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01x05 - A Certain Pair of New Trainees

Posted: 01/17/24 17:19
by bunniefuu
lolshaft: Fall

lolshaft: ,Academy City District Judgement Training Grounds

RedLightDistrict,Kuroko: District Branch

Title,fdsa: The Training of Two Certain Rookies

Preview,Mikoto: Next Episode

Preview Title,Mikoto: Everyone is Serious About Something Like This

Kuroko: Really,

Kuroko: why do I have to train with the volunteers now of all times?(We makes no sense here, given the later dialogue. Going with I)

Kuroko: This is not why I joined Judgement.

asdf: Hey, Uiharu.

asdf: Can't you do even one push-up?

Kuroko: Have some, if you don't mind.

Kazari: Really — you've been in Judgement for a year already, Shirai-san?

Kazari: Then, you must be working hard in the field.(WTB real writers for this dialogue; why would you use mou in every fcking sentence :[ Fck it, just scrapping it since it looks better and is hardly relevant')

Kuroko: Of course.

Kazari: I guess it really is impossible for someone like me.

Kazari: I'm just too clumsy.(Seeing as these are clearly two separate sentences, and there seems to be no need to splice them, I'll just unsplice them ><)

Kazari: I thought that perhaps I'd be able to change if I joined Judgement,

Kazari: but I just can't keep up with the training.

Kuroko: "Follow your convictions, and do what you believe is right."

Kuroko: That's one of the basic tenets of Judgement.(Whether this is an unspoken rule or not, I don't think pillar is a happy choice - principle or tenet would make a better fit)

Kuroko: If you have the strength of will to remain true to what you believe in,

Kuroko: the results will surely follow.

Kazari: Let's see, the other places where they need to be installed are...

Kazari: ...there, and there.

Kuroko: Really, to think that they'd neglect to install additional surveillance cameras until now.

Kuroko: The Judgement of this school are rather remiss in their duties.(Ok, since this keeps coming up - especially in this episode - and I'm getting fed up with the members of Judgement or similar nonsense, I'll just make it Judgement, singular and plural, and that's that. Hell, it'll make sentences a lot shorter too ><)

Kazari: But, I'm glad that we found out before anything happened.

Kuroko: That's not the issue—

Kuroko: Let's go!

Kazari: Right.

Kuroko: Really, to do this in broad daylight,("Under bright daylight"? Wth oO)

Kuroko: on school grounds, before the very eyes of Judgement.

Kazari: You mustn't, Shirai-san!

Kazari: Please wait until reinforcements arrive.

Kuroko: It'll be fine. Just stand by here, Uiharu.

Kuroko: Okay, hold it right there!

Kuroko: I'm with Judgement.

Kuroko: I'm arresting you on suspicion of property damage and larceny.

Kazari: Be careful; we don't know if he's alone—

Alternate,Kuroko: It doesn't matter how many there are.

Kuroko: Handling petty thieves is a trivial matter.

Kuroko: Now, kindly stand down quietly.

Kuroko: I'll ensure that you aren't—

Kazari: Shirai-san!

asdf: Hey, let's go!

Kazari: P-Please stop!

asdf: Move!

Kuroko: Uiharu?

Kuroko: Uiharu!

Kuroko: Uiharu!

Kuroko: Hold on there!

Kuroko: Uiharu!

Kazari: I-I'm fine...

Kuroko: Really, you gave me quite a fright there.

Kazari: What happened to the thieves?

Kuroko: They're long gone.(YOU ARE A f*cking TELEPORTER!)(Fck you mou. DIe, die, DIE)

Kuroko: Really...

Kuroko: It appears that you still have some way to go, Uiharu.(SHortened)

Kuroko: You should remain at headquarters and support me from there, as before.

Kazari: I... I...!

Kazari: I told you that the perpetrator might not be alone!

Kazari: Weren't you the one who ignored me, Shirai-san?

: *Waters Uiharu's Flower*

Alternate,Kuroko: Well, that's—

Kazari: Besides, you always act like this!

Kazari: Always charging in by yourself.(Dropping rash to make this shorter)

Kazari: That's why we have to write so many letters of apology.

Kuroko: N-Now, that's rather discourteous.

Kuroko: When have I ever "charged in" by myself?

Alternate,Kazari: When? Was there ever a time when you didn't?

Kazari: Just like now — we should've waited for reinforcements to arrive.

Alternate,Kuroko: If you don't act quickly, the criminals will escape!

Kazari: Please consider your actions for a moment!

Kazari: At this rate, what will become of our promise?

Kuroko: Promise?

Kazari: You don't remember?

Kuroko: Well...

Kazari: I understand; if that's how you feel, then I don't care anymore!

Kazari: Do what you want!

