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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 01/17/24 11:00
by bunniefuu
All locations, characters,
organizations, and incidents

depicted in this drama
are entirely fictitious.

Filming was in compliance
with COVID-19 guidelines.

She was in the wrong.

Don't forget. I'm always on your side.

We should definitely meet someday.

I'm sure I'll recognize you at once.



What is it? What's wrong?


can you say something,
no questions asked?

What is it?

"Yu-rim was in the wrong."

You can't, can you?

I don't know what—


- Hi!
- Are you a good dancer?

No, I quit dancing.
Forget what you just saw.

- Why?
- Because I'm in a band.

Come on. Can you teach me how to dance?

It's very urgent.

Sorry. There's no dancing
in rock and roll.

But it's music, too.

This dance isn't even that hard.
It's kind of hip-hop...

Sorry. Rock and roll doesn't think of
hip-hop as real music.


I'll do anything.

So please,

help me.

- Come on.
- Geez.

Where exactly are we going to practice?

You've been invited to a special place.

It's for members only.

Should I stand here?

Come in.

This is where we'll
practice from now on.


We have a guest.

Guys, tell me. What is this place?

Our hangout.

My hangout, to be exact.
I decorated the place.

Is this like a top-student privilege?

Do the teachers know too?

No, and they shouldn't.

Who would turn a rooftop shed
into something this crazy?

She's been in charge of
cleaning this shed since last year.

Teachers assume that
the place is in good hands.

That's why reputation matters.

It's absurd, right?

I agree.

By the way,

aren't you a fencer?
Why the dance practice?

Well, beats me.

My coach said I should.


Let's get down to business.

I'll teach you how to dance.

In return, you'll put
Yu-rim's favorite drink in her locker.

The pine-flavored one she likes.

Put a drink in that girl's locker
every morning?

"That girl?"

Do you have something against Yu-rim?

Then I can't teach you.

No way!

God knows how long
I've been obsessed with Yu-rim.

By the way, how did you know
she likes that drink?

How can you not?

No other 18-year-old would drink that.

Maybe she's a forest fairy.

Why don't you stay for a meal?

I have to get to a job interview.

I guess some places are still recruiting
despite the current situation.

I forgot to ask.
Can you come tomorrow and take your car?

We're repainting the garage,
so it can't be here.

My car? I thought it was seized?

Your dad put it under my name
before going bankrupt.

Maybe he sensed what was coming.

All right. I'll be here tomorrow.

- And this isn't a lot, but please take it.
- What? No, I can't accept this.

- For my sake?
- It's okay.

Please. This will put me at ease.

- You're listening to aunt, right?
- Yes.

Gosh, but I know you're just working
part-time jobs. You shouldn't have.

Well, I hope all goes well
with your interview. Good luck!

All right. Bye now.

- Goodbye.
- Thanks for this.

- Not at all.
- Goodbye.

You're really good at playing politics.

You gave money to her
in front of me on purpose.

You totally rock.

A 15-year-old shouldn't pick up on that.
Now I'm sad.

Don't be.
I'm just too smart for my own good.

So don't feel bad.

- I'll come by tomorrow.
- Hey!

- Yi-jin.
- Yes?


when you take the car,

does that mean you're going to keep it?

Let go.


No. It's not mine anymore. It's hers.

My guess is, Dad gave it to aunt

to thank her for doing him a favor
by taking you in.

Then I can look after your kid later.

- Then you can buy me—
- Stop babbling. Now get back inside.

- Bye.
- All right. Bye.

Good luck on the interview!

And I'm doing great,
so stop worrying about me.

I can take care of myself.


Now, our last question
is for all of you.

The world has changed dramatically
in the '90s.

When everything is subject to change,

what is the one thing
you believe will stay the same forever?

I believe that the love we have
for our family members is unfaltering.

For me, it's the way I dream.

I'll continue to dream on and live
as I do now, even when I grow old.

I believe in gravity.

Excuse me?

The only thing I believe
that will be constant

in this world is gravity.

I don't believe in anything
to stay the same forever.

Because believing in something like that

sets expectations
for how things should turn out.

However, gravity...

is constant
regardless of any expectations.

That's why I can
believe only in gravity.

Did you ask for me?


Did you go against Da-seul?

Yu-rim told me.

Yu-rim, what happened?

