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02x06 - I... Can See All of You

Posted: 01/17/24 18:26
by bunniefuu
What would you do, Onee-sama?(Matched to episode .)

If you suddenly met your own clone.(Matched to episode .)

I wonder...(Change this in episode if you change it. Recommended "Well...")

I think I'd be weirded out and ask her to leave...

And that concludes tonight's experiment.(Matched to episode .)

We made quite a mess.(Matched to episode .)

I wonder if they can clean it up.(Matched to episode .)

Not like I care.(Matched to episode .)

I'll just drop by a convenience store and—(Matched to episode .)


Very nice.

This a new trick?

You're controlling iron dust with a magnetic field?

Very interesting.

No... way...

But now that I've figured it out, it's pretty much useless.

Not even a scratch on him after that?

What the...

This power...


How can he repel my att*cks like that?

Oh, I get it!

This wasn't part of the plan, so I was a bit surprised.


the original, aren't you?

The clones are substitutes for the original.

Meaning, if I k*ll you, it's gonna shorten this pain in the ass work.

I was getting pretty tired of it.

Entertain me,

Ms. Original.



Why would you go along with this plan?

What are you goin' on about?

Answer me!

You're already strong enough!

No one's forcing you to do this!

What's your reason for taking part in this insane project?!

What did she ever do to you?!


You want my reason?


I want absolute power.

Level ?

The strongest in Academy City?

That's weak.(Weak sauce.)

I want power so absolute that just opposing me would be unimaginable.

I want to be unmatched.(I wanna be the very best...)

You're a Level too. You should understand.


Are you serious?

Absolute power?

To be unmatched?

Th... That's your reason?

That's why you k*lled her?!

Hey, that's rude.

Don't make me sound like some m*rder*r.

All I'm doing is fighting something they can copy with the push of a button.


Why're you just standing there?

Oh, I get it! My bad.

That was your best move, wasn't it?

I honestly didn't think that another Level could be such a disappointment.

Well, then...

Now it's my turn.

Even though I can't expect much from you,

make it entertaining,

you weakling.(Everyone's a 三下)

"Wait a moment."

"Unscheduled confrontations may cause deviations from simulation trajectories," warns MISAKA.

"Especially since Onee-sama is a Level ..."

"...deviations caused by the battle would be particularly large..."

"...thus it may not reduce the time required..."

"...and also result..."

" the failure of the project."

"Furthermore, MISAKA have been..."

"...tuned specifically for..."

"...the currently scheduled experiments..."

"...and modifying this schedule would be exceedingly difficult..."

persuades MISAKA.

Fine, I get it.

I was just having some fun.

And stop finishing each others' sentences. It's creepy.

Oh, yeah. We haven't introduced ourselves yet.

Being the strongest isn't enough for him.

I'm obliged to your clones.

They're helping me become unmatched.

A Level who's aiming even higher...

There's no doubt.

This guy is...

I should be grateful.

...the strongest in Academy City who can control any and all vectors...

I'm Accelerator.

Nice to meet ya.

Numbers to clean up the rails.

Numbers to—

What's wrong with all of you?

This is wrong.

Why are you taking part in this plan?

You're gonna get k*lled!

I just don't get it!


You're alive!

You've got your entire life ahead of you!

This is...

Why... would you...

MISAKA are copies created for the purposes of this plan.

We are artificial bodies with artificial hearts.

At the cost of , yen each,

we are nothing more than laboratory animals.

Now, if you'll excuse us, Onee-sama.

Y-Yeah, that's right.

She's still not back.

I figured she'd be with you.

She hasn't come here.

Have you tried calling Uiharu?

Well, I got a call from Uiharu, and—(mahjongggggggg)

No, never mind.

I see.

If she's not with you, then...

Shirai-san, I'm just speculating here,

but what if she's with a guy—?

That is just impossible!

How could you even suggest something so outrageous?!

I'm deeply disappointed in you, Saten-san!

Onee-sama is mine and mine alone!

Alternative ,I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

Huh? Shirai-san?


What the heck's going on?

Won't you grant us access to your DNA map?(Matched to episode .)

Don't do it!

Your DNA map won't be used to cure muscular dystrophy!

They're just going to use it to make clones!

They're going to start those mad experiments!


Sure!(Matched to episode .)

Wait! Listen!

I'm begging you, please—!

"I see."

"So all of this is your fault, Onee-sama."

"MISAKA's creation, MISAKA's murders, everything?"

"All of it?"

I see.

It's already morning.

Long time no see.


I thought you were some delinquent sleeping on a bench.


it seems you've found out about the project.

There's nothing you can do to stop it.

I told you not to get involved.

No, you didn't.

Oh, dear.

I didn't?


How can he do this?

I don't know what all this "Level " nonsense is about,

but is it really worth so many deaths?

The people involved in those experiments must be mad.

That's not exactly true.

While I'll admit that, to some extent, we're all nuts,

talking about what's right or wrong is completely different.

