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01x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 01/17/24 11:03
by bunniefuu
All locations, characters,
organizations, and incidents

depicted in this drama
are entirely fictitious.

Filming was in compliance
with COVID-19 guidelines.

- Hee-do.
- Injeolmi.




have to have you.

You told me

that we were destined
to meet eventually.

But you were wrong.

We had met already way beforehand.

Can you believe this?

It's unreal.


How are you Injeolmi?

Is Injeolmi a username?

I guess so.

I'm not Injeolmi.

Are you disappointed

that I'm Ryder37?

Is that why?

No. That's not it.

Regardless, I'm not Injeolmi.

Stop talking nonsense.

We agreed to meet today,
each carrying a yellow rose.

It's the same spot,
the same time, and the same flower.

Are you trying to say
it's a coincidence?

The truth is...

Anyway, it really isn't me.


I bought this on my way to an interview

because I didn't want to
go empty-handed.

It's really...

a coincidence?


Then what did I say

just now?

Just now? Well...

You said you had to have me
and I was wondering how.

Be quiet!

I was speaking quietly though.

Darn it.

Gosh. What do I do now?


Sorry I couldn't make it today.

I had an emergency.

I'm really sorry.

It's okay. I didn't wait long anyway.

If your world is gone, go to her world.

Was the girl Hee-do talked about...

That is

how much I liked you, Yu-rim.

It was me?

Maybe we know each other already.

Perhaps we've crossed paths before.


There's no way I wouldn't recognize you.

I'm sure I'll recognize you at once.

Like heck you'd recognize her,
you stupid idiot!

What am I supposed to do now?

What am I supposed to do?

"I have to have you"?

Have what? What was wrong with you?

Stop reading comic books.

I'm so humiliated!

Darn it.

What's that doing there?

Don't come out. Just listen.

I got it from Coach Yang.

I know I called it
a stolen medal on TV...

but as your mom,
not as anchor Shin Jae-kyung,

I don't think you stole it.

I just want you to know that.

I still think your attitude
at the press conference

was stupid and uncultured.

But that has nothing to do
with your gold medal,

so take it.

What is this, a pawn shop?

Sorry for leaving you behind.


I have to have you.

Not even "I like you,"
but "I have to have you"?

Seriously, Hee-do.


What is it at this hour?

Obviously, I was going crazy.
That's why I'm here so early.

I couldn't sleep a wink.

Did you tell Hee-do everything?

I didn't.

Thank God.

What should I do?

Why are you asking me that?

You know that
I'm lying to her because of you.

What will you do?

She'll be disappointed

if she finds out I'm Injeolmi.

I feel so bad that I'm Injeolmi.

I was so mean to her.

What did you do?

You're worth the budget we get per student.
You're nothing more or less.

The fact that I don't know who you are
in this small fencing community

means you're nothing.

Then you should have just stayed a fan.

How dare you come all the way here
and cause trouble?

Why you...

You're just so horrible.

- She liked you so much—
- I know that.

I know better than anyone
how much Ryder37—

I mean, how much Hee-do liked me.

She loved Ko Yu-rim

and consoled Injeolmi.

I received both love
and consolation, but I...

Darn it.

What should I do?

Regardless, I can't lie anymore.

No, please. Give me just one week.

I need time to mull it over.

What's wrong with you?

Is she coming?

- She left.
- She left?

You're avoiding her

and she seems to be avoiding me.

Will you give me the lubricant?

Never mind.

What's up with you?
Do you feel guilty about something?

Or was it like a reflex
and you realized after the fact?

It's neither.

I'm just honored, that's why.

I'm grateful that you're not treating me
like I'm invisible.

Maybe you're born to serve others.



Want to go to the snack shop with me?

Sure. What are you going to get?

Cup noodles to start
and ice cream for dessert.

Okay, let's go.

See you later!

Volume 16?

It's out.

The final volume.

It's out.


I'm going to have three ice creams.