Tell me what happened.

As I see it,

the seniors shouldn't stop us
from training at night.

I think it's unfair.


What's your plan?

I'll continue to train at night.

And if they keep stopping you?

Do you have a plan B?

You've lost your game already.

You're already behind in your thinking.

I bet Da-seul already has planned out
what to do with you the next time you try.

But you've got nothing.

Do you also think

it's wrong for me to train at night?

That's not the point. Do you think
I'm doing this to set discipline?

I'm talking about fencing.

Remember when you first came to see me?

Even back then,
you forced your way in without thinking.

Look at what you're doing now.
You haven't changed at all.

You jump into things without a plan.

That kind of attitude...

shows in your fencing.

Hee-do, you think of fencing
as a sword fight.

You're wrong. Fencing is a game of wits.

You have to be able to read the game.

That is strategic thinking.

And I don't see this in your fencing.
Just like now.

Then what should I do?

Teach me. I'll do anything.

That kind of training is over.

It's now up to you

to figure out what you need to do.


Think strategically?




The final result will be out
right after the interviews are done.

Please wait here.

- Yes.
- Yes.

Ms. Son?.

Sir, can I help you with anything?

Is Mr. Kim still doing the interviews?


Baek Yi-jin?



Are you here for the interview?


You should have told me
about your situation.

My father was really worried
about your father.

Where is he now?

I don't know for sure.

Please thank your father
for thinking of us.

Gosh. You always wanted to work at NASA.

Here you are,
applying to a trading company.


- Candidates number three.
- Yes.

- Seventeen.
- Yes.

- Twenty-four.
- Yes.



You've passed.

This is why you should've called me.

Other opportunities will come up.

Thanks for being so considerate.

Hold on a second.

Take a taxi back home, okay?

No, that's fine.

- Here.
- No, I'm fine.

- Take it.
- That's okay.

Sir, were you looking for me?


- Thanks for running the interviews.
- Wait...

Not at all.

- Have you eaten anything?
- Yes, I have.


Can I get another
bottle of soju, please?

I can't give up on you until the end

"Until the end."

Until the end


Darn it.

Until the end

You're ignoring me,
but I see you're wearing those slippers.


Why are you smiling?

Since I got to see you.

You put a smile on my face.

Have you been drinking?

Yes, you sure did.

Did something happen?


I had a job interview today...

but I didn't make the cut.

That company made a wrong decision.

What does that make me
if you side with me so easily?

What do you think?

That makes you a petty person
who couldn't say something this simple.


That does make me a petty failure.

Don't feel so bad.

Today, I was told that
I've made no progress

and have no brain
for strategic thinking.

Who told you that?

My coach.

Don't try to comfort me.
I want you to just make fun of me.

Make fun of you?

That's right. It feels better
when I turn my tragedy into a comedy.

Why did you transfer
if you weren't going to improve?

Can you call yourself a fencer
when you can't strategize?

Like this?


That's too mean.

But you asked for it.

Darn it.

Gosh, that was so pointed.

That wasn't teasing.
That just broke my heart.


You're right.

I heard that every tragedy in life is
a comedy if you see it from afar.

That means we have to live
as if we're seeing ourselves from afar.

Your dream was to be in space.

Let's live as if
we see ourselves from there.

I'm happy to watch from where I am.

You're fun to watch...

even when up close.

That's good to know.

It was only a month ago

when I was told that the times
we live in took my dream away.

Then recently, I heard that
the times had given me an opportunity.

So if you think about it,
there's no such thing

as a pure tragedy or comedy.

Still, I hope the road ahead of us

is filled with more comedy.

Wait, are you asleep?

I just said something really important.

He is so ridiculous!

Mister. You could freeze to death
from sleeping outside.


Get up.

It gets chilly at night.

Fine, whatever.

For someone like him,
this should be a rewarding experience.

I'm going now. Goodnight.



Gosh, I can't stand doing this.


- Hey.
- Yes?

You didn't get the job?



You should have tried harder.

Well, I did try hard.

Yi-jin, I heard you
failed your interview.

Well, yes.

You failed an interview,
and now the basket fell off too.

Cheer up, okay?

Poor thing.

Hello, sir. I hope your day is
off to a great start.

What is this?

You saw it, too?

No? See what?

Never mind, if you didn't see anything.

