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01x17 - Tsuzuri's Summer Vacation

Posted: 01/17/24 17:58
by bunniefuu
(Sign says Faculty(Staff) Room)

Oh, Tessou-sensei.

It may be summer, but you're still working as hard as ever.

Well, there is a lot of unfinished work to do.

You seem pretty busy.

Yes, well.

Oh no, I'm late!

Do you have to go to your other job as well today?

Yes, I do.

Well, I need to get going.

Take care.

I don't have time for this!


Be careful.

Oh no.

Wait for me!

I'm definitely late now!

I'm sorry for being late.

You're a generation late.

I'm sorry.

During the summer, students become troublesome.(excite-is three a cross between these two words in English?)

Because Judgement can't handle them all, we get called to help patrol areas.

So what are we going to do if you become a problem too?

I'm sorry.


This is Yomikawa.

A robbery?


Make up for it by working hard, got it?

Yes, ma'am.


Stay back!

If you don't, I'll k*ll her.

Don't worry about me, get the criminal—

Alternate ,What shall we do?

Shut up!

Give me that for a second.


I'll really do it.


How unlady-like.

Isn't getting the high score amazing though?

You're pretty good.

However, I won't lose!

Jeez. Because you let your guard down around the hostages, that sort of thing happened.

Still, you didn't have to hit me too.

All right!

You beat my score?!

Saten-san, you're amazing!

Seems like it's almost the curfew.

You're right.

Come on, get going.

Make up for it with hard work, got it?


I'm not holding back anymore.

Oh? Are you saying that you held back on the last one?

Please don't mess up and kick it.

Oh yeah, you could do that.

You can't do that, it's cheating.

Uh... ladies!

It's nearly curfew.

Please hurry up and go home.


Aren't you...

From back then....

Thank you for helping us out back then.

No, thank you for saving us.

Um, have you lost some weight?

It looks more like you're overworked to me.

Eh, are you sure?

It wouldn't hurt to take a little more care of your skin as well.

Being in Anti-Skill must be pretty tough.

It's true.

How about it? Want to blow off some steam by punching this thing?

But I'm on duty right now.

It might be good for your skin as well.

I-I guess I could give it a whirl.

What are you doing joining them?

Come on, hurry up and go home.

Geh, it's that scary teacher from before.

Hey, you too.

It's already past curfew.

Let's go!


It's Kounoe.

Do you know him?

He's a classmate.

We don't know him personally though.

He seems like the type of person that's hard to approach.

It stings.

What's wrong, Tessou?

It hurts where I got cut.

Not that.

You've been a little off lately.

Like today. You were late, you got taken hostage, and you got tricked by students.

From the start, you weren't a very capable Anti-Skill, but haven't you been taking it too easy lately?

I'm sorry.

At any rate, having a bath after a long day's work is the best.

It sure is.

You think so too, right, Komoe-sensei?

Mister, gizzard please.


As usual, you sure can drink.

Tessou Tsuzuri.


Listen up! Your weakest point is that you're a spineless bug.

Show some more pride.

You have to toughen up.

That's right, toughen up.

I've already had enough—

Mister, liver steak please.


Toughen up, huh?

I have to do my best.

Today, we're going to patrol from areas A to D.

We're going to split up.

Got it, Tessou?


Well, this way is north so...

I wonder where you got seperated from your mommy.

That didn't work out as planned.

That kid.

All right.

Hey you, it's almost time for curfew.

Please start to head home.

Um, hello?

Huh? Gekishou ?

How nostalgic!

I didn't know they had old games like this in Academy City.

I was pretty good in the past.

Too bad never came out.

Anyway, hurry up and go home.


Mister, pig feet please!


Also Vietnamese crepe and bamboo sh**t please.


Hey, Tessou.


If something is bugging you, I'm here for you.

Give it a shot.

Oh, is it love trouble?

There's nothing really...

Then why are you making such careless mistakes?

I'm sorry.

That's right. Life is short so a young lady should find love.

That's right, Tessou.

Do you have a hobby?

Well, it doesn't need to be a hobby.

Why don't you try something that you like?

Something that I like?

Summer changes a woman.

Relax. Anything is fine, just go all out!

Go all out?

You're right.


All right.

Mister, Thai deep fried water bugs please.


Um, Komoe-sensei. It's been bothering me for a while but...

What is it?

Title ,Summer Break's Spelling

What kind of food stall is this?

You're going to be late again?

Just what are you up to?

Well, I haven't finished grades for the first term.


You're supposed to finish that up before summer break even starts.

I'm sorry.

I guess there's no helping it.

You don't have to come today.

But instead, make sure to finish everything.


And the next time we go drinking, you're paying.



It's already this late?

Something I like, huh?

You're doing too many heavy att*cks.

You need to learn to time them right.

If you're going to use them half-heartedly, you might as well not use them at all.


I used to play this.

Can I try it out for a second?

Did you know that if you hold down the start button for a bit...

And then after that...

