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01x08 - Level Upper

Posted: 01/17/24 17:26
by bunniefuu
To Aru Kagaku no Railgun

For those who care: manga starts in first term, and animu starts in second.

For those who care: ----------

Ruiko: (OP)

Ruiko: (Commercial)

Mikoto: (ED)

asdf: As you can see, the most important aspect of the curriculum for ability development

asdf: here in Academy City is "Personal Reality."

asdf: In other words, attaining a reality of your own.

asdf: This is the basis of every paranormal ability.

asdf: In addition, there's a concept pivotal to the understanding of Personal Reality —

asdf: Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, part of quantum theory.(k*ll me plix *pseudoscience crits Path for over damage ;_;*)

asdf: Personal Reality and quantum theory — they are similar in that they both have their roots in probability theory.

asdf: For example, Schrödinger...

Ruiko: A cold?

Kazari: Yes; it's just a slight fever, but it won't break.

Ruiko: I see.

Ruiko: Be sure to rest up.

Ruiko: Yeah.

asdf: Saten?

asdf: Saten Ruiko!

Ruiko: Y-Yes!

asdf: You seem to be enjoying yourself.

asdf: Please explain what I just said in a nutshell.

Ruiko: Y-Yes!

asdf: That's enough.

asdf: Make sure to read up on Personal Reality for next time.

asdf: All right, that's all for today.

Ruiko: I don't care about theories or hypotheses.

Ruiko: Can't we take a class on how to improve our abilities quickly?

Mikoto: Today's another hot day.(Where is fnn when I need someone to complain about fragments )

Mikoto: What's eating you?

Kuroko: I just can't believe the fact that Kaitabi Hatsuya is a mere Level .(*refrains from splicing these with a dash* I'll be a nice boy and just reword it a bit instead ;_;)

Mikoto: Kaitabi?

Mikoto: Oh, the one behind the graviton affair.

Mikoto: But, wouldn't destructive power of that magnitude be around Level ?

Kuroko: Yes, which means that...

Kuroko: Which means that...

Kuroko: Just what does it mean?

Mikoto: That's what I'm asking you.

Mikoto: If you've come to an impasse, why not take a break and try a different approach?

Mikoto: What will you have?(Fcking Japanese No, we don't need predicates because we're pro. Sometimes I wonder why I strive to avoid fragments ;_;)

Kuroko: The same as you, Onee-sama.

Kuroko: Strange, is it not?

Kuroko: You will feel a little cooler when you hear a wind chime.

Mikoto: Oh, that's what they call synesthesia, isn't it?

Kuroko: Synesthesia?

asdf: Sorry to keep you waiting.

asdf: Here you are — two strawberries.

Mikoto: The experience of multiple sensations from a single stimulus.("The experience of multiple senses because of one sensory." <- wtf? ^)

Mikoto: Oh, and we're splitting this.

Kuroko: You are the one who invited me, Onee-sama.

Mikoto: What was that?

Kuroko: No, it's nothing.

Mikoto: Basically, you feel warm when you see red colors,

Mikoto: and cold when you see blue, right?

Kuroko: And so they are called warm and cold colors?

Mikoto: That's right. This shaved ice is red, like strawberries.

Kuroko: I see.

Kuroko: The red syrup reinforces the impression of a fruit.

Kuroko: Oh, Onee-sama.(SKills)

Ruiko: Misaka-san! Shirai-san!

Mikoto: Saten-san.

Ruiko: That looks delicious.

Mikoto: It's practically synonymous with summer, isn't it?

Ruiko: Even so, I still wanted to have some.

Ruiko: Oh, is that strawberry?

Mikoto: Would you like to try some?

Ruiko: Oh, may I?(Owned)

Ruiko: Thank you!

Ruiko: It's delicious!

Ruiko: Do you want to try some lemon in return?

Mikoto: Thanks.

Kuroko: Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you two doing?

Ruiko: Comparing flavors.(Have to cut this down)

Kuroko: Comparing fla-fla-flavors...

Kuroko: To think that such a way existed!

