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04x04 - Wreck Room

Posted: 01/17/24 10:20
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

Here we are, going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[digital whirring and beeping]


[birds chirping]

You're not sick, are you, Odd?

Usually, you start the day singing
something from Paco, the King of Disco.

I dreamt about a deadly epidemic
that was transmitted by potatoes,

meaning there was no more
French fries or mashed potatoes for lunch.

Do you believe in nightmares like that?

Absolutely, but don't worry.

If you ask Einstein nicely,
he'll program you some virtual fries.

Food is sacred, Ulrich, so no jokes, okay?

Speaking of Einstein,
I wonder where he is.

[door opens]

Hey, Jeremy, forget you had a bed?

I spent the night on the
recovery program to bring back William.

Hey, what's the time?

Ten to. Better hurry.

We wouldn't want to miss the blockbuster
math class on Thales' theorem, would we?


Okay, see you there.

Anyway, I finished the program.

Soon as classes are over,
we can launch it.

[theme music]

You're too late.
You can't have seconds today!

-But I haven't even had firsts!
-You did, Jeremy.

Odd Della Robbia said you
gave him your portion.

Well done! No sleep, no meal.
Nothing like leading a healthy life.

What's wrong? Ulrich told me that
you were skipping breakfast.

It would've been a pity
to waste a good meal.

-You want half of my banana?
-No thanks. I lost my appetite.

You'd better not deny that
you pig out all the time.

It's not exactly pigging out.

-It's more like a survival instinct.
-Huh? Survival?

Yeah, I've got to store food reserves
in case potatoes get contaminated,

-like in the nightmare I had last night.
-[Aelita giggles]

[Mr. Delmas] Your attention please,
boys and girls.

I have an important announcement to make.

That's it! My nightmare's come true.

Goodbye potatoes forever.

This afternoon, after class,

we will have the grand opening

of the recreation room
you've all been waiting for.

Huh? There's no epidemic?

Long live French fries!

[clears throat]

This recreation room for boarding students
was designed for relaxation.

You will have at your disposal
a fusball table in addition

to a table for ping pong
and a television set.


All right, quiet down please.

Remember that
with privileges come responsibilities,

meaning taking care of your wreck room.

And that responsibility begins today,

with the election a of a monitor
to supervise its use.

[indistinct chattering]

Hi everybody. What's happening?

We have to elect a monitor
for the new wreck room.

Oh no!

I left my computer upstairs.
I'll see you later.

It seems to me that,
as the principal's daughter,

I'm the most obvious choice.

-[Odd] No way. Forget about it.

If Sissi's elected monitor,
I think I'd rather go to the study hall.

We want a wreck room
where we can have a little fun.

Oh yeah?
Then who would you pick, huh? Yourself?

Why not me?
Remember, I was already elected class rep.

[students] Yeah, that's right!

No one would know that you're our rep.
You never seem to have enough time.

She's right. XANA's not gonna give you
time to supervise anything.

It's none of your business, Yumi.
You're a day student.

Of course, if Odd's elected, you and your
little g*ng will take over the wreck room.

-[students cheer in agreement]
-[Jim] Okay, what's going on?

Time to go to class. Go on now!

But we're trying to elect
the wreck room monitor, Jim, and we--

You call this screaming an election?

We're going to do this demographical…


We're going to vote, okay?

You, you… Over there!

Now, let's see…

Fiquet, LeDuc and Dunbar… Over here too.

-[William] Huh? Is that me?
-[Jim] Come on, we haven't got all day.

Now, whoever wants to vote
for Anaïs Fiquet, hands up now.

[door squeaking]

With two votes more than Elisabeth Delmas,

-the winner is Dunbar.
-[girls] Huh?


I won!

Does anyone know what I won?

[all sigh]

And now everyone, break ranks.

I'll tell the principal
who won the election.

how about a word for the Kadic News?

Some of the kids think you were elected
because you're not part of a group.

[Milly] Do you think it's a victory
for a democracy?

Uh, Democracies? Who's he anyway?

I thought it was me who won this time.

[students laugh]

-[Jeremy] Hey, what happened?
-A disaster.

[theme music]

[math teacher] Now then,
to sum up Thales's theorem,

in a triangle ABC,
if "I" is a point on AB…

This is a disaster.

William's copy doesn't have
the same personality as the original.

He can blend in with a crowd, but alone,
he stands out like a sore thumb.

Well, at least for now,
nobody thinks what he says is stupid.

They think he's a comedian.

Yeah, but they're bound to get on to him.

After school, I'd better launch
the recovery program

for getting back the real William.

I hope it works, Jeremy, because the one
we have now is about as brilliant as Kiwi.

my dog is very very intelligent, so there!

