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03x02 - Lyoko Minus One

Posted: 01/17/24 10:09
by bunniefuu
[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪

[digital typing, beeping]



-Can't a guy sleep in peace around here?
-Sorry, it's Jean-Pierre.

What a ridiculous name for a Tamagotchi.

Don't pay attention, little baby.
He's pretty cool, uh?

[tense music]


He's disappeared!

He's disappeared!

Mind telling me
who's disappeared?

Jean-Pierre's disappeared!

[Ulrich] Maybe he needs someone
to give him a new name.

You stole my Jean-Pierre, Ulrich,
and I want him back!

Are you out of your mind?
I don't want your dumb plastic!

But if it wasn't you, it's been kidnapped.

I hope your piggy bank is full
to pay the ransom.

Stop it. Don't you understand?
He'll die of hunger without me.

What're we gonna do?

Hey, I know. How about some breakfast?

[theme music]

-[knocks on door]

Jean-Pierre Delmas?


So, Jean-Pierre,
you're interested in non-enriched uranium.

What did you say?

[Odd] Jean-Pierre isn't an old Tamagotchi.

He's only a few months old. He's fragile.

Would you abandon a helpless baby?

If he was just plastic, sure I would.

Let's go to look for him, right now!

I think we better wait.

I don't get it. Wait for what?

For you to buy another one.

I get the picture now!

I thought friends were always there,
but I was mistaken!

You left your little Tamasushi at home?

Do you like soggy frozen waffles
genetically modified?

Why do you wanna know?

'Cause I may stuff them down your throat!

He must have gotten up
on the long side of the bed.

It's the wrong side, Sissi.

Zip it up right now, Herb!

[Mr. Delmas] Wait! What is it you want?
I haven't done anything!

You've got an affinity for bombers,
especially the long range kind,

and a particular affection
for anthrax and other degenerate stuff.

I assure you,
I'm a respectable school principal.

-All right, we believe you.
-[Mr. Delmas groans]

But what's the meaning of this?
And who are you?

We belong to a secret security division,
unknown even by the president.

Even we have no idea who we really are.

-But then you--
-Keep still!

Last night, a company's secret computer
was hacked,

and sensitive and classified documents
were accessed.

But, unwittingly, the hacker left a trail
leading directly to him.

And the trail led us
to one phone line in your school.

Whose phone is it?

[door opening]

[Mr. Delmas] This is Jeremy Belpois' room.

There's something I don't get.

It's impossible to hack into the system
using this computer.

Something that's not commonly available.

How could he get his hands on it?

Who are his contacts?

Which t*rror1st cell is he working for?

Jeremy Belpois will be
under our surveillance.

Microphones, cameras. We'll watch him.

We'll use him to break this group.

But our Jeremy Belpois, a t*rror1st?
I can't believe that.

In any event, you have my personal
and total cooperation.

[Jim] I might be able to help.
I never told you, sir,

but I worked
as a secret service agent once.

-Did you?
-Yes, but I'd rather not talk about it.


If you wanna help, set up the equipment.

Then, we can take you
off the suspect list.

So, when do you recall seeing Jean-Pierre
for the last time?

Again, he went to sleep
right next to the bed.

Kiwi would've growled
if anyone had come into the room.

Not if he recognized
who it was.

Hey, what's up guys?

-Jean-Pierre has disappeared.
-The principal?

-No, the Tamagotchi!
-[Yumi giggles]

Odd, let's see if we can find
any clues in your room.

-[male voice] Password?
-[Jim] Birdbrain.

That's it. Come on in.

Jim Morales reporting.

Audio, video, all mics and cameras
discreetly hidden.

Very good.
Let's get this show on the road.

Lucky you weren't a TV cameraman.

But I did work as a TV cameraman.

There, camera three A!

[Jim] What are they doing in Odds' room
at this time of day?

Why aren't they in the lunchroom?

[Jim] What?

Jim, would you tell me
what a dog is doing in my school?

I don't know, sir.

It's the first time I see him.

Quiet, you two.

[barking through machine]

-Where is the microphone?
-Under the bed.

Nice! Right next to a noisy dog!

They're all leaving the room now.

Camera two C. Dormitory hallway.

I thought it was clever
to conceal the camera

behind that distinguisher, insignia.
I mean inquisitioner.

[Odd] I'm getting more worried.
This is serious.

[Jeremy] Yeah, we know.

If we don't find Jean-Pierre,
it's the end of the world.

Did you hear that? He said "Jean-Pierre,"
as my name.

Oh, yes, we heard it.

Is there anything you'd care to tell us…

But this is completely absurd.
I've nothing to do with this.

OK, drop it.
Time to turn things up a notch.

Jim, put a tracer on the suspect.
That way, he'll never be out of our reach.

[theme music]

-Still nothing.
-[Jim] What are you doing in here?

Out! On the double!

-Hey, is anything the matter?

Those darned mosquitoes!

[tracer beeps]

[bell rings]

I'm going to lunch

while Jean-Pierre is dying
because he has nothing to eat.

[Ulrich] Life is tough, and he sure
is blaming you for his misery.

-[alarm beeps]
-Hang on…

XANA's on the attack.

Oh, that's great.
I'm never gonna find Jean-Pierre!

Can't XANA take a lunch break?

