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02x07 - I... I Want To Be of Help To You, Sister Dearest

Posted: 01/17/24 18:28
by bunniefuu
Why did you call me out at this hour?

I'm sorry.

There's been a fire in the first building of the Shinaame University's DNA Map Analysis Laboratory.

What's the cause and the scale of damage?

It's being investigated as we speak.(Currently under investigation.)

B-Bad news! There's a fire at the laboratory!

If you're talking about the DNA Map Lab fire, then I was just informed of it.

This a different matter!(Another fire.)

The bio-lab's systems are down!



We've lost contact with the psych lab in District .

There are fires reported in the second, third, and fifth buildings of the Shinaame laboratories too!

What on Earth...

Simultaneous t*rror1st att*cks...

How are the t*rrorists attacking?

There are no signs of external att*cks at any of the locations.

No intruders were witnessed either.

They're saying that the equipment just suddenly exploded.

It's been confirmed!

The culprit's attacking through the communication lines!

Cut off all external communications immediately.

R-Right away.

Damn, they noticed?

Uiharu-san could've probably kept up the hacking for much longer.

Still, I managed to get about %...

Now I'll just have to raid the remaining buildings and take them out by hand.


Keep it together...

There may be another experiment going on right now.

I can't pass out before I end that damn project.

Ah, D-Dorm Supervisor!

What's wrong, Shirai?

You're acting very suspicious.


Please, I've done nothing wrong.

You're sounding more and more suspicious.

Excuse me!


You're back!

What? I can't be in my own room now?

No, that's not what I meant...

It's just, you didn't come back yesterday either.

I had some stuff to take care of.

I see.

Anyway, your timing couldn't be better!


I got some of those limited-time-only clear jelly buns from Anshindo.

I remember you saying you wanted to try them.

So I—

Alternative ,It's okay. I'm not really hungry.


Sorry. I've gotta go out again.

But if the Dorm Supervisor comes to check again tonight while you're gone...

I'll be counting on you to cover for me, then.


It's obvious that you're shouldering some great burden.

But... you won't ask for my help, will you?

Whoa! Are these the jelly buns from Anshindo?

Aren't these, like, super rare, limited-time-only things?

I think so.

That's so awesome!

I wanna try them!

Oh, well...

You can have some if you'd like.


Oh, wait.

Didn't you say you were going to buy these for Misaka-san yesterday?

Onee-sama wasn't in the mood for sweets yesterday.

But she seemed to be okay, so don't worry.

Are those the jelly buns from Anshindo?

The rare limited-time-only ones?

Did someone overhear me saying how badly I wanted to try them?

You're so thoughtful!

Why don't you join us too, Shirai-san?

I'll pass.

Come on.

I'll pull out some special tea leaves too!

Alternative ,It's so delicious!

Alternative ,The taste is just so... novel!

Mysterious fires?

Alternative ,(Saten\an)I could eat these all day!


There've been fires of unknown origin in laboratories throughout the city recently.

They haven't asked for our help,

and it doesn't seem to be a big deal, but still...

That's news to me.

Hmph, kicking up such a fuss.

My jelly bun!

Saten-san, you took it, didn't you?!

Oh, I thought you meant it for me.(Hey, what's a tea party without stealing each other's sweets?)

What the heck?!

I'm going on patrol.

They might not have asked for our assistance,

but that doesn't change the fact that they're of unknown origin.

It is a bit late to act once trouble struck, but...

We need to increase our patrols from now on.

Nothing unusual in this area.

Are you serious, Senpai?

Yeah, I am!

That sounds fishy.

There's nothing fishy about it!

I need to focus.

I can't possibly help Onee-sama like this.

Is this one?

Wow, Minori-chan! You found one!

What's the number?

Let's see...

You three!

What are you doing over here?

What do you mean?

A lucky card?

You mean that cash card?


This one's a dud, though.

A dud?


If the same number appears twice in the serial number,

it'll bring you good luck!

The best ones are those with three sevens on 'em!

Those can grant any wish!

Alternative ,I heard that someone found one and became a millionaire!

I see.

Alternative ,I wonder who it was!

This is just another urban legend born from the earlier cash card incident.

Alternative ,It happened in one of those old stories!

Alternative ,Oh, yeah! I think I read about it in a book!(Wow, this is hilarious. Cash card to millionaire in an old story like a children's fairy tale? Writer, are you trying to do this?)

Huh? But why?

What's the problem?

You just can't.

This area is pretty dangerous.

You should return to your dorms.

Come on!

And as a responsible member of Judgement,

I will handle this cash card as a lost item.

Come on!

Geez, what the heck?

What a drag.

Hey, Minori!

Sorry, I'm coming!

What were you doing?


That's interesting.


But lucky cards? That's a cute urban legend.

Like, kind of childish?

It's funny to hear you call others childish when you're wearing panties like those.

Even if it's just a cute urban legend,

it might cause those involved to get into accidents or trouble.

There's also those fires of unknown origin too.

We need to be more careful.

