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01x22 - Level 6 (The One Who Obtains the Power of God Whilst Still Possessing a Mortal Body)

Posted: 01/17/24 18:04
by bunniefuu

Egasaki: I'm sorry, Erii-chan.

Egasaki: Don't worry. I'm sure we'll meet again.

asdf: Bye bye!

Erii: Banri-chan...

Erii: Take care.

Erii: Banri-chan and I lived in the same Child Error facility.

Erii: Because I was quite shy, I didn't have many friends.

Erii: But Banri-chan was especially friendly to me.

Erii: She always used telepathy to talk to me, but then...

Erii: They finally transferred her to another facility.

Erii: Yet, I've been able to hear Banri-chan's voice lately.

Erii: She's saying "help me",

Erii: "it hurts".

Erii: But, where is she?

Erii: What's causing her such pain?

Erii: I don't get it.

Erii: Even though I want to help her,

Erii: I'm... just so useless.

Kazari: It's all right!

Kazari: I'm sure you'll find your friend.

Kazari: Heck, I'll even help you find her.

Kazari: Because I'm a Judgement member.

Erii: Uiharu-san...

Ruiko: That's right. She may not look like it, but Uiharu is a skilled Judgement member.

Kazari: That "She may not look like it" wasn't necessary.

Ruiko: Oh, sorry.

Kazari: So, don't you worry.

Erii: Thanks. (nano)

Kazari: Did the examinations wear you out? Maybe you should get some rest.

Erii: No, I'm fine. (nano)

Telestina: By "Level Upper" incident, you don't mean that, do you?

Mikoto: Yes. I managed to learn about the culprit Kiyama Harumi's past.

Mikoto: There was something about that Edosaki girl in there.

Telestina: An experiment to understand the principles of out-of-control abilities by intentional overload?

Telestina: I never thought of that possibility.

Mikoto: If I recall correctly, the project was directed by some old guy called Kihara.

Telestina: Kihara? You mean Kihara Gensei?

Kuroko: Who might that be?

Telestina: He's a scientist. He's quite popular in some fields.

Telestina: He's what you'd call a "mad scientist".

Telestina: For that man, even experimenting on humans isn't out of the question.

Telestina: But as far as I know he's been missing.

Telestina: If that experiment did happen, then it's safe to assume that the cause of the Poltergeist are the children who were experimented on.

Kuroko: What does it all mean?

Telestina: It means those kids have gone out of control.

Mikoto: But, those kids should still be in a deep sleep.

Telestina: What if I told you they went out of control while they were unconscious?

Mikoto: No way.

Kuroko: Could it be that they did it unknowingly, subsequently activating a Poltergeist?

Telestina: That's possible as well.

Telestina: How are those kids now?

Kuroko: Although Anti-Skill conducted a search following the incident, they were unable to find anything.

Telestina: I see.

Telestina: Then we'll have to find them first.

Telestina: Today's lucky color is pink.

Telestina: Looks like I'm lucky.

Ruiko: H-Hold on. Let me get this straight.

Ruiko: Edosaki was one of Kiyama's students,

Ruiko: and that Edosaki-san and the others triggered the Poltergeist?

Kuroko: Yes, although it's all just hypothetical.

Mikoto: We can't be sure about anything until we find the kids.

Ruiko: What are you going to do when you find them?

Kuroko: Well...

Ruiko: I get it! All it'll take is a few strokes of the keyboard.

Ruiko: That's where Uiharu comes in, right?

Ruiko: Right, Uiharu?

Kazari: Of course, I'll look into it.

Kazari: I'll do what I can, but...

Kazari: First you suspect Haruue-san, and now you're going after her friends?

Ruiko: Would you cut that out!

Mikoto: Those kids want to be saved.

Kuroko: Onee-sama.

Kuroko: You've been in the bath for quite a while.

Mikoto: Yeah, I've been thinking about things.

Kuroko: That's fine then.

Mikoto: What're you going to do?

Mikoto: Aren't you going to make up with Uiharu-san?