Were you here for me?

Yes. I wanted to see your beautiful face

on this great morning
to start off the day.

Please have this before you eat
to work up an appetite.

I've warmed it up for you.



I've been getting up

Anything else I can do?

I find this uncomfortable.
Why are you doing this?

I feel sorry to have caused you
so much inconvenience until now.

I heard that you're close to Hee-do.

Me too. We're friends.

- Is that so?
- Yes.

So you two are close.

Hey, listen.


I'm very upset because of Hee-do.

And here you are, bringing up her name.

Are you two very close?

Now that I think about it,

my definition of a friend
may have been too broad.


I've barely just met her.

So technically speaking,
she's not a friend.

I hope there's no misunderstanding.

All right then. Get to school safely.

Yes, sir.


I was livid when I walked inside the gym

and found Yu-rim
and Hee-do training at night.

What? Those two are crazy.

But you know what?
Yu-rim at least apologized,

but Hee-do didn't do a thing.

If I catch them training again tonight,

I'll have the entire team punished
for her selfishness.

Are you going to hit me?

Da-seul, I want to apologize to you
for what I did.

It was so rude of me
to talk back to you like that.

I'm terribly sorry.

What are you doing?

I just started here

and wasn't aware of how things worked.

I'm so sorry for stirring up the club.
Please forgive me.

What the heck?

You asked if I wanted to do well so bad
as to throw you under the bus.

Not at all. Never.

I want all of us to do well together.

I assure you,
I will never train at night alone.

Fine, Hee-do.

- I got your message, so—
- Instead,

I would like to train
at night with everyone.

What did you say?

If we all train together,

it will boost our morale and efficiency.

It will be good for all of us!

Are you insane?

I'm begging you. Please join us!

My gosh. You're such a freak.

Join you for what?

Night training.

Hey, you can go ahead.
Just go ahead and train at night.

Do whatever you want, on your own.

No way. I need your guidance.
Please join us.

Please train with us!

What's with you?

The fencing team is united!

- What is this?
- Please, let's train together.

Let me go! I said get off me!

- No I won't!
- Hey, that's enough.

- Please!
- Stop it!

- I'm begging you.
- Go away!

- Please?
- I said, let me go!

Are you out of your mind?

- You have to!
- Let go of me!

Leave me alone!

Have you all warmed up?

We have a series of competitions
coming up after the tryouts.

Stay on your toes. Got it?

- Yes!
- Yes!

Coach, it's been confirmed.
I'll be at the NTC starting next week.

You're finally going back.

What about your ankle? Is it better now?

Much better. It will be fine
as long as I'm careful.

All right. I guess
I won't get to see you for a while.

No, wait. I will see you.

Is the national team coming
to watch the tryouts?

I will be going to Hwaseong with Hee-do.

Yes, I think we will be there.

Let him know
the garlic scapes are salty,

so he doesn't have to eat it
if he doesn't like it.

I will. So is Dad coming this Sunday?

I don't think so. It's cargo all the way
from Geoje to Incheon,

so I told him to take it easy.

Of course.
He shouldn't push himself too much.

Are you sure you can carry this?
Yi-jin could come by.

No worries. I want to go myself.

- See you.
- Be careful, okay?

- I will.
- All right.

No, I'm fine. You can keep your seat.

Please sit here.

Thank you.

Oh, it wasn't for me.

You have a pretty face
and a pretty heart.

How did you know? I go by
the nickname, class seven's pretty boy.

That being said,

could you hold onto this pretty package?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Hello, Yu-rim.

Hello, Ji-woong.

Where are you going?

I'm going to Ahyeon-dong
to deliver some food.


I'm also going there to return these.


Are you sure
you didn't just change your destination?

Come on.

I like you, but not that much.

My bad.

I'm kidding.

About what?

That I don't like you as much.

Remember that girl last night?

- She was hot.
- Totally.

- She ruled.
- The best.

Hey, isn't she that kid
from the other day?

The one who hit you with an umbrella.

You're right.

Damn it.

Hey, you!

Do I know you?

"Do I know you?"

Geez, that's disappointing.

You punched several holes in my body.

How could you forget?


How have you been?

I had to do that at the time.

But now I can't afford to be
in anything like that, in any way.

Let's pretend we didn't see each other
and just walk on by.

