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04x08 - Quicker Than the Eye

Posted: 01/17/24 09:14
by bunniefuu
Are you peasants ready for another
astounding demonstration of skill?

you got another one?

You bet. A Chet Kelly special.

Ordinary 50-cent piece, right?


Now, Houdini
taught me this trick.

He was the master of escape.

But when it comes
to manual dexterity,

he's got to take his hat off
to old Chester B.

Now, watch very closely.

You guys ought to have
good eyes being firemen, right?

Okay, watch.

I'll grab the coin
with this hand.

Now, count to three.

One, two, three... Two, three.

Hey, Mike, did you see how
he did that? Didn't see a thing.

Didn't see a thing? You know,
I think you two guys are over the hill.

Really! I don't know how
you find your way to a fire.

You guys are blind as bats!

Well, there goes Chet Kelly spreading
goodwill around the station again.

MAN: Hey, Chet,
give us another one.

How about if we reciprocate?


g*nsh*t wound.

922 Oakland Avenue.

922 Oakland Avenue.

Cross street, Rose.

Time out, 0930.

STANLEY: Squad 51, 10-4.
KMG 365.



Must be out here.

ROY: Give me that drug box.

VINCE: Roy. Okay...

What happened here, Vince?

Well, there was a g*n
in his drawer.

When he reached in
for something, it went off.

ROY: .22?

Right. Hard-nosed.

ROY: Call an ambulance?

Yeah, it's on the way.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.
How do you read?

Stand by,
Squad 51.10-4 on sodium bicarb, 14.

Squad 45, if you can't remove
it... Continue CPR, Squad 14.

Insert an esophageal airway.

Go ahead, Squad 51.

Rampart, we have a female,
approximately 22 years old.

She's been hit by a b*llet
into the abdomen.

She's conscious
but she's groggy.

The pulse is 100 and weak.

Stand by for BP.

Rampart, the BP is 100 over 80.

Also, Rampart, she's pregnant.

51, start an IV
with Ringer's lactate

and give me more on the
angle of the b*llet. All right.

Okay, Vince,

you said she was sh*t
through this drawer here?

right. g*n was in the drawer like this.

Here we are. Just like that.

Okay, she was sh*t through here,

so she was standing, what,
right about here?

She was about like so.
Right there.

Okay, then she was sh*t here,

and it came out here. Okay.

I'm gonna check
for an exit wound.

You see anything down there?

No, no exit at all.



She was sh*t through
the right lower quadrant,

and there is no
apparent exit wound.

is the pregnancy?

She looks like she's
in the last trimester.

I want to know exactly, 51.

Sir? How far along
is your... Sir?



Sir, how far along is your wife?

What? Now, look.

If you're going
to help your wife,

I need to know exactly
how far along your wife is.

I think... She's...

Well, he's out.

Oh, great.

Rampart, we cannot determine
the exact duration of pregnancy.

Transport, but get all
available information.

Is that stretcher coming?
VINCE: It's on the way.

Oh, here it is. Okay.
Here we are.

Is her feet in the way?

VINCE: Better
slide her down a bit.

JOHNNY: Watch this
over here. All right.

VINCE: Better let me
get out of your way.

JOHNNY: Harold, can you grab
her middle? Angie, you grab her feet.

Let's see if we can't
get her up.

All right, hang on.


Okay, easy does it, now.
Easy does it.

There we go.

All right.


Okay. Okay.

ROY: Johnny?

JOHNNY: Harold, why don't you just
go ahead and carry her all the way out?

There's too many bumps,
too many corners.


Dora? Where's Dora?

She's on her way
to the hospital.

You all right? Where is she?

Come on,
why don't we get you up? Where's my wife?

you want to give me a hand here?

Come on.

Listen to me... To the hospital?

Listen to me. Your
wife needs your help.

I need to have some information.

The g*n went off. Yeah, I know.

I need to have some information

about your wife's
pregnancy. