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03x01 - Straight to Heart

Posted: 01/17/24 10:08
by bunniefuu
[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪

[computer blipping]


[tense music]

[Jeremy] All I have to do now is analyze
the data you gathered from Sector Five.

Do you think we can
learn anything from it?

I have no idea, but if there's
a possibility of finding a clue

for fighting XANA on the Internet,
it's worth a try.

I don't know about you guys, but something
to eat would really hit the spot.

Better forget about it, Odd.
We can't be late for gym.

But we haven't had breakfast yet!

Too late!

[stomach growling]

Hey Odd,
could you cool it for a second?

He's right. Your stomach is almost
as talkative as you are.

Now listen, if I don't get something
to eat right away,

there's no telling what I might do!

Odd, did you forget you just had
a chocolate bar five minutes ago?

That's nothing. That was just a warm up!

I need some real food to get me
going in the morning.

Like some beans or potatoes
with a banana or two for dessert.

Hey, I know you kids are going
to be disappointed,

but it looks like I'm going to have
to cancel today's sh*t put competition.

-[everyone cheers]
-[everyone] Way to go!

[Jim] Quiet down!

Actually, since today is Nutrition Day,
our school nurse,

Yolanda Perraudin is going to speak
to you and tell you what you should eat…

in order to have a great shape…

I mean… to keep in shape.

[Yolanda clears throat]

-[Jim gasps]

So those of you who can't wait until
you wolf down your next junk food meal,

had better think twice before you do!
Because junk food is your worst enemy!

Unless your name is Odd.

His worst enemy is whoever gets
between him and his food.

Better believe it!

[theme music]

[nurse] …and so for example, if for lunch
you have mashed potatoes and lamb,

there's no need
for steak and fries at night.

What is she talking about anyway?

If I eat mashed potatoes and lamb,
there's no reason to wait for dinner.

I can have steak and fries for dessert.

You'd better hope we don't get
a test on what she said,

because you'd get a zero for sure, Odd.

So, don't forget that
a head of lettuce can save your life.

And remember, the better you eat,
the better you live!

Look at me! I'm an example of what
good food can do. I am in perfect shape.

-[body cracks]

I just pulled something!

Yolanda, help! I can't move!

[Yolanda gasps]


Okay Odd, it's finally time for lunch--

[Jeremy] Odd?

[Odd] So Rosa, what have we got today?

Shepherd's pie, sausages and fries,
beef stew?

Odd, I didn't want to,

but they said I had to cook healthy
and well-balanced meals from now on.

What? Grated carrots and cucumbers,
steamed vegetables

and… fish!

Not even fried or breaded!

[Ulrich] Great! I love broccoli.

Say that again, and you're dead fish!

I'm sorry I can't go with you.
I've got Italian.

No big deal.

We're just going to analyze all that data
that you brought back from Sector Five.

And how about you guys,
do you want to come?

No! Ulrich, you stay here! I need you!

You do? What for?

[theme music]


What do you think the Internet looks like?

I don't know, but I guess
we're going to find out.

[Aelita gasps]
An alert!


Oh no!

[speaking Italian]

[speaking Italian]

[speaking Italian]

Italian is such a beautiful
and romantic language,

-isn't it?
-I guess.

[Yumi's phone rings]


Sir, William's not feeling well.
I have to take him to the infirmary.

What seems to be the trouble, William?

Well, to tell you the truth,
I don't really know.


I guess, you wanted us to be alone.
That's why you said I was sick?

Me too. Whenever I see you,
I… I mean I…

maybe I ought to tell you this
in Italian…

[speaking Italian]

[William] Where'd she go?


[metallic clang]

[theme music]

Not a soul out here. The coast is clear.

Time to eat up a storm!

-[Ulrich's phone rings]
-Hang on.

-Head for the factory on the double.

-XANA's activated a tower.
-Be right there!

That's what you think. I refuse
to be virtualized on an empty stomach!

-[door creaks]
-Eating healthy is okay, but I'm starved.


Well, what do you know!

Stern and Della Robbia,

what are you two doing here?

And you? I thought you were
a nut about staying in shape.

I asked you first. Answer me!