No, and we're not gonna take any either.
Let's go, come on!

Calling Hen House.

The bird has flown the coop.
I repeat: flown the coop.

[agent] What kind of gibberish is that?

Do you mind talking normally?

[Jim] Belpois and company are on the move.

Okay, stay on their tails.

They're going into the sewers.

Hey, do you read me?

Loud and clear.


[digital whirring]

[Jeremy] Here are your vehicles.

The activated tower is situated
south southwest.

[Odd] Last one there is a rotten egg!

[tense music]

[engine speeding]

[Odd giggles]


That way!

That's crazy. The tower isn't activated.

Any explanation, Einstein?

Seems like XANA's found a way
to mess up the super scan.

But why would he lure us to Lyoko?

[Jeremy] No idea, but I don't like it.

I'm bringing you back in right now.

-[agent] Step away from that keyboard.
-[Jeremy] What?

You're under arrest.

But what have I done?

That's what you're gonna tell us.

What happened to your pals?
Where are they?

And Jean-Pierre?

Right, take him in.

I'll stay here with Morales
and see what I can find.

Don't just stand there!
Find me those other kids, fast!

[Odd giggles]

[giggles and sighs]

Jeremy, what are you waiting for?

-[digital whirring]
-[Odd grunts]

[Ulrich] What's wrong Odd?

-[Odd moans]
-[everyone else laughs]

Something's very wrong. Jeremy?

Fire at me, Odd.

Well, you made fun of my Tamagotchi,
but it's not enough to zap you.

This is no time for jokes.

Okay. Anything for a good cause.


Oh, no!

I want you to explain to me
what all this UFO equipment is doing here.

Sorry about this, Jim,
but I have no choice.


[theme music]

I swear to you, I've never hacked
any information in my life.

[phone rings]

Where are you?
There's a weirdo in the lab.

Ulrich, this is all XANA's doing.
Bring everyone back home.

[phone hang up]

Very interesting. Who's this XANA?

Did he recruited Jean-Pierre?

Just trust me this one time,
and let me go back to the factory.

I've gotta help my friends.

[alarm beeps]

Oh, no!

What is this? A video game?


-Are you all right?
-[digital whirring]

[sinister music]



Morales reporting. I apprehended one
in the underground room,

but then he managed to escape.
You wanna see for yourself?

Seems to be real this time.

[sinister music]

Hey, I don't wanna pry,
but I'd like to know what you're doing.

[electricity crackles]

I want an answer!
Listen to me! Let go of my arm.

If you don't, sparks are gonna fly!


[electricity crackles]

[Ulrich] Yumi, Aelita, Odd,
do you read me?

Ulrich, what's the matter? Where's Jeremy?

No idea. There's a weirdo here
who's possessed by XANA.

There must be an activated tower.

[Aelita] In which sector?

How should I know?

I'm awful at computers, remember?

Listen to me, Ulrich.
I'm going to guide you.

[theme music]

[action music]

[Jeremy grunts]

[distorted grunt]

[Ulrich] Go to the mountain sector,

Better hurry up, 'cause… Wait a second.

Ulrich, did you hit "delete" or something?

No, but there's trouble down below.

[Aelita] Ulrich, hit the "enter" key.

[Ulrich] Bad news.

The guy possessed by XANA is trying
to destroy the super computer,

and the scanners are off line.

XANA's plan is diabolical.

If the super computer is destroyed,
Lyoko will vanish, along with us.

Get the scanners on line, and bring us in.

Sounds good, but I'm no Jeremy.
I can't do it.

You'd better deactivate the tower,
while I deal with that creep downstairs.

[Odd] Roger!
Time for us to change sectors.


[Aelita] Watch your life points.

With the scanners off line,
it'll be game over.

[digital whirring]

[distorted grunt]

-[Aelita screams]



[Odd] That's what I call extreme!





[Odd screams]

Their disappearing act isn't very cool.



[ethereal music]



[distorted grunt]


Hey! Have you ever heard about fair play?

OK, I take it back.

[distorted grunt]





[laser blasting]

[pants and moans]


Who's the boss now, uh?


[Odd screams]


[ethereal music]


-[Yumi sighs]
-[Odd] Thanks, Yumi.

[action music]

The tower, hurry!


[Aelita pants]

Oh, no. Seven years of bad luck.



[ethereal music]

[computer beeps]

[Aelita] Let's hope it works!

[theme music]

I don't have idea what this is used for.
What did you say it was for?

We didn't say anything.

Well, the super computer is badly damaged.

I hope it will work again.

-What will work again?
-Return to the past, now!

Return to the past now!

[upbeat music]

Oh, no! Not again!

Lost Jean-Pierre again, Odd?

Yeah, but this time,
I'm gonna find out who stole him.

Listen up. Now we're gonna see
who Jean-Pierre's kidnapper was.

It was you, Ulrich?

You're all a bunch of traitors!
The only one I can really trust is Yumi.

Odd, it was my idea.

No! You too? But what do you all have
against my Jean-Pierre?

It's for your own good,
because you were almost hooked on him.

[Yumi] Relax, Odd.
Jean-Pierre is just fine.

[Yumi] Believe me,
he couldn't be in better hands.

[Tamagotchi beeps]

[theme music]