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01x13 - Episode 13

Posted: 01/17/24 11:06
by bunniefuu
All locations, characters,
organizations, and incidents

depicted in this drama
are entirely fictitious.

Filming was in compliance
with COVID-19 guidelines.

It wasn't a mistake.

I wanted a change for myself too.

The bruise is almost gone.

Does it not hurt anymore?

It's late. I'll walk you home.


Go in. It's cold.

Is this kind of love unacceptable?

You said you loved me...

but won't accept
this kind of love, right?

You know...

I worry more about whether or not
the bruise on your toe healed...

and things like that.

Got it. I get what you mean.


What is that all about?

How could you, Yi-jin?

Then what was
everything you did until now?

Why didn't the world come to an end?


Just end, will you?

Don't cry, Mom. I mean...

Don't cry, Na Hee-do.

That jerk.

What right do you have to sulk
after making her cry?

You said you loved her.

You'll be fine.

She's not fine!

It'll all pass, Baek Yi-jin.

Baek Yi-jin?

Are you worried about yourself
after making Hee-do cry?


You're just leaving?

Fine, go.

Mom was right.

The world should have come to an end!

Unfortunately, the world
did not come to an end.

What? How much is the late charge?


It's 20 million won.

What? That's not right.

It's the millennium bug.

The 400,000 people who worked overtime
to prepare for the millennium bug

greeted the new year at work.

The nuclear b*mb that frightened us
stayed in place without any movement.

The world simply laughed it off

as a funny anecdote
regarding the turn of the millennium.

A late fee of 20 million won?

A bug like that, I could laugh off.

However, I couldn't laugh off
my personal millennium bug.

That kiss.


- Hello?
- What are you doing?

- What is it?
- Let's have a party.

For what?

Wait for me.

That feels good.

- Mom.
- Yes?

You won't be home until 1 a.m., right?

That's right. Why are you asking
when you know the answer?

I'm going to stay up and wait.

Let's snack when you get home.

- Okay.
- Your bag.

- Give it to me. Go back.
- Okay.

Have a nice day!

Good luck, Mom!


Shall we go then?

What's wrong?

That's right. The brake.

What is Ji-woong up to that he called out
someone studying for the CSAT?

He wanted to have a party.

What? He didn't mention a party to me.

Like a drinking party?

Hee-do. Is something wrong?
You seem down.

Did you break 80 on the CSAT?

- Of course!
- Really?

That's so cool.

Is there anything you can't do?

You're such a great fencer.
Why are you so smart too?

At times, I miss the days

when you were mean to me.

Why are you bringing up the past again?


Hey, hop on!

Did you pass your driving test?

You pulled it off.

I don't do things that are impossible.

That's Auntie's car.
Did you get her permission?

- What if she catches you?
- But you said to have a party.

A driving party.

Have you had a friend drive you around?

Get in. This is the day.

That sounds fun!

- Let's go.
- Will this be okay?

Is this car an a*t*matic?

No. If you drive an a*t*matic,
you can't say you're driving.

That's so cool.
My dad says the same thing.

Aren't we going way too slowly?

Your safety comes first and foremost.

How dare he honk at you?

- I'm fine.
- I'm not.

My gosh. That's it.

That was how she used to talk to me.


"The fact that I don't know who you are
in this small fencing community

means you're nothing."

- Hee-do. I apologized with tears.
- Really?

That must have been hilarious.
I wish I had been there.

"Hee-do. I apologized with tears."

I didn't say it like that.

I'm utterly speechless.

- "I'm utterly speechless."
- Hey.

- "Hey."
- Guys.

- I did not—
- Guys.

I don't mean to k*ll the mood,
but I have a confession to make.

May I go back?

I'm terrified.

I'm screwed.

- What should I do?
- Why? What's wrong?

This was where my mom was parked,

but someone else took the spot.


Then she'll know you took the car
if you park somewhere else.

That's right.

Can't we ask them to move it?
Look for their number.

They didn't leave one.

When will your mom be home?

Around 1 a.m.

There's plenty of time,
so let's wait together until they leave.


Fine. I see what you,
his girlfriend, think.

What about you Hee-do, his friend?

Naturally, the same as you. Let's go.



Don't you remember?

Who went to save you that night
you were trapped in our hangout?

Darn it!

- C...
- Your turn.


