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01x11 - Episode 11

Posted: 01/17/24 11:04
by bunniefuu
All locations, characters,
organizations, and incidents

depicted in this drama
are entirely fictitious.

Filming was in compliance
with COVID-19 guidelines.


When will you be done?

Not for a while.

It's boring without ballet, right?

- That's why everyone needs—
- Summer's starting tomorrow.

Let's get samgyetang for dinner.

Grandma and I have to fast

starting from dinner
for our annual physical the day after.

Let's make it lunch.


Wasn't that chair
in Grandma's front yard?

You have a good eye.

It looks old.

Why are you fixing it
instead of making a new one?

Because it's important to me.

What does it mean to you?

My dad was good with his hands.

He could fix and make anything.

Hee-do. Ta-da!

- Daddy!
- One day, he made three chairs.

- What are these?
- These?

This is your chair.

- It's so pretty.
- Isn't it?


Come here, Hee-do.

Here. Sit down. Test it out.

That's it. And...

- Mom, Dad, me.
- Thank you.

- They were for the three of us.
- All right.

All done.

We were always happy
when we sat on them together.

But then, Dad passed away.

And Mom got busier and busier.

No. He opposed that article.

The direction we took was wrong.

Mom. My feet touch the ground now.

Yes. We must consider
the concerns of the source.

He brought us the story.
We can't bring him harm.

I understand your concern, but...


Eventually, I was the only one
sitting in those chairs.

Then I got used to being alone.

I learned how to be on my own
a little early.

I learned at a young age...

so I adapted very quickly.

To be honest,
this is more awkward for me.

Coming to the beach with friends.

How is it?

It's really fun, actually.

So fun, that I'm bitter
that I never knew about this.

I used to be surrounded by fencers.

I feel like I'm in another world.

I'm glad.

Anyway, did I not tell you
that my dad passed away either?


When I interviewed you
after you won the gold medal,

you mentioned your dad
for the first time.

So I kind of guessed.

That's right. I did.

- Yes!
- Damn it.

- Why did it topple over? It was so steady.
- Yes!

Are you really going to hit me?

Of course. A game is a game.

Fine. Hit me.

What? You?

You freak out
if I get hurt even slightly

and say I have to see a doctor—

You really hit me.

How could you?

Is this what you call love?

Okay, let's play again. Rematch.

Let's play again.

I'm speechless.


Are you upset?

Fine. You can hit me too. Hit me.

What are you doing?

Hey. What are you doing?


- Wait right there!
- What are you doing?

Hey, wait.

I'm going to get you!

You'll never catch me.

Got you.


Stop it!

What's with your forehead?

I got bit by a mosquito.

It's way too big for that.

Shut it.

You better study.
I'll check your report card next time.

Damn it. You're such a nag.

- Bye.
- Okay, drive back safely.

- I will.
- Come visit again.


What now?

I'm starting to get used to
parting ways like this.

Our family used to live together
under one roof.

You're making him feel bad
before his long drive home.

What's wrong with you?

Let's live together again.

Okay? I'll make it happen. I promise.



What did you just do?

I hope someone else
will be able to get back up again.

With those coins? How?

None of your business.

- Where are the others?
- Getting some squid.

Seriously. How could you lie about that?

It's true. Trust me.
I'm the top student in our grade.

- Seriously.
- What now?

They ate some of my squid legs

and are lying that squids
have eight legs!

They do have eight legs.

Hey, Yu-rim. I misjudged you.
I didn't know you were like that.

I wouldn't have liked you
if I had known.

Too late. You like me already.

- Give it to me.
- No!

Let's take a picture before we head out.

A group picture.

Get closer.

Are we good?


- Now?
- Yes.

Put your name down
if you want a copy. From Ji-woong.


This is so funny.


We're training at Sanga University
for three days starting Friday.

It's a good chance to test yourself
before the tournament, so stay healthy.

- Yes, Coach.
- Yes, Coach.

Coach. Are we going too?

Of course, you should.

You may be suspended,
but you still have to train.

You make it look like a vacation
rather than a suspension.