Wait. I forgot my wallet. Wait here.

- Okay. Hurry up!
- Okay.

Is that mine?

What? No.

I see.


Did you steal that from my locker
to read it?

I didn't steal it.

The wind blew your locker door open.

It swung open really hard!

I walked over to close it
and saw the book.

I was pleasantly surprised
and took a look.


And listen.

Don't you know you're not allowed
to bring comic books to school?

I know you're on the fencing team,
but you should abide by the rules.


I don't mind her reading it.


Coach! What are you doing there?


Do you know what happened
to Yu-rim's family?

Their restaurant was closed for a while
then reopened today.

Do you not know since you're not close?

The kids say they stood surety
for a loan or something like that.

I don't know the details.

They what?

Gather the kids
after afternoon training.

We're eating at Yu-rim's.

At a snack shop?

The tougher things are,
the busier you need to be.

You need to laugh
in order to forget more quickly.

And you need to forget
in order to survive.

I didn't know you liked our tteokbokki.

You know now. They're good.

Coach, may we order fish cakes too?

Of course.

- Yes!
- Sundae too?

Of course, you may.

First years, get anything you want.
Don't worry about it.

- Okay!
- Okay!


Mom, the fencing team is here.

- Hello.
- Hello.

How have you been?

Look who's here. Hello.

We wanted to have a team dinner here.

You know how much they can eat, right?

You need to prepare like 20 servings.

You came on purpose to give me business?

- Thank you.
- It's nothing.

- Have a seat.
- Okay.

- Sit down.
- Okay.

- Sit here, Coach.
- Thanks.

What do you want?

So you're the one who beat my daughter
and took the gold medal.

You must have been
through a lot, Hee-do.

They said such terrible things.

Those nasty jerks.

It must have been hard for you.

You were scared, weren't you?

Is it a little better now?


Oh my. You're much prettier
in person than on TV.

I'll give you a big serving
since you won a gold medal.

Congratulations on the gold medal.

Good work all of you.

You'll all be with Sports
until you receive new assignments.

Just so you know.

Anyway, when should we
have a team outing?

Is that what today's meeting is about?

That's important too, but this first.

Let's make an Asian Games Special.

What kind of a special?

The event was a success
and we got good ratings,

so let's keep the momentum going.

We should use this to solidify
UBS Sports' position.

I'd like to film a few documentaries
and release them as a special.

Who wants to do it?

I don't know what that is,
but may I give it a shot?

Why did you take on something
you don't know?

I thought I'd learn
something if I tried.

I wanted to put myself up to it.

I want to learn quickly
and improve quickly.

You enjoy this, don't you?

I do.

That's why I want to do it well.

I have more time than before,
so I'll call more often.

Did you see me on the news?

Of course. You were so nervous.
It was obvious you were new.

Do better, will you?

Are you doing well?

You got your report card, right?
How'd you do?

Bye. I don't want to talk to someone
to whom good grades define happiness.

How are Mom and Uncle?

Referee Smith asserted

- that his decision at the match was fair.
- Look at him.

He takes after his mom's side
of the family and looks just like me.

What are you talking about?

Yi-jin looks exactly like my darling.

- Nonsense.
- With UBS News, I'm Baek Yi-jin.

Don't get me started.

He plays the video of your news clip
to anyone who comes over.

He's doing it now too.

No one asks to see it,
but he plays it anyway.

So? Do you find me embarrassing?

Not really. Just annoying.

Thanks for the compliment.

Tell Mom and Uncle that I say hi.


Okay. Sure. Bye.


Why that...


Pick up.

Damn it.

Why won't he leave me alone?


Hi, Hee-do.

- Hi, Hee-do.
- Hi.

What's that?

What the heck?

What are you doing here?

We're doing a test sh**t today.

A what sh**t?

Didn't the federation tell you?
Didn't you tell her?

The federation called.

I see. I had a missed call.
I guess it was the federation.

