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01x09 - Majority Report

Posted: 01/17/24 17:27
by bunniefuu
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun


Kuroko: (OP)

Ruiko: (ED)

Kuroko: It's hot.

Kuroko: So hot...

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Kuroko: Wake up, Onee-sama!

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Kuroko: Onee-sama...

Kuroko: Then, allow me to rouse you with a kiss.

Mikoto: Can't you wake people up normally?

Kuroko: You wouldn't wake up.(So, yeah, I'm retiming shit like there's no tomorrow here. While I'm not a keyframe whore, this seems a bit weird. Suppose the DFC can change things back if that works better)

Harumi: You're still here?

Kuroko: There's something we would like to ask you.

Harumi: It really is hot in here, though.

Harumi: Do they have a policy against using air conditioning even on days like this?

Kuroko: So it would seem.

asdf: We apologize for the inconvenience.(Seeing as she's speaking on part of the hospital, I think "we" is better)

asdf: There was a blackout last night, and power has yet to be restored.

Harumi: I see.

Harumi: Emergency power is reserved for surgery and patients in intensive care.

Mikoto: Not again...

Kuroko: W-Why are you stripping all of a sudden?!

Harumi: Well, it is hot.

Kuroko: There are gentlemen in the vicinity!("Tonogata no me arimasu no" -> "There are eyes of gentlemen (here)", basically that there are men around too. Unless I'm hearing things, but I think what she says is more specific than the TL, especially since she went out of her way to use tonogata of all things ~)

Harumi: Even if I'm wearing underwear beneath?

Kuroko: Even so!

Harumi: I see...

Mikoto: Kiyama-sensei, we would like to hear your opinion as an expert.

Harumi: I don't mind, but it's far too hot here.

Kazari: Saten-san sure is late.

Ruiko: So, it's blue stripes today.

Kazari: You mentioned in your text message that you had something to show me?

Ruiko: Indeed I did.(Ok, this sounds so daft in English. I'll wing it, even if the TL/TLC cries ><)

Ruiko: Prepare yourself!

Ruiko: The rumored item — I've finally found it!

Kazari: That's a music player, isn't it?

Ruiko: It's what's inside that matters.

Ruiko: I'll tell you about it later.

Harumi: Now then, to continue where we left off...

Harumi: Why is it that swimsuits are acceptable while underwear is not, when the amount of skin exposed is the same?

Both: No, that's not it.

Harumi: Level Upper?

Harumi: What kind of a system is that?

Harumi: What is its form? How do you use it?

Kuroko: We still don't know.

Harumi: In any case, the two of you believe that there's a connection between this and the comatose students?

Kuroko: Yes.

Harumi: So, why are you telling me this?

Kuroko: Since it augments one's ability, there's a distinct possibility that we're dealing with a system that interferes with cerebral functions.(Possible two-liner warning)(This line reminds me of how awesome it is to have middle schoolers talk like PhDs)

Kuroko: Which is why, if we can locate the Level Upper, we were hoping that an expert such as yourself could help us analyze it.(Go Kuroko)

Harumi: Actually, I would've asked that you allow me to assist you.

Harumi: As a cerebral physiologist, I am most interested.

Harumi: By the way, I've been meaning to ask you this...

Harumi: Are those two acquaintances of yours?

Kazari: I see, so you specialize in the brain.(Presumably she introduced herself as a cerebral physiologist, meaning that Uiharu would look like an idiot rehashing her words. "Hi, I'm a doctor" "Oh, so you're a doctor!" Yeah.)

Ruiko: Is there something wrong with Shirai-san's brain?(A lot, to be honest)

Kuroko: We were discussing the matter of the Level Upper.

Ruiko: Oh, in that case—

Mikoto: Kuroko's of the opinion that we should bring those who've used the Level Upper into protective custody.(Seriously, what the hell is wrong with the timing in this episode <_< I must've re-done half of these lines ;_;)

Kazari: Why's that?

Kuroko: As the matter is still under investigation we don't know for certain,

Kuroko: but it's possible that those who use it experience side effects.

Kuroko: Furthermore, they appear to develop a predilection towards crime.

Kazari: Is something wrong, Saten-san?