I have something to ask you.

Next Saturday
is our band's annual concert.

Can you come?

Will you take the stage?
I thought seniors didn't.

The tickets won't sell if I don't.

Okay, I'll go.

You mean it? You promise you'll come?

What is it? Is something wrong?

I said I'd go
to Ji-woong's concert on Saturday.

Gosh, but we suddenly have training.

The band's concert?

He'll be disappointed.

How could she tell us about training
with only a few days' notice?

She thinks we have no lives.

Did you have plans too?

No, I didn't.

I'm so sick of it.

Is there even an end to this?

- Hey.
- What?

- What did you do yesterday?
- I'm so tired.

Hey, it hurts.

Okay. I'm up.

Are you happy, Ji-woong?

I'm going to ask Yu-rim out
at the concert.

At the concert? How?

During the encore.

You'll ask her out on stage? In public?

Girls hate things like that.

What do you know?

I know more than you do.


Do you have a minute?



I don't think
I can make it to your concert.

They suddenly scheduled training.

- Really?
- Yes. Sorry.

I see.

Well, it's fine.

I'm sorry.
I have to get to my afternoon training.

Okay. Sure. Bye.


Why are you home at this hour?

I forgot a document.

I have to get back.

Mom, out front...

The chairs.

They're worn out
and are beginning to mold.

I think we should have them fixed.

That's not fixable.

They weren't made well anyway.
It's a waste of money.

So you'll throw them away?

The carpenter may be able to put
a fresh layer of paint on it though.

Let's go when I get home
the day after tomorrow.

Make sure to eat.


One! Two!

One! Two!

One! Two!

One! Two!

- I really don't want to train today.
- One! Two!

- Me neither.
- One! Two!

Every time I run laps out here,

I fantasize about running out the gate.

I guess I'm not the only one.

In middle school, I always had 3,000 won
in my pocket whenever I ran.

So that I can take a cab.

One! Two! One! Two!


What is she doing?

I think she's running away.

What are you all doing?

Are you done running?

Yes, we are.

Today's morning training
will be one-on-one with me.

Where's Ye-ji?

Well, yes. Ye-ji...

- She said her head hurt.
- Yes.

- Right.
- So she went to the infirmary.

She said she had a migraine
that wouldn't go away.

- Yes.
- She'll be back soon.

Anyway, we'll go in order
starting with tenth graders.

So change and gather in the gym
an hour from now.

- Yes, Coach.
- Yes, Coach.


What are you doing?
Why are you standing here?

I crossed too late.
The light changed, so I got stuck.

Are you okay? Why did you run away?

I always fantasize
about the same thing you two do.

Running out the gate while running laps.

That was why I tried it.

I wanted to try it.

Let's go. We need to practice.


There you are.

I've been looking for you since morning.

Are you leaving now?

Yes. I heard you were
assigned to Sports.

Stay on your toes.

Don't cause trouble.

I'll do my best.

You're returning to Local News?

I'm not going by choice.

They blackmailed me to go.

- Later.
- Just a minute.

May I call you when things are tough?

No. Work through it alone.

I'll call you.

I'll call you.

Ye-ji didn't look good all day long.

I wonder if something's wrong.

Probably. But she looked like
she didn't want to talk about it.

I couldn't ask her.

You're right.

Is this it? I'll wait for you.

What is it?

I don't get it.

Why were you so mean to me at first

when you're this friendly?

At first?


You scared me.

I knew who you were from the start.

Way before you transferred here.

You knew me?

How could I forget you?

You beat me eight-nothing
at my first junior sports festival.

Junior sports festival?

When I won the gold medal?

We competed back then?

You don't remember me, do you?

I knew it.

I couldn't eat for three days
because I was so upset.

I only thought about you

ever since that tournament.

About beating you.

About beating you eight-nothing,
if possible.

But you were...





It upset me that you were doing poorly.

I thought I'd be happy, but I wasn't.

I had worked so hard to get where I was

because of you.

But I felt like you weren't trying.

I had no idea.

Then one day you showed up in my life,

saying you had transferred in
and that you were my fan.