Do you think you are the only one
with a story to tell?

Go, get her!

Get her!


You stop right there!



- Go after her!
- She's so fast.

What are you?


Darn it!

I'm so fast without the weights!

Hey, go get your motorcycle.

- Go, bring them.
- Gosh.

What? Yi-jin?

It's you! Where did you get that car?

Why are you being chased?

Did you do something again?

I didn't do anything!

And shouldn't you offer me a ride
if you think I'm being chased?

But I'm sure no one can catch you.

Doesn't it occur to you
how tired I would be?

- Do you want a ride?
- Yes, please.

Then apologize to me

for embarrassing me by telling everyone
I failed the interview.

I don't have time for that now.

Can't you see them chasing after me?

This way!

They are on motorcycles. I'm serious.

Open the door. Please!

You could have said
you're sorry instead.


Go! Hurry!

- Put your seatbelt on.
- Hey!


Let's see.

They're gone now.

They've been gone for a while.

So say it.

- Say what?
- That you're sorry.

And what's with "do not distrub"?

It's not spelled D-I-S-T-R-U-B.

It should be spelled
D-I-S-T-U-R-B. Disturb.

On the page you drew to make up
for the torn page in Full House,

you wrote "liek" instead of "like".
Every word was misspelled.

Afterward, all I could think about
for three days in a row was "liek".

Answer me.

You owe me an apology for that too.

What's so wrong
with misspelling a few words?

You still understood everything I wrote.

Let me add here how I saved you
from freezing to death with a blanket.

That night was scorching hot.

Anyway, where did you get this car?
Is this yours?

Don't change the subject.

Is this a trace
of your past glamorous life?

To reminisce about the good old days?

Can you exclude me
from the tragedies into comedies thing?

I'm sorry.

I have to admit, it worked.



It's hot.

"Failed at an interview today."

"Do not distrub."

It's not "distrub".
It's spelled "disturb".

How can she get this wrong?


It made me laugh.

After that, failing the interview
didn't seem like a big deal.

I could relate to why you turned
a tragedy into a comedy.

How did you first come up with that?

Because I lost in so many matches.

I couldn't let every day be tragic
just because I lost every time.

Laughing makes it easier to forget.

You have to forget to move on.

That was cool, right?

You know what?


It's raining.

Oh no. This is bad.
I can't close the roof.

Why not?

It's broken. Otherwise, why would I be
driving like this and embarrass myself?

- Gosh.
- Awesome!

This is our chance
to be happy when we're alone.

I love getting wet in the rain!

The lights changed. Let's go!

It's raining!

Are you having fun?

Yes, this is so much fun!

You look silly.

It's not raining anymore.

Right. It stopped.

That's where I am
going to drop this off.

To who?

I'm going there too.

That's where Seung-wan lives.

Seung-wan lives there?


Look at your bag. It's soaked.

- Gosh.
- Goodness.

That was really fun.

Yu-rim, I didn't know you were coming.

Mom asked me to bring you side dishes.

I see.

Ji-woong, why are you here?

To return food containers
to Seung-wan's mom.

Right. Did you know the daughter of
this house is in the broadcasting club?

- I do.
- Oh, okay.

What about your car? You kept it?

I thought it was sold off,
but my aunt had it.

She left it with me for a bit.

I see.

Where have you two been?

Nowhere. We just ran into each other.

Why do you talk to me
only when Yi-jin is around?

I was asking Yi-jin, not you.

- Why you...
- Guys, please.

Hold on.

How come you both know him?

Is he someone important?

You can say that.

What am I looking at right now?

- Hello, sir.
- Yes, hi.

You look handsome as always.

But tell me,

why are you all here?

What's that sound?

It sounds like your mom.


- Oh dear, what should I do?
- Oh my.

- What's going on here?
- Oh my gosh.

I thought you were making loach soup?
What are you doing?

Stop nagging and come over here
to catch the loaches!

Oh dear.

- Here, catch this one.
- Oh my gosh.

Catch that one too.


Mom, they're alive!

Of course! Why would they be dead?

Hey, don't throw it.

Oh, I'm sorry.

This is easy.

You two boys should lift the fridge.

There are a few underneath it. Look!

One, two, three!

One, two, three!

Thank you.

But who are you?

Hello, I'm Na Hee-do.

