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04x20 - Kadic Bombshell

Posted: 01/17/24 10:33
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

Here we are, going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[digital whirring and beeping]


[teacher] …and at the end of the play,
Juliet drinks a potion

which makes her appear to be dead.

Romeo, thinking he's lost his young bride,
poisons himself.

And when Juliet wakes up
and sees the lifeless Romeo

she drives a dagger through her heart.

That is so beautiful!

-That is so idiotic.
-[school bell rings]

[teacher] Don't forget to review
the balcony scene for next week.

See you on Monday.

What didn't you like about it, Odd?
It's a wonderful love story, isn't it?

That's just it, Aelita, it's a story.

k*lling yourself for love, that's dumb.

That's because you haven't met a girl
who loves you enough to die for you.

Listen, if you ask me,
nobody would die for love.

Would you be ready to die for Yumi,

Better believe it.

-Well… That is…
-Hi, what are you guys talking about?

Oh, about tragedy and true love
and Ulrich was just saying--

That it's totally idiotic.


Hey, Aelita, I think I figured out a way
for improving source logarithms and…

I could use your help.

That sounds great.
But first, let's have lunch.

[Aelita laughing]

Do you think Aelita and Jeremy would be
ready to die for each other?

For love, I don't know.
They might die of boredom though.

Hey look, what's that all about?

Hey, what's your name?

-How long are you here for?
-Can you speak English?

[boy] I'd love to show you around.

[unintelligible chatter]

Wow, gimme a break.

-Who is she?
-Sissi's overseas pen pal.

She's visiting for four days.

Her name is Bringa Erad…
Erud… Whatever!

Bringa Erinsdottir.

And she's from Iceland.

And Sissi's just eating it up!

Thanks to Bringa,
she's getting lots of attention.

Yeah, only this time,
the boys aren't interested in her.

Okay, the show's over.

I'll take Bringa to her room.

Time to wake up, you two.

-I'm awake.
-What'd you say?

Are you saying then that
your program lets you modify gamma waves?

Yeah, that's right!

Which means we can have
a much faster virtualization

and more… Wow…


Hey, you let me through!


Thank you.

She said thank you to me!

I wonder what the boys see
in that string bean.

Look at the girls.

They're all chasing after her
to find out her beauty secrets.

I'd like to sit down, if you don't mind!

Let me through, will you!

[Sissi grumbles]

Sorry, Sissi, this seat is taken.

I'm holding on to it
because Bringa promised

that she would sit with me during dessert.


[theme music]


Well, this weekend is R and R
for me: rest and recuperation, yes sir.

You're not going to the pool tomorrow
with Ms. Iceland? Seems everyone's going.

No, I've got better things to do,
like hours and hours of sleep.

Oh, sorry.

Watch where you're going, huh, creepo!

Sissi, one of these days,
someone is gonna…


Odd, it's all right.

[Odd] I tell you, she's something else!

She's gorgeous and slim
and her hair's like gold.

And did you see those deep,
clear green eyes?

Absolutely incredible!

Wow! And, did you get a good look
at that beautiful soft skin she has?

Bringa's not just beautiful,
beautiful's not the word.

-She's, I dunno, she's well… She's…
-You mean, ugly?

[all laugh]

You talk about her as if she's
the eighth wonder of the world.


That's right.
Those are the words I was looking for.

Bringa is the eighth wonder of the world.

Odd, are you sure
you don't have a problem with…

-…a slightly overheated brain?
-Yeah, that's what I meant.

It's not my fault I caught Bringa's eye
and you didn't.

She really has fried your brain.

Can't you see that
she comes on strong to everyone?

You know something?
You're just jealous, good buddy.

Oh, there you are, Odd!

Are those your friends?

I'd like to meet them.

Why sure, Bringa!

Aelita… Yumi…


Ulrich… and Jeremy.

Are you the one whose name is Einstein?

You look very intelligent.


Ulrich, you're the one who likes
to do martial arts.