But it felt strange.

I was no longer the girl
who had lost to you eight-nothing.

I was the gold medalist Ko Yu-rim.

But I was still scared.

I guess childhood memories
stick with you more.

You're not scared of me anymore, right?
We're close now.

I am.

I'm still scared of you, Hee-do.

She said she was scared of me.

It feels weird.

Because Yu-rim...

doesn't scare me.


Did you come from school?

Why didn't you wait for me inside?

I didn't want to go in alone.

You get shy
when you go to unfamiliar places.

You were at the studio too.

You were rude to me from the get-go.

That was because
you looked like a pushover.

I pick and choose. Let's go in.

Hello. It's been so long.

- Have you been well?
- Of course.

I was very pleased
to see your name on the reservation.

Please, come this way.

Let's go.

Let me know when you're ready.

Okay. I'll do that.

What do you want?

What should I get?

But first, why are you buying me dinner?

Isn't this place expensive?

Yes, it's expensive.

But I'm very grateful to you,
so it's fine.


Get Course A.

A course meal?
Where they bring you a bunch of food?

What's up? Why are you buying dinner?

I'm an official reporter now.
A sports reporter.


What were you until now?


Sure. You didn't know.
That's only natural.

It's too complicated to explain.

Well, let's just say I got a raise.

Really? Congratulations!

I'm in charge of fencing,

so I'm introducing myself
to a top fencer.

Also, I wouldn't be where I am today

if it wasn't for you.

So, eat up.

- Really?
- Yes.

Is Course A the most expensive?


Then Course A it is.

Is it good?

It's awesome.

You must have come here often.

The employee seemed to know you.

My family came often when I was young.
When we lived together.

How nice.

What is? We can't come together anymore.

You can't come now,

but it's nice to have memories.

I can't remember my dad's voice
that well anymore.

I do remember it faintly,

but I'm not sure if it's his voice
or just my imagination.

I'd be able to remember clearly
if I had more memories.

Hearing you say that,
I feel like this moment is precious too.

It is.

It'll become a fond memory
in the future.

Let's stay alert and remember clearly.

Baek Yi-jin. Na Hee-do.

Course A. Delicious. Okay?

Bruise on your left arm,
crooked name tag,

and purple scrunchy.

Also, my business card is being ignored.


That's what my memory will consist of.

After I bought you dinner
to celebrate becoming a reporter.


Memory revised. Okay?

Since it's an important day,
I'll create another memory.

Let's go to the stationery store.

What? Why?


You want to do this?

Yes. Let's see how lucky you'll be
in the future.

You get six chances.

- Pick.
- With this?


Okay, let's see.

This one.

I'll win for sure.


It's a bust.

Second try.

Would you pick more thoughtfully?

- This one.
- Okay.

- "Snap clip." What's a snap clip?
- You won something?

Snap clips are the lowest, but...

Snap clips, please!

This one.

Look carefully.



This one.



Pick again.

Let's do this!

Think before you pick.

Come on.

- What is it?
- It's...

- Pencil case!
- Pencil case!

Pencil case!

- Let's ask for it.
- But...

Pencil case, please!

We'll be done editing the documentary
on Na Hee-do and Ko Yu-rim this week.

We'll do an internal viewing
and get comments next week.


What time are you scheduling it for?

I'm discussing it with Scheduling.

I think 10:30 a.m. is the most likely.

- Give me a pen.
- Yes, sir.

Let's see.

What is that?

- It's a pencil case.
- I know that much.

It's an important pencil case.

You're letting your colors fly
now that you're an official reporter.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Congratulate him.


I'm Reporter Baek Yi-jin.

How nice. He still has
enough energy to scream.

It means it's still bearable.

Since I'm the class president,
I should check on him, right?

Where did he go?

Have you kids lost your mind?

The CSAT is only a few days away.

Do you think the classroom
is your playground?

- Answer me, you punks.
- Sir!

Hi, Seung-wan. What is it?

I'm stuck on a question.
I just can't understand the answer.

Are you free right now?

Right now?

Of course. The top student needs me.


Which problem?