Ruiko: Good afternoon! Is Uiharu here?

Mii: You again?

Mii: This isn't a social club, you know.(/hides from the flames for using a MMORPG reference ><)

Ruiko: Yeah, I got it.

Ruiko: However, I have a valid reason today.

Ruiko: Behold — it's my remedial homework!(Am I strange if I like this idiot ? ><)(Come to think of it, this is presumably remedial stuff since she fails at life, and Uiharu doesn't have it. Thus, I'm changing it.)(I suppose the distinction is rather moot, but I'm gay like that <_<)

Ruiko: I was hoping that Uiharu could help me out.

Mii: Good grief...

Mii: Well, Uiharu-san's over there.

Mii: However, it might be best to leave her alone for now.

Mii: She's not really herself—

Alternate,Ruiko: U-i-haru!

Ruiko: Oh, so it's clovers today?

Ruiko: Now, where could the lucky four-leaf clover be?(represents happiness is just too bloody awkward; lucky is what we tend to use ><)

Ruiko: Hey, look — I'm pulling your skirt up.

Ruiko: It's quite the view!( down here)(I wonder if I could get away with this ,_;)

Ruiko: What happened to Uiharu?

Mii: A few things between her and Shirai-san.(Something happened implies that she doesn't know what actually occured, which she evidently does, so changing this to something looser)

Ruiko: So that's what happened?

Mii: That's right.

Mii: So, we should leave her alone for now.

Ruiko: If that's the case, she should just resign from Judgement.

Mii: Wait a minute,

Mii: don't say something so irresponsible.

Mii: Judgement, along with Anti-Skill, are responsible for maintaining public order in Academy City.

Mii: It's not a responsibility that one can simply cast aside.

Ruiko: Then, all we can do is to leave her alone?

Mii: Of course not, but I think it'll work out.

Ruiko: Oh? Do those two have a history?

Mii: Do you want to know?

Mikoto: Enough already!

Mikoto: You know, if it bothers you that much, hurry up and reconcile with her!

Kuroko: Well...

Mikoto: At this rate, Uiharu-san may really reject you, and terminate your partnership.(Hate seems a bit strong ><)

Kuroko: If this is enough to drive a wedge between us, it merely shows how shallow our relationship was to begin with.

Mikoto: There you go again, acting tough.

Kuroko: I'm not.

Mikoto: Given how different your personalities are, how did you and Uiharu-san wind up as partners?

Kuroko: I-I didn't...

Kuroko: ...plan for this originally.

Kuroko: Such a clumsy and fumbling girl.

Kuroko: But, even so...

Mii: All right, that's all for today's patrolling.

Mii: Do you have any questions or concerns?

Kuroko: Well, there is one thing I'd like to ask.

Mii: What is it?

Kuroko: It's been a full year since I joined Judgement,

Kuroko: so why am I still relegated to support, mundane tasks, and patrols with you, Senpai?

Mii: In other words, you're discontent because, despite having high marks, you're still being treated like a rookie?

Kuroko: That's not quite what I meant...

Kuroko: I thought it must be because I'm still in elementary school.

Mii: It isn't simply a matter of age.

Mii: In your case, the problem is that your inherent potential leads to a desire to handle everything by yourself.

Mii: Until you learn to place a little more trust in others, you'll continue to be at risk.

Mii: Come now, don't make that face.

Mii: Since you worked hard today, I'll treat you to something sweet.

Mii: Wait here a moment while I withdraw some money.

Kuroko: So, she really does think of me as a child.

Kazari: Oh, Shirai-san!

Kazari: What a coincidence.(Yes, becasue shit like this happens all the time. I C WUT U DID DER AUTHOR. Fck you, Deus Ex Machina)

Kuroko: Uiharu, what brings you to District ?(Ugh, remind me to check what we used in earlier episodes for this - I'm prety sure it wasn't District at any rate)

Kazari: It'll be time for middle school soon, so I came here to have a look at the school and dormitory.(Ok, this needs to be rewritten to prevent Kuroko from sounding like a complete ret*rd two lines down)

Kuroko: Middle school?

Kuroko: For whom?

Kazari: Me, of course!(So, ye, this had to be rewritten partially. Fck the Japanese hatred of pronouns that doesn't translate properly ><)

Kazari: Come on!

Kuroko: Really...

Kuroko: We're of an age?

Kuroko: I thought that she was at least a year or two younger.(Ye, she does say two or three years younger, but this works better I think)

Kazari: Have you decided which school you'll attend yet, Shirai-san?

Kuroko: Y-Yes... It's called Tokiwadai Middle School.

Kazari: Tokiwadai Middle School, known as one of the five most prestigious schools in Academy City?

Kazari: Student life there must be like a dream!