- Pool.
- Luck.



- Hit.
- Tick.


- Kiss.
- Do you want to do it?

No. Not many words start with K—

I'm sure she does
since she's never done it.

I have done it too.

You have?

With who? Yi-jin?


- Let's let it slide.
- No, it wasn't.

We're not like that.

Maybe for me...

but not for him.

Hey, they're leaving.

Thank God.

- Yu-rim, buckle up.
- Okay.

You can make it there, right?


Point deducted.

Point deducted.


Point deducted.

Moon Ji-woong. You have failed the test.


they gave a license to someone like you.

What is this country coming to?

What do we do now?

There's nothing for us to do.

It's' all on Ji-woong.

What now?
Your mom will find out for sure.

Yi-jin. He's a good driver.
Call him, Hee-do.


We can't call him
for something like this.

I'm sure he's busy.

It was him. She did it with Yi-jin.

I did not.

Damn it.

Fine, I'll call him. Happy?

I'll call...

Baek Yi-jin speaking.

Hello? Yi-jin.

It's Hee-do.

Hey. What's up?


I'm calling because Ji-woong can't park.

Can you come help?

Sorry but I'm going on air soon.



What did I tell you?

He can't come. He has to go on air.

So it wasn't with Yi-jin.

What do we do now?

- Individual training is more important.
- What I'm saying is...

Hey, guys.

Are you coming from training?

Yes. What are you doing here?

What else?

As you can see, I'm screwed.

Let's pick it up.

- Pick what up?
- The car.

Let's pick it up and move it.
There are plenty of people.

You want to pick up the car and park it?

- Yes.
- Have you ever seen that before?

No. And there must be a reason for that.

Hey. Let's at least try.

Do you have any other ideas?

Okay, let's try it. We're athletes.

Hey, band boys.

Get in.

Band boys.

File in!

Okay. Everyone, ready?

We can do it. We're Jungle Prince.

One! Two! Three!

We got it! Nice!

- Nice! We did it! Now put it down!
- We did it!

- We did it!
- Awesome!

- We pulled it off!
- We did it!

- That was awesome!
- Yes!

These are three colleges that
will give Hee-do a full scholarship.

You know this school.

Athletics is their focus,
so it'll be good for her future.

This school is prestigious.

This school has a good
academic program and good facilities.

Then I'll choose the prestigious school.

I knew it.


Sorry for making you come here.
I just couldn't find the time.

I'm used to it.

You only do things
that you have to apologize for.

I'm a fool for coming and going
whenever you beckon.


Hey. Mr. Baek.

I get to see you
that I'm at the station.

How have you been?
What brings you to the station?

I had a meeting with a parent
to discuss college applications.

- I see.
- Wait.

Please ignore what you just heard.

Oh, I know that Jae-kyung
is Hee-do's mom.

- You do?
- Yes.

You and Hee-do must be very close.

She said it was a secret.

Anyway, so...

Did Hee-do decide on a college?

Her suspension is over.

Will she be competing
in the upcoming tournament?

Did you two fight?

Why are you asking me?

No, we didn't.

Do you have a few minutes?

I have some intel.

Do you want an exclusive?

What information did you mean?

I'm returning as the coach
for the national team in March.


What? So...

The legendary fencer Yang Chan-mi

will coach the national team again
after nine years.

Oh, I see.


I guess that's not newsworthy anymore.

Time sure has flown.

No, not at all. You're still a legend.

There's no one in Korea
who can surpass you.

How old were you
when I won the gold medal?

How old are you now?

I'm 24 right now.

- What? You're 24?
- Yes.

I thought you just looked young,
but you're a baby.

How did you become a reporter at your age?
Didn't you serve in the military yet?


I received a compassionate discharge
due to the IMF crisis.

My goodness.
You've had a tough life too.

What happened between you two?

Between you and Jae-kyung.

Why do you ask?

Did we not look like
a teacher and a parent?

Well, it was a little too informal
to be a teacher-parent meeting,

but you weren't friendly enough
to say you were friends.

You're quick.

We have quite a history.

I never would've won the gold medal
without all of your support.

Thank you, everyone.

- Thank you.
- Nice.

- You did great.
- Thank you.

Let's have some tteokbokki
since we're in Korea.

Right. Tteokbokki sounds good.

