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04x12 - Lost at Sea

Posted: 01/17/24 10:26
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

Here we are going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[digital whirring and beeping]


-[light music playing]
-[birds chirping]

[unintelligible chatter]

Hey there, Aelita.
Einstein isn't with you?

I haven't seen him yet today.

Speak of the devil, look who is here.

[grunting, sighs]

Hello everybody.

Let me guess. You fell asleep
in front of your computer again.

Uh… Yeah, how'd you know?

You have the imprint of your keyboard
on your forehead.

[Ulrich and Aelita laughing]

I was up all night working on a program.

I came up with an idea
for bringing William back.

Hey Ulrich, could I talk to you for a sec?

Uh, well, if you really have to, yeah.
Go ahead. I'll meet you inside.

Well, uh… Everybody says that girls
really like you a lot.

That depends on the girl.

Well, like my sister, for example.

Uh… Beep, wrong. Try again.

Yumi and I are good friends, that's all.

Yeah, well,
maybe that's just what she told you.

But anyway, uh, I didn't want
to talk about Yumi, but about… Milly.

-Milly who?
-Milly Solovieff.

You know,
that tall redheaded girl in seventh grade?

Oh, little Milly.
Yeah, of course I know her.

[Ulrich] So?

Well, actually, I… I kind of like her,

but when I try to talk to her,
I can't think of anything to say.

Just talk to her about the things
she likes… Her interests.

You know,
she's got a passion for journalism.

Great idea! Wouldn't it be great
if I could find her a scoop?

She'd be crazy about me if I did.

Uh… Yeah, a scoop for the paper, but…

Just what kind of scoop?

Oh, you can leave that to me, Ulrich. Hmm.

-[mid-tempo music playing]
-[birds chirping]

[cutlery clinking]

What did Hiroki wanna talk to you about?

Aw, he wanted my advice.

He's crazy about Milly.

He is?

Now isn't that cute?

But isn't the guy a little young for her?

No he's not.
He's just a little small for his age.

And what's more,
he skipped a grade in school.

But he acts even younger than his age.
[slurps loudly]

Hey Jeremy, tell us
about this new idea of yours.

Well, okay.

Whenever a human being is virtualized,

he or she emits a binary residue,

which we can say manifests itself
as an emanation of his physical person,

resequenced in a sort of digital format.

-[Odd] Hmm?
-In English?

When you go to Lyoko,
you leave a kind of digital trace,

something like a scent.

Couldn't you have said that
in the first place?

Mm… No.

Anyway, I came up with a program
based on William's DNA sequence

that I recorded when he went to Lyoko
for the first time.

If I can upload this
onto the Skid's sonar,

we can hunt for him on the network
every time we go there,

and finally find out where
William really is.

So what you're saying is,
the Skid will become a sniffer sub.

That's right, Odd, and since
we don't have class this afternoon,

I was going to suggest that we try it out.

[theme music]

[mid-tempo music playing]



Hiroki, what do you think you're doing?


Hey! Give me that back right now!

You sure look far away, Ulrich.

It's nothing. Just thinking
about something Hiroki said.

Oh yeah? What was that?

[Ulrich] Uh… Nothing, forget it.



-Oops, sorry.
-[Odd] Huh?

What's wrong? Does Sissi wanna go out
with him or something?

-[Yumi grunts]
-Hey! Yumi, hold on!

-[Odd] Whoa.
-[Ulrich] Huh.

-Is this yours, Odd?
-Huh? You kidding me?

A notebook with a dark cover
and a flower is not my style.


Huh… Yes!

Give it back right this second, you brat!

Aw, come on sis, I was just kidding.

Look, here it is. Huh? Well, it was here.



You're gonna laugh,
but I dropped it, I think.

You better be kidding!


Hey, that's a pretty good sh*t of you.
Who's your secret admirer? Let me see.

[Ulrich grunts]

It's Yumi's, right?

It's her diary.

That's why she was running after Hiroki.

If you ask me,

this is a great chance
to see what she thinks of you.

Oh no. What's written inside here
is not my business.

And don't forget that Yumi and I
are just good friends, that's all!

Are you sure?


Actually, I'm not sure at all.

[theme music]


[unintelligible chatter]

-Hi Yumi.
-Hey Yumi, what is it? You look angry.

Oh, my stupid brother. He stole a…

Something important to me, and he lost it.

[Ulrich] Look, Yumi, I…

Okay. I got it.

I upgraded the Skid's sonar.
We're all set.

All set for what?

Oh right, you don't know yet.
I'll tell you about it.

I might have found a way
to bring back William.

-Wow, cool.
-[Ulrich] Uh, Yumi?


I've been looking for you.

I… I wanted to apologize
for this morning.

I had no right to take your diary.

-Did you find it?
-No, but I… I looked everywhere, I swear.

Well, until you find it,
you can consider yourself an only child!


What happened?

