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04x28 - Down to Earth

Posted: 01/17/24 10:38
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

Here we are, going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[digital whirring and beeping]


[Odd] Hang on. Let me get this straight.

You and Einstein spent
an entire weekend together

and all you did was work?

Well, we had to work on the Superscan.

Yeah right, you guys are worse

-than Yumi and Ulrich!

Well, it's true.
You're always trying to convince us

that you're just good friends
and all that stuff.

By the way, where is Einstein?

[Aelita] I don't know,
I'm a little worried about him.

Ever since he found out
that XANA had infected

hundreds of Supercomputers
around the world,

he's always at the factory
or in his room, and…

-[phone rings]
-Ah, that's him now.

Yes, Jeremy?

Oh, right, I was beginning to worry.

-Where are you?
-Right behind you.

You're so silly.

Einstein the comedian?

You were right to be worried about him,
I don't think he's all there.

[Aelita laughs]

Got some good news, Jeremy?

Just a little. I finally figured out
a way to wipe out XANA!

[all gasp]

[theme music]

[Yumi] Huh? Are you absolutely sure?

A multi-agent system?

[Jeremy] Yup, that's it!

I decided to go over
all of Franz Hopper's notes again,

as well as all the data he sent
from the network

when he was escaping from Lyoko,

and of course, the data you gathered
when you were traveling on the Skid.

And that's when I realized that
if we wanna get rid of XANA

it's through a system of multi-agents!

It sounds pretty dangerous,
don't you think?

I mean, because XANA himself
is a multi-agent system.

And don't forget what happened
with the Marabounta.

Yeah, Aelita's right.

Y'know Frankenstein,
that was a pretty creepy invention.

Will you stop worrying?

I'm not gonna launch my program
until I'm totally sure it's gonna work.

Right now, all that I can destroy
are two or three Megatanks.

On the other hand…

Go on, we're listening.

XANA made a really big mistake
when he teleported William

during your last mission
to the Ice Sector Replika.

And the data I found in the tower…
Was it of any use to you?

[Jeremy] Was it ever! Thanks to that data,
I was able to imagine a program

-for freeing William!
-Hmm? You mean for good?

You bet for good!
And it's so simple.

All Aelita has to do
is get to the Supercomputer

that corresponds to the Ice Sector Replika

and run a program
at the exact moment

that one of you devirtualizes William.

Oh, wow, that's simple all right.

Piece o' cake!

And you think
William's just gonna twiddle his thumbs

while Aelita enters the program?

I said that it was simple, but not easy.

You forgot one little detail.

What if XANA sends us King Kong
like he did last time?

Who, the Kolossus?

Think of him as just another one
of XANA's monsters

that you've gotta fight against.

Maybe we should introduce you to him.

[Ulrich] Then you'd understand.

Hey, fighting happens to be your job.

Mine happens to be programming.

You all know that.

If there's a chance of bringing
the real William back,

then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Yeah, no reason to wait.

[Jeremy] Everyone to the factory!

What, like now?

But they've got tuna casserole,
sauerkraut and sausages for lunch today!

You can have lunch tonight. Let's go!

Anyone ever tell you
we eat dinner at night?

[theme music]


[girls laughing]

Didn't you hear me call you, Dunbar?

No… I'm sorry, but I don't have a phone.

Trying to be clever, huh?
I'm not that dumb.

If you think you can pull the wool
over my ears, you're wrong!

Your parents are here to see you.

My parents? But who are they?

Hey, would you stop acting so stupid,

They're waiting for you in the principal's
office, so get going. Go on now!

[Mr. Delmas] I'm certain William
will be delighted to see you.

He's changed quite a bit, as you'll see,

especially since that trip
you all went on.

Huh? What trip?
We didn't go on any trip.

-[someone knocks]
-Ah yes, there he is now.

Come in!

Come in, I said!


What's the matter, William?

Didn't you hear me tell you to come in?

I did, but the door wasn't open.

Oh… Well, your parents are here.

[Mrs. Dunbar sighs]
Is everything all right, darling?

You seem to be a little out of sorts.

That's right,
but I never had any sorts to begin with.

You were right. He certainly has changed.

[Jeremy] Holoweb system, online.

Aelita, I'm sending you
the Ice Sector Replika's coordinates.

[Aelita] I'm on it, Jeremy.

[Aelita] Rotation.

[engines powering up]

[Aelita] Here we go!

[Rosa] What'll it be,
tuna casserole or sauerkraut and sausages?

Uh… You wouldn't by any chance
have anything lighter?

Sauerkraut's light, you'll see.


So, William, my boy, how's it going?

It goes any direction I want it to.


You k*ll me, William, what a cutup.

Here, have some of this.
This'll stick to your ribs.

I can't eat it if it's on my ribs.


