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01x11 - Dr. Kiyama

Posted: 01/17/24 17:30
by bunniefuu
Kazari: A processing device?

Harumi: It creates a network using AIM diffusion fields as a medium,

Harumi: making it possible to perform complex calculations by delegating processing to multiple encephala.

Harumi: That's the true purpose of the Level Upper.(Liberal, but at least it reads )

Kazari: Why?

Harumi: I requested the use of Tree Diagram in order to run a certain simulation;(I don't think a supercomputer should have an article, but hey) however, my request was denied for some reason.(Déjà vu--I swear I had fnn use "reject" on me in Sasameki)

Harumi: Therefore, I needed an alternative processing device.

Kazari: You're exploiting those with abilities for that?(uguu, I need a noun nao ;_;)

Harumi: I've accumulated around , of them.

Harumi: That should suffice as a substitute.

Harumi: Now, don't look at me like that.

Harumi: It'll all be over soon,

Harumi: and then I'll release them all.

Harumi: This is the treatment program that'll uninstall the Level Upper.(Uninstall! Uninstall!)

Harumi: I will entrust it to you.

Harumi: There are no sequelae;(Fail spellchecker; both uninstall and sequelae fail <_<) everything will return to normal.

Harumi: No one will be sacrificed.

Kazari: I can't trust you.

Kazari: Even if you claim it's safe, the fact that it hasn't undergone any clinical trials is hardly reassuring.(Using more appropriate medical terms here)

Harumi: How rigid.

LOLrdfloor,Harumi: AIM Analysis Laboratories(Between the windows and the sign, I guess. TS must be fun <_<)

asdf: No, there's no sign of Kiyama Harumi.

asdf: Understood; we'll confiscate the data.

asdf: What's this?

fdsa: We've been had!

Harumi: So, they've already broken in?

Harumi: They're moving too quickly to have mobilized when they first lost contact with you.

Harumi: Perhaps they learned the truth through a different channel?(Yeah, she does say route, but fck it if that's actually a happy choice here <_<)

Harumi: I programmed my computer to execute a security program in the event that someone accessed it without the proper procedures.

Harumi: With this, all data pertaining to the Level Upper has been lost.

Harumi: Now, the only thing that can awaken the users is what you're holding.

Harumi: Take good care of it.

Aiho: Kiyama Harumi, I presume?(One needs to honour the classics when given the chance ~)

Harumi: Anti-Skill, huh?

Harumi: I guess the only time they move quickly is when they receive orders from above.

Aiho: You are under arrest on suspicion of distribution of the Level Upper.

Aiho: Step out of the vehicle.(Shortening this; it's direct as it it I guess)

Kazari: What will you do now?

Kazari: It looks like it's the end of the line for you.

Harumi: The Level Upper is a program designed to create a processing network with human encephala as the base.

Harumi: However, there is a side effect for the controller.(I'll use controller in order to avoid any ambiguity with "regular" Level Uppper-users)

Harumi: Let me show you something interesting.

Aiho: Put your hands behind your back and lie face-down on the ground!

Tsuzuri: The female hostage is unharmed.

Harumi: Arrest her!

asdf: What are you doing?!

fdsa: N-No, it's not me!(Colloquial shit wins I guess )

Harumi: Impossible!

Harumi: She can use abilities?!(Uguu ><)

Mikoto: Keep the change.

Mikoto: Get out of here, now!

rofl: M-Miss?

Mikoto: What's the situation, Kuroko?

Mikoto: Kuroko!

Kuroko: Kiyama is engaging Anti-Skill.

Kuroko: Furthermore, she's using abilities!

Mikoto: She can use abilities?(Gao~)

Mii: There's no record in the data bank of Kiyama ever having undergone ability development.

Mii: However...

Mii: ...that is clearly an ability.

Mii: In fact, she appears to be using multiple ones.

Mikoto: That can't be!

Mikoto: You can only have one ability.

Mikoto: There should be no exceptions!