I'm Seung-wan's classmate.

Hello, I'm Ko Yu-rim.

So are you the classmates who voted
Seung-wan to be the class president?

I missed the vote
because I'm on the fencing team.

I only transferred recently.

I also didn't vote for her.

Then who did?

Why didn't you vote for me?

It's boring when you're busy.

Hey there, why am I the only one
lifting this? Can you try harder?

I'm doing my best.

Lift it up a bit more.

Are there still more?

I got it!


Thank you all so much.

If it wasn't for you
I would have had to work all night.

Thanks to you too, Yi-jin


- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Does anyone here like loach soup?

I apologize on behalf of my mom.

That's okay. I can eat.

It's delicious.

I thought you didn't like it.

I can stuff myself with anything.

That's a talent.

So how long have you been friends
with Seung-wan?

- Is she a family friend?
- Since forever. Our moms are friends.

She has been there
ever since I can remember.

Did you two date?

Don't talk nonsense while eating.

I couldn't go out with anyone
because of her.

Everyone always assumes that
we're together.

But we're just friends.
I hope we're clear on that point.

Why are you saying that to Yu-rim?

It matters to me that she knows.

But why are you here with us?

Hey, he has way more seniority over me
at the broadcasting club.

Watch it!

But he graduated,
so we can drop the formality.

So what's your relationship with Yu-rim?

We've known each other for a long time,
like you and Seung-wan.

- Ji-woong.
- Yes?

Aren't you curious about how I know him?

Not at all.

- This tastes so good, right?
- It's good.

Ji-woong, is this the manual film camera
you had asked to borrow?

Yes, that's the one. You still have it.

I'm not sure if this works though.


Look at how young Baek Yi-jin is.

Grandma. Tell me, who is Yi-jin?

That's Yu-rim,

Ji-woong, Seung-wan,

your mom,

and this is Yi-jin.

So that's Baek Yi-jin.

That's right.

Do you know him?


No, I don't know him.

Did you come to tell me that
it's time to eat?



What do you have there?

Min-chae was looking at this photo
from your album.

When was this?

We all look so young.

At the time,
I thought Yi-jin looked pretty mature.

But now that I look at this,
he was just a kid.

He was only 22 back then.

I met him last month.

I can't believe how much
time has passed.

I see you're here eating with Yu-rim.

Were you two close then?


This was when I absolutely hated her.

What do you think you're doing?


This is...

Was it you who put drinks in my locker?

I thought you had decided to hate me.

This isn't what it looks like—

You have to stop liking me.

Being two-faced like this

creeps me out.


I do like this drink a lot,

but not anymore, all thanks to you.


Why is she holding onto
that umbrella so tightly?

I'm the one who gave you that!

I can't give up on you until the end

Don't hesitate

To make sure that we don't fall again

We have to get back up

What has happened with society?

There are no guarantees in life anymore

Having no money leads to
Having no heart for the others

There's no one to trust
You can't give way to the others

The world is already
a tough place to live For myself

Everyone is greedy
So greedy

Nobody cares for the others anymore
Others are choking you for being kind

Everyone stood to watch the tower
You built collapse

- Watch it collapse
- Watch it collapse

- Yes!
- You did it!

That was awesome!

- Na Hee-do!
- Yes!


I realized something.


You shouldn't fall for me.

Sorry. Tell me, what is it?

Now I know
why Yu-rim's fencing is so elegant.

And why coach wanted me to dance.


You won't get it.

As a way to say thank you, listen up.

Yu-rim is returning to NTC next week.


Then she's not coming to school?

Another thing. She caught me this morning
putting the drink inside her locker.

Can you clear that up with her?

She thinks I'm still obsessed with her.

That was humiliating.

Yu-rim, is packing going well?

Yes, Mom.

- Come and have dinner?
- In a minute.

Yu-rim, I'm home!



I thought I'd leave without seeing you.

I hit the gas a little
to see my lovely daughter.

You shouldn't have.
What if you had gotten into an accident?

All right. I promise
I won't do that again.

- Come and have dinner.
- Okay!

Dad bought some fried chicken.

Thanks, it looks delicious.

Please drink only a little.

Yes I will.

Go ahead.

Honey, you should join us.

That's okay.
I already ate back at the shop.

You have some father-daughter
quality time.

I'll drop by the shop.