- I'll go get it.
- Sure.

- Sir. Are you closing up?
- Yes.

We need something fixed, so I was
going to come later with my mom.

- Really?
- Yes.

I'll wait then.
Will you be here in an hour?

Well, yes, I think so.


- Thank you. We'll be here soon.
- Okay.


Hey. Hi. Are you going to the studio?

- Yes. To watch the 11 p.m. broadcast.
- Okay.

Is it a newsroom team dinner?


I came out for some air
because I felt tipsy.

- You should go.
- Okay.


Why are you so sweet?

It's to thank you
for letting Hee-do go on the trip.

I was able to get some good footage
thanks to you.


You ended up becoming a sports reporter.



Thank you.

Was becoming a reporter
always your dream?

My dream?

I'm not sure.

I don't think not living your dream
means you've failed at life.

And I don't think living your dream
means you've succeeded either.

I simply want to do well
at my job right now.

That's my current dream.

That's nice.

May I ask you what your dream is?

- My dream?
- Yes.

My news being fun to watch.

That's my dream.

More fun than LBS and KBY News?


My competition isn't LBS or KBY.

It's everything that people
not watching my news are doing.

Movies, dramas,

books, chatting online,

drinking, talking with friends...

All of them are my competition.

I want them to watch my news
more than any of that.

I want them to stop what they're doing
and turn on the TV.

Hold on.

I'm going back in. You should go.

- Okay. Good night.
- Bye.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

She's so cool.


I'm heading home, so wait a short while.

Are you drunk?

Fine. Hurry home.

It's raining.

I'm going to call it a night.

I have a date with my daughter.

No. It's been so long
since we had a team dinner.

Hwang Ho-jin speaking.

We'll have more team dinners.
Have fun everyone.

Chief. We got a call from the station.


- Are you going on tonight?
- No. I just wanted to watch the news live.

Okay. Work hard.


Five minutes!

Sports Night is canceled tonight!

We have a news flash in three minutes!

What's the news?

Shin Chang-won was caught.

Last commercial.

But she drank.

Breaking News.

Shin Chang-won, who broke out of prison,
was finally captured.

He was caught by
the police this afternoon

and was transported
to Suncheon, South Jeolla.

He broke out of prison
two and a half years ago.

The police went immediately
upon receiving a witness's tip

and successfully captured Shin Chang-won
in an apartment in Suncheon, South Jeolla.

Your call will be directed
to voicemail after the beep,

and you will be charged—


Oh, no.

Damn it.


As you know,

I have the most experience
with news flashes.

Everyone else there was new.

Not at all. You're too kind. Yes.

What are you doing?


I'll see you tomorrow. Good night.

Why were you doing that alone?

You didn't come.

You tried to do that alone
in the rain? Are you stupid?

Am I stupid?

Right. Yes, I'm stupid.

I stupidly care too much
about those chairs, unlike you.

I know you never keep your word,

and that you never come
after saying you will.

But you should have come today.

If you had time to drink,
you should have come.

Yes, I did drink,

but I couldn't come in time
because of a news flash.

The news? What does that
have to do with me?

What was I supposed to do?

Ignore the news flash and come to you?

Since our plans are more important?

I may be your mom,

but I'm also an anchor
who delivers the news.

Just as you compete
even if you're sad or sick,

I do the same.

Don't you get it?

I thought you'd understand
once you grew up,

so I wished you'd grow up soon.

But you don't care to understand me.
You're always ready to be disappointed.

You wanted me to grow up quickly
because of that?

But I'm sorry.

I'm still stuck at 13, Mom.

I can't forget how you didn't come to
Dad's funeral because of a news flash.

Because I just can't
forgive you for that,

I'm still only 13 years old.

You're right.

I don't care at all to understand.

A 13-year-old
can't understand these things.

Hey, listen.

I know you started as a reporter,

but you're an anchor now.

You need better delivery.

The viewers don't care
if an anchor started

as an announcer or as a reporter.

I'm sorry, sir. I'll work on it more.

The higher-ups started to complain.

You worked hard to become an anchor.
Don't lose it.