Oh nothing, some "diary straits."
We'll tell you about it.

Ulrich, can I see you for a minute?

Well, so what do we do now?

We go to lunch.

So what's the deal? I thought
you were going to return the diary.

Well, you saw how crushed Hiroki was.

If I'm the one who gives the diary back,
Yumi'll still be angry with him.

Yeah, so?

So what if we fix it up

so that Hiroki finds the diary
and gives it to Yumi himself?

That's two birds with one stone.

She gets her diary back, and he gets
his sister back. Pretty good idea, huh?

Yeah, great, but how do you plan to do it?

Hide the diary under a pile
of leaves in the park,

near the gardener's shed.
I'll take care of Hiroki.

Okay, but give me a few minutes.

[Odd] I've got to get Kiwi first.
I forgot to walk him this morning.


I totally messed that up, Ulrich.

Relax, Hiroki.
Yumi will calm down and forgive you,

especially when she gets her diary back.

I know, but I've looked everywhere for it.

I even retraced my steps back to here…
nothing. I dunno what to do.

Oh, by the way, this morning,
I thought I saw Mr. Riley

raking up some dead leaves
on the park grounds.

So what? He's the groundskeeper.
That's his job.

What if he raked up the diary
at the same time?

Well, that's dumb. Why would he do that?

Hmm. He might have raked it up
by accident.

Hey! The diary could be under
a bunch of leaves! Let's go check!


-[Ulrich] Wait up, Hiroki!

-[lighthearted music playing]


[Ulrich] Well, find anything?

-No, nothing.
-Keep looking.

[leaves rustling]

Which one did you put it in?

Hiroki will find it soon enough.
You'll see.


Kiwi, there you are. Where were you,
my little diggity dog? Get in.

[Hiroki] I got it!

-[suspenseful music playing]


You mind telling me
what you're doing?



I'll never forgive you for this, Hiroki!

Don't look at me like that.
It was all there when I hid it.


[theme music]

[ominous music playing]

[mechanical whirring]

[Jeremy] Get to the scanner room.
I'll start up the virtualization process.

All set? I'll launch the procedure.

[Jeremy] For once,
it won't be ladies first.

[Jeremy] Transfer Ulrich.

Transfer Odd.

[Jeremy] Scanner Ulrich.

[Jeremy] Scanner Odd.

[up-tempo music playing]


[static zapping]

[both grunt]

[Odd] Yumi's in a foul mood.

You'd better tell her the truth
about the diary.

And how do you think she'll react

when she finds out
that you were the one who hid it?

Hey, this was your idea, Casanova.

[static zapping]

[both grunt]

Let's go.


[low-tempo music playing]

Ladies and gentlemen,
your elevator's waiting.


[mechanical whirring]


[low-tempo music continues]

[Jeremy] Everyone, get on a teleport spot.

[digital beeping]


[powering up]

[loud blast]

[echoing vibrations]

[static zapping]

Everyone ready? Stand by for liftoff.

Releasing supports now.

[ominous music playing]

[mechanical whirring]

[Aelita] Vertical propulsion operational.

[Aelita] Lift off!

[ominous music playing]


Get ready to dive into the Digital Sea.



Holoweb system connected.

[futuristic music playing]

[Aelita] We've left Lyoko, Jeremy.

[Aelita] Rotation.


[Aelita] Turbo propeller launched.

[program beeping]

I'm running the program. Stand by
to receive the initial coordinates.

[Aelita] Roger.

[alert beeping]

Oh no!

[Aelita] What's going on?

A problem, princess?

[Aelita] We've got a system error.

I think the Skid has a malfunction
in part of its sensory capacity.

Yes, I see it, Aelita. It's my program
that bugged up the Skid's sonar.

The mission's too dangerous
without sonar. Gotta end it now.

[Aelita] Roger. Returning to drydock.

[powering up]

Okay, next mission, diving into my pillow
and burying myself under the covers.

[Odd] Objective: a good night's sleep
to clear my head.

Sorry, but you're gonna have to postpone
your nap, Odd.

I've got three Kongers
heading straight for the Skid.

[Aelita] Navskids away!

-[heavy rumbling]
-[electricity zapping]

[action music playing]



[Yumi] Take this, fish face!

Not bad.

Yumi's pretty effective when she's mad.

I've got one on my tail!

[Odd] Oh, it's sticking to me like glue!

[Ulrich] Yeah, bull's eye!

[Odd] Nice one, good buddy!

-Wanna team up for the last one?
-[Odd] Yeah, let's do it!

[Odd and Ulrich] Fire!


[Odd] Yahoo!


[Jeremy] Nice job, guys.
Time to come home now.

[Aelita] Navskids in.

-[digital beeping]
-Hey, where's Yumi?

-[alert beeping]
-[Jeremy] Huh?

I don't get it.
I don't have any trace of her.

I've lost her.

She must have gotten hit by a Konger.

But that's impossible.