All right.

How about a drink? It's been ages.

But don't tell Mom.

You'll get in trouble with Mom again.

Later, when Mom isn't around.

I won't get to see my little girl again
for some time.

So how is everything?
Are you having a hard time?

There are things I am struggling with.

But I'm not the only one.

You and Mom are going through a lot too.

Don't be such a grown-up.


You can whine about having a hard time.

I'm just worried about a lot of things.

What if that is the only gold medal
I'll ever have in my entire life?

What if this isn't
the start of my heyday

and it has already come to an end?

Things like that.

Well, then let it be.

Remember, not many people win
a gold medal in their life.

I respect you,
not as your dad, but as a person.

Your mom and I are already
so proud of you.

But I want to do better and provide you
and Mom with a comfortable life.

Hey, then we will have
to walk on eggshells around you,

and I don't want that.

That's it. Dad, can you pour
just one glass for me?

Of course.

My gosh. Honey!

You're giving alcohol to her again!

- Hurry. Drink up!
- Stop it.

No, you're not drinking this.

This is for me.

What should your mom
have with the drink?

Fried chicken?

- This hits the spot.
- No, she likes pickled radish.

Pour me another glass.



Were you here waiting for me?


I wanted to give this
to you myself today.

Hee-do has been doing me a favor

to put this in your locker every day.

It was you? My goodness.

Then I've made a complete fool of myself
without knowing.

That's okay. I'm sure you would have
still looked pretty anyway.


You are just so weird.

I think I'm weird too.

I found myself waiting here
for an hour to see you

since I won't get to see you much
from now on.

It's weird, right?

I'll be at school at times
for attendance requirements.

So I'll see you then.

I bet there are
a lot of tall and handsome guys at NTC.

Many of them will be your fans.

You also have a lot of fans.

You have that nickname.

- And you get asked out every day.
- But I don't date my fans.

Do you?

I don't, either.

You're late.

You should go.

All right, then.

See you.


I'm not one of your fans.



I've mastered the dance.

You don't have to show it to me.

Why not? Please watch.
I tried my very best.

That's fine.

Tell me about what you learned.

Now I know

the difference between me and Yu-rim.

The reason why Yu-rim's fencing
looked elegant

was that she had rhythm.

However, my fencing

had no sense of rhythm.

You can't gain a sense of rhythm
by mastering a single choreography.

However, I still asked you to do it...

so that you know what good fencing is.

Improve your perspective.

That will help you
to see yourself objectively.

Yes, understood.

This is the last training
before the tryouts.

Put on your gear.

I will be your sparring partner
for your last practice match.

- Really?
- Normally...

coaches don't do this.

There's nothing to gain by winning
and a lot to lose by losing.

But nothing I do

can make me lose face.

Ye-ji, you can be the referee.



En garde.



We have to embrace the times we're in.

Some things just have to change.

Even so,

our test isn't some joke.

We can't let high school graduates apply
to be a reporter at our network.

Didn't you watch the news
I covered yesterday?

Due to the IMF crisis,

a total of 450,000 college students have
taken a leave.

They will lose out on an opportunity

if we limit our openings
only to college graduates.

I'm not sure what talent
we could find in that pool,

but if it doesn't matter, go ahead.

I get your point,

but this is unprecedented
in the history of our newsroom.

To be honest,
what have undergraduates been doing?

They neither study nor manage grades.

They would just party and date,

but were still wooed into
major companies after they graduated.

Does the bachelor's degree matter?

It's time for the news.

After the IMF restructuring,
the number of homeowners living in...

Hello, I'm here.

Yi-jin. What brings you here?

I wanted to return these.

I'm not much of a cook,
so I couldn't make anything in return.

Not at all. Did it all taste okay?

They were all very tasty.

Thank you for always taking care of me.

I'm glad you've enjoyed them.

- I'll get going now.
- All right.

- Take care.
- Bye.

You lost

because you thought you'd lose,

and I caught you thinking this.

No one you come across during
the tryouts will be a better fencer than me.

So don't be scared.

Even if you're scared,
don't let it show.

Do you understand?

Yes, understood.

Your training is complete.

Good work, Hee-do.

It has been a great honor,

Ms. Yang Chan-mi.

Isn't anyone here?

Gosh, that startled me.




You gave me a fright!

