode .)

the original, aren't you?(Matched to episode .)

I'm Accelerator.(Matched to episode .)

Nice to meet ya.(Matched to episode .)

Why?!(Matched to episode .)

You're alive!(Matched to episode .)

You've got your entire life ahead of you!(Matched to episode .)

MISAKA are copies created for the purposes of this plan.(Matched to episode .)

We are artificial bodies with artificial hearts.(Matched to episode .)

At the cost of , yen each,(Matched to episode .)

we are nothing more than laboratory animals.(Matched to episode .)

Everything that's happened up until now won't just disappear.

There's a lot that needs to be done to move forward.


The experiment's over!

Those girls...

Those girls don't need to die anymore.

We're here for you.(Matched to episode .)

If you can't handle it yourself,(Matched to episode .)

just tell us whenever.(Matched to episode .)


I'm coming home.

Huh?(Match Touma to whatever old subs you got.)

What's wrong with this thing?

That's strange...

I hope it's not broken.


I, Kamijou Touma, have suddenly appeared in front of Misaka Mikoto,

and Misaka Mikoto, who suddenly appeared in front of me, Kamijou Touma,

embark on a discussion to discover who suddenly appeared in front of whom!


(Misaka)And why the hell are you doing the preview?!