Perhaps you could give me a demonstration.

I'd be… I'd be…

It is nice to get to know all of you.

Shall we go for a walk, Odd elskan?

Elskan… that means sweetheart!

[Odd laughs]

I really wonder what she sees
in that shrimp.

Yeah, you're right.

Bringa needs somebody
a little more intellectually developed.

You guys realize you're talking
about your friend?

Jealous, both of you.

I don't believe it.

Talk about fried brains, Jeremy,
you take the cake.

You're wrong, Aelita.

I was just working out the statistical
probability of a girl as pretty

and charming as Bringa falling in love
with a guy like Odd.

Look at you, Ulrich.

Ever since that blonde ice cube showed up,
you've turned into a doormat!

Me? I have not!

Anyway, I don't know why you should care.

After all, we're just good friends,
that's all.

[Ulrich] What is it with girls this year?

-They're right, you know?

That Bringa's really started messing
with our heads.

[humming to himself]


Did I miss an episode?

Odd, we have to talk seriously.

It's true. Ever since you started
going out with Bringa,

there's been a lot of friction
in our group and…

And that's not very good
for our mission.

Your girlfriend is coming between us

And we think the best thing to do is
to break up with Juliet now, Romeo.

You actually want me to stop seeing Bringa
just because you guys can't get along?

It's not her fault or mine either!

The problem is you and your jealousy!

Odd, wait, it's a big problem!

Maybe for you, but not for me!

In fact, I have a date with your problem.

So ciao!

[all gasp]

[Bringa] You look a little upset.

If you don't want to go out…

Sure I do, it's just that
my friends are acting so lame.

Come on, let's go.

[theme music]

[digital whirring]

The program'll run all night.

We have to wait till tomorrow.

Still thinking about Odd?

I was wondering
if our little g*ng will survive

this eighth wonder of the world.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry.

Odd's romances last
an average of two days.

I dunno.

I think that girl has turned our Casanova
into a Romeo.

You have such a sad face all night.

You're not happy to be with me?

Sure I am. I was just thinking
about the fight I had with my buddies.

Don't worry. Sometimes you make friends,
sometimes you lose them.

You'll make new ones.

Well, they're not just any old pals.

They're real friends, and real friends
count a lot more for me, Bringa.

That is true, but your "real" friends
have made you very sad.

Now that we are together,
you don't need them.

Hmm? No, it's really different with them.

You wouldn't understand.

Well then, explain it to me.

What is the matter?
Don't you trust me, Odd?


Well, you see, we're kind of like
an army… of warriors.


What do you mean?

Oh, nothing. Forget I ever said it.

I thought that you trusted me,

-but you don't.
-Bringa, wait!

Okay, let me show you something.

Maybe you'll see
why my friends are so special.

But you've gotta swear
to keep it a secret.


Here we are… Ta-da!


Oh, this is incredible!

What is this place?

It's kinda complicated.

I'm not sure I understand it all.

They're pretty top secret
scientific experiments,

ultra secret phenomena,
digital kinda stuff.



No, Bringa, don't touch anything!

Odd, I'm not an idiot!

But the Supercomputer was doing something!

What did you do?

Me? Nothing at all.

-I hardly touched the keyboard.
-Okay, I think we'd better go now.

But I haven't seen anything yet.

Let's go. Please, Bringa.




Huh? What's going…

[phone ringing]

What is it?

You gotta get up.

Activated tower, in sector…

That's weird…
There isn't any activated tower.

Okay, Ulrich, you can go back to sleep.

False alarm.

I don't get it.


You sure you heard the alarm?

Sure I'm sure, and I don't think
my computer's gone paranoid.

So that's why we've gotta hurry
and find out what's going on.

Still no activated tower.

Now let me check the log…

Bingo! There's a system alert all right,
but not from this morning.

It was at 12:36 last night.


[digital whirring]


-This is getting weirder every second.

Look! The Supercomputer says that there's
an activated tower in the Desert Sector.

