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01x21 - "Voices"

Posted: 01/17/24 18:03
by bunniefuu
Ruiko: Uiharu?

Ruiko: Uiharu!

Mikoto: Saten-san, are you all right?

Telestina: Another second and...

Telestina: Are you hurt?

Telestina: Everything's all right now.

Kuroko: That's...

Telestina: Yes, fortunately, there were no casualties.

Telestina: Leaving that aside, in order to prevent any further panic,

Telestina: prepare an announcement for the public.

Telestina: Of course, this wasn't an earthquake but a—

Kuroko: Poltergeist.

Telestina: Yes, a Poltergeist. Over and out.

Kuroko: You have my thanks for saving my friends.

Telestina: It's a good thing she wasn't hurt.

Kuroko: By the way, are they...

Kuroko: measuring this area's AIM diffusion fields?

Kuroko: So MAR is even capable of measuring for field inconsistencies, huh?

Kuroko: Oh well, it's just that,

Kuroko: I noticed that your group is very quick when it comes to countermeasures.

Telestina: What's your name?

Kuroko: Shirai of the Judgement th Branch.

Telestina: I see. Looks like the th Branch has some outstanding members.

Telestina: It seems you've already discovered the link between RSPK and AIM diffusion fields.

Kuroko: RSPK occurs when someone intentionally disturbs the AIM diffusion fields,

Kuroko: which in turn leads to a Poltergeist when there are simultaneous occurrences.

Kuroko: Had you announced this during the joint meeting,

Kuroko: Judgement could have helped you in finding suspects.

Telestina: We're leaving that to Anti-Skill.

Telestina: As I said during the joint meeting, I would like Judgement to focus on countermeasures for rumors and keeping the public secure.

Mikoto: Disturbance of AIM diffusion fields...

Mikoto: Who else could be capable of that?

Telestina: "Who else?"

Ruiko: Misaka-san!

Ruiko: We're going to the hospital with her!

Mikoto: Oh, we'll go too—

Kuroko: We can't do that, Onee-sama.

Kuroko: The dorm mistress will be making her rounds soon.

Kuroko: I see. That's good to hear.

Kuroko: Farewell then.

Kuroko: Haruue-san is fine, and was released back to her dorm.

Kuroko: Geez, Onee-sama!

Kuroko: What have you been looking up all this time?

Kuroko: The Level Upper incident?

Kuroko: Why after all this time?

Mikoto: Something's been bugging me.

Mikoto: This Poltergeist incident just feels so similar.

Mikoto: That aside, isn't it a crime to manipulate AIM diffusion fields?

Mikoto: Besides...

Harumi: However, I still have no intention of being discriminate about my methods.

Harumi: If you don't like it, feel free to foil my plans once more when the time comes.

Kuroko: I see.

Kuroko: You're wondering whether this incident has anything to do with Kiyama, huh?

Kuroko: But, Onee-sama, you forgot about one important detail.

Kuroko: Kiyama Harumi is being detained in a special prison in the th district.

Kuroko: There's no way such a dangerous person like her could escape.

Mikoto: I guess you're right.

Kuroko: Leaving that aside, something has been bugging me as well.

Mikoto: What's that?

Kuroko: It's the way Haruue-san acted back there.

Erii: Where?

Erii: Where are you?

Mikoto: Now that I think back, it's like she was talking to herself.

Kuroko: This Poltergeist incident appears to have been caused by someone who disturbed the AIM diffusion fields.

Kuroko: Meaning that it must have been done by an ability user.

Mikoto: Wait, you mean—

Kuroko: No, I don't want to believe it either.

Mikoto: Get off me!

Mikoto: Besides, how's that even possible?

Mikoto: I mean, Haruue-san just transferred here.

Mikoto: If I remember correctly...

Ruiko: On that topic, Haruue-san, Poltergeists repeatedly appeared in the th District while you were there, right?

Kuroko: Saten-san said that?

Kuroko: The th district hasn't had any Poltergeist incidents lately.

Kuroko: Instead, here in the th district—

Mikoto: It's all a coincidence!

Mikoto: How could such a sweet girl like her have anything to do with the Poltergeists?

Kuroko: I know, right?

Kuroko: I should place more trust in those close to me.

Kuroko: It's all because of that call from Konori-senpai.

Kuroko: Uh, Konori-senpai? Good evening to you—

Mii: Shirai-san?!