Kuroko: Could it be due to the Level Upper?

Kuroko: A system connecting , people through a synaptic network is much like a single, vast mind.

Kuroko: If that could be controlled, one would be capable of feats beyond the limitations of the human mind.

Kuroko: If my hypothesis is correct, then the Kiyama before us now is an impossible existence.

Kuroko: Someone capable of using multiple abilities — a "Dual Skill."(Oh go to hell Japanese. Please <_<)

Mikoto: Anti-Skill was wiped out?

Mikoto: Uiharu-san!

Mikoto: Hang in there!

Harumi: Don't worry.

Harumi: She merely lost consciousness due to the aftershock of the battle.

Harumi: Her life is not in danger.

Harumi: Misaka Mikoto — one of only seven Level s in Academy City.

Harumi: Even you have probably never fought someone like me before.

Harumi: Can you stop me, who commands , minds?

Mikoto: "Can you stop me?"

Mikoto: Of course I can!

Mikoto: I'm surprised.

Mikoto: You really can use multiple abilities.

Mikoto: So, you are a Dual Skill; this'll be fun!

Harumi: My ability is fundamentally different from that of that theoretically impossible existence.

Harumi: If anything, it should be "Multi Skill."

Mikoto: Who cares what you call yourself?

Mikoto: It doesn't change what I have to do!

Harumi: What's the matter?

Harumi: Did you assume that I couldn't use multiple abilities simultaneously?

Mikoto: Unbelievable; she uses her abilities without the slightest concern for her own safety.

Harumi: I'm disappointed.

Harumi: Is this all a Level can do?

Mikoto: Don't assume that you've won just because you can negate my electric shocks!

Mikoto: Huh?

Mikoto: Crap—

Harumi: Why don't we put an end to this?

Harumi: I simply wish to conduct research on a certain matter.

Harumi: Once I'm done, I'll release them all.

Harumi: No one will be sacrificed.

Mikoto: Get real!

Mikoto: "No one will be sacrificed"?

Mikoto: You've already got so many people involved, and toyed with their hopes and feelings!(GA and all that, but I -detest- gotten. /Path goes emo and uses the proper British variant ><)

Mikoto: There's no way I could let that pass!

Harumi: You may be a Level , but you're still a sheltered young lady who knows nothing of the real world.

Mikoto: I don't want to hear that from you!

Harumi: The ability development that you undergo every day — do you believe that to be safe and humane?

Harumi: The upper echelons of Academy City are hiding something important about your abilities.

Harumi: Oblivious, teachers in this city keep "developing" the minds of their students every day.

Harumi: You should understand just how dangerous that is.

Mikoto: That's quite the tale.

Mikoto: I'll be sure to investigate the matter thoroughly...

Mikoto: ...once I've captured you!

Harumi: I'm sorry, but I can't afford to be captured just yet.

Mikoto: Empty cans?(uguu~ Chihiro's Akikan <_<)

Mikoto: Gravitons!

Harumi: Now, what will you do?

Mikoto: I'll destroy them all!

Harumi: Amazing.

Harumi: However...

Mikoto: How was that?

Mikoto: I got them all in the blink of an eye.

Mikoto: It's over for you—

Harumi: I thought you'd prove more formidable an obstacle, but I guess this is as far as a Level can go.

Harumi: I don't mind if you resent me.

Mikoto: Got you!(Fragments are us)

Harumi: Impossible!

Harumi: You used magnetism to erect a makeshift shield?

Mikoto: An electric shock at point-blank range.

Mikoto: It didn't work on that fool, but there's no way you could have such a ridiculous ability.

Mikoto: Too slow!

Mikoto: I did try to hold back...

asdf: Sensei! Sensei!

asdf: Sensei!

Alternate,Mikoto: What's this?

Alternate,Mikoto: It's coming from inside my head!

Mikoto: Sensei!

Mikoto: These are... Kiyama Harumi's memories?

