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04x13 - Lab Rat

Posted: 01/17/24 10:27
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

Here we are going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[digital whirring and beeping]


[birds chirping and children chattering]

[unintelligible chatter]

What's the big news?
We can't wait to hear it.

I found it at last!

What? How to build up your muscles
without any exercising?

Funny… No.

I figured out how to materialize you
onto Earth from the Network.

Actually, it was much easier
than I thought it would be.

I applied the "synchronicity" principle
to the Supercomputer's apparatus,

and then I used it to develop a kind of

energizing projection.

In other words…

In English then,
that means you now know how to send us

somewhere directly on Earth
from inside the Network, right?


-You understood Einstein's babbling?
-Well, yeah.

After all this time, I'm finally starting
to get the hang of swampum physics.


Yeah, well it's still muddy though.

Hold it, that means that now you can
bring us up anywhere from the Skid?

Not anywhere at all,

but I can do it in the vicinity
of a Supercomputer generating a copy.

It's what I call teleportation.

[theme music]

Hi guys, what's up?

Are you ready to go
and blow up a Supercomputer?

You can get us to the real world
from the Network?

Yeah. We're all meeting at the factory
tonight to try it out, okay?

You got it.


Yumi? I wanted to ask you something.



Now that was about
as cold as the North Pole!

What did you do to deserve that?

I have no idea.

The cold shoulder started
day before yesterday.

That's weird. Her birthday was
the day before yesterday.

It was? I don't believe it!
You're kidding!

No. I hope you wished her
a happy birthday.

You know how important things
like that are to her.

Oh no, I totally forgot!

Man, I bet now
she's going to hate me for weeks!

Probably… Unless you go and buy her
a nice present to make up for it.

I'll go now… Well, I would if I could.

[Jim] Stern!

[Jim] How many times do I have to tell you
that a flounder is not a flying fish?

So there's no reason to throw it
at the window,

especially when the window is open,
and when I happen to be there.

So I've got one word for you,
and that's two hours of study hall!

You're making a mistake.
I swear to you, Jim.

Well Stern, you're right this time.

I did make a mistake. It's not two hours,
but four hours of study hall.

And if you keep baiting me,

I'll make sure that you don't get
off the hook for eight hours!

Thanks to Jim,
I've got four hours of detention!

And then, we have Chardin's class, and--

No sweat!

I've got to go get a few things for Kiwi,
and while I'm out,

I'll pick up a little present for Yumi.

Really? You'd do that for me?

Yeah sure. Besides, I owe you one.

In case you didn't know,
the flying fish thing was me.

It was? And you let me take the blame?

I was laughing too hard to tell Jim.

Odd, you know I ought to--

[bell ringing]


Hey, would you stop hating me
for a minute, Ulrich? Here…

This should get you on the good side
of your "platonic friend."

Hey, thanks Odd. What is it?

A surprise.

Yumi's really going to go for it,
don't worry.

[Jeremy] Hey, you guys, hello!

You don't mind keeping up with
the rest of us, I hope.

Do I have to remind you that we have
a really important mission?

-Okay, hey, we're not factory workers!
-Well, technically, we are.


-How did your classes go today?
-Not bad. How about you?

[Yumi] Fine.

[Jeremy] You guys ready?

[Jeremy] Energize!

[rumbling and whirring]

[computer beeping]

[electrical crackling]

Standing by for liftoff?

[Aelita] Standing by.

Supports aweigh!

[Aelita] Ignition. Powering vertical.

[engine f*ring]

[Aelita] Liftoff!




-[Aelita] Okay.

Shields activated.

Sonar activated.

Stabilizers on line and checked.

Primary axis clear.

Laser generators online.

Ready to dive.


[Jeremy] I'm entering the coordinates
of the Replika.


[Jeremy] Holoweb system online.

Okay, you're looking for a hub
at zero four five.

[Aelita] Got you, Jeremy.
Course heading set.

I'm powering up
the turbo props and auxiliary engines.

[engine powering up]

Replika, here we go again!

Can't somebody shut him up?

Why? He's nice at least.

Incredible! They're talking to each other!

[Yumi and Ulrich] Shut up, Odd!

[theme music]

[relaxing music]

[Aelita] Get ready. Broadband acceleration
in three, two, one… Zero.



[Aelita] Reverse thrust.

-[computer beeping]
-[Aelita] We're clear, Jeremy.

Yeah, I know. You guys ought to be able
to see the Replika now.

-[Aelita] Yes, it's right in front of us.