Oh no. I was too late. It's over.

What should I do now?

What do I tell the desk?

What do I do?

Are you a reporter with UBS?

Why are you crying?
I'll give you the interview.

A fencing star and a new reporter.

That was how we first met.

- Same age in the same era.
- Cheers!

We had different jobs,
but we had similar concerns.

Gosh, it's good.

Naturally, we became close.

Shin Jae-kyung speaking.

They changed our return date.

You're the only one I'm telling.

My gosh, Ms. Shin.

How did you know
we changed our return date?

You're so well-informed.

Are you going to have
an exclusive today?

We became the best of friends,

and I wanted to be good to her
since I liked her.


You finished the final match
of your career. How do you feel?

They were happy days.

It was tough, but it was all worth it.

What a load off my back.

I don't have to train anymore!

She was there
in every glorious moment I had.

She was the reporter and a friend
who knew me the best.

But that was improper
for a reporter and an athlete.

Excuse me. You're Shin Jae-kyung,
a reporter with local news, right?

I am. How may I help you?

I have something to report

about Coach Yang Chan-mi.


The story about you
will be aired tomorrow.


I won't apologize.

The coach of the national fencing team,

Yang Chan-mi, allegedly received
a bribe from a fencer's father

to get his daughter
on the national team.

Shin Jae-kyung has the exclusive report.

This is the car

that Coach Yang Chan-mi bought
from athlete Kim's father.

Jae-kyung became the reporter
who did the most exclusives on me.

And she couldn't be my friend anymore.

That's what happens
to a reporter and an athlete.

Yes, it was partly my fault.

I said, "What a nice car."

Then he said he'd give me a good price
since he wanted to sell it.

I had known her for years
and was close to her parents.

I thought nothing of it.

But once his daughter didn't make
the national team, he reported me.

I only found out through the news
that it was a bribe.

I was too naive.

I didn't realize the position I held,
I was friends with a reporter,

and hung out and drank
with fencers' parents.

What are you going to do
if that happens to you?

And what if that involves Hee-do?

You'll be hurt and lose each other.
So apply elsewhere.

You don't think it'll happen, right?

It will.

And what if that involves Hee-do?

Why are you in the cold?

Don't tell me this kind
of love is wrong.

When you said you loved me,

you said it had nothing to do with
how I felt about you.

Same here.

This is my love.

Don't tell me to stop.

Did you come to tell me that?

I came because I missed you.

I waited for an hour.

I'm cold. Buy me a hoppang.


That's too much.

You're supposed to
give me half of yours.

Then we can both have
the vegetable and the red bean.

How are you so clueless?


But must you insult me
just because of that?

And I don't like vegetables.

I like red beans.

Hand it over.

Hold on to this.

You waited for an hour.

Here's the guy who worries about my toe.

Is that sarcasm?

It's me being anxious.

I'm afraid you won't even
do that much for me.

- Hee-do.
- I was just saying.

I felt like I had to say something.

You don't have to say anything.

Just stay there.

I wasn't trying to kiss you!

I was trying to remove that thread!

I was...

Hey, I was...

I'm leaving!




Here's your change.

I feel humiliated.

How could he dodge like that?

You don't even avoid insects like that.

I can't stand Yi-jin.
I hate him. I loathe him!


I like him.

Damn it. I like him!


Gosh, what do I do?


You and I...

can't do that.

I'll end up disappointing you
one way or another.

But I...

keep wavering.

I want to waver.




So she did kiss Yi-jin.

This is so much fun.

This is nuts.

sh**t! Why did Ji-woong take that call?

What happened?

Wait. Should I be relieved?

Or not?

Damn it! Ji-wong...

Damn you, alcohol!

I'll never drink again, so help me God.



Why are you...

I mean...

About last night...

- About that call—
- You called the wrong number.

So I relayed the message to Hee-do.


Are you insane?

I guess I shouldn't do that.

Don't worry, I didn't.

Are you toying with me?

Because you make me waver too.

I want to waver.

Why you...

Auntie! I brought the containers!

Darn it.

What was that just now?

Are your feet glued to the floor?

Both of you were glued to the piste.

I'm sorry.

Hee-do. What are you thinking about
that you can't focus?

The competition is next week!

This won't cut it. You better shape up.

I'll do my best.

Doing your best is a given.

Don't just do your best.