Kuroko: There's nothing I can do about upsetting Uiharu.

Kuroko: However, as a member of Judgement, I have done nothing wrong.

Kuroko: But I'm sure Uiharu feels a little betrayed.

Kuroko: Even so, I think she'll come to understand. I...

Kuroko: ...just know it.

Mikoto: Don't try and sneak in using some cool line!

Kuroko: Eh? But that was the perfect time to talk about—

Mikoto: Shut up!

Kazari: Here! I brought you a gift!

Kazari: I got them from a famous shop in the th district.

Erii: You went that far?

Kazari: You'll understand when you taste them! These are the best taiyaki in Academy City!

Kazari: Oh, it's all tsubu-an. Anything else would be a sin. (suggest note for tsubu-an: chunky red bean paste)

Erii: It's still warm.

Kazari: Actually,

Kazari: that's my power.

Kazari: As you noticed, I can sustain the temperature of whatever I touch.

Kazari: It's hard for me to hold hot things, so keeping it warm is the best I can do.

Kazari: I still haven't told this to Misaka-san or the others.

Kazari: This is my gift to you.

Kazari: For telling me what your ability is, Haruue-san.

Kazari: U-Um...

Erii: It's delicious!

Kazari: It sure is delicious.

Kuroko: According to Kiyama's statement, there were ten specimens in the human experiment.

Kuroko: All of them fell into a comatose state,

Kuroko: and are being taken care of in various medical facilities throughout Academy City.

Mii: But you can't find them?

Kuroko: Yes. After multiple transfers, it's hard to find an accurate lead.

kazari: I see.

Kuroko: Would you like to take a break?

Uiharu: I'm fine.

Mikoto: Huh? Where are you going?

Ruiko: No, nowhere in particular.

Mikoto: Hey, are you thirsty?

Ruiko: Well, I feel somewhat reluctant to show up.

Mikoto: I know, right? (Inorite xD)

Mikoto: Tensions are a little high between all of us.

Mikoto: We have to find Edosaki-san.

Mikoto: Whether it be for Haruue-san's or Uiharu-san's,

Mikoto: or even our sake.

Ruiko: You're right.

Mikoto: Who could it be?

Mikoto: Hello, this is Misaka.

Mikoto: Kiyama Harumi was bailed out?!

Telestina: Yes. I went to the prison to discuss the incident with her, however...

Mikoto: She was released on bail even though she did all that?

Telestina: I don't know the details, but it seems like it.

Mikoto: How could that be?

Telestina: I guess our only lead on the kids is gone.

Ruiko: Eh? But, if I recall correctly, Kiyama did all that to save the kids, right?

Ruiko: If so, her using the kids is...

Telestina: Does it surprise you at all?

Telestina: She's a woman who would use students who wanted abilities.

Kazari: I'm fine.

Mii: You've been mad for long enough.

Kazari: I'm sorry.

Mii: It's rare for you to take this long to find anything, Uiharu-san.

Kazari: Just a little longer.

Kazari: I can still find data that's relevant.

Mii: Hey, look at that.

Mii: The possibility of RSPK cases occurring simultaneously due to the resonance of AIM diffusion fields...

Mikoto: Resonance?

Kuroko: That's right.

Kuroko: The AIM diffusion fields of ability users with the same power resonate.

Kuroko: First, a single out-of-control ability user is affected,

Kuroko: and then others of the same type begin resonating with the first.

Kuroko: On top of that, this "same type" is variable.

Kuroko: Let's take you, for example, Onee-sama.

Kuroko: You have the ability to control electricity and magnetic fields, right?

Kuroko: In other words, you're able to resonate with multiple ability users.

Mikoto: Then...

Kuroko: It's the same for the ten missing Child Error kids.

Kuroko: If all of their out-of-control abilities were to be activated,

Kuroko: it would potentially affect

Kuroko: % of all the students.

Mikoto: %?

Mikoto: That means...

Kuroko: It would cause a Poltergeist strong enough to destroy the entire city.

Mikoto: But, is this thesis true?

Kuroko: Take a look at who wrote it.