Kuroko: Mind, it's not quite so marvelous in reality.

Kuroko: A body of rich, sheltered girls with no experience of the real world, all of whom are at or above Level .

Kuroko: Subsequently, there's no shortage of individuals who feel that they are superior to others.

Kuroko: Apparently, there's also a Level known as the "Railgun" there.

Kuroko: No doubt she's an arrogant and haughty woman.(Ok seriously, at least try to come up with smt that works )

Kazari: You don't hesitate to badmouth people you've never met, do you?

Kuroko: Come to think of it, why did you come to the post office—

Kazari: What's the matter?

Kuroko: Pardon me a moment.(Ye, pardon is technically more British, but she speaks like an uper-class girl, so )

Kuroko: What's the matter?

Mii: That man.

Mii: He seems intent upon the positions and actions of the staff.(Short enough, at least)

Mii: I don't particularly enjoy looking through other people's belongings without permission, but...

Mii: It doesn't look like he's carrying anything suspicious...

Mii: He has a handgun in his right pocket.

Kuroko: Is he a robber?

Mii: I'll alert the staff.

Mii: Get ready to lead the customers to safety if it comes to that.

Kuroko: Aren't you going to arrest him?

Mii: Don't try to be creative.(Or, "Don't get any funny ideas.")

Mii: We should leave capture of the criminals to Anti-Skill.

Kuroko: How can you be so passive...?

Mii: That's right, contact Anti-Skill immediately—

asdf: Don't do anything stupid.

asdf: C-Customers, too. Stay where you are.

Mii: Damn it, he moved too quickly.

Kuroko: If I do this like I've been trained to...

asdf: You...!

Kuroko: Now, wasn't that simple?

fdsa: Really, what an idiot.

fdsa: How could you let a child take you down?

fdsa: Useless.

Kuroko: Uiharu!

fdsa: Oh, an acquaintance of yours?

fdsa: How convenient.

fdsa: Careful now.

fdsa: Are you with Judgement?

fdsa: Judgement wouldn't simply abandon a hostage, right?

fdsa: Especially not someone they know.

fdsa: Are there any more of you here?

Alternate,Mii: This is bad...

fdsa: If there are, then show yourselves.

Mii: What's the meaning of this? Why would they set off the alarm at a time like this?

Mii: Do they care more about the money than the lives of the customers?

asdf: Security signal received.

asdf: Commencing intruder pacification.

asdf: Please relinquish your w*apon and surrender.

Alternate,fdsa: What a bother...

Mii: There's something in his right pocket...

asdf: Warning complete.

asdf: Executing.

Kuroko: What just...

Kuroko: Senpai!

Mii: Don't blindly charge in before you've ascertained what your opponent is capable of.

Mii: Remember that.

Kuroko: Why?

fdsa: Hey.

fdsa: So, you did have a partner.

Kazari: Shirai-san!

fdsa: Did you think that you could take me down as easily as that fool over there?

Kazari: Shirai-san!(Cly moar)

fdsa: Know your place.

Alternate,Kazari: Shirai-san! Shirai-san!

Kazari: Please stop! Shirai-san!

Kuroko: It's all my fault.

Kuroko: Because I was rash and blindly charged in,

Kuroko: Uiharu...

Kuroko: and Konori-senpai...

Alternate,Kazari: Please stop! Please!

Kuroko: What was I thinking?

Kuroko: I'm a far cry from being capable.(This just sounds... weird... if that's actually what she iss aying. Rephrasing it ><)

fdsa: Damn it, one thing after another.

Kazari: Shirai-san!

Kuroko: But...

fdsa: Persistent, aren't you?

Kazari: Enough! Please stop!

Kuroko: I will definitely...

Kuroko: save you.

fdsa: Really? Just what do you think—

Kazari: I'm outside?

fdsa: A Teleporter?

Kazari: Shirai-san, are you still inside?

Kazari: Why only me?!

fdsa: Messing with me...

Kazari: Shirai-san!

Kazari: Come outside quickly!

Kuroko: As much as I'd want to, I'm not yet able to teleport myself.

Kuroko: Besides, the situation has yet to be resolved.

Kazari: Shirai-san!

Kazari: Someone! Please, help them!

Kazari: There's a robber inside!(This still isn't burglary tbh. Seeing as one of the robbers is effectively neutralized - if they were ever really partners - I guess singular will work here)

Kazari: Judgement is under attack by a robber!