You have to do well. Understand?

Yes, ma'am.


Why can't I focus?

Because of Yi-jin, no?

Are you going to tease me too?

What's the problem?
Tell me. I'm all ears.

I'm afraid of losing him.

I shouldn't have said how I felt.

It's a gamble to confess your feelings.

You either get it all or lose it all.

Even though we get it...

we'll end up losing it eventually.

Nothing lasts forever.

Right. Nothing lasts forever.

It'll probably hurt if you lose it all.

But what matters
is that you've had it at one point.

You're so mature at times.
You know that?

You know nothing about relationships.

You're only good at
fencing and studying.

Hey. I have a scar there too.

- Really? You really do.
- Yes.

I got this that day
when you saved me in the bathroom.

That's right.

- While we were fighting them, right?
- Yes.


Let's use it for our own cheer.

Like how?

Good luck!

I like it. Let's try that again.

One, two, three.

- Good luck!
- Good luck!

- Have a nice day.
- You too.


- Do you need something?
- Do you have some tape?



I'm getting a regular salary now,
so don't spread yourself too thin.


If you're going to act like
the head of the family in front of me,

go to sleep instead.

If you don't understand how I feel,
sing me a song instead.

The one Mom likes at the
beginning of Shin Seung-hun's song.

"Ich Liebe Dich"?

That sounds good to me.
Sing for us. It's been too long.

- Yes!
- If you insist.

I love you

As you love me

In the evening

And in the morning

There wasn't any day

That you and me

That you and me didn't share

Our worries



I have a boyfriend.


How are things?


I've become a total bum.

I drink every night.

That's not becoming a bum.
It's becoming a real reporter.

Is something wrong?

Or are they just growing pains?


How long must I stay in one department

before transferring to another one?

You need a good reason for transferring.

you should stay at least a year.

Why? Is it too hard in Sports?


The work or the people?


People make it hard.

Like who?

Who in the Sports
is giving you a hard time?

"Don't be too far,
but don't get too close."

What does that mean?

Keep a distance...

but not too much.

A reporter and a subject?

Don't even think about it.

Why are you here again?


Who do you think about the most lately?

What do you want me to say?

Do you want to know
who I think about the most?

Not you.

It's me.

I think about myself the most.

Liking someone means
I can learn about myself.

Why am I here?

Right? Why am I here?

I must have no self-respect.
Pathetic, isn't it?

I didn't know I was like this.

I can't believe this is me.
I'm such a loser that it upsets me.

Can you understand why I'm like this?

Is it because you understand...

that you love me?

I don't understand you.

I simply accept you.

You're lucky, Hee-do.

You get to say everything you want.

You do it too.

I never stopped you.

Good luck tomorrow.


Don't go.

- I'm drunk. I need to go.
- I took a gamble.

I'll either get it all or lose it all.

I'm doing this
knowing I may lose everything.

I'm scared that I'll actually lose you

but I've taken the gamble already



if you want to push me away,
do it right.

Be prepared to lose it all
and set your boundaries.

I won't leave until then.

Then I'll leave.


Hello, Officer Choi.
This is Baek Yi-jin with UBS.

Yes. Well...

The thing is...

There's a suspicious man walking around.
Do you mind patrolling a little?

Darn it.

Why is love so damn hard?


Why am I so nervous?

You're not nervous, you're excited.

It's been a while, hasn't it?

It has.

I feel like I can do well.

Attaque. Touche. Point.


Come here. Now.

What's your problem?
What was that just now?

- I lost.
- I lost.

Damn it.

That was the round of 32!

I'm so embarrassed.

- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.

I'll have to check
once I'm back at the studio.

Yes, I'm out
covering a fencing tournament.



I'll call you when I'm done here.

Na Hee-do isn't much.

What did you just say?

You went on TV and put on a show
just because you got lucky and won gold,

but you're not that good.

Am I wrong?

Ko Yu-rim must be so pissed off.

Some girl with no skills
stole her gold medal

and she even appeared on TV with her.

Stop riding her coattail.

You're a nobody.

Why that...

You're right.


Nothing you said was wrong.

I lost to you too
so I have nothing to say.

Stop acting all cool.

I'm not.

Earlier during the tournament,
I felt like you were reading my moves.

- Were you?
- That's right.

Your feet were slow
and I could read your thoughts.