-[window pane shatters]
-[Ulrich and Odd scream]


-[sinister music]

[Ulrich and Odd groan]

[tense music]

-[glass shattering]
-[Ulrich and Odd grunt]



[computer beeping]

[Aelita] That was fast.

-Where are Odd and Ulrich?
-They're on their way.

-[Ulrich] Jeremy!
-[Jeremy] What is it, Ulrich?

We've got a bit of a problem.

-We might be a little late.
-[Jeremy] Is it XANA?

It kind of looks like it.

[Jeremy] Okay, don't panic.
We're going to deactivate the tower.

[everyone gasps]

-[everyone screams]

You okay, Jim?

-You're not hurt?
-Hurt? No, I don't think so.

[Ulrich] Anyway, you were right
about one thing…

food can be your worst enemy.


[Jeremy] Transfer Yumi.

Transfer Aelita.

[Jeremy] Scanner Yumi.

[Jeremy] Scanner Aelita.


[static zapping]

[Jeremy] The activated tower
is a little further north.

Watch out, XANA's sent some Krabs
after you!

Okay, we read you.

[Krab scuttling]

[lasers blasting]


Energy field!




[everyone screams]

Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy. It's time
to teach this pile of junk a lesson!

Stay here! This won't take more than
two seconds. Ready?


-[crashing and thudding]

[Ulrich and Odd gasp]

He was right. It didn't take
more than two seconds.


I can't believe it.

I'm going to be eaten by a mountain
of food, and I'm starving to death.

Some guys were born to lose.


-[lasers blasting]
-[Aelita and Yumi screaming]

[Aelita] Energy field!



[Yumi] I can see the tower, Jeremy.

Well done, ladies.

[Aelita] Wait a second, Jeremy.

Something feels weird.

The Digital Sea seems
to have risen all of a sudden.

[Jeremy] What's going on over there?


[mechanical clanking]


Hey, you're right, Aelita.
The Digital Sea's really going way up!

[Jeremy] Another one of XANA's tricks.

Do you mean
that Lyoko's going to be submerged

-and disappear forever?
-[Jeremy] No, it won't disappear.

Lyoko's sectors aren't affected
by the Digital Sea.

But it will get submerged unless
I can find a way to lower the sea level.

-Oh no!

Monsters are heading for the
chamber at the core of Lyoko!

XANA's trying to stop you
from deactivating the tower,

and from accessing Sector Five
by raising the level of the Digital Sea.

And that's precisely how
he plans to quietly wipe out Lyoko.

You've got to get to Sector Five before
the sea swallows up the mountain sector.

But first, take care of the tower.

Too late. It's not accessible.



[phone ringing]

-[Jeremy] How are you guys doing?

[Odd] Let's just say we've got indigestion
big time without having eaten anything.

How about you?

It's grim here, too.
Impossible to deactivate the tower,

and Yumi and Aelita are going to
be needing backup.

I love it when you talk to me like that,

Don't worry, we'll figure something out.


-Want the latest news, Ulrich?
-Is it good?

-Not really.
-Then, no.

[Yumi] Jeremy,
the sea's getting higher and higher.

I don't know if we're going to make it all
the way to the edge of the sector.

You've got to make it there
for the transporter.

Odd and Ulrich should be there soon
to give you guys some help.

[metallic clang]

-It's too late.

[both groan]

Odd, head for the factory,
while I try stalling this junk heap.

Okay, I'll let you have all the food,
but only because it's you.


[rumbling and thudding]




-[Yumi] Jeremy, don't tell me that XANA…

…is sending hornets after you? He is.

[Jeremy] Things were getting
a little boring.

S.O.S. Service here.
What's the trouble, sir?

Odd, get into the scanner room!
Hurry! Where's Ulrich?

He's got some game
going on in the sewer.





-Out of commission, great!

[theme music]




I'll bring you back in, Yumi.




Well done, Aelita.
You were much faster than I was.

Hang on now until Odd comes.

Transfer Odd.

[Jeremy] Virtualization!

Odd, I materialized your Overboard.

You and Aelita have got to get into
Sector Five no matter what, you hear?

-[Odd] No problem.
-Jeremy, where's Ulrich?

Last I heard he was down in the sewers,
fighting one of XANA's monsters.


His mobile isn't answering.

[Yumi] I'll go find him.
He must need help.