Kazari: Help them! Please!

fdsa: Let me guess what you're thinking right now.

fdsa: "It's been some time since the alarm went off."

fdsa: "Anti-Skill should be here soon."

fdsa: "As long as I can keep him occupied, and prevent him from taking hostages, we win."(Well, yes, "kochi", but "it's my win" is such a Ret*rded Japanese way of speaking )

fdsa: Am I close?

fdsa: However, it's not like I'm actually trapped in here.

fdsa: "Equal Speed."(Yes, your English is most impressive ><)

fdsa: Whatever I throw will maintain a constant velocity regardless of any impeding objects,

fdsa: until it's either destroyed, or I cancel the effect.

fdsa: What a pity; all that planning for nothing.

fdsa: Time's running out.

fdsa: Hey!

fdsa: Use your ability to extract the money.

fdsa: If you cooperate, I'll let everyone go.

fdsa: In fact, why don't you work with me from now on?

fdsa: Together, the two of us would be unstoppable.

fdsa: So, what do you think?

Kuroko: This must be the worst maiden mission ever.

Kuroko: I charged ahead without thinking,

Kuroko: and got everyone involved.

Kuroko: But...

Kuroko: That's right, I...

Kuroko: thoroughly refuse.

Kuroko: Be your partner?

Kuroko: Unfortunately, I have no interest in petty thieves who prey on post offices.

Kuroko: Besides, I...

Kazari: Please, somebody...!

Alternate,Kuroko: ...have already chosen my path.

Kuroko: I will never waver...(Ok,, so I changed this -again- to work with the sentence later on; fck this crap ><)

Kuroko: my own sense of justice!(Ok,, so I changed this -again- to work with the sentence later on; fck this crap ><)

fdsa: I see.

fdsa: Too bad.

Kuroko: His ability may be powerful, but it's slow.(God, how I hate Japanese randomly using English in non-contextual ways because they think it's cool)

Kuroko: As long as my legs move as I wish...

fdsa: Then, you can die here!

fdsa: Who said that I was limited to one at a time?!(Have to love how random psychos in this show have no problems k*lling little children for no apparent reason ~)

Kuroko: Shall we see which is faster — your marbles, or my teleportation?

fdsa: Damn it.

asdf: Are we saved?

rofl: Thank God!(Remember to check this later ><)

Kazari: You really are amazing, Shirai-san.

Kazari: To think that you were able to handle it all by yourself.

Kuroko: Just what... was that?

Kazari: I promise.

Kazari: "Follow your convictions, and do what you believe is right."

Kazari: I, too, will never waver in my own sense of justice.

Kazari: I won't falter, and I'll become a Judgement just like you, Shirai-san.

Kuroko: Allow me to make that promise as well.

Kuroko: I've always believed that I could handle anything by myself,

Kuroko: but I was sorely mistaken.

Kuroko: So, henceforth,

Kuroko: let us work together to become worthy members of Judgement.

Kazari: Gladly!

Mikoto: What a touching story.(Bettter than great, I think. Nice is probably a closer fit, but this reads better)

Mikoto: What's the matter?

Kuroko: I-It's nothing...

Kuroko: So that's what she meant by our promise.

Kuroko: But, how am I supposed to apologize now?

Kuroko: Y-Yes, this is Shirai.

Kuroko: Uiharu?

Mii: Yeah. She left in a hurry, after suddenly announcing that she'd found where those thieves are hiding.

Mii: She's been searching for them ever since.

Mii: So, Shirai-san — what will you do?

Kuroko: I will...

Mikoto: "Follow your convictions, and do what you believe is right," was it?(Splicing these as they appear to be a single sentence anyway)

Mikoto: That's pretty good.

Mikoto: Regardless of your differences, it's fine as long as you can resolve them together.(OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!?!?!?!?!? Someone just used a semicolon, AND IT WASN'T ME! AHAHAHAHAHHA)(As much as I want to praise God for this mercy, it's unfortunately far too long to be kept like that ;_;)

Kuroko: Why are you dragging your feet?(This sentence makes my head hurt too)

Kuroko: At this rate, we'll never become worthy members of Judgement.(Changing this to refer to the flashback, I guess)

Mikoto: So restless.(How does "sewashinai na" become "she keeps me worried"? Uguu ><)

Ruiko: But, well...

Ruiko: makes you remember what it means to be young.(TLC note: wow... that's some epically bad f*cking grammar on the TL's part)(I'm having PL flashbacks - teh fck am I supposed to do with this ><)

Kazari: Shirai-san, aren't you running a little too fast?

Kuroko: Too soft!

Kuroko: I'll go on ahead!

Kazari: It's not fair to teleport!

Mikoto: Kuroko and Uiharu-san are so young.(God, don't mix adjectives and adverbs ><)

Kuroko: Judgement are complex individuals.

Kuroko: Would you like to experience it too, Onee-sama?

Kuroko: Next episode: "Onee-sama's First Time." Fear not—

Alternate,Mikoto: That's completely wrong!