It's not like you're young.

I know your family is going through
a lot right now,

but don't give the higher-ups
a justification.

Yes, sir.



It's the hospital.
You should go right now.

A plane to Mokpo crashed!

- They're assessing the situation.
- Any deaths?

Probably many.

Where's the Local News team?

I'll call Captain.

Prepare a news flash.

I'll do the news flash.

Are you insane? You can't do it.

Get to the hospital.


Let me do it.

I'll prove why I belong there.


Breaking news.

Breaking news.

Breaking news.

A 737 plane heading from Seoul
to Mokpo has crashed.

The plane took off from Gimpo Airport
with 106 passengers and crew on board.

- However, it never landed in Mokpo.
- Hee-do.

- Poor visibility was the cause.
- Let's change.

- Where's Mom?
- It crashed in a mountain near Mokpo.

- Why isn't Mom here?
- They told the control tower

that they'd circle
due to poor visibility,

- But it disappeared around 3:40 p.m.
- Something urgent came up.

The police are at the site
of the accident

but are having difficulties
because the plane crashed on a cliff.

The police speculate they crashed
into the mountain top

immediately after being disconnected
from the control center.

I didn't know back then...

what your absence
at Dad's funeral meant.

But I came to understand
and appreciate what it meant

year after year as I grew older.

The more I understood,
the more hurt I was.

That's why...

it hurts the most now.

Do you get that?

What is it? You're uncomfortable
because I'm bringing Dad up again, right?

You always avoid talking about him.

You always try to forget him
as if he never existed.

You have

nothing but longing for your dad, right?

Not I.

I'm filled with resentment.

I always was as I raised you.

I had to avoid it to survive

and forget in order to live.


I won't seek your understanding anymore.

But don't criticize my efforts
of avoiding and trying to forget.

That's how I'm enduring.

What brings you here?

It was great. You looked really cool.

All I could see was you.

What do you mean?

You'll look cool. And you'll do well.

And all I'll see is you.

I'm sorry that I can't make it.

This isn't right.

I'm going to tear up.

Take it.

I can't go physically,
but my heart will be there.

Thanks for coming.

Baek Yi-jin speaking.

Hey, Yi-jin. It's me, Ji-woong.

Just because.

I needed...

the courage to stand up again.

Our band's annual concert is coming up.

I wanted to ask Yu-rim out
during the concert,

but she can't make it
because of her training.

I see. That's good.
Girls hate that kind of stuff.

I really wanted her to come
even if she did hate it.

I wanted to show her...

that at least on stage,
I can do something better than others.

I really wanted to show her.

Goodness. I get you. What a shame.

Come on.

I'm tired too. Bye.

High school drama
is for high schoolers. I'm an adult.

Seriously, these teenagers.
I should have become a teacher.


What's wrong?

My mom threw away the chairs.

The chairs my dad made.

My mom threw them away.

I can't find them. They're gone.

Let's look for them.
We'll look together. Don't cry.

Don't cry.

There are three chairs
and one is broken. Have you seen them?

No, I haven't.

- Thank you.
- Sure.


I think they took it away already.

Let's stop.

Are you okay?

I wasn't crying,
but I started to cry because I saw you.

It's your fault.

Did you two get into a big fight?


It was big enough to be named something.

Something for the history books.

During Shin Chang-won's news flash,

Jae-kyung looked incredibly cool.

It was the first time since I joined
the studio that I thought...

"I want to be like her."

But after coming to know

that moment caused you
to be sad, I'm torn.

Because behind her professionalism
are your heartaches.

This is strange.

They were heartaches for me,

but my mom made you dream.


kind of nice in itself.

About the chairs...

Why don't you make
the same ones your dad made?

I'm sure he'd like that too.

Hey. You're that kid from before.

I'm sorry I couldn't come that day.

Did you wait long?

About an hour.
You weren't coming, so I left.

Is that what you needed to be fixed?

- It's my lesson fee.
- What?

I want to learn how to make chairs.

There's a chair that I want to make.

Please teach me.

Does your training start tomorrow?
When will you be back...