Ruiko: Oh, it's nothing.

Harumi: Oh.

Ruiko: I'm so sorry!

Harumi: Don't worry about it.

Harumi: It only spilled on my stockings, so I'll just take them off.

Kuroko: I told you not to undress in public!

Harumi: I doubt a man exists who'd become aroused by the sight of an unattractive body like mine, though.

Kuroko: Preferences differ from person to person!

Kuroko: Men aside, there are also twisted women with the most deviant passions!(Ye, you would know)

Kuroko: Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions.(Oh, that was shorter with the single clause. I'll use that, then <_<)

Harumi: Not at all; the pleasure was mine. It brought back memories of my days as a lecturer.(Given her specialization, one'd think that she was teaching at university level.)

Harumi: It was fun.(Random /rage # at the timing here ><)

Kuroko: So, you were a teacher?

Harumi: A long time ago.

Kuroko: How should I put it?

Kuroko: She seems somewhat eccentric.(Like, what. Why are there . second gaps between all of these lines ><)

Kazari: More so than you, Shirai-san?

Kuroko: We should head back to the branch office.

Kazari: While it's not much, we need to organize the data we have for Kiyama-sensei too.

Kuroko: Indeed.

Kuroko: Which means that we'll be heading back to the branch—

Kuroko: Where is Onee-sama?

Ruiko: In the end, I still don't want to let go of it.

Ruiko: I haven't used it yet.

Ruiko: It'll be fine as long as I don't say anything, right?

Ruiko: Now that I've finally found it.

Mikoto: Is something wrong?

Ruiko: Misaka-san?

Ruiko: Why are you...

Mikoto: Well, you disappeared all of a sudden.

Mikoto: Of course we'd get worried.

Ruiko: I-It's nothing to worry about.

Mikoto: But...

Ruiko: But, well, I'm the only one who's not involved in these incidents.

Ruiko: I'm not in Judgement.

Ruiko: Thank you...(Ok, this much localisation is for the better Really <_<)

Mikoto: That's the charm you always keep tied to your bag, isn't it?

Ruiko: Yeah, it is.

Ruiko: My mother gave it to me.

Ruiko: Even though good luck charms have no basis in science at all.

asdf: You're getting a special ability, Nee-chan?(/facepalm. Fck lack of proper nouns <_<)

asdf: That's so cool!

fdsa: Ruiko...

fdsa: Even now, I still don't agree with this.

rofl: Mother is such a worrywart, after all.

fdsa: Still, having your head tampered with is a scary thought.("Messing with" just sounds so... ghetto. Tamper, maybe ><)

Ruiko: I'm not scared at all!(You tell her girl)

fdsa: It's a good luck charm.(If I have to choose between righteoussness and peace, I choose righteoussness! Or, grammar over literal meaning, as it were.)

Ruiko: That's so superstitious.

fdsa: If anything happens, you can always come back here.

fdsa: Your health is more important than anything.

Ruiko: My mother really is superstitious.

Ruiko: There's no way something like this could protect you.

Ruiko: It's not like it's a barrier.

Mikoto: She sounds like a caring mother.

Mikoto: She must've given you that charm because she was worried about you.

Ruiko: I know that.

Ruiko: But, there are times when those expectations become a burden.

Ruiko: Since I'll always remain a Level .

Mikoto: Levels don't really matter, do they?(Nice flippant response from Ms. Railgun, hurr)

Kuroko: How does it look?

Kazari: There's a lot of code and ciphered messages that I don't fully understand,

Kazari: but I've isolated what appears to be a few of the locations where the Level Upper is being traded.(Notice how they randomly make progress in their investigations when the plot requires it, even though it doesn't really make any sense. I guess I should be beyond caring at this point ~)

Kuroko: Just what I'd expect of you!(I'm developing a very real hatred for the whole "Sasuga" crap ;_;)

Kazari: This is a list of the locations.

Kuroko: Are there this many?

Kazari: Shirai-san?

Kuroko: It's certain to be in one of these locations, correct?

Kuroko: In that case, all we need to do is to check them one by one.

Ruiko: Level Upper, huh.

Ruiko: It seems like a dream — an item that'll grant even me an ability.