But in terms of digital activity,
nothing's going on.

What's the cause of these false alarms?

You think it's a virus?

Could've been a problem with the program
that we launched last night.

But I don't get it,
I checked everything out.

Here are my calculations… Oh no!

What is it? What's wrong?

The program has been modified!

Some sort of parasitic foreign data

was entered into the Supercomputer!

Someone came here last night for sure.

[Aelita] Uh-oh!

Looks like Odd made a big, fat mistake.

No, I think his mistake is more like
skinny and blonde.

No, Bringa, don't touch anything!

Only you're too late, Odd.

Well, no need to look any further, Jeremy.

Odd gave away our secret.

It was Bringa.

By touching the keyboard,
she modified my program

and that's
what messed up the Supercomputer.

Can you fix it, Jeremy?

Yeah, but the problem is that
it might take a little while,

and of course, during that time,

-XANA could…

[Jeremy] Activated tower!

Though it could be another false alarm.

Yes, but we can't be sure.

Send me to Lyoko.

Uh-uh, too risky.

But not knowing
what XANA could be up to is even riskier.

You need someone there,
like before we had the Superscan.

Yeah, you're probably right. Get in.

[Jeremy] The activated tower should be
in the northwest part

of the Forest Sector.

-Transfer Aelita.

Scanner Aelita.


[digital whirring]

Jeremy, you made a mistake.

You sent me to the Ice Sector.

No, I didn't make a mistake.

I virtualized you in the Forest Sector.

We really have a huge problem.

[phone rings]

Jeremy, what's up?

He must be with his Icelandic icicle.


Be right there.

Odd took the eighth wonder of the world
to the factory, and guess what?

She tweaked the Supercomputer!

Sissi, you haven't seen Odd around,
have you?

I sure have!

He's in the park with my pen pal!

[theme music]

Where are you, Aelita?

I don't feel any pulsations.

I don't think there's a problem.

[Jeremy] Okay, then.
I'm gonna bring you back in right now.

I don't like your being all alone
in Lyoko.

Materialization, Aelita.

Oh no, Jeremy!

Another major problem.

Believe it or not,
I'm in the Mountain Sector!

And I'm not alone, either.

[lasers powering up]

[Jeremy] Okay, Aelita.
I'll warn the others.

[Yumi] Odd!

Oh, hi guys.

[Ulrich] How was the movie last night?
Which one was it?

Uh… Jurassic Experiment.

Oh yeah? You sure it wasn't
Two Rats in a Factory?

No, what makes you say that?

Because Jeremy's got the whole film
on video.

The actors are the spitting image
of you two lovebirds.

Anything to say for yourself?

Hey, listen, it's not what you think.
I was gonna tell you about it.

What's in that head of yours, sawdust?

The Supercomputer is on the blink!

Odd, you have just betrayed your way
out of our group!

But what is the problem?

Yes, we visited your mysterious laboratory

but it's not the end of the world.

For your information,
it could be the end of the world!

I've had enough of these stories,
I'm going to the swimming pool.

Well, Odd, are you coming or not?

I… I'm really sorry.


[Yumi and Ulrich gasp]


Things could be better.

Huh? But why did you send her out alone?

Be right there.

What's the matter today?

I think everyone's gone crazy!

Hang in there, Aelita.
Ulrich and Yumi are on the way.

I'll be finished fixing
the Supercomputer really soon.

Just a couple of minutes.

[lasers blasting]

A couple of minutes?

Survival out here
is a matter of a few microseconds!

Energy field!



[tense music]

[lasers blasting]

[distorted] Cease fire!

Aelita! At last, just the two of us!

[Jeremy] Aelita, watch out!


[theme music]

[Yumi] We're here, Jeremy.

Okay, you're going in right now.

Aelita's in big trouble
in the Mountain Sector.

[Ulrich] Just a second, Einstein.

How do you plan on sending us there
if the Supercomputer's all messed up?

