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02x08 - ITEM

Posted: 01/17/24 18:30
by bunniefuu

Alternative ,It's three minutes past the scheduled time.

Point A here.

There's no sign of anyone approaching.

So they turned tail?

They must've realized that they messed with the wrong guys.

What makes you think that?

Hey, who was that?!

I am here on time.

I'm right next to you.

Hey, are you there?

The deal's off! Off!

Hurry and get out of—


D-Damn you!

Huh? Again?


Who's the client?

A pharmaceutical company?(Note, pharmaceutical companies have pharmacology labs.)

That's not our thing, is it?(Referring to their usual line of work.)

Alternative ,I mean, in the end, yeah, but...

The idea behind swimsuits is to show them off.

Going to a private pool alone is kinda stupid.

But the public pools and beaches are always super-filled with people,

so there's like, super-hardly any space to swim, right?

Well, that's true...

What do you think, Takitsubo?

I don't really care so long as there's space to float about.

I-I see.

No talking on the job.

You can let go too, Kinohata.

We just got a new job. We're heading back.

For when?

Good question.

The description's pretty vague.

But the job's simple.

Huh? What the heck?

That doesn't make sense.

But if you're fine with, then so am I.

What's the job?

Defending facilities against an unknown attacker.

The pay isn't bad either.

Sounds good to me.

Good for ITEM, at least.

An esper who uses electricity?

They've used communication lines for sabotage.

Electronic security systems can't stop them, either.

Which lead to that conclusion.

It seems that the client's already identified the culprit.

If we know the target, why don't we just super-attack them?

I'd say a sneak attack on 'em would be super-easy.

Only attack them once they've infiltrated a facility.

The client doesn't want a ruckus.

Huh? What the heck? In the end, that makes no sense.(Joke on "in the end" later.)

Give me a break!

It's not like I wanted to take this job anyway.

And with these kinds of jobs, clients have circumstances! That's the whole point!

So quit whining and get to work!

Yeah, yeah.

So we just need to hide out and ambush the target?

Seems that way.

The problem is that there are two different places where they might show up.

Here! I'll take one of the two for myself!


You sounded super-unhappy before.

That's a completely different situation.

If I get 'em by myself, then I get the bonus for the take down, right?


But if they do show up, give us a call.

Don't get yourself in some ugly mess.

There's only one more place after this.

How often are they holding these experiments?

I don't even want to know.

I'll end it all tonight.

The extra bonus made me excited,

but in the end, waiting for an opponent who may or may not show up

is just so boring!

Not to mention that, if she went to the other place,

then, in the end, all this boredom would be for nothin'!

No way!

Here they come!

In the end, I get the jackpot!(In the end, karma's on my side!)

All right.

The target facility's on the top floor.

Hopefully this goes down without a hitch.

Oh, well.

That'd be too easy, wouldn't it?

Not a single one hit her?

She changed the trajectories with a magnetic field?

Guess the tip about her using electricity was right.

Normally, I'd only use this to cut through walls and doors, but...

A b*mb?!

Why do people like this

always stuff toys with bombs?(She be a teddy bomber.)

So they're lighting fuse lines prepared in advance?

But what are they planning, making such a mess?

A b*mb in the rubble?!

They're predicting my moves!

So they know I'm an electromaster?

Emergency escape with my magnetism at maximum.

I didn't want to use it; it hurts.

But... where's the enemy?

It's here too?

If I follow these...

It's her...

Are you sure?

Yes. She showed up at the pathological analysis lab.

I see, so she went over there instead.

We should hurry with the transfer too.

Excuse me!



You have a visitor.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Nice to meet you.

You must be...(He doesn't know, but he's trying to feign that he knows. Nunotaba sees right through it.)

I oversaw the development of the Testament for this company.

My name is Nunotaba.

Oh my!

The steel pillars are in the way!

I don't want her interfering with my destruction of the place.

I'll take care of her first.

So flashy.

I bet my usual remote-controlled stuff would've finished her already.

But an electromaster of this level could've taken control of them too.

I guess this was the right choice.


No way!

What? Not even a flinch from a ceramic b*mb?!

She's much more powerful than the espers I've dealt with previously.

You're not getting away!

I don't know if you're one of them or they just hired you,

but I won't forgive you if you support those experiments!

Goodness gracious! She's so mad!

I'm in trouble!

She'll tear me limb from limb if she catches me!

Just kidding!

I lured her close, so in the end, she got a big fall!

It doesn't matter how high her level is! She's—

N-No way...

If you wanted me to fall,

you should've rebuilt this whole building without any iron in it.

What's the heck?! That's cheating!


A dead end, huh?

I didn't think I'd be cornered here.

Pretty stupid mistake.

Did you panic and make a wrong call?

Or maybe...

What do you think?