What were you doing there?

I was in the area

and I saw the lights were on.
So I thought it might be you.

I got you a refill.

I was startled to suddenly find a straw.

I thought I had finally lost it
before the tryouts.

Aren't you happy to see me?

Come inside.

I can't stand how we're here
like a scene from Romeo and Juliet.

It's my first time seeing you
in fencing gear.

You look different.

Like how?

Like I shouldn't be teasing you.

That's good.

Can I touch it?


It's thicker than I thought.

- Is it?
- It is.

It hurts when you get hit.

Isn't that thing heavy?

I'm used to it.
It weighs about 500 grams.

It doesn't feel that light.

I'm curious.

Why is the inside of the handle red?

The rest aren't.

That one belongs to Yu-rim.

What? Is hers different?

That means she has been
in an international competition.

And that means
she was on the national team.

At international competitions,
you have to color the handle red or blue.

- Why?
- Inside the guard...

Here, hand it over.

The light could come on
when the opponent's sword touches here,

so coloring it cuts off the electricity.

I see.

If it were you,
what color would you choose?

For me...

I want blue.

Can you breathe with that mask on?

You sure have a lot of questions.

Do you want to try it on?

The fencing gear?

We had a boys' team until two years ago.

I can find something if I dig around.

Is this how you put it on?

Come over here.

We should have a match
now that you're dressed for it.


If you want to beat me up,
just go ahead.

Don't turn it into a sports thing.

Don't be intimidated.
I'll put myself at a disadvantage.

I won't attack at all
and will only play defense.

If you can hit or slash me
at least once in three minutes, you win.

- Deal?
- Geez.

Okay. That sounds doable.

What's the bet?
I play only when there's a bet.

Sure. What do you want to bet on?

The loser has to
grant the winner a wish.

It's on.

- Testing.
- Testing?

Hit me.

Let's start.

Ready, go!

Hold on.

I can do this. Please!

You have 30 seconds left.

Okay, 30 seconds.

Full House.

- What about it?
- Volume 13 is out.


Yes, I win!

Has volume 13 really been released?

- No.
- Hey!

How could you!

Are you sure you can do well
when your level of concentration

can be taken down by Full House?

But Full House is an exception!

And this is against the rules!

You can't talk to me!

Talking during the match isn't cheating.

And if so, why did you
say something back?


This is unfair! Seriously!

- Baek Yi-jin!
- I'll think about the wish and tell you

since this is a rare opportunity.

No way!

Honestly, how could you do that!

Do what?

This isn't fair!

Hey, you lied to me! That's unfair!

Hello, sir.

- Hello.
- Hello, sir.

Did you have dinner?

Yes, I have.

By the way, we will leave at 7 a.m.

to watch the tryouts,
so can you notify the others?

I will.

Who do you think will
make the national team?

Well, Hye-ju ranked ninth, so I
think she's the strongest candidate.

Yes, Hye-ju.

Was it Na Hee-do?

She's from your fencing team.
Is she good?

She's mentored by Chan-mi, right?

But she ranked 26th.

She barely made it to the tryouts
due to two empty slots.

Hey, you know that an athlete's ability
doesn't develop steadily.

It hits them out of nowhere.

That's what's scary.

I'm ranked 26th.

Realistically speaking,

I shouldn't be dreaming of
coming first place at the tryouts.

But you are dreaming.


See, I don't get disappointed
when my dreams don't come true.

I'm used to losing and failing.

That's called

having mental fortitude.

Everyone wants to be
as strong-minded like you.

They don't want to be scared
of losing and failing.

Sometimes I wish I
could take it from you.

I think that explains...

why I miss you when
I feel mentally weak.

It must be 11 p.m.

That's when the lights go out.

You are by far the most experienced fencer
when it comes to losing.

Those losses were blocks
to build yourself stairs leading up.

Think about it.

Now you've got the highest staircase.

Take your time to climb it

and take whatever you want.

Why do you root for me?

Even my mom doesn't.

Because you give me hope.

And I want more for you.


Can I borrow some
of Yi-jin's recordings?

You're one of a kind.

I'm going to take in all your support.

Let's become great together.


I know you saw me.

Na Hee-do,
a member of the national team.

Wait for me, Hee-do.


- Prêtes? Allez.
- Coach.

I won't lose a single match today.