Mikoto: Did the current form a connection between the two of us?(ugh, I'm too lazy to put in more of these background sensei. ><)

asdf: Sensei?

asdf: Kiyama-sensei!

Title,asdf: Kiyama-sensei

Harumi: Me, a teacher?

Harumi: Is this some kind of a joke?

Kihara: Not at all; you do have a teaching license, do you not?

Harumi: Yes...

Kihara: Then there's nothing strange about you becoming one.

Harumi: But, I only got it because I had the opportunity.

Kihara: It's not like I'm asking you to give up your research.

Kihara: On the contrary, I wish to entrust you with an experiment sponsored by the Supervisory Board.

Harumi: Really?

Kihara: Those children...

Kihara: They are referred to as "Child Errors."

Kihara: They are orphans with no relatives, abandoned in Academy City for one reason or another.

Kihara: As the test subjects of this experiment, they're the students whom you'll be in charge of.

Kihara: In order to ensure the successful completion of the experiment, we will need to collect detailed growth data on the test subjects,

Kihara: and take great care with our preparations.

Kihara: So, having you as their homeroom teacher should facilitate the process, correct?

Harumi: That might be true, but...

FuckYouJCStaff,Harumi: (\move(,,,))Bureau for Academic Advancement

FuckYouJCStaff,Harumi: (\move(,,,))Child Ability Development Center

FuckYouJCStaff,Harumi: (\move(,,,))Development Center Elementary School

EraserDustinRealForm!,Harumi: Kiyama Harumi

Harumi: Ah, I'm Kiyama Harumi, your homeroom teacher as of today.

Harumi: Nice to meet you.

all: Nice to meet you!(I SEE LOLI!!!)

Harumi: Things just got troublesome.

fdsa: Yay, we got her!

Both: We got her! We got her!

Alternate,Edasaki: Hey, you two!

rofl: Are you all right, Sensei?

Harumi: Yeah. It's sunny today, so it'll dry quickly if I hang it outside.

rofl: You can't change here!

Edasaki: Boys, look the other way!

rofl: You can't do that, Sensei!

fdsa: It's not like we're interested in Sensei's flat chest.(More fun with cheeky kids tbh)

Harumi: F-Flat...

Harumi: I hate kids.

Harumi: They are tactless.

lmao: Sensei, you're not very popular, are you?

lmao: Do you have a boyfriend?

Harumi: W-What?(Oh wow, so owned)

lmao: Then, how about going out with me?

Harumi: They are rude.

Harumi: And so, as you can see...

Harumi: They are mischievous.(Changing this to a simple clause to fit with the rest)

Harumi: What's the matter?

Harumi: If something is troubling you, you can tell Sensei—

Harumi: They are illogical.

Edasaki: You shouldn't be picky about your food!

Harumi: They act too familiar,

Harumi: and quickly grow attached to you.

Harumi: I hate kids.

Harumi: What happened, Edasaki?

Edasaki: Oh, Kiyama-sensei.

Edasaki: I slipped and fell.

Harumi: My apartment is close by.

Harumi: Do you want to take a bath?

Edasaki: Can I?!(Oh wow, screenshot time)

Edasaki: It's a bath!

Harumi: Is a bath really something to be so happy about?

Edasaki: Yup!

Edasaki: We only get to shower twice a week at the institute.

Edasaki: Say, can I really get in?

Harumi: Yeah.

Edasaki: All right! I'll brag about this to everyone!

Edasaki: Sensei?

Edasaki: If I work hard, do you think I could become a Level or ?

Harumi: It's hard to say at this stage.

Harumi: Do you look up to those with powerful abilities?

Edasaki: Well, that's part of it.

Edasaki: But Academy City took us in, and is raising us,

Edasaki: so I'd like to be of use to the city somehow.

Harumi: I have no time left for my research.

Harumi: They really are a nuisance.

Harumi: I...

Harumi: ...hate kids.

Harumi: They are boisterous.

