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02x03 - Project Radio Noise

Posted: 01/17/24 18:20
by bunniefuu
OP English: Sister's noise I continue to search

OP English: For the place where my hesitant heart belongs

OP English: I will not let anyone destroy the overlapping feelings we share(our overlapping feelings)...!

OP English: The repeating truth is ever far away

OP English: Even now, I still cannot feel your pain

OP English: ,Even if the dream you entrusted to me that day starts ripping me to shreds

OP English: ,I will believe only in that precious hope and make it through

OP English: ,You stood closer to me than anyone else

OP English: And yet I could not hear your voice

OP English: Among the everflowing passage of time, I have finally met you

OP English: Sister's noise I continue to search

OP English: For the place where my hesitant heart belongs

OP English: I will definitely protect that same smile that I felt

OP English: I will no longer let anyone destroy it...!

ED English: As I stared at the vast, unknown sky

ED English: I have always, always walked alongside you

ED English: A future that's different than yesterday

ED English: I thought I caught a glimpse of it, and searched for it

ED English: I become lost within my fuzzy vision

ED English: I began to think deeply

ED English: If I touch your heart, then everything will change

ED English: When I started to count the many clouds in the sky, they drifted away once again

ED English: I chase after them, finding my dreams of tomorrow

ED English: I make certain of this moment that will never again arrive

ED English: Your feelings have reached me

ED English: One day, I will also tell you my feelings

ED English: Just like the clouds, I gently, gently

ED English: No matter where, I will always, always drift forward

Default-Alt,asdf: And then...

Default-Alt,Mikoto: Morning!

Default-Alt,fdsa: Huh?

Default-Alt,fdsa: Misaka-san?

Default-Alt,Mikoto: Um, you got here pretty quickly.

Mikoto: What do you mean, "quickly"?

Mikoto: I always get here around this time.

fdsa: No, I just saw you out on the street earlier.

asdf: I saw you walking in the opposite direction of the school.

Mikoto: Come on.

: There's no way that could happen.

Mikoto: You must've mistaken somebody else for me.

Mikoto: Clones?

rofl: What's that about?

lmao: I heard they're making clones of a Level user.

rofl: Haven't you heard about it?

rofl: Nope, I haven't.

Default-Alt,lmao: That's pretty amazing, though.

lmao: Geez, and I was wondering what they were talking about.

Mikoto: Has to be that, right?

hurr: They must be making them as weapons for the military.

durr: I heard they'll start putting them into service soon!

hurr: Seriously?

durr: Seriously!

Mikoto: That's so stupid.

herp: But aren't there only seven Level users in Academy City?

derp: I wonder whose clone it is...

Mikoto: This is so stupid.

asdf: Oh, about that. I heard that...

asdf: the Level they're cloning...

asdf: is the Railgun!

Shinobu: You are...

Shinobu: the Original, right?

Mikoto: Original?

Shinobu: Surely you've heard of the rumours, right?

Mikoto: Rumours...?

Mikoto: And here I was wondering what was going on.

Mikoto: I guess some of you guys at Nagajoutenki are rather fond of gossip.

Mikoto: And?

Mikoto: What do you know about those rumours-

Shinobu: You're in middle school, and I'm in high school.

Shinobu: Keep the age difference in mind.

Shinobu: In brief, don't talk to me so casually.

Mikoto: Would you happen to know anything about the rumours?

Shinobu: More than you, at least.

Shinobu: Even though it seems like their objectives and the details have changed quite a lot since I was there.

Shinobu: Knowing this will only bring you pain.

Shinobu: Even with your powers, there is nothing you can do about it.

Mikoto: All I asked is if you knew anything about it!

Mikoto: And you're saying that I can't do anything?

Mikoto: Then what can you do-

Mikoto: What would you be able to do?

Shinobu: I can't do much either.

Shinobu: Spreading debit cards around is the one thing I can do.

Shinobu: I am getting rid of the blind spots in the city.

Shinobu: By spreading the debit cards around,

Shinobu: people are now paying attention to the back alleys and roads that the surveillance cameras don't cover.

Shinobu: By doing that, I might be able to stop the experiments that are supposed to be conducted there.

Shinobu: But... I was pretty careless and was both discovered and followed.

Shinobu: It would be very troublesome if they found this.