Kuroko: This is the greatest failure of my life!

Kuroko: Then, why don't we have an indirect ki—

Kuroko: Compare flavors, that is.

Mikoto: Don't we both have strawberry?

Kuroko: Fool! Fool! Fool!

Kuroko: You're such a fool, Kuroko!

Mikoto: By the way, Saten-san — isn't Uiharu-san with you?

Ruiko: She caught a summer cold, and took the day off.

Ruiko: So, I'm on my way to bring her some medicine.

Mikoto: Is it serious?

Ruiko: She says that it's not, but I'm still worried about her.

Ruiko: Say, if it's fine with you...

Ruiko: And so, we're here to pay you a visit!

All: Excuse us.

Kazari: I'm sorry for making you come all this way.

Ruiko: Don't mention it.

Ruiko: Keep still a moment.

Ruiko: . degrees.

Ruiko: Well, it's only a slight fever, but you should rest today.

Ruiko: From now on, don't sleep with your belly exposed.

Kazari: I only caught a cold because you keep lifting up my skirt, Saten-san.

Ruiko: Well, as your friend, it's my solemn duty to ensure that you're wearing underwear every day.

Kazari: I do wear them!

Kazari: Every day!(Everyday != Every day! )

Mikoto: Okay, okay. We get it.

Mikoto: Look, sick people should lie down.

Ruiko: I'll prepare a wet towel for you.

Kazari: That reminds me, Shirai-san.

Kazari: Has there been any progress in the graviton affair since then?

Kuroko: On the one hand, there has; on the other, there hasn't.

Kuroko: So far, all we know for certain is that the culprit is a Level .

Mikoto: However, that was definitely around Level .

Kazari: So, the "progress" consists of an even more elaborate mystery for us to solve?

Kuroko: Well, something like that.

Mikoto: Come to think of it, didn't you mention something called a "Lever Upper" the other day, Saten-san?

Ruiko: Yes?

Kuroko: It increases the potency of your ability?

Ruiko: Well, I did say that it was just a rumor.

Ruiko: No one seems to know what it really is.

Mikoto: No one knows what it is?

Ruiko: So it seems.

Ruiko: The rumors are all inconsistent.

Ruiko: In truth, it's more like an urban legend.

Mikoto: I see.

Mikoto: Well, there's no way something so convenient could exist.

Kuroko: Actually, this isn't the first time we've experienced a discrepancy between the database's records and the scale of the incidents.

Kuroko: The eyebrow girl hunting Tokiwadai students,

Kuroko: and the Pyrokinesist who robbed the bank —

Kuroko: those are two cases with which you are already familiar, Onee-sama.

Kuroko: There have been others with a clear discrepancy between the recorded Level and the scale of the incident.

Mikoto: Then...

Ruiko: ...the Level Upper actually exists?

Mikoto: Do you know anything else?

Ruiko: Well, I don't know whether it's true or not,

Ruiko: but those who have used the Level Upper allegedly frequent an online message board.(Frequent here is used as a verb. Might want to change it if you think it doesn't work so well, Editor-kun. -Southrop)(I never would've gussed ^)

Mikoto: Do you know which message board?

Ruiko: Um, well...

Ruiko: Um...

Kazari: Isn't it this one?

Kazari: This message board.

Ruiko: Oh, that's the one!

Kuroko: Well done!

Kuroko: Now, if we can just learn their identities and where they gather...

Kazari: We may not know who they are, but as for the latter...

Kazari: They seem to gather at this family restaurant a lot.

Kazari: lvup passing by

Kazari: Let's meet up at JonaG!(Note: The name is actually JonaGarden, so "JonnaG" probably won't work. I'd suggest JonaG or Jona-G. See around :)

Mikoto: Thank you, Uiharu-san!

Mikoto: I'll go and have a look!

Mikoto: Oh, take care!

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Kuroko: That's my job!

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Kuroko: Listen to what others have to say!

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Alternate,Kazari: Will they be all right?

Ruiko: There's no need to be concerned.

Ruiko: They're Level and Level — the elite of Academy City.