[Jeremy] No idea. I'm trying to fix it,
but we have to risk it.

If not,
Aelita'll be at the mercy of William!

Another crazy idea.

It gets better and better.

Transfer Ulrich.

Transfer Yumi.

Scanner Ulrich.

Scanner Yumi.


[digital whirring]

Hey, didn't you say the Mountain Sector?

-Speaking of bright ideas, Einstein.
-[Jeremy] Sorry, guys.

Chill, Ulrich, okay?
It's not Jeremy's fault.

Don't forget, we could've wound up
in the Digital Sea, too.

I can always try to bring you back in
and then send you to the right sector.

[Yumi] No, we can't take the chance.

We'll find our own way.
Just point us in the right direction.

[Jeremy] Okay, the Way Tower is due south
from your present position.

[action music]


[Ulrich] Jeremy,
we're almost at the Way Tower!

[Jeremy] Roger.


Listen, Aelita. I'm almost through fixing
the Supercomputer.

You okay?

No, I'm not okay at all.






[distorted] XANA's finally going
to have your company for good!

[distorted laugh]

Hey, William!

When are you gonna learn
that we never abandon our friends?

Super sprint!

[action music]

[theme music]


[Nicolas] What do you say
we go for a swim together later?

-Are there beaches in Iceland?
-Hey, would you like to have a fantastic

-breathtaking experience--
-Shut up, Poliakoff.

Hey, Ulrich, Yumi, go real easy, okay?

If you guys get devirtualized
before I can fix the program,

I'm not sure that I can bring you back
to Earth again.

And you're telling us this now?


Thanks a lot. What's the bad news?

How could I possibly ask for more?

I'm gonna get three birds with one sword.

We'll see about that.

[distorted] It's been seen to.

Could you use my help?

You're not exactly welcome around here.

I'm sorry,
but I have no time to chat with you.

Well, that's great,
then let's not waste any time

and virtualize me right away.

Our friends must need help.


But with the Supercomputer down,
you could be virtualized anywhere at all.

That's my problem.

[action music]

[lasers blasting]



Ulrich, no!


[tense music]

It's the moment of truth, I guess.


Transfer Odd.

[tense music]

[Jeremy] Virtualization.


You think I'm afraid
of that popsicle stick?




[theme music]

Well, I know just what you're gonna say.

I betrayed you and I'm a total lame-o,

and I should be kicked out of the group.

And you're right too, guys.

I should never have shown
the Supercomputer to Bringa.

It's unforgivable.

Well no. You simply forgot
that inside that head of yours

there happens to be a brain.

You're not the only one who was lame.

We were just too jealous of you.

Yeah. We all went a bit
too far because of Bringa.

Well, I forgive you, Odd.

I mean… You saved me from William.

[Odd] Well… Still friends?

Yeah, still friends.


There is a way to fix the mess I made.

A little return to the past, hmm?

Oh, that won't be necessary,
I don't think.


[students wishing Bringa good-bye]

[Odd] Can you believe that?

[Odd] She completely forgot
to say good-bye to me!

Well, now do you see why I'm not worried
about the Supercomputer, Odd?

Who cares about her anyway?

There's no shortage of girls around here.

[Ulrich] Hey, Sissi, I thought that Bringa
was gonna stay here for four days.

Well, let's just say I convinced my father

to send her out of town,
to my cousin's place.

She wanted to see the countryside,
so why not?

I guess for you that's a real relief,

'cause now that Bringa's gone,
she can't steal the show.

You may not believe it, Odd,
but it was really a pleasure.

You know, I sometimes envy you two…


Because being surrounded
by guys all of the time

could never happen to you.

Ah, now that's the Sissi we all love!

How could I have flipped over Bringa?

-Get away from me, creepo!
-Sissi, wait! Wherefore art thou, Juliet?

-[all laughing]
-[Ulrich] Uh-oh, Odd's gone bananas again.

We'd better watch out, guys!

[theme music]