Mikoto: Kihara Gensei.

Kuroko: I've done some research on this man,

Kuroko: but as Telestina-san said, he's missing.

Kuroko: All of the research facilities related to him have been closed down,

Kuroko: and all the data was deleted too.

Kuroko: Is there something wrong?

Mikoto: Nope, nothing.

Kuroko: Onee-sama, not so rough!

Mikoto: I don't know what kind of dream she's having, or where to even start to comment...

Mikoto: I'm sorry.

Mikoto: All right. Now my disguise is perfect!

Mikoto: I guess this is useless if the lights are out anyway.

Mikoto: No doubt about it. This is the place.

Mikoto: So he ran away, huh?

Harumi: Nothing's left.

Harumi: Yes, I'm heading back.

Mikoto: It's her!

Title,Mikoto: Level

Title,Mikoto: The One who Arrives at Heaven's Meaning as a Mortal

Harumi: It's you, huh?

Mikoto: So it is you, Kiyama Harumi.

Harumi: Do you have something—

Mikoto: Are you the one behind this one too?

Harumi: What if I am?

Mikoto: There's no way I'd let you off!

Mikoto: W-What's going on here?

Harumi: Can't help it.

Mikoto: You sure know how to revive a dead security system with your electricity.

Mikoto: I didn't mean to do that.

Mikoto: More importantly, what were you doing there?

Mikoto: What's the deal with your bail?

Mikoto: What are you up to?

Harumi: Does every girl who rides in my car have to ask questions with such a scary face?

Harumi: Sorry, but save your questions for later.

Except Related Persons; Entry Prohibited,Harumi: Staff Entrance

Except Related Persons; Entry Prohibited,Harumi: Third New Hopsital Building

Mikoto: This is...

Harumi: Over here.

Mikoto: These are...

Harumi: If you've peeked into my memory, you would know, right?

Harumi: These are my students.

Mikoto: So it was you who's caused the Poltergeists.

Harumi: Yes.

Gekota: However, there's also quite a complex reason behind this.

Gekota: Also, I'm sorry, but this is a hospital.

Gekota: Please don't waste electricity.

Mikoto: You're the one from back then!

Gekota: It's been a long time.

Mikoto: What's going on here?

Gekota: Kihara Gensei.

Gekota: He's the one who started it all.

Kihara: Let me ask you:

Kihara: What is our ultimate goal?

Kihara: Why does Academy City exist in the first place?

Kihara: Yes, it is so we can create a being that is above human.

Kihara: There is no other reason other than to create a level .

Kihara: Overloaded ability users form abnormal neural synapses within their cerebral cortex.

Kihara: Additionally, neural transmitters and hormones are released in abnormal quantities.

Kihara: By collecting, refining, and purifying these secretions,

Kihara: we have created this Ability Crystal.

Kihara: By using this on carefully selected ability users,

Kihara: we can create a level .

Kihara: The Ability Crystal is our key to unlocking many dark secrets,

Kihara: as the ones who will arrive at Heaven's Meaning as mortals.

Kihara: It is the torch of science that will lead us on our journey to System.

Gekota: Can we really use that thing to create a Level ?

Kihara: Of course.

Gekota: Really?

Gekota: Won't the user experience heavy side effects, such as loss of consciousness, due to this crazy experiment?

Kihara: My experiment has already yielded definite results.

Gekota: How many did you sacrifice to achieve this?

Kihara: Sacrifice? There weren't any sacrifices in my experiments.

Kihara: That's just nonsense.

Gekota: I don't know how he viewed his subjects,

Gekota: but they were just sacrifices.

Gekota: After becoming involved in the previous incident, and looking into the details,

Gekota: I became certain of it.

Gekota: The Child Errors that Kiyama tried to save,

Gekota: were the specimens used to create the Ability Crystal.

Harumi: What I told you back then,

Harumi: that it was "an experiment for understanding the principles of out-of-control abilities by intentionally causing it" was all just a cover.

Harumi: What you saw back then was really a test run for the use of the Ability Crystal.