Shinobu: I suppose anything that might leave behind a trail is bad.

Shinobu: I was using this place without permission anyway.

Shinobu: Let's get out of here before these people wake up.

Mikoto: Wait a second...

Mikoto: Please.

Mikoto: What were you talking about?

Mikoto: Just what do you k-

Shinobu: Indeed.

Shinobu: If we want to destroy all of our evidence, we might as well eliminate the crime scene and the witnesses.

Mikoto: Wa-(\r)

Mikoto: No!

Mikoto: Anyway, we need to get these guys...

Shinobu: Not my problem.

: Eh?!

fdsa: What's going on?

fdsa: There's a fire?

asdf: They said it's a small one.

asdf: Doesn't seem like there are any causalities.

Mikoto: Damn that violent bitch!

Mikoto: Hitting me twice and babbling on about all that nonsense!

Mikoto: Why am I taking what she said so seriously?

Mikoto: What a waste of time.

Mikoto: Time to go home, have a shower and go to bed.

Mikoto: This is stupid.

Mikoto: That's what I think each time I hear that rumour.

Mikoto: There's no way they could've cloned me.

Mikoto: But...

asdf: From this, we can see that in cloning technology, the DNA information of a specimen is necessary.

Mikoto: It's true that I gave them my DNA map.

Mikoto: But that was so long ago,

Mikoto: and to begin with, their goal was completely different.

Mikoto: It must've helped them.

Mikoto: Besides, that hospital closed down not long after that, and now...

Mikoto: If she's a student at Nagajoutenki,

Mikoto: once I hack into the student roster...

Mikoto: The security rank of the public payphone network terminals in Academy City is D.

Mikoto: The rank of the information terminals used by teachers is B.

Mikoto: However, as long as I use my power...

Mikoto: There she is.

Mikoto: Nunotaba Shinobu.

Mikoto: A third year high school student.

Mikoto: years old.

Mikoto: "As a child, she distinguished herself as being gifted in biological psychiatry."

Mikoto: "After she had participated in the research at Yamashita University Hospital and Higuchi Pharmaceuticals'..."

Mikoto: Isn't Yamashita University the one from back then...?

Mikoto: She was there?

Mikoto: Could she really have been...?

Mikoto: "...Higuchi Pharmaceuticals' Medical Research Centre No. , she returned to the academy."

Mikoto: My DNA map is there.

Shinobu: Knowing this will only bring you pain.

Shinobu: Even with your powers, there is nothing you can do about it.

Mikoto: Even if I ask that fish-eyed girl, she'd just pass it off.

Mikoto: All right.

Mikoto: I'll sneak into that place to investigate.

Mikoto: I guess I shouldn't be in my uniform.

Mikoto: Could you give me a receipt afterwards?

asdf: Yes.

asdf: Um, the total is , yen.

Mikoto: Oh, I'll pay cash.

Mikoto: Now, I just need to find a place...

fdsa: I'm sorry, but all of our single rooms are full.

fdsa: If you're fine with a double...

Mikoto: I'll take that, then.

Mikoto: Well, it's just for a changing room, but whatever.

Erii: Debit cards?

Ruiko: Yep, debit cards!

Ruiko: Misaka-san helped me find these.

Ruiko: Well, Academy City is big, but we probably made a new record by finding this many in one day.

Ruiko: If we add up the amounts on all these cards, we'll have a lot of cash.

Erii: So am I a millionaire too?

Ruiko: Haruue-san, that's...

Erii: I was trying to memorise the different streets before the new semester,

Erii: and I found all of these while I was fumbling around.

Kazari: I'm home!

Kazari: Sorry for being so late.

Kazari: Sorry for having you suddenly help out, Saten-san.

Kazari: Saten-san?

Ruiko: I lost.

Kazari: Um...

Kazari: I bought a lot of stuff.

Kazari: Let's have a late night snack!

Erii: Late night snack!

Kazari: That smells great!

Erii: I know...

Ruiko: Hey, Uiharu...

Ruiko: I don't mind that you bought strawberry oden,

Ruiko: but couldn't you have also bought one that's cold?

Kazari: Cold oden isn't oden.

Kazari: In the hot summer, you have to eat the oden hot.

Erii: It's delicious!