Because you screen unknown numbers?

I do not.

You should have told me
ahead of time though.

As if you gave me a chance to.

What is the sh**t for?

We're filming a three-part
documentary series on athletes

who made an impression
at the Asian Games.

The two of you were selected
for the first part.

Why us?

There was drama surrounding your match.

So what do you want to film
in the documentary?

The fact that we're not close?
Us ignoring each other?

The way we treat each other
like we don't exist?

"They're like that
even outside of competitions."

You won't ask us to pretend to be close,
will you?

We're athletes, not actresses.

That's what the federation wants,
but I don't intend to.

I want it to reflect the truth

even if you don't get along.

For whose benefit?

So that people can hate me again?

Don't you have any faith in me?

Why do you keep disappointing me?

- What?
- What am I to you?

Have some faith.

I know both of you
more than most people.

Once the documentary is completed,
I'll show it to you first.

If you don't like it, we won't air it.

I promise.

We want a scene of the team running
in the yard, so please come out.

- Okay!
- Okay.

- Which station are they from?
- UBS.

- What? UBS?
- We'll be on TV.

Hee-do, they're sh**ting in the yard.

Too bad you can't avoid me now.

That's not true.

Then why are you avoiding me?

- I don't want to talk about it.
- Tell me.

I need to hear it.

You're avoiding me
and ignoring all my calls and messages.

Am I supposed to just take it
without knowing why?

Have you thought about how I'd feel?

I was humiliated, that was why.

About what?

What you said that day?

You only said that
because you mistook me for Injeolmi,

who I am not.

So what's the problem?
It wasn't about me anyway.

Yes, it was. It was half about you.

If Injeolmi had been someone else,

I wouldn't have said
something that idiotic.

It was because it was you
that I said that.

That's why it was half about you.


What was your plan?

Were you planning to avoid me forever?

Hoping we'd drift apart like this?

What do you think of our relationship?

What do you think it is?

Because of you, I'm...

I'm so confused.

I'm jealous of you.

No. I like you.

But I have an inferiority complex
toward you.

What does that sound like to you?
You don't know, do you?

I don't either.

But I ended up saying I had to have you.

I must have lost my freaking mind.

I want to crawl into a hole and die.
My mind's completely blank!

I like being sure about things,

but everything is unclear
when I think about you.

That's why right now, I really...

hate you.


You're so honest. What the heck?

Why are you laughing?

Why are you laughing when my head's
about to explode from worrying?

Fine. You go on worrying.

I'm done worrying about it.
Not like I ever started, but still.



What? Oh my gosh. Baek Yi-jin.

How long has it been? My gosh.

I heard you became a reporter at UBS.

Wait. Are you the one
covering our fencing team?

Yes, I am.
Here's the request for your cooperation.

- I see.
- Thank you.

What do you mean? We want to thank you.

Gosh. It was tough, wasn't it?

I was shocked when I saw the news.

I see. Yes.

How are things now?

I'm just doing what I can.

You are?

Goodness. You were just a baby
but you're all grown up now.

Let me get you a cold drink.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Sure.


Where is she?


"Rank 320"?

I guess her grades are the one thing
she doesn't worry about.



Question one is two.


Are you actually studying? What's wrong?

I have to do things that I hate
to achieve my goal.

What goal?

If you really decided to study,
just do social studies.

- That's the only one you can improve—
- Question eight is one.


Must you study this right now?

A hundred days should be plenty.

I want to pass something
when the others get into college.

You're really not going to college?

They don't teach what I want to learn.

The rankings are up
on the bulletin board!

You're going to look? What for?

It feels good
to see my name on the bulletin board.


Hey, Yu-rim.

- Checking the results?
- Yes.

But I saw something shocking.



You and I are the only ones
in that huge space.

Isn't it romantic?

You're in last place?

Yes. Is that bad?

No. I'm just grateful.

I was worried I'd be last.

So what if you're last?