Harumi: They are tactless.

lmao: Hey, be my girlfriend!(I have to try this line)

Harumi: Yeah, yeah.

Harumi: They are rude.

Harumi: They are mischievous.

Harumi: Is that me?(Aww, moe overload)

rofl: Yup!

Harumi: They are illogical.

All: Happy birthday, Sensei!

Edasaki: You shouldn't be...

Harumi: ...picky about your food, right?

Alternate,Edasaki: You can do it if you want to, Sensei!

rofl: Good job, Sensei!

Harumi: Kids...

Harumi: This will sting a little.

qwer: Any anomalies in the data?

: No problems here.

zxcv: Everything's fine here as well.

qwer: All right, good.

Harumi: Aren't you scared?

Edasaki: Nope! This is Kiyama-sensei's experiment, right?

Edasaki: I believe in you, Sensei!

Harumi: And so, I'm done playing teacher.

qwer: Dopamine levels are falling!

: The anticholinergic agents aren't having any effect!

zxcv: Subjects are experiencing hypovolemic shock due to thermal trauma!(Fck this >< I'm not used to having to look shit up. g*dd*mn medical lingo tl <_<)

qwer: Administer lactated Ringer's solution, and initiate blood transfusions!(Fck, cutting this down to something short enough to fit is effort.)

: Impossible! Any more and they'll—

qwer: Contact the hospital, now!

Kihara: Oh, there's no need for that.

qwer: But, at this rate...

Kihara: Stop fretting, and make sure to record the data properly.

Kihara: A gag order will be issued regarding this experiment.

Kihara: The experiment was completed without any incidents, and you didn't see anything.

Kihara: Understood?

qwer: Y-Yes...

Kihara: You did well, Kiyama-kun.

Kihara: A tragic loss, but sacrifices are unavoidable if science is to progress.(yay, they became vegetables in the name of science. What an honour)

Kihara: Don't let this unfortunate incident trouble you.

Kihara: I expect great things of you in the future, too.

Mikoto: What was that...

Harumi: You... saw it?

Kazari: The road disappeared?(Greetings Flash, and welcome to Earth)

Kazari: Misaka-san!

Mikoto: Why?

Mikoto: Why did something like that...

Harumi: Officially, it was an experiment for controlling AIM diffusion fields.

Harumi: In reality, the purpose was to analyze the principles of out-of-control abilities by means of induced explosions.

Harumi: The true objective was to learn the conditions under which abilities go out of control by stimulating the AIM diffusion fields.

Mikoto: Then...

Harumi: They were meant to go out of control. Of course, I only realized that later.

Mikoto: Human experimentation...

Harumi: Those kids never woke up, and remain in a coma even now!

Harumi: We used them as if they were disposable guinea pigs!

Mikoto: But, if something like that happened, you could've contacted Anti-Skill—

Harumi: times.

Harumi: That's how many times I requested the use of Tree Diagram to run a simulation,

Harumi: in order to find out what caused the accident, and to find a way to revive those kids.

Harumi: With the processing power of Tree Diagram, I would've been able to save them.

Harumi: They would've been able to run around under the sun once more.

Harumi: But they turned me down — all times!

Harumi: The Supervisory Board is behind this!

Harumi: There's no way Anti-Skill would mobilize!

Mikoto: Even so, resorting to this—

Harumi: What would you know?!

Harumi: I would do anything to save those kids!

Harumi: I won't stop, even if it means turning the entire city against me!

Mikoto: Hey...

Harumi: The network's going out of control?

Harumi: This is...

Kazari: What... is that?

Mikoto: A fetus?

Title,Kawaii tenshi: (\c&HDED&\pos(,))(Onscreen)To Be Continued

Preview,Ruiko: Next Episode

Mikoto: I'll put an end to Kiyama's ambitions,

Mikoto: and save Saten-san!

Mikoto: Hey, what is this monster?!

Mikoto: No one told me I'd be fighting that!(Hurr, tentacles <)

Preview Title,Mikoto: AIM Burst