Mikoto: No way. All to reach some unimaginable power like Level ?

Mikoto: Because of a crazy experiment like that, these kids turned out like this?

Gekota: All I can do as a doctor is sustain these children's lives.

Gekota: Fortunately, I didn't take that long to gather them all up.

Gekota: I'm quite well known in this city.

Gekota: All that was left after that was to get an expert's opinion on how to wake them up.

Mikoto: And so you bailed her out.

Harumi: I had him bail me out.

Harumi: I am forever grateful towards the doctor.

Harumi: By using this facility's equipment, I've found a way to revive these children.

Mikoto: Then, you can save them?

Gekota: Well, there's one other problem.

Mikoto: Problem?

Harumi: Everytime they get close to waking up,

Harumi: their AIM diffusion fields display abnormal behavior.

Mikoto: That means...

Harumi: It's their abilities going out of control.

Harumi: It starts a simultaneous occurrence of RSPK cases.

Mikoto: Why?

Gekota: His research is still ongoing.

Gekota: The Ability Crystal that I know of won't create something like a Poltergeist.

Gekota: However, as for those that have been modified...

Harumi: They kept these kids in a coma, and turned them into out-of-control ability users.

Mikoto: Then, in order to wake these kids up...

Harumi: Yes.

Harumi: It would cause a Poltergeist.

Mikoto: Isn't there any other way?

Harumi: I'm developing a vaccine software to control their out-of-control abilities, however...

Harumi: The root of the Ability Crystal, what's called First Sample,

Harumi: is comprised of what was gathered from the very first human experimentation.

Harumi: In order to finish the vaccine software, we need to be able to analyze that data.

Mikoto: So you went to the lab to...

Harumi: I was looking for that data, but there was nothing left.

Harumi: But there's no way I'll give up.

Harumi: That data is invaluable to the research of the Ability Crystal.

Harumi: Data like that would never be thrown away.

Harumi: It has to be somewhere.

Harumi: I'll do whatever it takes to find it!

Mikoto: And if you don't?

Harumi: Then I'll wake these children up anyway.

Mikoto: You'll do it knowing that it will cause a Poltergeist?

Harumi: I can't just leave these kids like this any longer!

Mikoto: Even so! You can't—

Telestina: Yes, I won't let you do that.

Mikoto: Telestina-san!

Telestina: Sorry. I followed you all the way here.

Harumi: What's going on...

Telestina: We are Multi-Active Rescue.

Telestina: We will be placing these children under our care.

Telestina: Please follow our directions.

Harumi: Is that an order?

Telestina: Yes. As emergency rescuers, we'll do whatever it takes to prevent further harm to Academy City.

Telestina: Though I've prepared the proper legal documents,

Telestina: I ask that you hand over the kids peacefully.

Gekota: Looks like the real thing.

Telestina: Please relax. We specialize in saving lives.

Telestina: We have the facilities to treat and guard ability users.

Harumi: But—

Telestina: We have the means to obtain data you wouldn't be able to get too.

Telestina: I'm sure that includes that First Sample thing you said.

Telestina: It's very likely we can obtain that.

Telestina: Retrieve them.

Harumi: Wait!

Harumi: What are you doing?

Mikoto: Weren't you the one who said "just try and stop me"?

Harumi: Get out of the way! I'm the only one who can save them!

Mikoto: You couldn't!

Mikoto: You used the Level Upper, and you caused Poltergeist!

Mikoto: Yet, you couldn't save even one.

Harumi: Just a litte more, a little more, and I...

Mikoto: Edosaki-san is pleading for help right now.

Mikoto: Haruue-san, my friend,

Mikoto: can hear her voice.

Telestina: Retrieve the kids.

Title,Telestina: To be continued

Preview: ,Next Episode

Harumi: It's been a long time since I did a preview; I am nervous.

Harumi: Can't help it, then I'll strip.

Harumi: All right, next time—

Mikoto: Can't you read the mood! It's the climax!

Preview Title,Mikoto: What is it that you now see with your eyes?