Are you embarrassed?

Well, a little. Aren't you?


It's obvious since I didn't try.

Not trying but hoping to do well
is more embarrassing in my opinion.

I'm home.

Welcome home.

Come here for a minute.

Tada. It's a gift.

A shop opened up in the market,
so I got you one.

I hear all the kids have one these days.

It would be good for you to have one
when you travel for competitions.

I can reach you right away then.

I won't be competing for a while.
You use it.

I'm always at the restaurant.

Then let's return it. I don't need it.

Yu-rim, it's a gift from your mom.

We have money problems.

You lost your savings
and stood surety for a loan.

That means we're in even more debt.

Shouldn't we save everything we can?

Can't you be happy like other daughters
if I buy you something?

How can I?

You cry all the time
and Dad's too busy working to come home.

My circumstances aren't the same
as other daughters.

How can I use this
without feeling guilty?

I'm sorry I'm a bad mother
who makes her child worry about money.

I truly am.

But I got it
hoping I'd see you smile for once.

I wanted to be encouraged
by seeing you happy.

Can't you think about my feelings first
instead of money?

What can feelings do for us?


can't pay off our debt.

We can adjust the angle we want to take
as we're filming,

but I'd rather not make them
seem hostile or like enemies.

How can this documentary be
entertaining without that?

How about focusing
on the simultaneous touch?

The last point in the Asian Games

was supposedly a simultaneous touch.

That would imply we don't approve
of Na Hee-do's gold medal.

We can't do that.

Think about the ratings.

We need something dramatic
to draw viewers.

We can't exploit the athletes like that.

This isn't a variety show. It's sports.

Baek Yi-jin speaking.

Yes, I have an article.
How much time do I have?

I can run over and
do it right now. Okay.

Is something wrong?

Later. I have to deliver news
over the phone.

Over the phone?

Use our phone! It's for the news, right?

That's super urgent.

No one's home. Come on.

"Sports News Brief."

"The third junior badminton
singles tournament,

created to increase interest
among juniors..."

Catch your breath.


"...will be held next month
from the fifth to the eighth."

"Anyone from the fifth grade
to the eighth grade may apply

by tomorrow."

"Lee Ji-yeon,
the face of Korean bowling,

will receive the Blue Dragon Medal

on the 27th
at the National Folklore Museum."

"This concludes Sports News Brief."

Yes, I'm ready. Yes.

"Sports News Brief."

"The third junior badminton
singles tournament,

created to increase interest
among juniors,

will be held next month
from the fifth to the eighth."

"Anyone from the fifth grade
to the eighth grade may apply

by tomorrow."

"Lee Ji-yeon,
the face of Korean bowling,

is receiving the Blue Dragon Medal

on the 27th
at the National Folklore Museum,

hosted by
the Ministry of Culture and Tourism."

"This concludes Sports News Brief."

Thank you. Good night.

Thank God.

Thanks. You saved me.

I would have been a mess
if I had to run home and do it.

Does this happen often?

No. This is the radio.

It should have been a baseball recap,

but the game isn't over yet.
They're in extra innings.

That was why I had to fill in
with other news.

I see.

What's wrong?

Do you hate me again?

- Are you jealous? What is it?
- Damn it.


Did you worry about it some more?

About our relationship, I mean.

- There's no word that summarizes it.
- What?

A word that describes our relationship

doesn't exist yet.

Acquaintance. Friends. Lovers.

None of the words
that people have invented apply.

But I thought about it,

and only you and I know...

what our relationship is.

So, we can figure it out.

Although there's no word to describe it,

we can just make one up ourselves.

Make up a word?

Yes. For example,
our relationship is a phone.

It's a cup.

It's scissors.

Or it's a cloud, a rainbow...

We can just make it up.

I like rainbow.

Darn it. I like scissors.

Gosh, you...

Don't avoid me like that again.

I won't forgive you.

I guess you hated it.