For example, say there was the possibility to cure cancer with a magic b*llet,

but in order to develop it, the data from , guinea pigs were necessary.

I'm sure you're thinking that there'd be no other choice.

Guinea pigs aren't people.

They're lives, all the same.

At least in the eyes of those researchers they're the same.

Those guinea pigs are artificially created to reach Level .

Of course, there are some who work on it out of personal greed.

And there are some who really have a few screws loose.

But they don't think what they're doing is m*rder.

I was the same.

You were spreading out those cash cards to interfere with the experiments, right?



Why protect artificial creatures if they aren't even human?

When the Radio Noise Project, the plan to mass-produce Level 's, was suspended,

I left the team for a while.

But when they decided to use the Sisters for the Level Shift project, they called me back.

No complications were detected in any of the specimens after initiation of indoor experiments.(Refers to them getting k*lled while being connected to the network.)

It seems the Misaka Net is working too.

Do you want some?

I'd rather no one see you put on that face.

"What is this?"

Black tea.

It should be included in the Testament's data.

"This is black tea?"

"There is a slight deviation from the Testament's data,"

reports MISAKA.

"Along with the aroma of tea leaves,"

"there is a faint sweetness and mildness—"

You're right.

It's milk tea.

You add milk to black tea.

I like it.

"Milk tea..."

It's been a while since we've last met,

but you haven't changed a bit, have you?

As of now, subjects were used up during the indoor experiments.

You haven't developed any emotions whatsoever.

You just have a collection of shared memories and experiences as pure information.

Now, thanks to the Misaka Net,

the next clone will know how milk tea tastes, huh?

The Misaka Network is pretty amazing.

"It's also thanks to the Testament,"

adds MISAKA.

"That's how we were programmed."

"To encode emotions as semantic information, and record them as data."

"That's what allows us to participate in experiments without hesitation,"

says MISAKA, expressing gratitude.

It's time.

Do you have any questions before we begin your outdoor training?

"Is the air outside bitter or sweet?"

"We were taught that the air outside tastes better,"

"but I would prefer it if it's sweet,"

says MISAKA unveiling her preferences.

You'll know once we get there.

It's so bright out.

Not what you wanted?


"That's not it."

"There are various scents stimulating my sense of smell,"

"and filling my chest."

"The wind ruffles my hair and blows around my body."

"The sun's rays pour down on my skin,"

"and I can feel it warming my cheeks."

"I didn't know the world was such a wonderful place."

I know it's a simple reason,

but after that, I couldn't see them as mere guinea pigs anymore.

To me, the world is just this twisted, ugly thing.

I thought she was far more human than I.

How do you see them?

I don't want to accept my clones as humans.

I don't want to help people who calmly accept getting slaughtered.

But those bastards who used my DNA map for such a stupid experiment...

I won't let them get away with it.

That's right!

She randomly called me asking about some code...

Wait, you don't know about it either, Shirai-san?



Why didn't you call me?! Where—

You're all beat up...

What happened?

Oh, you know.

Just the usual.

I'm taking a shower.

Hey, Onee-sama!



Yeah, just no—

Late last night.

Yeah, don't worry.

Tell Haruue-san too.


Hel—? Saten-san...

Yeah, late last night.

I told you that's not it!

Yeah, there's really no need to worry.

Hey, Kuroko, could you do me a favor?

Sorry for making everyone worry.

To apologize, here, have it all.

It's on me. Go at it!


But Misaka-san,

where did you go, and what did you do?

I wanted to see the stars.

The stars?

Yeah, the stars.

Don't you sometimes get sentimental like that?

Sitting on a swing in the park alone, humming The Gondola Song,(Man, I love the references JC Staff makes to classic films. This one's a reference to Kurosawa's Ikiru.)(http// ... _balk_.jpg)

wanting to just stare at the starry sky forever...

You know?


I don't even get it.


Well, it doesn't matter. I just felt like it.

By the way, did you ever find out what that code you asked about yesterday was for?

What code?


Alternative ,O-Oh! That?

That was...




Misaka-san, are you okay?

I can see them...

I... can see them all... that's why...


An arcade!

Let's go to an arcade, Misaka-san!

I want another round with you on that punching machine!

That sounds good! Let's go to an arcade!

Can we do this again, then?

Oh, that!
Good idea!

Let's do it!

Let's forget about it that way.


Just don't forget this

We're here for you.

If you can't handle it yourself,

just tell us whenever.


Seriously, it's been forever.

When was the last time we did this?

I wonder if the whack-a-mole's still there.

I'll show you my true skills this time!

That's right. I can see them.

Alternative ,(saten)You won't beat me so easily!

That's why.

But those bastards who used my DNA map for such a stupid experiment...(Matched to above.)

I won't let them get away with it.(Matched to above.)

You're not being honest.

There are more than facilities involved in the project.

Are you going to do this alone?

Just who do you think I am?(derp)

I sowed the seeds.

I'll clean up the mess


I'm really worried about Misaka-san.

Me too.

Clear jelly buns!


Anshin-do's limited edition clear jelly buns!