[lasers blasting]


Energy field!



-[Odd] Laser arrow!

You can relax now, princess,
your knight in shining armor is here.

Okay Odd, play the hero later,
but for now, get into position.

I'm typing in the code, "Scipio."


[mechanical clanking]



We're inside, Jeremy. What's the latest?

The latest is that all of Lyoko
has been submerged in the Digital Sea.

[Yumi] You think we can
bring the level down?

[Jeremy] I hope so,

thanks to the information
you're going to find for me…

If not,
we won't be able to deactivate the tower.

You've got to reach the chamber
at the core of Lyoko fast,

or it's bye-bye to our beautiful
virtual world forever.

And don't forget to stop the countdown!

[Odd] No sweat, Einstein.

Oh no? Then how come I'm sweating?

[Yumi] No!



[Ulrich] Yumi!


Hang in there! I'm coming!






You actually conquered the junk pile!

I wouldn't bet on
an unconditional surrender.

[Aelita] It's okay Jeremy.
We passed the core zone.

[Aelita] We're in the elevator.

Better hurry. The monsters have started
to att*ck the core of Lyoko.


[Aelita] We made it, Jeremy!

[Odd] We're coming
into the Celestial Dome.

[Jeremy] Good.
Aelita, head for the interface.

You've got to get me the data I need
to lower the level of the Digital Sea.

Odd, you head for the core of Lyoko.

[Odd] I'm on it!



By the way, Ulrich,
thanks for saving my life.

What wouldn't I do for you?

Aelita, have you found anything?

-Not yet.

How about you, Odd? What's up?

Everything's cool.

I'm in the chamber at the core of Lyoko.

[lasers blasting]

I know I said everything's cool,
but I'm still dying of hunger!


You can stuff yourself later.
For now, don't let them hit the core.

[Jeremy] If the sphere goes,
Lyoko goes too, forever.

Thanks Jeremy, nothing like a little


Bad news, guys. The first
protective shield layer just blew.


[Manta shrieks]


The second protective shield
can't hold out much longer.

[Aelita] Jeremy, I might have found
what we need to debug the Digital Sea.



But I might have a little problem
getting through.

[Creeper shrieks]

[lasers blasting]

This thing won't quit!

I think I found the high diving board.




I made it, Jeremy!

That's great, but the core can't hold out
much longer! Okay, move it!

Aelita, I'm going to
rematerialize you now.

If Odd doesn't make it,
you could disappear along with Lyoko.

No, don't!
I was just about to get hold of the data.

-[Creeper growling]


[laser blasts]



-It'll just take a second.

[phone ringing]

-Just at the wrong time!
-This is weird.

It looks as if the monster's gone.

-[both groan]
-I think maybe you spoke too soon.


[Jeremy] Aelita, what's happening?

I'm almost there.


I'll distract it,
and you head back to the factory.


It's not distracted too easily, is it?

[lasers blasting]

Jeremy, how much time do I have left?

Just a few seconds.

Okay, the faster I finish up here,
the faster I get to eat.


[lasers blasting]


One down!

[Jeremy] Oh no!

[Odd] That makes two!

[Jeremy] Nice going, Odd.

Yeah, I know.


I found it, Jeremy. Are you ready
to download the data?

[Jeremy] I sure am!


I'll launch the program
for debugging the Digital Sea.

I just hope this is going to work.

Aelita and Odd, you've got to get
to the activated tower ASAP!

[Odd] I'll get Aelita.
What about Yumi and Ulrich?

Still nothing. Not a word.

-[phone ringing]
-[rumbling and banging]



Great, Aelita! The data that you found
was exactly what we needed!

[theme music]

[mechanical clanking]

[lasers blasting]

Lyoko's not the only thing to resurface.
Ready to jump?


[both grunting]


-[Ulrich] Yumi!

[ethereal music]




[Aelita] Tower deactivated.



I don't believe this! Pick up!

[phone ringing]


Jeremy! I guess I'm all right.
How about you, Ulrich?

Bon appétit, Odd.


I don't believe it!

Well, now we've got to launch
a return to the past, because

there's no way that Jim is going to forget
the monster he saw in the lunchroom.

Here we go. Return to the past now!

[Odd] I'm so hungry!

[theme music]