The word "hate"
doesn't begin to describe it.

You helped me
get back on my feet numerous times.

You should take on the responsibility.

I should go. Thanks for today.

What about you?

You said you didn't worry about
what our relationship was.

What's your answer?

It's not a rainbow.




Baek Yi-jin.

Ma'am. Do you live here?

I mean, are you Hee-do's mother?

What are you doing here?

In other words,

you were the one who broke our statue?

That was how you two met.

Yes. I threw a newspaper.
I'm very sorry.

I had him compensate me for it.

With what?

Full House.

- Are you mad?
- I'll pay for it now—

- Baek Yi-jin.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Are you going out with Hee-do?
- Mom!

No, I'm not.

- Then what is it?
- A rainbow, okay?

- What?
- It's not what you think.

What do I think?

Your thoughts are always in the gutter.

Hey! How dare you talk to her that way?

What. Did you just yell at...

Are you taking my mom's side?

My professional life and my private life
are in conflict right now.

Please understand.

My point was...

was it because you knew Hee-do

that you interviewed the referee
at the Asian Games?

At the airport, at that.

No. I would have done that for anyone
even if it weren't Hee-do.

Don't apply to Sports
for your assignment.


You two seem very close.

And you're in charge of fencing.

How could a reporter
and the subject be this close?

You'll be hurt and lose each other.
So apply elsewhere.

You don't think it'll happen, right?

It will.

I'm saying this as a senior reporter,
not as Hee-do's mom.

And don't tell people
that I'm Hee-do's mom.

She'll be on the news more going forward.
It won't do her any good.

Jeez. It's all about work.

Do you have
absolutely nothing to say as my mom?

Get along.

Do you know why you're mistaken?

You failed to keep a distance
from the subject.

Was it because you knew Hee-do

that you interviewed the referee
at the Asian Games?

At the airport, at that.

Thank you.

You don't need to thank me.

I would have done the same for anyone.

Hey. Let's get tteokbokki for lunch.

Yu-rim's restaurant reopened.

Really? Didn't they go under?

I heard her parents stood surety
and went bankrupt.


I knew that bitch had it coming.

She pulled that crap
during the Asian Games about the call

and made Hee-do look like a jerk.

I know. That bitch.

Maybe she put on a show

for the gold medal pension
because her family needed money.

Yes, I guess so. She's so pathetic.

Come out.

- Get out here, you pieces of trash!
- Let go!

Say that again. Yu-rim what?

How dare you good-for-nothings
talk about Yu-rim like that?

You crazy bitch.

- Hey.
- Hey. Get her.

Are you okay? You bitch!

- Hey! I'll get you.
- Hey!

- Let go!
- Who the hell are you?

- Come on.
- Shit!

Yu-rim must have heard you!

Don't you run your mouths again.

You pathetic losers.

Hey, Hee-do.

Who are you to take my side?

I said I was fine.

Why'd you take my side
and make me look like an idiot?


Why are you crying?

I don't know what to do

because you keep doing that.

Do you know how difficult things
have become for me because of you?

What did I do?

Just now, it was because
what they said made me upset and—

I'm Injeolmi.

Is Injeolmi a username?

I'm not Injeolmi.

Anyway, it really isn't me.



Hey, Yu-rim!

Say that again.

You're Injeolmi?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I'm Injeolmi.

I'm really sorry.

I didn't know you were Ryder37.

So I looked down on you
and was mean to you.

I'm so sorry, Hee-do.

I was so lonely and struggling.

You were always the one to comfort me.

But I had no idea.


It's okay.

Just promise me one thing.


Don't ever do that again.

It's too dangerous.

Promise you won't do it again.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry too.

No, I'm sorry.


You're still here.
Don't you have a sh**t today?

Yes. I'm going to head out now.


- Hey, Yi-jin.
- Yes?

I'm thinking of sh**ting the opening

in the public hall
when we interview the athletes.

On stage?

Do you have something in mind?