Come and get me (Lol Dan? Saikyo ryu!)

A hidden character?


But he's totally useless. (Yeah, Dan for sure)

How did you know?

You like this, right?

Don't you want to know everything about a game you like?

And this guy is kind of cute.

No, not at all.

Are you sure this is okay?

You're in Anti-Skill, right?

Today is my day off.

Since I finished all my school work, I thought I would just go all out.

All right, let's see if I still have the skills.



Yomikawa-sensei is in an emergency?

Yes, but—

Yomikawa-sensei is...



Jamie. (T.T)

Sorry, but can you take my place.

The Jamie ending is really awesome so make sure you watch it.


I can't drink anymore.

This is what you meant by emergency?

It sure is.

How long have you been drinking?

Just how much did you drink?

We both drank about or bottles.

Tessou-sensei, isn't this fun?

Of course it isn't.

Then, how was your day?

How about yesterday?

Or the day before that?

Well, it wasn't necessarily fun either, I guess.

Mainly because I was swamped with work.

Everyday is fun for me.

Because there are various kinds of students in this city.


Even though one of those "various students" is a troublemaker that blew off my roof.

Eh, your roof?


But I love them all, even those with "such misfortune". (that bring bad fortune with them, can't think of a way to infuse that)

What about you, Tessou-sensei?

All right.

Today we're doing area I to L.

Let's split up and—

I'll start going around area L then.

You're pretty enthusiastic today.


Hey you, where are you going?


Which school are you from?

I'm not a student.

I'm a sister.

So the dropped donut was picked up by the cleaning robot?

Touma said that in this country there's something called the "three second rule".

I don't think that rule applies to roads.

Hey, give me back my donuts!

Um, miss?

(Macronall Hamburger Drivethrough)

All of them.

All of them?

All of them.

I see.

That girl wants to buy all the hamburgers and won't give up?

Hey, which school are you from?

Kirigaoka Academy.

But right now I'm free.


So why exactly do you need all those hamburgers?

They have an unforgettable taste.

So that's why I want all of them.

Maybe this is too much for me after all...

No, no. I can't back down.

What's next?

What's wrong?

I think I might have dropped my pendant.


What kind?

It has a picture in it.

Oh, a locket.


That's what you call pendants that you put a picture in, right?

No way!

Kids these days don't say that anymore?


That's right.

You dropped it around here?

I think so...

Then, I'll help you find it.

It isn't here...

An earthquake?

Hey, was that an earthquake just now?

Huh, was it?

Isn't it your imagination?

Was it?

I found it.

Is that so.

I'm happy for you.

Me too.

So which school are you—


I couldn't even find a single locket.

Am I even trying at all?

She's late, isn't she?

What's she up to?

Huh? A Jamie player!

I can't lose this one.

You're pretty good.

He got me!

All right.

They used to call me Empress Jamie, you know.(so "oo" is for like a queen, and miya is a palace, so im assuming empress or queen)

All right! Now we're even.

I'm definitely going to win this.

I can win. (I don't know the Kanji flashing behind his super move)

This is the end!

I guess I've lost my touch after all...

But, it's been a while since I've been this fired up.

Empress Jamie, huh?

Eh? You were listening?

No way! You played enough to see the Jamie ending?

No wonder.

Ah, I wonder if they'll ever release a Gekishou ?

They won't. The game's too old.

If it does, I'll beat you at it.

No, it's nothing.

I'll look forward to it, Empress Jamie-san.

I told you to forget about that.

This is fine.

What are you saying?

It's past curfew.

I can't let a middle school—

It's fine.

My house is right there anyway.

I see.




What's so important that you can't even call me?

If you're not going to come then at least tell me.

You're pretty worried, aren't you?

It's nothing like that...

In any case, I told you that you were supposed to pay today.

Mister, today we're going to go all out with a roasted pig's head!

And no saying "I forgot"!


So hurry up and get over here! (uppercut)(?)


He transferred?

Seems so.

It's strange to do so during summer break.

I see...

What school did he say he was transferring to?

Zassou Academy of the th district.

What's Zassou Academy?

There couldn't be a more uncouth name.

Zassou means "weed" in English.

It's the school branch of the gaming company.


You know, it was famous for making the "Gekishou" series.

Oh, I think I heard about that.

So it's a school that teaches you how to become a game creator?

Well, the specialty topics are only taught from high school on.

But why Weed?

That company's practically finished.

Is it?

I like some of the games that company makes quite a bit.

Uiharu, it's because you're a maniac.

What? You're creeping me out.

No, it's nothing.

Make sure you all get home by curfew.


All right!

I'm going to do my best!

What's gotten into you all of a sudden?

Let's get going.

The next area is E, isn't it?

It's F.

Oh, was it?

Preview ,Next Episode

Preview Title ,Cypress nursery

When it comes to "jon" it's "janken" right?

And then there is the "jon" in mahjong.

In my heyday, there was Jean Val Jean.

Jon-guriri! (?)