It was obvious that you were flustered.

I see.

Thanks for telling me.


don't worry about Yu-rim.

She likes me.

And learn some social skills.

We're adults now, okay?

Good luck.

Yes! It's a new one!

Let's see.

So what happened was...


- Hee-do.
- Hi, Jun-ho!

- Hi, Hee-do.
- Hello.

We'll go in first.

Why did you lose?

- I got carried away.
- Who is that?

It's been too long since I've competed.
I must have lost my edge.

You should have gone
for something simple at the end.

That was too much.

I know that, okay?

I knew but I lost anyway.

So? Did you win?

Of course, I did.

Look how sweetly she talks to him.

That's right. You're 20 now, right?

Let's grab a drink after.

- A drink?
- A drink?

Sounds good. I'm down.

- Call me when you finish. See you.
- Okay.

Jun-ho! Wait for me. I have to go too.


She's too into him
that she forgot her gloves.

"Wait for me." Whatever.

Drinking excessively with boys
is bad for your health.

Darn it.

- What is it?
- You wrote this, didn't you?

"Drinking excessively with boys
is bad for your health."

Are you being snarky
for talking to another guy?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Is that right? Then how'd you know
it was me who called?

- What?
- You answered the phone, "What is it?"

You're watching me, aren't you?

Where are you?

I don't understand a single thing
that you're saying.

Good luck with the team match. Bye.

What the...

Is he jealous?

Why would he get jealous?

He's so annoying.

But why is he so adorable?

I'm so annoyed!


The finals of the team match
will now begin.

Stay alert. You have to win, okay?

- Yes, coach!
- Yes, coach!

Let's do this.

This is the finals.

And this is the last time the four of us
compete together as a team.

For Hee-do and me, it's the last
team competition at Tae Yang.

I was happy fencing with you all.

- Me too.
- Me too.

Me too.

Okay. Let's make the last one fun
and be happy doing it. Okay?

- Okay!
- Okay!

Two, three.

- Let's go Tae Yang High!
- Let's go Tae Yang High!

- Let's do this!
- Let's go!

- Let's go!
- Allez.




- Let's go!
- Let's go!



- It's okay.
- You did well!

- You did well.
- Allez.


Attaque. Touche. Point.

You did well.




- You did great!
- It's okay. Let's go!

- Look carefully and focus a little more!
- En garde. Prêtes?

- You can do it!
- Let's do it!


- Nice.
- You did great.

- Let's do this!
- You can do it!



- It's okay.
- Nice!

I should have gone right.


- Well done.
- It's my turn.

Prêtes? Allez.


Attaque. Touche. Point.

You were great!

- Okay. Keep it up!
- You can do it!

It's okay!

- You were amazing, Yu-rim!
- You were great!

You're awesome!

Invincible Tae Yang!

You can do it!


- You can do it!
- We can do it!

Let's go, Hee-do!

- Let's do this!
- Let's win, Hee-do!

- Let's go, Hee-do!
- Let's win, Hee-do!

Let's go!

- Let's go!
- I don't fight for myself in team matches.

You can do it!

I fight for us.


"Us," the people I love.

As valuable as we are...

I can become stronger.

En garde. Prêtes? Allez.




- Nice, Hee-do!
- Yes, Hee-do!

- Yes, Hee-do!
- Let's go!

- You can do this!
- Yes!


Let's do this!

En garde.



The result was brilliant,
and the process was beautiful.

It was the last team match

in which Ko Yu-rim and Na Hee-do
competed as teammates.

The two athletes,
who brought their team to victory,

will join different teams
and compete against each other.

With UBS, I'm Baek Yi-jin.


- Gosh.
- What is it?

Want some fruit? Cookies? Pastries?

- Should I get tteokbokki?
- Get out.

Why do you keep telling me to leave
when I said I'd be your servant?

Let me tell you again.

Me dropping out
had nothing to do with you.

The sorrier you feel,
the more of a nuisance you are.

Please leave unless
you want me to take the CSAT again.

Fine, I'll leave. Happy now?

Do you have a place to go?

I'm meeting Yu-rim at night.

How cute.

Did you even hold her hands yet?

I will today.

You haven't yet? Is there a problem?

I'm nervous just picturing it.

I'll be fine, right?

Do you have a plan?