Of course. I'm the producer after all.

Well, we'll hang them using wires

and have them fly in
and s*ab each other like martial arts.

What do you think?

The stuff you shot is boring.

Let's make at least
the opening exciting.


Not only is that
not the angle we're taking,

let's avoid anything
that may injure the athletes.

Come on. They're athletes for a reason.

If they're that frail,
how do they compete internationally?

No. I'm sorry, sir.

That young punk keeps saying no.

Are you okay, Yu-rim?
Are you okay? Were you hurt?

- What?
- I'm fine, Hee-do.

- What?
- Let me see.

I'm really okay.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Is your butt okay?

- Can you stand up?
- I'm fine.

- You must be hot.
- I'm fine. I don't get hot easily.

Let's share.


You eat first.

No, you eat first.

- Hold on. Wait a minute.
- Okay.

Let's take a quick break.

What are you two doing?

Is this a blind date?


You're not like this normally.

Why are you acting?
I never asked you to.

We're not acting.

Hold on. Do you now know
who each other are?

That's right.

And I found out that you lied to me.

You bought a yellow rose
for an interview?

I thought it sounded weird.

Have her apologize for that.

- She made me do it.
- What did Yu-rim do wrong? Whatever.

She made me do it.

It's so awkward chatting with you
now that I know who you are.

I know, but let's be
completely open and honest

with each other as we have been.

At least here.

Well, then I have something to tell you.

What is it?

I wasn't disappointed
that you were Injeolmi.

I also have something to tell you.

What is it?

I'm really sorry about the Asian Games.

I never imagined that would happen.

It's okay. I understand.

Yes, it hurt a lot,

but it healed a few days ago.

When your mom hugged me,

all of the hurt and sadness melted away.

What can feelings do for us?

Feelings can't pay off our debt.

Your mom comforted me.
Something even my mom didn't do.

I'm really grateful.


Elephant Snacks.


Yu-rim? Aren't you home?

I wanted to make a call on my cellphone.

I can hear you great.

You're right. It is good.

Mom. I didn't know,

but there are debts
that feelings do repay.

I'm sorry for getting mad
when I didn't know anything.


I've always wanted a cellphone.

I love it, to be honest.

I'm glad.

That's enough for me.

You're still a student, so I'll do
just enough to look good on camera.

Do you like it?

It looks really different
having a pro do it.

When I went to the club...

Never mind.

Na Hee-do. Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Baek Yi-jin.

Mr. Baek.

Come here.

You look pretty.

Will all of these people

watch me being interviewed?

I'm so nervous.

Then I'll ask them all to leave
during the interview.

We can be alone.

- Can we do that?
- Yes. Why not?

They'll leave if you want.

Don't be nervous, okay?

Okay. Did Yu-rim finish already?

Yes. She should be in the public hall.

- Should we get ready?
- Okay.

Sit here.

Reporter Baek,
which is her prettier side?

Her left side.

Where should I look? Into the camera?

Look at me.

Is this more comfortable?

Not at all.

But I like it more.

I have a question.

What is it?

Do I really look prettier from the left?

Yes. Am I wrong?

I never thought about it.

I'll be the one to think about it...

so trust me, will you?

I don't want you getting hurt.

Start with "Salut" when we begin.



Hey, Yu-rim.

- Hi.
- Yes, hi.

Are you coming from your interview?


It was so awkward.

I still feel that way.

Me too.



That was great.

Can we do a few more things?

Like what?

Remember that dispute you had
about the simultaneous touch?

It starts there,

so let's do a simultaneous touch.

The referee concluded
that it wasn't simultaneous.

Yes, I know that.

But we need it for the documentary
since that's our angle.

I think it would be great for the opening.
It'll be impactful and dynamic.

We want it to look good.

This documentary was created
for the two of you.

Can't you do that much for us?

Give us time to discuss it.




Are you okay with it?

Yes, I am.

Let's keep a far enough distance.