Ruiko: But the mystery surrounding it scares me.

Ruiko: I probably shouldn't.

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,)\clip(m l ))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,)\clip(m l ))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,)\clip(m l ))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,)\clip(m l ))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,)\clip(m l ))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,)\clip(m l ))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,)\clip(m l ))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,))Do you want to delete this track?()

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\pos(,)\frz)Delete

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\pos(,)\frz\clip(m l ))Delete

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\pos(,)\frz\clip)Delete

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\pos(,)\frz)Delete

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,))Cancel

=Insert Witty Phone Thing=,Ruiko: (\frz\pos(,)\clip(m l ))Cancel

fdsa: Weren't you going to give me the Level Upper?

Title,fdsa: Majority Report

rofl: The price just went up.

rofl: If you want this, then bring us another ,.

fdsa: In that case, give me my money back.

fdsa: Please stop!

asdf: Stop crying and bring us the money!(Um, he already handed it over, so )

lmao: I wonder how much stronger you two have become.

lmao: Why not use him to find out?

Ruiko: I should contact Judgment or Anti-Skill...

Ruiko: No way — the battery died?

Ruiko: It can't be helped then...

Ruiko: There's nothing I can do.

Ruiko: There are three of those thugs,

Ruiko: and I was still in elementary school until just recently.

Ruiko: Stop it!

Ruiko: He's hurt,

Ruiko: and Anti-Skill will be here soon.

lmao: What was that?

lmao: You've got a big mouth for a brat.

lmao: Weaklings like you have no place telling others what to do.

Kuroko: And you, who mistake power given to you for your own, have no right to address her thusly.

Kuroko: I'm with Judgement.

Ruiko: Shirai-san...

Kuroko: I'm placing you under arrest for as*ault.

asdf: I wondered who it could be...

asdf: ...but it's just another brat.

Kuroko: I would advise you to be careful.(Note how I managed to avoid the epic fail of using a noun in lieu of a verb)

Kuroko: I've wasted the better part of the day chasing shadows.

Kuroko: When I finally arrive at the scene of an exchange, I find my friend being accosted by knaves.

asdf: What are you on about?!

Kuroko: Kuroko is a little dangerous today.(I think that sounds more menacing actually <_< Though it takes a Japanese to say smt like like this)

lmao: What an interesting ability.

lmao: A Teleporter, are you?

lmao: First time I've seen one.

Kuroko: You seem awfully cavalier about it,

Kuroko: considering that you're next.

lmao: Before we obtained the Level Upper,

lmao: we used to dread Judgement.

lmao: That's why...

lmao: if we ever obtained true power, we resolved to give you a taste of it!

Kuroko: Well, in the end, you'll still—

Kuroko: He disappeared?

Kuroko: From behind?!

Kuroko: But I should've been behind him!

Kuroko: This shouldn't be happening!

Kuroko: No choice — I'll have to pierce him directly!

Kuroko: I missed?

Kuroko: Why did it end up somewhere other than where I intended?

Kuroko: I'll have to figure that out.

Kuroko: Here he comes.

Kuroko: As I thought; he struck me from a different angle than what I predicted.

lmao: That felt good.

lmao: You must have broken a rib or two.

lmao: What are you doing?

lmao: Don't tell me you're unable to teleport anymore?(I had forgotten how much fun you can have with the word "anymore". Ah, the days of debating the validity of the word Though seeing as we're using American English, the point is moot ;_;)

lmao: I'm only getting started.

lmao: So, we're playing tag now?

lmao: Fine with me.

lmao: However, if you seek to escape from the building,

lmao: I'll k*ll the fat slug and the girl outside!

Kuroko: Since it's scheduled for demolition,(Wow, this just screams Engrish ~)

Kuroko: there's not a single place to hide.

Kuroko: I can't hear any footsteps...