I came up with one...

and I think I can pull it off.

The seasons
and the weather are helping me.

It's cold out.
Our hands will get very cold. Right?

You can do it, Ji-woong.



How did it go today?

We won the gold in the team match.

- You did? Congratulations.
- Yes. Thank you.

- How about the individual match?
- I did really bad.

It's freezing, isn't it?

Ta-da. I brought these for you
in case your hands get cold.

I see.

Thanks, Yu-rim.

You're the only one who cares.

Exactly. Try them on.


It must be so cold for her

- Ma'am. Your hands must be cold.
- Yes?

Put these on.

I have my own.


You have even nicer gloves.


- I hope you sell a lot.
- Thanks.


I realize more and more
just how kind you are.


It's cold. Put the gloves on.

Right. The gloves.

- There.
- Let's go.

- Here.
- Hold on.

Darn it. You should have put it here.

You're right.
I should have taken your advice.

- Do you want to play something else?
- Sure.

Ji-woong, your gloves.

Oh, that's right.


If you move into the training center,
you'll only get to leave on weekends?


It must feel so suffocating.

Can't you just commute from home?

Well, there is a way we can commute.

- What is it?
- Getting married.

I meant something I—

Ji-woong. Did you leave the gloves
at the arcade again?


I left them again.

By the claw machine.

We came too far to turn back.

Your hands must be freezing.

Let's share these.

- I'm fine.
- It's cold. Put it on.

The string...

Right. You're right.
The string looked a lot longer before.

My shoulders are too broad.

Those fish-shaped pastries look good.
Aren't you hungry?

- Do you want some?
- Yes.

They don't have fish in them, right?

- Hello.
- Goodness, come in.

What would you like?

I'll take them all.


Let's see. That will be 2,000 won.

- Here.
- Thank you.

There. Just a minute.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Good night.
- You too.

- It's hot.
- Is it?

Smell them.

- They smell good.
- Right?

First, I'm very happy.


And it's a huge relief
that we have Hee-do on our team.

I was happy

to be on the same team as Yu-rim.

Thank you, Yu-rim.

The result was brilliant,
and the process was beautiful.

It was the last team match

in which Ko Yu-rim and Na Hee-do
competed as teammates.

The two athletes,
who brought their team to victory,

will join different teams
and compete against each other.

With UBS, I'm Baek Yi-jin.


"The result was brilliant,
and the process was beautiful."

Is that the news or poetry?

I wanted to try something different.

Different is good.

But the viewers can't relate to it.

It's not like they watched the match
and it wasn't an international event.

It's an unpopular sport
and only you watched the match.

Did you sign up for Sports
to publicize fencing?

Or did the federation pay you?

No, sir.

It's good to care,

but Yi-jin,

you're a reporter. Don't forget that.


May I switch to another sport?

Another sport?

I failed to maintain
a proper distance as a reporter.

- I'm sorry. Any sport—
- If you failed, fix it.

Don't dump it on someone else.

I hope it's a minor mistake
that can be fixed,


"The result was brilliant...

and the process was beautiful."

Thank you

for expressing our final match
so beautifully.

I was...

chewed out by the head of sports
for that sentence.


Because a reporter can't speak
with emotions like that.

I don't regret...

meeting you or loving you.

Letting myself waver...

Wanting to waver...

was my failure.

A failure that's clearly not minor.


Let's put a distance between us.

We were capable of anything.

So let's try this as well.

If I hadn't kissed you...

would this not have happened?

I'll stop this kind of love.

I'll stop if you tell me to.

I just...

wanted to be in the snow with you today.

Because I don't think
we had done that before.


I'm crying, Baek Yi-jin.

I don't care about anything else.

Be it a rainbow, this kind of love,
or that kind of love...

I can't lose it.

I just can't.

So, please

don't take a single step away from me!

You drive me crazy.


Let's try this kind of love, Na Hee-do.

I'm going to do everything...

I can with you.

So prepare yourself.


Hold on.

What do we have here?

Horse number one!

- Drumroll!
- Drumroll!

I'll k*ll you if you make Hee-do cry.

You taught me

that you could gain things
by fighting and protesting.

You're really cool, Ko Yu-rim.

Baek Yi-jin!

I've become a reporter,
not knowing what I'm getting myself into.

I need to give you a warning
as your girlfriend.