Please forgive me.

I don't really have something in particular to ask of you,

we just never had to handle a transfer this big before.

I wanted to have you around, since you were involved in the Radio Noise project.


Thank you very much.

Please wait here a moment.

I wanna ask this while I can.

Who hired you?


Don't think you need to keep them anonymous.

They're doing mad experiments in these facili—

Who cares?

The client's goals?

Whether the target's good or bad?

The kind of a life they led?

In the end, that stuff...

...doesn't matter.

You still don't get it?

You know those stories where the hunter becomes the hunted?

Look under your feet.

Curse thy own indolence!

Thou hast no shield nor defensible position!

If thou canst escape, escape, I say!

Oh, well.

This's what I get for trying to negotiate.

I wanted to conserve as much energy as I could.

She lifted the ground with magnetism?

Crap! She's on par with a Level esper...

You ready?!

But power leads to complacency!


This is what you get for attacking head on!

A flash grenade? I was careless.

My ears and eyes...

The moment I take down a confident esper!

Now that is pure bliss!(ecstacy?)

In the end, that's what happens when you go against me!

Wee! I get half the pay!

I wonder what I should buy!

Half the pay! Half the pay!

Really, what should I—

She's gone?

That blast wasn't powerful enough to disintegrate the body.


That means, in the end...

Looks like you know what most electromasters can do.

But at my level, we can use EM waves for spatial sensing.

I wouldn't move if I were you.

My sight's pretty much back by now.

And whatever you do at this range, lightning's faster.


Miji cavino capri citreva sgichovire.

Alternative ,Huh? What's she saying?

Sgicacci slano happa fumifumi!

Alternative ,It's not English or French.

Alternative ,Wait, she was talking in Japanese earlier...

There's no language like that!

An expl*sive?


What's that?

A gaseous expl*sive developed in Academy City.

The Ignis.

Breathing it in has no adverse effects,

but you saw how much firepower was in that tiny bottle.

Basically, this whole room

is a giant b*mb.

What would happen if you used electricity?

Maybe I'll take my time taking you out!


Electricity's out of the question.

And then there's friction if I use magnetism to manipulate the building.

What's with this girl?!

Strong impacts can cause sparks too!

Looks like you think I've got a death wish!(I'm suicidal or something!)

I've been in this business long enough!

Think I'd last if I was scared of dying?!

As if!

Not a chance.

I'd rather die alone than along with you!

That bottle was the real deal,

but the gas after that? Just nitrogen.

Who knew she'd fall for it?

Any word about the cleaners we have on standby?(I think 掃除屋 was furigana'd as "Cleaner".)

No, not really.

But it looks like they're young girls.

I'm more interested to know how the other lab's doing.

Who knows?

They've shut off all communication from outside.

We just need to finish the transfer here.

But if something happens...

That's exactly why we called in those scapegoats. Not our responsibility.

I see.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Nunotaba-sa—


Bathroom, maybe?

The sisters are in calibration. Transferring them should be the last thing they do.

The sudden transfer and risk of external attack means decreased security inside.

This is my only chance to set it in motion.

You're pretty tough.

But I'd better finish this up soon.

Mugino'll come if I don't.

I said I never care about my target's life.

But when I'm going in for the k*ll, sometimes I think about it.

The moment when I take that life.

I control my target's fate.

In the end, they were born to be k*lled by me!

Now, let me hear that final, desperate scream that I love!

Born to be k*lled?

Accepting some shitty fate without trying to escape, struggling, or searching for help?

Accepting it like it's perfectly natural?

The hell's wrong with you?!

A stranglehold?

Yeah, you can take out an enemy without any impact like—



Not a bad idea, but—



I nearly lost my lower body to my own trap!

Phew! Saved my pretty little legs—

Alternative ,Oh, I see now. That's how it was.

In the end, I fell for a pretty simple bluff.

No, um...

In the end, huh?

Maybe I caught your habit?

I didn't hold back on the electricity because I wouldn't feel right in the morning.

Tell me everything you know about the operation.

Who's in charge?

Who hired you?

Hey, we had a middleman score the job for us...

Oh, right. You said someone'd come, didn't you?

Who's coming?

Ha, like I'd tell—

If you don't want a crispy, black exterior,(wanna get fried crispy brown,)

you've got three seconds to spit it out.


I'll tell you! I'll tell you!


My tongue!

That shock!

Wait! My tongue's numb!

I can't talk! I can't talk!




I see.

So you won't sell out your friends?

No, my tongue's just num—

Well, can't say I blame—

It was way too quiet.

I was starting to think you'd gotten fried.

Saved by the bell, huh?


Misaka Mikoto.

I'm crushing this operation!

I can't let her fight alone.

I'm saving those girls!

Yes. I'll do whatever I can too.