High speed acceleration in three seconds.


Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar!

Hello, I'm really glad to meet you.

You know, that son of yours,
he's really quite a piece of work.

I'm not just any piece of work.

To be specific, I'm a digitally generated,
random, polymorphic energy field,

controlled by a basic,
non-evolving, behavioral program.

Uh… Chip off the old block, huh?

Well I'll leave you now, I'm sure you have
lots to talk about together, huh?

Your father and I were wondering,

why you don't call us much at the moment.

You're right here in front of me.
If I called, you wouldn't be home.



[Aelita] I've got a visual on the Replika.

[Aelita] Digital Key activated.

[Jeremy] Good work, Aelita.
I'll let you in.

Okay, no sign of any activated tower.

There's a tower south-southwest
of your position.

You can dock the Skid there.

-I'm gonna teleport you with Odd.
-[Aelita] Gotcha.

[theme music]


Jeremy, everything's cool,
we're inside the base.

[Jeremy] That's great, make it fast!

XANA's bound to rear his ugly head
pretty soon.

After you, princess.

[Aelita laughs]

Are you trying
to tell me he isn't your son?

But you are the parents of William Dunbar.

Of the real William Dunbar!

Our son is
a dynamic and rebellious youngster

who was expelled
from the last school he attended

for gluing stickers all over the school.

Including on the principal's windshield!

I don't recall you ever telling me that
when you enrolled him here at Kadic.

Well, uh…


Well, what if I didn't?
That's not the point!

I'm telling you this child is not my son!

Hmm… Well,
it's true that your son has been behaving

somewhat strangely these past few weeks…

But I can assure you that this is
the one and only William Dunbar we know!

Tell me, sir… You said earlier
that William had taken some sort of trip?

What trip were you referring to?

Oh, well, of course,
the trip he took overseas with you,

just before he came down
with that terrible flu.

What flu?

It's crazy, I can't believe we're actually
going to bring home

the real William!

Yeah, but in the meantime, let's hope
his clone is keeping out of trouble.

Ulrich, I hope…
that when we set William free

you won't be jealous if he starts
hanging around me again.

No… Why should I? There's no reason to.

After all, we decided that we were
just good friends, didn't we?

[Jeremy] Yumi, Ulrich.

Sorry to bother you,
but speaking of William,

the radar shows him coming in dead ahead.

[Ulrich] Uh-huh, speak of the devil.


There he is!

[tense music]

[Jeremy] Try to slow him down.

-Here come your vehicles.


What bothers me most is that XANA
is drawing energy from all the Replikas

and I'm sure that means trouble.

Aelita, Odd, how's it going?

[Odd] We're coming into
the main room… Wow!

[Odd] It's a lot more crowded
than the last time we were here.

Why? What do you see over there?

Jeremy, there are dozens of robots in here

all lined up
like an army waiting for orders!

[Jeremy] So that could be
XANA's secret plan!

To use an army of robots
to enslave all of mankind!

[Jeremy] Get to the Supercomputer room
as fast as you can.

[Aelita] We're on our way.

[Ulrich] Leave pretty boy to me!

Don't forget,
we're just supposed to slow him down.

No problem.

[laser blasts]

[William in distorted voice] Go on!

[Odd] Hi, guys!

[Odd] Oh…

They're not much on conservation,
that's for sure.

[Odd] Open up, Grandma!

It's Little Red Riding Hood…
Pink that is.


I'm working on the door.

It's scary looking at
all those robots standing at attention.

[Odd] It sure is.

-Hey! One of them just moved!
-Where? Which one?

Will you relax? I was just kidding.

-[Odd laughs]
-[Aelita] Oh! Dumbbell!

Hey! One of them just moved!

It's not funny this time either.

Only it's no joke this time!

[mechanical footsteps]

Einstein, tell us you found the right key

'cause things are getting
kinda weird around here!

[Ulrich] I feel a storm brewing!

[action music]

Last stop. Everybody off.

[mechanical footsteps]


Jeremy, hurry up!
The robots are firing at us!

[Jeremy] I'm almost there, hang on!

[Odd] Easy for you to say!


[digital whirring]

I got it!

-Laser arrow!
-Energy field!

Odd, let's go!

Jeremy, it's a nightmare!

Try to go to the Supercomputer room!

I'll see what the others are up to.

This way!

[William in distorted voice] Super smoke!

Jeremy, you see that?

[Jeremy] Yeah, and I don't like it at all.

So much for bringing him back home.

[tense music]

[Jeremy] That's it, the Kolossus!

That's why XANA was drawing energy
from all of the Replikas!

[Odd] That way!

[Odd] Hurry, Einstein! Open up the door!

[Jeremy] Hang on,
I've got an emergency on the Replika.


[lasers blasting]

Super sprint!


I've got you now!