Mii: Are you all right?

Alternate,Kuroko: Well, you see, um...

Mii: You could've at least called!

Mii: Besides, you're always—

Alternate,Mikoto: Good night!

Ruiko: She's sound asleep.

Kazari: Sorry for making you tag along.

Ruiko: Don't worry about it. It's not like it's your fault.

Ruiko: Besides, as your roommate, she's a candidate to be a best friend!

Kazari: I feel like I've been relying on you all day today.

Ruiko: I think you mean "today as well".

Ruiko: But Haruue-san really scared me back there.

Ruiko: She couldn't remember a thing about the earthquake.

Kazari: Yeah well, it's like the doctor said back at the hospital.

Kazari: She's probably still in shock, however...

Ruiko: She must've been frightened.

Kazari: Yeah.

Ruiko: Even though it happened during the fireworks festival, I'm glad that everyone was fine.

Ruiko: Now, you make sure to take care of Haruue-san.

Kazari: Leave it to me!

Kazari: And Saten-san,

Kazari: thanks for everything.

Kazari: Oh, you're awake, huh?

Erii: This is...

Kazari: We're back in our room.

Kazari: How do you feel? Do you need a drink?

Erii: By chance... have I caused any trouble?

Kazari: Of course not.

Erii: I'm just so odd, huh? (nano)

Erii: I guess I'll never fit in.

Kazari: That'll never happen.

Kazari: Besides, you'll be fine with me around.

Kazari: That's right. Saten-san brought something nice along with her just now.

Kazari: Give me a second.

Erii: It's delicious.

Kazari: This is a watermelon from Kumamoto.

Kazari: Saten-san said that the ones made in Academy City taste so bland.

Erii: How nice.

Erii: Even if I have Uiharu-san, Saten-san, or the others,

Erii: I can't do anything on my own.

Erii: All I can do is wait. Even though I hate how I'm like that,

Erii: even though I want to change.

Kazari: Don't worry. You can do it.

Kazari: It's thanks to everyone that I ended up in Judgement.

Kazari: And everyone's rooting for you too.

Kazari: So, of course, you can!

Erii: Can I really change?

Kazari: Of course, just you wait!

Kazari: All right, let's eat and cheer up!

Ruiko: You're at a park?

Ruiko: Just with Haruue-san?

Ruiko: No fair! Why didn't you ask me?

Ruiko: Besides, you didn't mention you had the day off.

Kazari: Sorry.

Kazari: I thought it would be nice to take in some negative ions once in awhile.

Ruiko: Sounds like you're going overboard.

Ruiko: Your breathing is really heavy.

Kazari: You think so?

Kazari: I don't think so at all.

Ruiko: Even though I came to visit her, she ditched me.

Mii: You realize this isn't a playground.

Ruiko: Sorry.

Ruiko: I know, would you like me to buy something nice and cold for you?

Mii: I guess.

Mii: Then how about some Hiyashi Chuuka, mixed fried rice, french fries, sara udon, and then some...

Ruiko: You sure have an appetite.

Mii: Oh, spring rolls would be nice too! The fresh ones!

Mii: And then...

Ruiko: Um, how long of a list are you going to make?

Alternate,Mikoto: I really can't get it off my mind after all.

Kuroko: Yes, well, in order to clear our suspicion of Haruue-san, we need to...

Mikoto: Yeah.

Mikoto: That's it.

Kuroko: Let's see, her ability is telepathy.

Kuroko: So she's a mind reader, huh?

Mikoto: But she's a Level , which means she's still unable to use her power.

Mikoto: Thank God. Looks like Haruue-san has nothing to do with the Poltergeists.

Mikoto: I guess we just gave it too much thought.

Kuroko: Onee-sama.

Kuroko: Look at this.

I think I've used fonts for the same text.,Kuroko: Able to use higher level power when exposed to certain wavelengths.

Kazari: The breeze feels nice!

Kazari: Isn't it weird how Maki-sushi tastes more delicious than usual after having fun?

Erii: I've been thinking

Erii: about what you said the other night, Uiharu-san.

Erii: About how I can change.

Erii: And I decided.

Erii: I'll do my best to change.

Kazari: Haruue-san...

Erii: There's something I need to tell you, Uiharu-san.

Erii: I've... been looking for a friend.

Erii: We were really close friends, and we were always together.

Erii: But one day, she just up and left.

Erii: We promised each other that we would definitely meet again.