Odd, do you want to add a corollary
to Thales's theorem?

What collar ma'am?

-No, my dog doesn't have any fleas.
-[teacher] Huh?

I… mean I don't have a dog,
or fleas either.

[students shouting and laughing]

Well, I'll run over to the factory now
and start the recovery program, and then--

I'll go with you. That way,
we can both welcome William home. Okay?

Yeah. Why not?

We'll go to the wreck room,
so there'll be three of us

to stop his double
from doing anything dumb.

Oh no, the lock is broken.

You're turning the key the wrong way,
you chowderhead!

[gasps and cheers of approval]

Now, I want you all to behave like adults.

And don't forget, this recreation room
is under your responsibility.

Wow! Ping pong, my favorite game!

[mechanical door creaks]

Jeremy, William's coming back!
I just can't wait.

Uh, me neither.

Listen you kids!

We're going to break in
this table right now.

Okay, Della Robbia, over here.
Best of three sets. Are you ready?

Oh no. How am I going
to keep an eye on William?

Go on, we'll handle him.

William, could you open the fridge for me?

-Hey, don't waste his time.

The monitor should…
step back from things like that.

Step back?
If I do, I'll bang into the wall.

Are you going to use
the tower of William's clone?

Yeah, because the original William's
digital DNA is stored in that tower.

[Jim] Ha! Ha! Twenty to five. Match point.

[Jim] Twenty-one, you lose!


I was interstate champion
when I was young.

Why don't I tell you why
I used to be called the "k*ller Racket"?

Uh, thanks Jim. Maybe some other time.

For once, I'd rather have talked about it.

Dunbar, don't just stand there
like a statue! Come on, it's your turn.

Uh Jim, he can't play
and be monitor at the same time.

-I'll play against you, Jim.
-No, I need someone of my caliber.

Come on, let's see how you play, Dunbar.

[Jeremy] Here goes.


Argh! Dunbar, don't you know
what ping pong is all about?


[worried sighs]

[announcer] Just for you, ladies,
this fabulous hair remover for only…

-TV shopping… What a drag!
-I've got the remote, and so I decide.

Why don't you switch over
to one of the science channels, Sissi?

-Yeah, sure.
-Really? Do you mean that?

What do you think, nerd?

-[warning alarm]
-Oh no, there's a bug in the program.


I sure hope it doesn't put
the tower off line.

It's already match point, Dunbar.

Try to score one point at least.

[struggling sounds]

[both grunting]

That's impossible! Beginner's luck.

"k*ller Racket," was that it, Jim?

Well, before I'm finished with you,
they're going to call you "Clumsy Racket."


Well, we'll just see about that.

I'll bet you that Einstein
just tweaked the program.

Anyway, we've got to come up
with something, and right now.

I have an idea!

[Jim] Your serve, Dunbar!


Nah! Della Robbia, you trying to distract
me or what, you little cheater?

Hey, out of the way, loser!

I'll call Jeremy.

[phone rings]

Yumi, what's up?

[Yumi] What's up with you?
He's worse than ever.

The program has bugged some files
in the tower, but I don't know which ones.

And it's impossible to deactivate,
so I can begin all over again.

[Aelita] We'll have to deactivate
the program manually. I'm going to Lyoko.

[Jeremy] All alone?
No, it's too dangerous.

The Superscan doesn't show
any XANA attack.

Anyway, do we have a choice?

No. Okay, but be careful.

[mechanical clanking]

[Jim and William grunting]

[ominous music]

-[Jeremy] Transfer Aelita.

[upbeat music]


[Jeremy] Virtualization.


[upbeat music]

-[Aelita screams]

Jeremy, what's going on?

Oh no! Aelita, your identification file
is all bugged up as well.

[Jeremy] The tower doesn't recognize you.

It's too risky. I've got to get you back.

No, Jeremy.

Then I wouldn't be able to get back
quickly if XANA att*cks.

Try to debug the tower.
I'll stay here and wait.

I'm not convinced, Aelita.

Oh no! Aelita, I told you it was
dangerous. You've got visitors.

I'm programming you an overwing.

You'd better take shelter
in another tower.

[beeping and scanning]


Catch me if you can, ladies!

Bad news. XANA is trying
to take over the tower.

I'll handle the Tarantulas.


[William screams]

It's match point again.

You're not such a big shot now?

I haven't even got a way to transfer
energy from Sector Five

to protect the tower. It's also bugged up.

[lasers firing]

Energy field!


Finito, out, basta!

Yours truly, Big Jim
"the k*ller Racket" strikes again!

[phone rings]

Whew! Einstein saved us
in the nick of time.