We're heading for the entry portal.

-[Aelita] Digital Key activated.


[Aelita] I'm sending you the signal,


-[keys clicking]

I'm about to open it up.

[mechanical grating]

[groans] There's an activated
tower on the Replika.

That means that XANA is up to no good
somewhere on Earth,

not far from the Supercomputer
we're looking for. But what?

-If we want to know, we've got to--
-[Ulrich] Hey, Einstein,

what if we gave your teleportation
thing a try?

Just to be sure once and for all.

That's what I was thinking.

But first, you're going to have
to moor the Skid

to a tower.

-There's one nearby, at three o'clock.
-[Aelita] I see it, Jeremy. It looks good.

I should be able to secure the Skid to it.

Gently though.
A little to the left… Be careful!

Back seat driving again!
Better cut it out.

Sorry Aelita.
I know you can do it without me.

[Aelita] Ready to moor.


-[Aelita] Skid secured.
-[Odd] Nice one, princess!

Good job. Now just give me a minute
to activate the tower for our own use.

[Jeremy] Well, we're all set.

Okay, guys, it's time.
Ready for teleportation?

Ready to go, Einstein.


[upbeat music]

-It didn't work, Jeremy, I'm still here.
-[Jeremy] That's normal.

I forgot to tell you, that this time,
I decided to energize only Aelita and Odd.

I'd rather you stayed with Yumi
to protect the Skid.

If it's anything like our last experiment,

XANA will be sending you a welcoming
committee in no time flat.

If you'd have told us before,
we could've chosen sides ourselves.

Great! You really sound happy
to be with me!

That wasn't what I meant.

Okay, you guys know the procedure.

I'll put you ashore
while I get a little work done.

Aelita, Odd, do you read me?

Aelita? Odd?

-[tense music]



I wish I knew what was happening!

-[Odd] Cool Einstein! It works!
-[Jeremy screams]

Glad to hear it, but that's no reason
to blow out my eardrum.

Okay, where are you?

[Odd] You're not going to believe this,
but we're in the jungle.

-[Aelita] And it's daytime here!
-I get it.

-You're in a different time zone.

You're in the Amazon region, it seems.

[Aelita gasps] That's exciting!

But we're dressed like on Lyoko. How come?

[Jeremy] Because the teleportation
isn't a real devirtualization.

Those aren't your real human forms

-that I materialized onto Earth, but--
-Slow down, "Frankeinstein."

Are you trying to tell us
that we're not really us?

[Jeremy] Yes, you're you,
but those aren't your real bodies,

more like some kind of spectres
in the image

-of your virtual manifestations.
-Aelita and I have become spectres?

In fact, you're like
polymorphic spectres that--

[Odd gasps]
Pretty impressive.

If you say so. It doesn't matter.

For now,
hurry up and find the Supercomputer.

The teleportation won't last forever.

How long have we got?

Fifty two… No, twenty six…
No, thirteen minutes.

[Odd] The guy's a comedian!

And just where does he expect us to find
a Supercomputer, behind a tree?

Good guess, Odd.

[theme music]

-[Ulrich] Yumi, wait!

Can't we make up?

You know, if someone forgot my birthday,
I wouldn't make a big thing out of it.

That's because I never, ever, forget it.

You know…

[Ulrich] Okay, not you,
but I mean somebody, you know?

Look, quit while you're ahead.
You're just making things worse.

[Jeremy] Yumi! Ulrich!

Odd and Aelita have found a laboratory.
My theory was right.

They're trying to locate
the Supercomputer.

Everything okay on your side?

A little chilly, but…

-[laser blasts]

[action music]

[lasers blasting]

[menacing music]


Jeremy, XANA's on the move again!

Okay, Yumi.

-Two vehicles coming right up!


-I'll take care of Handsome!
-Yeah, right!


[Jeremy] Be careful!
If the Skid gets disconnected from tower,

it's "mission over" for Aelita and Odd.

We'll try to make life miserable
for the enemy. Don't worry.

[mechanical clanking]

Fighting William should put me
in a better mood.


[lasers blasting]


[monster explodes]

[tense music]

-[door creaks]
-It's open.


[tense music]

Right or left?

Through there.

-How can you be so sure?
-My sense of direction is infallible.


[Aelita groans]



[action music]





[lasers blasting]

[monster explodes]

[tense music]

[Aelita] Hurry up! This way.

[Odd] What's this?

A supermarket display
for office plants? Guess not.


[Jeremy] Aelita, Odd!
Hurry up and find the Supercomputer.