Erii: That's why I've been waiting.

Erii: But, I couldn't just sit and wait.

Erii: If I don't look for her on my own...

Erii: Even now, she's...

Kazari: I understand. Let's look for her together.

Kazari: You'll definitely find her! Don't worry.

Erii: Uiharu-san...

Kazari: Haruue-san?

Erii: Where? Where are you?

Erii: What's causing you such pain?

Kazari: What's wrong, Haruue-san? Haruue—

Alternate,Erii: Where? Where are you?

asdf: What the—

Kazari: This is...

Mii: What could that be?

Mikoto: I didn't think it would taste so good! Let's go buy some more!

Alternate,Mii: Currently, the st district park is experiencing a large scale Poltergeist attack?!

Ruiko: The park?

Ruiko: Isn't that where Uiharu and Haruue are?

Title,Both: Voice

Telestina: How many casualities are there?

asdf: injuries, of those being serious injuries.

asdf: Fortunately, there are no fatalities.

Telestina: Continue the rescue operation.

Telestina: I can see how people would mistake this for an earthquake.

fdsa: Just calm down and—

Kazari: I'm fine! After all, I'm part of Judgement!

Kazari: There are still things I can do here!

Telestina: You're the girl from last time.

Kazari: Telestina-san?

Mikoto: Uiharu-san!

Kazari: You guys...

Ruiko: How are you? Are you hurt at all?

Kazari: Sorry for all the trouble.

Kazari: As you can see, I just have a little scratch.

Kazari: I told them I would be fine with just a bandage.

Ruiko: Thank God.

Kuroko: We were really worried, you know.

Ruiko: Still, for both of you to get mixed up in another Poltergeist, your luck is just...

Ruiko: which reminds me, where is Haruue-san?

Kazari: The rescue team just transferred her. I guess she's somewhere.

Kazari: Don't worry, she's fine.

Kazari: She only passed out.

Ruiko: I see, but it's good to hear she's all right.

Kazari: Uiharu. Right before the Poltergeist, did Haruue-san do anything strange?

Kazari: Similar to when it occurred at the fireworks festival.

Kazari: Um, what are you—

Kuroko: According to my investigation,

Kuroko: it seems she's somewhat of a unusual Level telepath.

Kuroko: If she did something strange like last time—

Kazari: Why?

Kazari: Why were you checking her data?

Kuroko: Well, because...

Kazari: Could it be that you suspect Haruue-san, Shirai-san?

Kuroko: W-Well, it's not...

Kazari: You're so cruel, Shirai-san.

Kazari: Haruue-san just transferred in,

Kazari: so she's insecure, and needs our help.

Kazari: Yet you...

Kazari: Yet you—

Ruiko: Come on, calm down, Uiharu.

Mikoto: You know, Uiharu-san, Kuroko wasn't—

Telestina: It's not completely impossible for telepaths to disturb AIM diffusion fields.

Kuroko: Telestina-san?

Telestina: It looks like this place is already pretty full.

Telestina: Have the rest transferred to the Emergency Hospital in the th district.

asdf: Understood.

Kazari: Um—

Telestina: However, they need to be able to exert their power at that of a Level .

Telestina: It's quite a rare power to see in fact.

Telestina: For a Level , it would be impossible,

Telestina: but just to be safe, we should examine her.

Telestina: What's your friend's name?

Kuroko: It's Haruue Erii-san.

Kazari: Shirai-san!

Telestina: We're transferring one patient to headquarters.

Telestina: Prepare a car for pickup at the front entrance.

Kazari: Um—

Telestina: Think of it as a way for her to prove her innocence.

Telestina: Don't worry. Our team is highly professional, so there's no need to worry.

Telestina: And also, try to keep it down in the hospital.

Ruiko: Here ya go, Uiharu!

Kazari: I'm fine.

Ruiko: You know...

Mikoto: Oh, then I'll take the watermelon tea.

Mikoto: Thanks, my throat is getting pretty sore.

Mikoto: Here, Kuroko.

Telestina: We've completed our examination.

Kazari: So, how is Haruue-san?

Telestina: Calm down. We still need some time to process the results.

Telestina: Follow me.

Ruiko: Somehow, this doesn't feel like a lab at all.

Ruiko: It sure has a different feeling that is...

Telestina: As someone working in the disaster relief business,

Telestina: most people find it hard to believe that I own such innocent things.