[Ulrich] You're not gonna bring him down
that way.

I don't get it, I was right on target.

He should have been destroyed!

No, I saw another target on his arm.

[Ulrich] It's not gonna be easy
getting rid of him.

Concentrate your efforts on William.

I'll try to give you a hand
with the Kolossus, okay?

[Ulrich] How are you gonna do that?

I'm gonna launch the multi-agent program.


Will it destroy him?

No. The program isn't finished.

But it might immobilize him long
enough to devirtualize William.

[William] No!

Looks like it's working, Jeremy!
He doesn't seem to be getting anywhere.

[Yumi] Fantastic, Jeremy!

The Kolossus is paralyzed!

[theme music]

Odd, Aelita, I'm back to you now.

[Odd] It's about time!

[Jeremy] Open sesame!

Come on, Odd!

No, I'll hold them off. Get William home!


[lasers blasting]

Aelita, there's a terminal next door.

[action music]

All right, Jeremy, I'm there!

Okay, now listen up.

I'm gonna dictate the program.

Enter it word for word,
and we'll be just fine.

I'm ready, Jeremy. Go ahead.


[Ulrich] It's just you and me, William!


[Yumi] Go easy, Ulrich!

Jeremy said we have to wait
before we devirtualize William.

Sorry, but right now, it's him or me.

[Odd] Laser arrow!

Hey uglies,
you don't look so stainless now!

Huh? Hey, don't go inviting all your pals.

I can't entertain everybody!


It's entered, Jeremy.

All right, Aelita.
Get ready to launch the program.

[Jeremy] Ulrich, Yumi,
when I give you the signal,

-devirtualize William.

Huh? What's going on around here?

[action music]

Jeremy, the Kolossus is breaking free.

[Jeremy] I know. The multi-agent system
doesn't have enough power.


That hurt.

Jeremy, the robots are here!

[electricity crackles]


-Aelita, right now.

[distorted laughs]



[Jeremy] I don't believe this!


[action music]



[William laughing]



Better luck next time, handsome.

[digital whirring]


[both gasp]



-Welcome home.

Oh no! The heap is already near the Skid.

[Odd] Jeremy,
I can't do anything from here!

Yeah, I saw him.

[Jeremy] Aelita, get out of there, fast!





Aelita, no!

[Aelita screams]


Oh, Aelita!

[Yumi] It's okay, Jeremy,
Aelita's here with us.

I was never so scared in my life!

Lucky for me, I was devirtualized

just before
the Skid was totally destroyed.

Yeah, and what's more, we saved William!

I did a pretty good job, didn't I?


[theme music]

[Sissi] Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar are right.

There are some really weird things
going on at this academy.

There, you see that?

Even your own daughter agrees with me.

What are you talking about,
Elisabeth dear?

At first William was more or less normal.

But ever since he started hanging out
with Jeremy Belpois' g*ng,

he turned into a real space cowboy.

I don't know exactly what they've done
to him…

What was that?

…but if you ask me, Belpois is using him
as some sort of mini pig!

It's guinea pig, dear.

Are you sure about this?

Of course I'm sure. After all,
I am your daughter, so I'm always right.

I'd still like to know more
about this flu you said he had,

and that imaginary trip.

And the only way to find out is
to talk to this, uh… Belpois!

This is it.


No one's there.

this nonsense has gone on long enough!

I'm going to call the authorities!

We'll run some tests
and see if he's my son or not.

Ready Aelita? Now's the time.

Okay… Right now.

[digital whirring]

Please, try to calm down, sir.



[Mr. Delmas] You calm down as well, Jim.
What's the matter with you?

He was here… And then he wasn't here.

He evaporated!

But he's still here! Look, Jim.


[Jim] But I swear, he was here,
and then he wasn't here

[Jim] and now he's… here again.

[Mr. Delmas]
You could use a day or two off.


As you can see, I'm here.

And yes, dad,
this nonsense has gone on long enough.

Huh? Wi… William?

It's true that I haven't been
quite myself lately

but I'm fine now, really.

-Sorry I worried you.
-Oh, darling!

[Jim] Huh?

[Aelita] You think he can live
a normal life after all this?

[Jeremy] He's gonna have to.

Luckily, he can't remember exactly
what happened to him

although he does know
that he was under XANA's power.

Well, if you ask me,
I'm gonna miss his clone.

He was a lot more fun at least.

Don't say that, Odd.

XANA's just lost one of his most
dangerous weapons: William!

In the meantime, we lost the Skid.

It'll take months to program another one.

I guess we can forget
about wiping out other Replikas now.

And what about those robots in Siberia?

The army that XANA's created
to take over the entire world.

That's why the only hope we've got
of ever beating XANA

is my multi-agent system.

[Jeremy] I'll get back on it tonight.






[theme music]