Yumi and Ulrich are busy
fighting off a bunch of Tarantulas!

Funny, their cousins are right here!

What are you talking about?

[Odd groans]
Nothing, Jeremy.

Aelita, what do you make of
these souped up spiders?

I'd say that XANA wants to transform
these tropical tarantulas.

But for what? Spiders don't
att*ck unless you sit on them.


don't look at me in that tone of voice!

Anyway, I'm sure nobody heard anything.

-[Aelita and Odd groan]

Laser arrow!

Anyone ever teach you to play fair?

-[laser blasts]

Hey, you know that thing really stings!

Energy field!

[electricity crackling]




[Ulrich] You've lost, William.



[laughing menacingly]


[theme music]

[lasers blasting]




Not so fast, pretty boy!


[William in distorted voice]
It's over, Yumi!

Jeremy! Mayday, SOS!
I need two more fans, like, right now!


"Right now" is a pretty tall order,
Yumi, but okay.

Let me see what I can come up with.




[Odd] Here we go! Back in your cage now!


[Odd screams]

-[Aelita] Hey, you!



-[door slams]

You're a great spectre!

You really think so?

Well, no medals just yet, princess.
We still have to find the Supercomputer.



-[groans] Jeremy!
-It's okay, I'm nearly there.

[mechanical clanking]


You wouldn't have a rabbit's foot,
a four leaf clover,

or a horseshoe on you, would you?

Is it as bad as all that?

[Aelita] Infallible sense of direction,

I was positive that we should've
gone in the other direction.

Hold on a minute!


[Aelita] Jeremy,
we found the Supercomputer!

Great! You'd better destroy it right away,
because Yumi can't hold on much longer.


[warning alarm]

Oh no! An entry code!
Why not a couple of guard dogs too?

Let me handle it!

-[alarm beeping]
-[ethereal music]

[alarm stops]


Now, we've got to get rid
of this thing for good.

Let me handle this one. Laser arrow!

-[Odd] I don't believe this!

Jeremy, we've got a problem!

The Supercomputer has
an energy field around it.

You've got to find out where the shield
is getting its energy from.

I can't do anything from here.
Do whatever you have to, but hurry up!

-[Yumi groans]

Jeremy, it's now or never!



[menacing music]

Jeremy, I'm really sorry.

There. That must be the lens
that's projecting the energy field.

If we destroy it, there's a good chance
we'll deactivate the shield.

You could have found me a
little bigger target.

No one could possibly hit
from this distance. That is… Except me.

Go ahead! I'll take care of them.



Laser arrow!


Yeah! Adios, amigos!


-[Odd] Laser arr--

[Jeremy] Odd, Aelita! Come in please!

What is this? What's going on now?

XANA has taken over control of the tower,
you guys.

Your teleportation has stopped.
We've got to abort the mission.

You might as well come back home.

[Jeremy] Wake up, Aelita!

[Odd] Aelita, let's get out of here.

Spiderman and company have just arrived!

[Aelita] Okay.

Let's go

[lasers blasting]

[mechanical whirring]

[theme music]

[Ulrich] There's no sense
dissing ourselves. We did our best.

Maybe, but we've still got to find out
what XANA's planning to do with

-those cybernetic spiders.

We'll have to go back onto the Replika,
teleport you back in,

and destroy that Supercomputer.


That's fine, but until then,
anyone mind if I sleep for a few years?

Okay, we get the message.
We could all use a little sleep.

[footsteps on bridge]

-[Ulrich] Yumi…
-[Yumi] What now?

Here, a little birthday gift.

[romantic music]

Thanks Ulrich, that's very sweet.


Aren't you going to open it?

In Japan, you never open a present in
front of the person who gave it to you.

That's fine with me.

I'll bet you're thinking about
your own birthday.


But it's one of those things
I still don't remember.

I haven't any idea when I was born.

No problem. All you have to do
is make up a date, Aelita.

-Why don't you choose one for me, then?


-Go on!
-I'm not telling. It'll be a surprise.

[Odd] Hey, are you guys coming or not?

Hurry up,
before I fall asleep on this bridge.

Yeah, we're coming!
No need to wake the whole town up.

[Kiwi barking]

Who is the pretty present for?
Who's it for, my little diggedy dog?

Hey Odd, thanks again for Yumi.
You really saved me this time.

-No sweat.
-[paper rustles]


Pretty classy collar. But don't you think
it's a bit too much for a dog?


-[toy bone squeaks]

[theme music]