- Should we aim for the shoulders?
- Yes.

I'll do my best to keep my distance.

- Please say, "Prêtes? Allez."
- Sure. Okay.

Let's begin!

En garde.

Prêtes? Allez.

Relax and with more power.

En garde.

Prêtes? Allez.

You're being way too cautious.
I want more power.


En garde. Prêtes?




Make it look realistic, will you?


En garde.

Prêtes? Allez!

- Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm okay.

How long must we do this?

Exactly. How long will you fake it?

We could have finished in one take
if you did it right.

Do it like a real competition.
Why are you both being so cautious?

Do you think the program is a game?


- Are you okay?
- I'm okay.


En garde.

Prêtes? Allez!

Are you okay?

Hold on.

Bring us a pain reliever!

- Where does it hurt?
- I think I twisted it.

Can you take off your shoe?

I think we should flip back and forth
after the same question.

- Like this?
- Yes.

Their personalities are different,
so showing them like that...

Excuse me.

Baek Yi-jin speaking.

Damn it.

Hee-do, are you all right?

What? I hurt my ankle a little.

What happened?

During the simultaneous touch...

Simultaneous touch?

Yes, so...

We wanted to sh**t
the simultaneous touch

like at the Asian Games.

Didn't we agree to sh**t
only the greeting?

I clearly said we won't sh**t
the simultaneous touch.

Did I put them on wires
or make them do martial arts?

It was just a simultaneous touch—

Simultaneous touches
result in the most injuries.

Their hands collide and break!

Their ankles collide and get twisted!

Simultaneous touches
cause the most injuries.

Why did you make them do that?
You know nothing.

Hey you. Are you done?

I treated you with respect
as a reporter, you young punk.

Am I doing this for myself?

I did it for the program!
I'm doing my job!

What will you do
if we don't get the ratings?

I'll take responsibility.

But what if the athletes get injured?
Will you take responsibility?

How will you do that?

They have competitions lined up
starting next year.

How will you take responsibility?

Come on. Let's go.

Baek Yi-jin.

Mr. Baek.

I'm really okay.

Let's go to the hospital.

I'm sorry, it's my fault.

It isn't your fault.

If I hadn't fallen—

He shouldn't have made you do it.

It was okay at first,

but he kept saying
to do it like a real match.

It sounded like he was your senior.

Won't you get in trouble?

Who cares about rank in that situation?

I feel like
I should have been seriously injured.

But you know what?

I think I'm okay.

If you really did get injured,

I'll k*ll him.

I'm sorry.

I should have been with you.

You're with me now.

You always were and are now.

In the end, you're always with me.

What? Look, a rainbow.

That's so cool.

Can we pull over and look?


I've never seen a rainbow
this big before.

Are you okay? What about the pain?

It's gone. It doesn't hurt.

We're still seeing a doctor.

Okay, so you should look too.

This is a rare opportunity.


It's pretty, right?

You have a knack
for leading me to a good place.

What do you mean?

I ran over because it was you.


No. During the Asian Games.

I ran to the airport
to interview the referee.

I thought about it,

and I wouldn't have gone
if it wasn't you.

But I should have gone for anyone.

Because I'm a reporter.

You made me do
what was right for a reporter to do.

You always lead me to do what's right

and to a good place.


my definition of our relationship.

Also known as a rainbow.

Wait. You said it wasn't a rainbow.

You still haven't said what it was
if not a rainbow.


It's love.

I love you, Hee-do.

I don't need...

a rainbow.


What I had to give up for fencing?

Typical teenage memories.

But did something happen?

Do you think I'm doing a good job?

- Oh gosh, really?
- Do you know what makes you truly evil?

- That's awesome!
- I did it!

We can go to the beach!

It feels like I've found
all the missing pieces in my world.

I'm happy.

Why do I feel like
this moment will last forever?

Maybe it will be.

I think I can do anything
if I'm with Baek Yi-jin.