Ruiko: Even if we were to go, well...

Kazari: Saten-san...

Ruiko: Say, Uiharu.

Ruiko: If we used the Level Upper, would our abilities really improve too?

Kazari: I wonder...

Kazari: Cheating is wrong, though.

Ruiko: That's why I said "if."

Ruiko: Don't worry.

Ruiko: I wouldn't do something like that.

Ruiko: Oh, that's right.

Ruiko: I got into some trouble when the teacher put me on the spot at school today.

Ruiko: Could you help me a bit?

Kazari: You shouldn't ask a sick person.

Ruiko: Are you hungry?

Ruiko: Would you like me to make you something?

Kazari: It's wrong to bribe people.

Ruiko: I understand.

Ruiko: You don't need anything.

Kazari: I'll eat.

Ruiko: Well, he told us to study "Personal Reality," but I don't really understand it.

Kazari: I wonder what it means.

Kazari: A reality that you alone possess.

Kazari: If it refers to knowledge, that's certainly true.

Ruiko: I alone possess...

Ruiko: Your own, my own — what kind of realities are those?(Japanese and lack of plural tw. Keeping this singular when she clearly mentions two different realities doesn't work, even though this looks odd )

Ruiko: Delusions, perhaps?

Kazari: Oh, that might be close.

Kazari: Though, rather than delusions,

Kazari: wouldn't it be the strength of a firm conviction? An unwavering faith in that which you believe in.

Kazari: I see.

Ruiko: An unwavering faith...

Kazari: I'm just a Level myself, so I'm hardly an authority on the matter.

Ruiko: Not at all; thank you.

Ruiko: To be honest, I didn't really understand the concept of "a reality of your own."

Ruiko: I think I get it now, though.

Ruiko: If I believe, will I also obtain an ability one day?

Kazari: You'll be fine.

Kazari: After all, you're prone to delusions.(lolwat. Saten-san wa omoikomi no hageshii hito desukara. I couldn't make much sense Omoikomi -> get the wrong impression. Hageshii -> Violent, intese, furious, vehement, etc. Help me here, Editor-kun! -Southrop.)(Epic win ~)(I -think- that she's mocking Saten for always coming up with various delusional ideas, meaning that she should be eminently suited for something like this)(So, "Because Saten-san is an intensely delusional person." or smt to that effect. I'll reword that into real English though)

Ruiko: You say some harsh things at times.

Title,Ruiko: Level Upper

Mikoto: This is it, huh?

Mikoto: Then, let's go.

Kuroko: Not again, Onee-sama.

Mikoto: You're with Judgement, so they might recognize you.

Kuroko: But...

Mikoto: It's fine.

Mikoto: Just leave it to me.

Mikoto: Just find a seat that's not too close, and remain on standby.

Kuroko: Why is it that I have such a bad feeling about this?

Mikoto: All right, let's go!

Kuroko: Hold on, Onee-sama!

asdf: You want to know about the Lever Upper?

Mikoto: Yeah.

Mikoto: I came across your posts on the internet,

Mikoto: and was wondering if you could tell me more about it.

Mikoto: Please!

Mikoto: I'm begging you!

Mikoto: You can tell me, right?

asdf: We know nothing.

asdf: Get lost.

Mikoto: Don't say that.

asdf: You're getting annoying.

asdf: It's past your bedtime, brat.

Kuroko: This is bad.

Kuroko: The situation is deteriorating rapidly...

Mikoto: I'm not a child anymore!

fdsa: Indeed, you're not a child.

fdsa: In fact, I kind of like you.

Mikoto: Oh, really?

Mikoto: Then, will you tell me?

fdsa: We can't really tell you for free, now can we?

Mikoto: Um, if you want money, I can give you some.

fdsa: Money's good too, but at a time like this, this is better—

Mikoto: But, I'm not really comfortable with that.(< Kuroko)

Mikoto: I don't really know much about these things yet.

Mikoto: Won't money do?

fdsa: You're not a child, right?

Mikoto: I... lied to my family.

fdsa: What's this all of a sudden?