Ruiko: She's used to it...

Ruiko: This rice ball is delicious!

Erii: Really?

Ruiko: Yep!

Kazari: Haruue-san, haven't you been practising cooking lately?

Erii: I-I still have a long way to go.

Ruiko: But the meat floss in this rice ball tastes so good!

Erii: I added some ginger and oyster sauce for the flavour.

Kazari: It's very delicious.

Kazari: It goes well with the strawberry oden.

Erii: It brings out the strawberry's sweetness.

Kazari: That's true.

Erii: Speaking of which, I used the rice that was for tomorrow's breakfast.

Kazari: That's fine.

Kazari: Let's have bread tomorrow.

Kazari: Still, it'd be nice if we had a larger rice cooker.

Ruiko: You two sure eat a lot.

Kazari: Really?

Kazari: Speaking of which, Saten-san.

Kazari: What were you talking about on the phone?

Ruiko: On the phone?

Kazari: You were talking about Misaka-san...

Kazari: Something about you mistaking someone else for her.

Ruiko: It's nothing.

Ruiko: I just happened to see someone that looked just like her.

Ruiko: But...

Ruiko: Well, never mind.

Ruiko: They say that there are three people in the world who look exactly like each other.

Ruiko: She was wearing a Tokiwadai uniform, so I thought it was Misaka-san.

Erii: By the way, Misaka-san and Shirai-san are always wearing school uniforms.

Kazari: Tokiwadai doesn't allow its students to wear anything other than uniforms, even outside of campus.

Erii: They're that strict?

Kazari: You could say that, but on the other hand,

Kazari: wearing that uniform is like proof of being a lady.

Kazari: I can hardly imagine Misaka-san wearing something that's not a uniform.

Ruiko: Though... I wonder what she looks like in casual clothes.

Mikoto: All right...

Mikoto: Then...

Mikoto: Here I go.

Kuroko: The dorm supervisor has been such a nuisance tonight.

Kuroko: Onee-sama...

Kuroko: You're out really late tonight...

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Kuroko: How could I be doing something so indecent?

Kuroko: But...

Kuroko: it really feels like it's been forever.

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Mikoto: What was that?

Mikoto: It was quite unsettling...

Mikoto: Never mind.

Index: Transform! Magical Powered Kana-

asdf: What now?

asdf: This is weird. I just bought this.

Default-Alt,Index: I'll inject lots of energy tonight too!

asdf: Oh, it's working again.

rofl: Damn, I lost again.

lmao: I'll leave patrolling to you, then.

rofl: Again?

rofl: Do we really need to patrol a facility with all this security?

lmao: Come on, stop complaining and get a move on.

rofl: Yeah.

Mikoto: Surveillance cameras and infra-red sensors.

Mikoto: An electric lock, too.

Mikoto: They only have electrical security systems here, so those should be fine.

Mikoto: That just leaves the lab researchers and security guards to watch out for.

Mikoto: That's weird.

Mikoto: They don't have any real research departments here.

Mikoto: No, there's this place that does have electricity, but it's not part of the network.

Mikoto: It's strange that they only have cameras set up in the delivery passages.

Mikoto: I suppose they just don't want others to find out about the details of the research.

Mikoto: Okay, I'll start here.

rofl: Who's there?!

rofl: I was sure I just heard something.

rofl: Is somebody there?

Mikoto: Crap.

Mikoto: What should I do?

Mikoto: In the worst case, I can shock him until he passes out and slip away,

Mikoto: but if I can, I don't want to leave behind any traces of having infiltrated this place.

Mikoto: What is there...?

rofl: Oh!

rofl: So that was a security robot.

rofl: Of course.

rofl: No one would be here.

rofl: Is anything weird going on?

herp: No abnormalities detailed.

Default-Alt,Mikoto: All right.

rofl: Is that so?

Default-Alt,Mikoto: Just like that.

rofl: In that case, I won't bother patrolling any further in.

rofl: What's this?

rofl: A-An alarm?!

rofl: What's going on?!

Default-Alt,Mikoto: Why?

Mikoto: The sensors shouldn't have picked me up.

Mikoto: Did I mess up somewhere?

Mikoto: Anyway, right now...

rofl: What's wrong?!

rofl: H-Hey!