- You can do it!
- Let's go!

Even if they're only a few years apart,

fencing styles change by generation.

It's mutually beneficial
if high schoolers train

with college kids.

I'm sorry, what? Are they
your run-of-the-mill high schoolers?

Do you have anyone who ranks
higher than Yu-rim or Hee-do?

Realistically, you're not training
with high schoolers.

They're way up there.
They're world-class talent.

That's with whom you're training.

I'm grateful. It's all thanks to you.

You punk...

- Thank you for today.
- Sure. See you.

Yes, ma'am.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

- Let's go.
- Okay.

Mr. Baek. What brings you here?

Are you here for a story?

No, not a story.

If you don't mind,
may I take the two of them?

I'm in the middle of editing
the documentary

and need some backup interviews
from them both.

- We have training in the morning.
- What's going on?

Take them. They don't have
any tournaments coming up.

Thank you for your understanding.

When is it going to air?

Am I in it at all?

Well, you gave us
such a great interview,

you'll be in it for sure.


I'm used to being on TV.

- Work hard.
- Thank you. Have a nice day.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- See you.
- Bye.

- Goodbye.
- We'll see you later.

What's up? What extra sh**t?

I was lying.

- We're going to Ji-woong's concert.
- What?

- You came to take us there?
- Yes. Let's hurry up.

Thanks! You're the absolute best
in the whole world!

- Liar.
- Yes, I'm lying.

I want to reach the place

Filled with blinding light

The pieces that passed by yesterday

Become dust and scatter today

The cool breeze
I'm on a trip

Follow the secretive light of the galaxy

That world filled with sparkling dreams

- Let's go!
- Let's go!

Let's go a bit further

The world we've been waiting for

Is becoming clearer

The pieces that passed by yesterday

Become dust and scatter today

The cool breeze
I'm on a trip

Follow the secretive light of the galaxy

That world filled with sparkling dreams

It's beckoning me

Let's go a bit further

- Let's go!
- Let's go!

- Encore!
- Encore!


- Encore!
- Encore!

- Great job everyone.
- The crowd went wild.


I have to do well.

We have to do very well.
Amazingly well. Got that?



So-yeong. The concert isn't over yet.

Weren't you and Min-ji over?
Why is she here?

So-yeong! I know nothing about that!


Sorry, but I can't do the encore.

Hey! Are you insane?

Yes, I am. My girlfriend
is more important than the performance.

- Sorry.
- Hey!

What? What is it?

Hey, Jungle Prince.

Are you even listening to each other?

- Who are you?
- What's that?

The 14th guitarist, Baek Yi-jin.

How can you call yourselves a band?

Grab the guitar.

We need a guitarist.

- What?
- Hey. Take off your uniform.

Put that on. It's our stage costume.

What do you mean?

Our guitarist took off.

You hear them asking for an encore?
We have to go back.

We will sing
our signature song, "Starlight".

Just fill in for one song.

I graduated three years ago.
There's no way I remember it.

I don't. I can't do it. No way.

How will we perform without a guitar?

You may not remember,
but your hands will.

Trust me.

The Jungle Prince's reputation
is on the line.

Sir. Here's my uniform.

- Encore!
- Encore!

- Encore!
- Encore!

- Thank you.
- Encore!

For our encore performance,
we'll sing "Starlight",

which represents
the Jungle Prince's 20-year history.



What the? Isn't that Yi-jin?

Why is he up there?
He's wearing a uniform too.

We light everyone
Shine on each other

The sad expressions will soon disappear


We shine more

Than anything else



You are my starlight
You are my sunshine

Whatever you want
You're the one shining on me

Yes, that's you

The boy who was trapped
inside the old tapes

is standing before me now.

Their guitarist ran away.

- Yi-jin.
- Yes?

What class were you in your senior year?

Me? In class six.

Baek Yi-jin from class six.

I'm Na Hee-do from class three.

Let's hang out together.

Follow the secretive light of the galaxy

That world filled with sparkling dreams

It's beckoning me

Let's go a bit further

You're awesome!

You're so cool!