Mikoto: The Level Upper is my only recourse.

Mikoto: So, can't you please tell me?(DEREDERE)

fdsa: Anyway, don't cry.

Mikoto: But... I...

rofl: That's a Tokiwadai uniform, isn't it?

asdf: Yeah, now that you mention it.

rofl: We might be able to make quite a k*lling.

fdsa: H-Hey...

asdf: All right, stop that annoying crying.

asdf: We'll tell you.

Mikoto: Thank you, Onii-chan!

asdf: Then, let's step outside for a moment.

asdf: Huh?

asdf: We can't talk about it here.

asdf: Let's go.

Warning: Lolis,WARNING: Strong electric current inside. Do not enter. Academy City Management Organization School District Electricity Supply Center(High voltage perhaps? Remind me to check )(I'm for "High voltage. Do not enter." -newy)

asdf: Now, then...

asdf: This'll do.

asdf: No one will interfere here.

Mikoto: Then—

asdf: First, hand over all your money.

rofl: Don't forget your debit card and PIN number.

rofl: Oh, and your credit card.

rofl: A proper Tokiwadai lady like yourself should have one.

Mikoto: Um...

Mikoto: I did prepare some, but to give you all of it—

asdf: You want to know about it, right?

asdf: Then hand it over already.

rofl: That's right.

rofl: You'd do well to just hand it over.

rofl: Or would you prefer to be stripped of your uniform too?

Mikoto: What a pain.

asdf: Huh?

asdf: Just hand it over—

fdsa: J-Junta?

rofl: You...!

Mikoto: Enough is enough.

Mikoto: I even went out of my way to control myself.

Mikoto: Now that it's come to this, I'll have you tell me what you know about the Level Upper.

rofl: In your dreams.

rofl: We'll show you how much stronger we've become!

Mikoto: Did they all really use the Level Upper?

Mikoto: If they're all on par with Kaitabi...(Less sleeping, or smt ~)

rofl: All right, take this!

rofl: This is a Level 's—

Mikoto: With so many of you,

Mikoto: it's difficult to hold back.

lmao: You've made quite a mess.

fdsa: A-Anego...

lmao: Just what were you thinking of doing to a little girl like her?

fdsa: I'm sorry!

lmao: To go after a woman's purse...

fdsa: B-But—

lmao: Are you talking back to me?!

lmao: I'll drop you.

fdsa: I'm sorry!

lmao: I'm not the one you should be apologizing to!

lmao: That goes for the rest of you too!

asdf: We're sorry.

lmao: Try it again.

fdsa: We're terribly sorry!

All: So sorry!

lmao: That's settled then, right?

lmao: Please forgive them.

lmao: Now, clear out!

All: Yes!

fdsa: Later!

Mikoto: Are you their boss?

Mikoto: Then, you should know about the Level Upper.

lmao: More importantly, you took well care of my crew.

lmao: I hope you're prepared.

Mikoto: Prepared?

Mikoto: Um, what about the apology just now?

lmao: That was that; this is this.(I wish "Are wa are; kore wa kore" sounded even half as good in English <_<)

lmao: I have to pay you back in full.

lmao: Let's go!

Mikoto: What's this?

Mikoto: The ground is—

lmao: My ability is called "Flux Coat."(Changed from Flux Court - remind me to have someone check that)

lmao: I can freely control the viscosity of asphalt.

lmao: What will you do? There's nowhere to run.

lmao: Such att*cks are useless against—

lmao: What?

lmao: She disappeared?

Mikoto: Not bad.

lmao: What's that?!

lmao: How did you get up there?

Mikoto: Electric currents generate magnetic fields, allowing me to make use of the steel reinforcement in the wall.

Mikoto: Convenient, isn't it?

lmao: Wh—

Mikoto: Well?

Mikoto: Isn't it about time for you to obediently tell me what you know?

lmao: I see.

lmao: You held back during your initial attack.

lmao: And you missed on purpose just now.

Mikoto: That's right.