Einstein, you think she might have
been virtualized for good?

[alert beeping, scanning]

No, I… I don't think so.

The data recording from the fight
doesn't show any sign

of her having been eliminated.

[Aelita] That means she's still somewhere
on board her Navskid,

somewhere in the middle
of the Digital Sea.

Right, but the Skid is in no condition
to find her.

You guys have to come back in for me
to run a repair program.

What? No way!

We can't just leave her behind.

Ulrich, no one's leaving anyone,
but all of us run the risk

of being virtualized forever

with the Skid's systems down.

Yeah, you're right. We'd better go.

[theme music]

How long will it take you to fix it?

Reprogramming the sonar is linked
to balancing the bipolarity of flux

on the one hand, on the other--

Just tell us when we can go back, okay?

Soon, as long as you let me concentrate.

Don't worry, Ulrich. I'll help him.

I'll call you as soon as we know.


[Yumi] Can anybody hear me?

This is Yumi.

I don't know where I am.

Ow… I'm in trouble. Almost out of power.

[Yumi] Can you hear me? Answer me!

[Yumi] Somebody please answer me!

-[birds chirping]
-[Kiwi panting]

What a nightmare!

Relax. You heard Einstein.

She isn't gone from the network.
We'll bring Yumi back. Don't worry.

[Kiwi growling, barking]

Hey, what have you got there, Kiwi?


-this is Yumi's diary!

Hmm… I get it.

Kiwi saw me bury it,
but he thought it was a game.

So I guess he dug it up
and buried it here,

right where we're sitting now.

That's great. We found her diary
but now we lost Yumi!

[metallic creaking]


Aelita… Can you hear me?

This is Yumi.

I'm almost out of power.


It's cold here, and I feel all alone.


Okay, Yumi, you've got
only one torpedo left, so don't waste it.

Oh no, not enough power.

[Yumi] I'm not done yet.

[Yumi] If I reduce power in my shield,
I should have enough.

-[Yumi] Yes!
-[powering up]

[Yumi] Okay, you and me!

[Yumi] Fire!

[digital scanning]


[digital scanning]

-What was that?

-An expl*si*n. A Navskid torpedo.

-[Kiwi snoring]
-[phone ringing]

-[Odd snoring]
-Yes, Aelita.

[Ulrich] Huh?

Okay, we're on our way. They found Yumi.

-[Odd] Well?

[Kiwi panting]

[alert beeping]

I wanna go home.


who am I gonna play with if you go away?


No, Hiroki, "foot" becomes "feet"
in the plural.

[Hiroki] How do you know all that, sis?


Oh, what are you children up to this time?

[Yumi and Hiroki laughing]


Well, how long?

Oh, at least ten minutes.



I had no right to take your diary.

Until you find it,
you can consider yourself an only child!


I'll never forgive you, Hiroki!

[loud thud]


Come on, come on.

[Jeremy] Yumi sent us a message, guys.

Great, we'll go and get her.

I have to finish the calculations first.
I've isolated the area,

but it'll be impossible to find her exact
location before I fix the Skid's sonar.

But if she fired a torpedo,
that means she's in a jam.

I've transposed the data
from the expl*si*n into the Holoweb

to get her position via triangulation.

[digital beeping]

There she is!
She must have gotten sucked into a hub.

That's why we lost all trace of her.

[serious music playing]

But the sonar is still down, guys.

So going under right now,
is gonna be a big risk.

Hmm. I'll go.

Count me in.

What are we all waiting for?


[theme music]

[Aelita] There's a hub dead ahead.

[Jeremy] I read you, Aelita.

I'm entering the coordinates from where
Yumi fired her torpedo.

[Aelita] Aspiration into hyperfluid
in three seconds.

[Aelita] Hang on tight.

[lasers blasting]


[Yumi groans]

[Yumi] It's all over.

[Yumi] What's he waiting for?

[dramatic music playing]

[William distorted] Fire.


-[Aelita] So, Yumi…

Thought you'd wander off
without telling us where you were?

It took you long enough to get here.

[action music playing]

[lasers blasting]

[Odd] I wouldn't mind

a little fish soup.

Guess I better cook it though first.

[Odd] Ulrich, behind you!


[Odd] I cannot leave you alone
for a minute, huh, Ulrich?



[Ulrich] Okay. He's behind Odd.

[Ulrich] Big mistake, William. Fire!

[Ulrich] Mission accomplished, Jeremy.

Hey, great job.

Now anchor yourself to the Skid,
and head back in.

Ah, they're all coming home.

Not everybody.

But one day,
we'll bring you back, William.

[sonar beeping]

[mid-tempo music playing]

[door opens]



I wanted you to know just how sorry I am
for what I did.

[Yumi] Thanks for bringing it back.


You know, I understand now
that what we have

is more important than some old diary.
I forgive you.

Are you in love or what?

[Yumi scoffs]

Get out of here…


[theme music]