Do not Enter of I'll have to typeset another sign. ;_;,Kuroko: No Entry(Use whatever is normally used on these at sites)

Kuroko: He must think that I'm still on the first floor.

lmao: Found you.

lmao: This abandoned building is one of our hideouts.

lmao: I know it like the back of my hand.

lmao: Furthermore, it echoes well.

lmao: As I said, it echoes well in here.

lmao: Just keep on running until you've exhausted yourself.

lmao: Once you can't fly around anymore, it'll be the end for you.

lmao: I grow weary of this game.

lmao: It's time to settle this.

lmao: How pitiful.

lmao: You'll die before ever learning the nature of the ability that was your undoing.

Kuroko: I already know.

Kuroko: Your ability is nothing but an optical illusion.

Kuroko: You can merely distort the light around you.

lmao: So, you noticed.

Kuroko: Your leg bends at impossible angles.

Kuroko: What I throw at you veers off course.

Kuroko: In other words, you bend light to create an illusion.

Kuroko: You confuse my sense of direction by drawing my attention away from your true location.

Kuroko: That's why the trajectory of what I threw at you changed.

lmao: It's called "Trick Art."

lmao: But even if you know about it, what can you do?

lmao: You have no choice but to rely on your eyes.

Kuroko: That is true — I can't hit you directly.

lmao: What are you trying to do?

Kuroko: Objects that I teleport will displace any obstacle at the target location.(Which leads to an interesting question--displaces where? Clearly whatever she teleports end sup occupying that space, but what happens to whatever was there before )(and to the space that was occupied by the object she teleported?)

Kuroko: As you can see, this allows me to cut through a reinforced concrete pillar with a pane of glass.(If anyone's still wondering whether Kuroko or Biribiri'd win in a fight, this should settle it <_<)

Kuroko: This is your final warning.

Kuroko: Put down your w*apon and surrender.

Kuroko: If you fail to comply, I cannot guarantee your safety.

lmao: Surrender?

lmao: Don't make me laugh.

lmao: You're the one who's cornered.(Meh, question -> statement I think)

Kuroko: Were it possible, I would have preferred to avoid this.

Kuroko: However, if that's how you feel, then I have little choice.

Kuroko: Prepare yourself.

Kuroko: I will crush that vexing illusion that you are so proud of.

lmao: What are you doing?

Kuroko: What would happen to a building if all of the pillars supporting it were to be cut in half?

Kuroko: You appear to understand.

lmao: Don't tell me...

lmao: The whole building?!

lmao: That's insane!

Kuroko: A little extreme, perhaps.

Kuroko: Well, it was scheduled for demolition anyway.(And we thought Biribiri had a tendency to wreck shit)

Kuroko: Now, I will have you hand over the Level Upper.

Kuroko: Or perhaps you would prefer to have another building or two collapse with you inside?

Kuroko: Isn't this just a music player?

Kuroko: Quit fooling around.

lmao: The Level Upper is a song.

Kuroko: What did you say?

asdf: Good job.

asdf: We'll take over from here.

Ruiko: What a relief...

Ruiko: Shirai-san was fine.

Ruiko: I don't like this feeling.

Ruiko: We're both in middle school.

Ruiko: We're the same age.

Ruiko: We're both girls.

Ruiko: But we live in different worlds.

Ruiko: For a Level , who has no ability, everything is different.

Akemi: Ruiko!

Akemi: Hey, over here!

Ruiko: Akemi, Muu-chan — and Mako-chin too?

Akemi: What are you doing here by yourself?

Akemi: Shopping?

Ruiko: Well, something like that.

Ruiko: What about you?

Akemi: We were studying at the library.

asdf: We may not be able to do anything about our abilities, but we can still focus on our studies.

Ruiko: That's true.

Akemi: Though, have you heard about the Level Upper?

fdsa: What's that?

asdf: Oh, I have; it's supposed to increase the potency of your ability, right?

Akemi: That's the one.

Akemi: Rumor has it that they're being traded for outrageous sums now.

asdf: I don't have money like that.

Ruiko: Hey...

Ruiko: I... well...

Ruiko: ...have it.(Saten-san, nooo ;_;)

Title,Ruiko: (Onscreen)To Be Continued

Preview,Ruiko: Next Episode

Ruiko: Claiming that I was fine even without an ability — perhaps it was nothing but a pretense.

Ruiko: But, now that I have this...

Mikoto: You mustn't, Saten-san!

Preview Title,Mikoto: Silent Majority