I'd like to say something

I've been preparing for a while.

I wanted to be special to many people.

I wanted attention.

That was the most important.


I've found something more important.

If I can become special
to just one person,

I'd want nothing more.

I can do this.

Ko Yu-rim.

I like you.

Will you go out with me?

The pieces that passed by yesterday

Become dust and scatter today

Come on!

I can't do that again.

You played the guitar
in front of all those people.

Can't you do this one thing for me?

Listening to that tape
really cheered me up.

Oh, my gosh!

Hey. What are you doing here?

Listening to FM Date.

They won't let us during study sessions.

Wait. Why are you here, Yi-jin?

Forget that.
Why are you wearing a uniform?

Why do you think? It was all Ji-woong.

Didn't you go watch him?

Oh, that...

I truly love music, you see.

I didn't go because of my love.

Whatever. Give me the script
from an old broadcast.

I want to hear Yi-jin read it live.

You're going to do a reading?

Sounds fun.


The college entrance exam is coming up.

Hang in there. You can do it.

But can we really do it?

Sometimes, saying that
we can do something

can be more discouraging.

Content like this needs to be aired.

We haven't learned about a world
in which you don't have to do well

- and can fail.
- What is it?

- Is that a mistake?
- What? A mistake?

Still, let's do the most we can.

Let's do our best.

But I still hope that even if we fail,

we'll be strong enough

to get back up again.

Look. Fireworks.

- Look.
- Where?

They're so pretty. Where is that from?

There's a festival
at the district office.

What are you all doing here?

What's going on here?

- I guess he did it.
- I guess so.

Did what?

We're going out.

You what?

Thanks for everything, Yi-jin.

Wait a second. I'm not that dense.

Naturally, I knew
that Ji-woong liked Yu-rim.

But Yu-rim. You meant it too?

How could you go from Ryder to Ji-woong?

What do you see in him?

Well, he's doesn't have
the standard good looks,

but he's my type.

What the heck? What?

- Unbelievable...
- It's none of your business.

Watch the fireworks.

Life is long and fireworks are short.

- Let's go watch too.
- Okay.

I feel like the entire world
is blessing our new beginning.

Give me a freaking break.

Exactly. Who cares?


Seriously. I love your jokes.

Thanks for calling it a joke.

They're so pretty. I'm so happy.


for gifting me a day like today.

They're really pretty.












- Gosh.
- Careful.

- Gosh.
- Right there.

How long do we dry it?

For about an hour.

- We have to sand it again once it dries.
- Again?

It's not as easy as I thought.

When did my dad learn—

Excuse me. What's with those chairs?

Why are they here?

Oh, that?

Do you know Shin Jae-kyung?
The newscaster.

She dropped them off.

They must mean a lot to her.

She had so many requests.

The legs were broken.
It took forever to reattach them.


When did she drop them off?

What took you so long? Get dressed.


Where are we going?

Did you forget?
You put it on the calendar.

Your dad's cemetery.

What do I wear? Should I wear black?

Whatever's comfortable.



Mom. Are you crying?



Are you really

still 13 years old?

I wanted...

to tell you

once you were all grown up.


The truth is...

I miss your dad so very much.

I miss him so much, Hee-do.


Mom. I...

I miss Dad a lot too.

They finished their colonoscopies,

so your mom and grandma
should be back soon.

Thank you.





It's Mom.

I'm here.


Are you okay?


I'm fine.

Don't go anywhere.

Don't go.

Stay with me.

I will.

I left you alone

way too much when you were young.

It's okay, Mom.

Live a long, long life...

by my side.

I love you...



Is it because of the crack
that formed when they broke?

Everything started to change slowly.

- One. Two.
- Actions speak louder than words.

You did the right thing.

I'm quite impressed, Na Hee-do.

You said your life was boring.
Look what fun trouble you're in.

I'm right again this time.

What would you like to do
before the world ends?

- You can do this!
- You can do this!

- Good luck!
- I guess

I also wanted a change for myself.

I want to stay by your side

and watch you grow into a great person.

Reporter Baek Yi-jin?