Mikoto: Then, these are...

Telestina: Yup, that's my hobby.

Telestina: All right, allow me to reintroduce myself.

Telestina: I'm Telestina, the President of Multi-Active Rescue.

Both: President?!

Ruiko: Which means, you're both the head of MAR and the head of this lab.

Ruiko: Well, is there anything else you do?

Telestina: Just those.

Telestina: Now that I think about it, the only name I know here is Shirai-san's.

Telestina: You are?

Mikoto: I'm Misaka Mikoto.

Telestina: The one from Tokiwadai?

Telestina: I never thought I would meet the Railgun like this. It's an honor.

Mikoto: Well...

Telestina: And you?

Ruiko: I'm Saten Ruiko. Pleased to meet you.

Telestina: Are you from Tokiwadai as well?

Ruiko: No, I'm from Sakugawa Middle School.

Telestina: If you're a friend of Misaka-san, then you must have really strong powers.

Ruiko: No, actually I...

Telestina: Well, whatever the case, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Ruiko: I-It's a pleasure.

Telestina: And—

Kazari: I'm Uiharu Kazari from Judgement's th Branch.

Telestina: Oh, then you must be Shirai-san's—

Kazari: Um, Haruue-san didn't cause the disturbance, right? She's not the culprit, right?!

Telestina: Want to give it a try?

Telestina: What's your favorite color?

Kazari: I like them all, but if I had to pick, yellow.

Telestina: Yellow, huh?

Telestina: Hold out your hand.

Kazari: J-Just what are you—

Telestina: Oh my. That's some good luck.

Mitsuko: Are you two seriously treating me this way knowing that I am Tokiwadai's Kongou Mitsuko?

asdf: No, like we said...

fdsa: I don't know how many times we need to explain,

fdsa: but it's really rare for a Poltergeist to happen to a Level .

fdsa: We were hoping we could—

Mitsuko: I'm feeling better than ever now.

fdsa: Like I said...

Mitsuko: Catherine-chan has been waiting for me this whole time—

Mitsuko: Shirai-san?

Mitsuko: Shirai-san! Misaka-san!

Alternate,asdf: Hold her down!

Ruiko: What's wrong?

Mikoto: Nope, it's nothing.

Kazari: Haruue-san!

Telestina: Do we have any results?

asdf: Yes.

Telestina: Let's take a look.

Kazari: Um...

Telestina: Relax. She's not the one who caused it all.

Telestina: It's true that she's a Level telepath.

Telestina: But apparently her speciality is receiving signals,

Telestina: and she is unable to send out any thoughts herself.

Kuroko: But according to the data from the databanks,

Kuroko: When exposed to certain wavelengths, she can use her ability at higher levels—

Kazari: Shirai-san, you're still going on with that?

Telestina: According to the results from the examination,

Telestina: it seems like it only applies to certain cases.

Telestina: She can only accurately receive those wavelengths if she ignores the distance and interference between them.

Telestina: In other words, it's impossible that she's the one who disturbed the AIM diffusion fields.

Kazari: See, what did I tell you!

Kuroko: I was just—

Mikoto: But, if that's true, then who's the criminal?

Kazari: Haruue-san.

Erii: Uiharu-san.

Erii: Did I do it again?

Kazari: It's fine. Everything is all right.

Kazari: You don't need to worry about anything.

Kazari: Here.

Kazari: This is something important to you, right?

Erii: Yes. It contains my memories of my friend.

Kazari: You mean the one you're looking for?

Erii: You see, I can hear her voice.

Mikoto: Her voice?

Mikoto: Is that telepathy?

Erii: I can only hear it once in awhile,

Erii: but when I hear her voice, my mind goes blank.

Kuroko: Then, is that what happened?

Kazari: Is there something inside?

Erii: Her name is Edosaki Banri-chan. (looked up name on wiki, this is the correct name)

Mikoto: That's...

Mikoto: The one from back then...

Erii: Do you know Banri-chan?

Mikoto: Well...

Erii: You see, I'm also,

Erii: a Child Error.

Title,Erii: To be continued

Mikoto: Haruue-san is a Child Error...

Mikoto: Kuroko and Uiharu-san aren't getting along...

Mikoto: All right, this is where I'll...

Mikoto: Hey! You're...

Preview Title,Mikoto: Level

Preview Title,Mikoto: The One who Arrives at Heaven's Meaning as a Mortal