But lucky cards, huh?

If I found one, I'd...

I've got too many wishes!

I wouldn't be able to decide how to use it!

That's just like you, Saten-san.

What would you do, Shirai-san?

Huh? Do about what?

If there were a card that granted wishes, what would you wish for?

I would...

Hmph, that's foolish.

There's no evidence to back it up.

Don't forget that this is Academy City.

Another facility was hit last night.

An investigation concluded that someone broke in and sabotaged it directly.

None of the staff were harmed.

However, practically all of our data and equipment were lost.

The facilities att*cked all had their locks disabled from the outside,

and the infrared sensors picked up nothing.

None of our security cameras got the intruder either.

It's also been reported that the wind turbines in the vicinity

revolved in the opposite direction during the attack.

I see.

Certain electromagnetic interference can cause such phenomenon.


If she's behind the att*cks, then it's no surprise that the security systems are useless.

Not to mention that we have no means of opposing her.

But if this continues, the experiment will be at risk.

We have no means.

Ah, Onee-sama, how defenseless you are!

It's as if you were inviting me into your bed!

How long has it been since we were this close?


If there was a card that granted wishes, what would you do?

That's obvious.


want to help Onee-sama.(Match to title.)(split?)

Good morning, Onee-sama.

I'll do what I can too!

Nothing here...

Nothing here either...


Wasn't there...

Oh well.

For heaven's sake, would you look where you're—

You're the kid from yesterday.

Are you looking for those cards again?


I mean, yes, but no!

It's just...

I see.

You want to give a lucky card to your friend as a present.


But they wouldn't be very happy if you put yourself in danger for it.

But we won't see each other anymore.

They're moving away.

It's already been decided, so there's nothing we can do about it.

But I just wanted to give them one as a present before they moved.

We've been friends forever.

They're so kind, and we've always been together.

That's why...

That's why I want to...

Use this.

Thank you.

She's a very important friend, isn't she?


Where are you going?!

Trust my instincts!

It's close! It's very close!

A lucky card!(I can feel it!)

Just stop already...




What are you doing here?

Can you really find one like that?

Those who believe shall be saved.

Don't forget that seeing is believing!

You should help me too!

My goodness. What on Earth are you doing?

I-I was patrolling like I was supposed to!

Though it may not have looked like it.

But you surprised me.


I never thought you'd help look for a card.

Alternative ,Onee-chan, will this really work?

Alternative ,We're getting closer! We're getting closer!

I'm not helping!

But if she keeps looking for one by herself, she's bound to end up in trouble!

Alternative ,Really?!

Alternative ,We sure are!

I'm just doing my duty as a member of Judgement!

Shirai-san, just admit it already.

It's written all over your face that you're doing it for her.

What was that?

Oh, nothing.

But what should we do?

What do you mean?

Even if we actually found a lucky card,

we'd have to treat it as a lost item.

Letting her give it away as a present...

We can't do that, can we?

Oh, it's you.

What are you doing here?

I see.

We can't overlook it as members of Judgement.


Lost items are still lost items.

We can't let her do it.

I thought so...

Oh, I know!

I've got a great idea!

Hey, girls!

Um, what's your idea?

Just leave it to me!

It's better to go with more analog stuff for these things.(Referring to cash cards coming out of vending machines.)

Even if it's a bit cliché.

Cliché is the best!

Konori-senpai, you're a genius!

Hey, what are we gonna do?

What? Well, we're all gonna look for it!

Your textbook lucky item

The four-leaf clover!(Get me a five-leaf one.)

Let's get going!

Hey, wait up!

Um... W-Wait a second!

You mean, we're going to search the whole riverbank?!

That's right.

You never know what you can do until you try.

You just have to give it your all.

No... No...

None here either...

Happiness might be harder to find than we think.

Oh, come on, Saten-san.

That's not true, right, Shirai-san?

Well, I don't know about that.


I found something nice!

You found a four-leaf clover?

No, but...

Wow! It's a butterfly!

Look! There's another one!

I bet they're friends!

Must be nice.

If only we could understand each other's feelings without words like those butterflies do.

All your hard work...


...I'm sure Misaka-san appreciates it.

What are you talking about?(What might you be referring to?)

I'm not necessarily—

And not just Misaka-san.

We appreciate it too.


So don't try to shoulder it all yourself.

We're here for you too.


Are you okay, Shirai-san?

We were just... um...


I found one!

A four-leaf clover!

Wow! You really found one!

It's a bit small...

But it's still amazing!

Hey, Minori-chan!

We found—

Found one!


There's a bunch over here!

Oh, wow! That's great!

Look! Over here too!

That is a lot!

Are you going out again tonight, Onee-sama?


I've got some stuff to take care of.





Take care!

See you soon.



You're welcome.

I'll be here...

when you come home.


We've got another attack!

That makes three labs tonight!

All right...

That leaves...


two more!

A clover that grants wishes...

I have only one wish.

If I have to wait for it to come true, then I will.

And believe in Onee-sama.