Mikoto: What should I do?

Mikoto: Should I stop here for the day?

Mikoto: No, I don't think they detected me.

Mikoto: This commotion could be my chance.

Mikoto: All right, I'll keep going.

rofl: Hey, what on Earth is going on?

lmao: I'm sorry.

Default-Alt,lmao: I forgot.

rofl: What?!

Default-Alt,lmao: There's a guest tonight.

rofl: I can't hear you since the alarm's too loud!

rofl: Turn it off!

rofl: It finally stopped.

rofl: Who's there?!

Mikoto: Let's see, this should be it.

Mikoto: Those are...

Mikoto: incubators.

Mikoto: It's big enough to fit a person.

rofl: Who are you?

rofl: I doubt you're here because you're lost...

rofl: How did you get in here?

lmao: No, she's fine.

lmao: I got a notice about a visitor.

lmao: She's here to deal with the data for the frozen project.

lmao: That idiot of a gatekeeper forgot to give her the staff card.

lmao: Guide her to the secret base.

rofl: Oh, so that's why.

lmao: Here, wear this.

Mikoto: There are traces of some purged data,

Mikoto: but it should still be possible to restore it.

Mikoto: No way.

Mikoto: "This project aims to discover the genetic pattern required to create Level users,

Mikoto: and to be able to produce with absolute certainty Level users who appear to be naturally born.

Mikoto: Further, the specimen used for this project is the Railgun, Misaka Mikoto."

rofl: I heard they're making cloned humans out of a Level user.

Ruiko: Come on, don't try to hide it.

Ruiko: Weren't you just walking in front of Seventh Mist?

Mikoto: It really exists...

Mikoto: A project where they're cloning me...

asdf: To produce Railguns, we used eggs fertilised with cells extracted from Railgun's hair.

asdf: With this, we obtained a sample of the necessary genetic pattern,

asdf: and registered the DNA map in Academy City's Database.

asdf: To reduce the time needed to secure specimens,

asdf: it is necessary to accelerate the growth of their bodies and personalities.

asdf: Using the medicines Zid-, Riz-, and Hel- to produce a body equivalent to that of Railgun's in days.

asdf: As for their personality, under the guidance of the external staff, Nunotaba Shinobu,

asdf: we used Testament to install basic knowledge.

asdf: With the preparations complete, and in order to produce results,

asdf: the project moved onto its next phase, to create a production system for Sisters.

Mikoto: That's been their plan the entire time!

rofl: Would you provide us with your DNA map?

Mikoto: If that hadn't happened...

Mikoto: But...

asdf: However, during the final phase of the project,

asdf: the computations with Tree Diagram yielded unexpected results.

Mikoto: Tree Diagram.

Mikoto: Isn't that Academy City's biggest supercomputer that's in orbit?

asdf: The specifications of the Sisters do not meet even % of the original Railgun's.

asdf: At average, their specs only meet that of Level ,

asdf: and even the stronger specimens do not exceed Level .

Mikoto: So they could only make inferior versions of me?

Mikoto: Then even if they made them, if it's just a Level ...

asdf: Regardless of the modification of their genes or post-education,

asdf: it's impossible for the clones to reach Level .

asdf: Accepting the results of the computations produced by Tree Diagram,

asdf: and to prevent further loses accrued by the project,

asdf: the committee ordered all of the ongoing research to be immediately halted.

asdf: The Railgun Mass Production Project, Sisters,

asdf: is indefinitely frozen.

Mikoto: So what...?

Mikoto: There's really no way there could be clones of me.

Mikoto: I'm sure this stupid project got leaked,

Mikoto: and the rumours just surfaced from there.

Mikoto: Still, that gave me the creeps.

Mikoto: I would never have thought that they would use my DNA map like this.

Mikoto: Well, it's water under the bridge.

Mikoto: All right, let's go home.

Mikoto: I wonder if Kuroko managed to fool the dorm supervisor.

rofl: Hey, how much longer will this take?

rofl: "It will be . seconds until it's completely deleted,"

rofl: Misaka reports the correct time.

Mikoto: There's really no way there could be clones of me.

Mikoto: That's a load off my chest.

Kuroko: Onee-sama, your chest is already quite reserved. If you took any more off of it-

Mikoto: That's not what I meant!