Not quite. To the factory. Let's go.

[lasers blasting]

[William grunts]


Dunbar, what's the matter with you?

[Jim and William scream]

[Jim screams]

[screams and gasps]

[students] Let's get out of here!

[Ulrich screams]


Come on, let's get out of here.

[Yumi] Let's split up! That way
one or two of us will get to the factory.

[Ulrich and Odd] Okay.

What's got into William?
Why did he turn into Dr. Schrank?

[students screaming]

-[Sissi screams]
-I'm the one he wants. You're okay.

Ulrich, don't leave me here.
I beg you, please!

That's all I needed.

Come on, hurry up!

[lasers blasting]

Energy field!


One down. How's it going, Jeremy?

The tower won't recognize your ID, Aelita.



At three hundred meters
south from where you are!

Oh… But…



William! Yeah, it's him.

[lasers blasting]

[epic music]


Fantastic! The program worked.

-I'll go help him.
-[Jeremy] No, Aelita, wait!

It could be a trap.

But what if the program really worked?

This is our only chance
to bring back William.

Well, go on then. But be careful.


[theme music]

[tense music]

That'll hold him for a while.


-Did you see Ulrich?
-Yeah, he had the copy on his tail.

Let's hurry up!

-It's shut.
-It's all over for us!

Maybe not.

Give me your hand.

[sinister music]

[William grunts]


Need a little help?



You're back at last! That's great!

-Good to see you again, Aelita.
-Oh no! Jeremy!




-[Sissi gasps]
-Hurry up!

Ulrich's not with you?

He's playing the clown with the clone.

Hurry guys, get into the scanner room now!

[Jeremy] Aelita. Get a move on!

If he leads you to the Digital Sea,

you'll be virtualized for good,
the same as your father.

[Aelita screams]

-[Sissi gasps]
-[Ulrich] Oh no, why me?

[beeping and scanning]

Hop on, princess, and stand clear
of the closing doors! All aboard!

[Yumi] You sure are a tough customer.


-Faster, Ulrich!
-I can't… I just can't!

[Sissi gasps]

Go away, you monster!

I'll hold him here while you escape.

I won't go!


[Yumi screams]

Identification Aelita.

[warning alarm]

No, not again.
I'm never going to get there.

[Jeremy] Aelita, you're going to have
to wait before you can enter the tower.

Okay, one for each of us.

Ulrich! Come on!

Too late!

You and me, William.

[both grunt]

[Ulrich screams]


[Ulrich screams]

Hands off, William!

Don't you touch my Ulrich!

[Sissi screams]

Sorry to say this, Sissi, but
you're not as light as you say you are.

[William grunts]

[Yumi groans]

[Yumi screams]

[fan whooshes]

[Yumi screams]

Aelita! Odd!

William's heading straight for you!

It's all over.

[Odd] Great! It was already hard enough
without William!

[Odd] This way, sweetie pie!


You're going to have
to do better than that!

[lasers blasting]

Hey! I'll bet you can't climb either.

Don't tell me you're not even
going to try.

[Odd screams]

[Odd screams]

[theme music]

Ulrich, you're going to fall
if you don't let me go. Go on!

Don't be silly, Sissi. We're both
going to get out of this. You'll see.

Hurry up, will you!

We did it!

[Aelita] Bravo, Jeremy!

One last thing to take care of,
and I'm in.

Energy field!


[wind howling]

[both gasp]

[Odd] Banzai!

[epic music]

Oh sorry, William.
I forgot to hit the brakes.

[William pants]

[William groans]

[ethereal music]

[both scream]

[both scream]

Ulrich, we're safe!

You sure of that?

Return to the past now.

[Ulrich and Sissi scream]

[theme music]

It seems to me that,

as the principal's daughter,
I'm the obvious choice.

-That's true. Now that's a great idea!

Yeah, we need somebody who's unselfish
and never thinks about herself.

-And Sissi really fits that description.
-[all nod]

What are you five up to anyway?

It's unanimous then, huh?

[students] Yeah, I guess.

Hey, what's going on, It's time to go
back to class now.

We know, Jim. We just elected
Sissi monitor of the wreck room.

You did? Well, I thought you'd
choose somebody like… Dunbar.

Yeah, right, I can see him.

But how could you not see me,
I'm in front of you!

[students laugh]

That William is such a comedian!
He knocks me out.

He must be the funniest kid at Kadic.

Yeah? Why?

It's nothing.
Come on, let's go to history class.

-Well, the copy's all we've got.
-[Jeremy] For now anyway.

It's back to square one.

[Jeremy] But I'll bring William back
one day. I swear I will.

[theme music]