Mikoto: So why don't you—

lmao: Get real!

lmao: I haven't lost yet!(So, who does this chick remind you of? )

lmao: If you have such power, then take this seriously!(And this is where I wish English had a proper term for this)(Guess it'll have to be reworded so as to not become too idiotic ;_;)

lmao: Your pitiful electricity is no match for my iron will.

lmao: If you think you can beat me, then bring it on!

Mikoto: I can sympathize with the sentiment.

Mikoto: Then, as you wish.

Kuroko: Wait, Onee-sama!

Mikoto: I know.

Kuroko: No, you don't!

Kuroko: Onee-sama!

Ruiko: Wouldn't you want to have great power, Uiharu?

Ruiko: Like Misaka-san and Shirai-san.

Kazari: Well, I wouldn't mind having a powerful ability,

Kazari: and it'd certainly be an advantage when applying for university.

Ruiko: The thing is, you could live a normal life outside of Academy City.

Ruiko: A lot of people come to Academy City because they dream of acquiring paranormal abilities, don't they?

Ruiko: I used to wonder what my ability would be like.

Ruiko: What kind of hidden strength lay dormant within me?

Ruiko: The day before I arrived here, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep.

Ruiko: And then, after the initial System Scan, they told me, "You're a Level — no potential at all."

Ruiko: I thought, "Oh, great..."

Ruiko: To be honest, I was devastated.

Kazari: I know that feeling.

Kazari: My ability isn't very powerful either.

Kazari: Still, I enjoy every day, working with Shirai-san and hanging out with you.

Kazari: I would never have met all of you had I not come here.

Kazari: That in itself makes coming here meaningful.

Ruiko: Uiharu...

Ruiko: What a cute thing to say!

Ruiko: As a reward, I'll clean your whole body!(Yuri strike!)

Alternate: ,Saten-san!

Kazari: I can do the rest myself!

Kazari: A blackout?

Kuroko: That's why I told you to wait.

MOVE,Kuroko: Electrical Substation

MOVE: ,Electrical Substation

Mikoto: I couldn't help it.

Mikoto: Who could've known that something like this was here?!

Kuroko: That's why I—

Mikoto: As if I could just stop on such short notice!

Mikoto: Just what will we do now?

Kuroko: You reap what you sow.

lmao: I lost, huh.

Mikoto: What a waste.

Mikoto: In the end, we didn't learn anything new.

Mikoto: Kuroko?

Kuroko: We have a problem!

Mikoto: Kaitabi Hatsuya has lost consiousness?

Kuroko: I don't know the details, but while he was being interrogated by Anti-Skill, he suddenly...

Kuroko: I'm Shirai of Judgement.

Kuroko: How is his condition?

asdf: We've done what we can, but he shows no signs of regaining consciousness.

Mikoto: Um, I struck him pretty hard in the face a few days ago...

asdf: Well, we didn't find any evidence of trauma to the head.

asdf: In fact, there appears to be nothing wrong with his body at all.

asdf: He just fell into a coma.

Kuroko: Cause unknown, in other words?

asdf: The strange thing is that patients exhibiting the same symptoms have been coming in one after another this week.

asdf: It's embarrassing to admit, but this is beyond what our staff and facilities can handle.

asdf: Therefore, we've decided to bring in an expert on cerebral physiology.

Harumi: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

Harumi: The director of the Mizuho Organization Hospital requested my assistance.

Harumi: I am Kiyama Harumi.

asdf: We appreciate your cooperation.

Mikoto: You are...

Ruiko: I just can't find that Level Upper...

Ruiko: So, it really was nothing but a rumor.

Ruiko: Perhaps I should import a few new songs.(Unlike you're schizofrenic, you really wouldn't be talking to yourself like that ><)

Ruiko: A hidden link?

Ruiko: Is this...

Title: To be continued

Preview,Ruiko: Next Episode

Kazari: Does the Level Upper really exist?

Kazari: Can those who use it return to normal?

Kazari: Huh?

Kazari: Where did you go, Saten-san?

Preview Title,Kazari: Majority Report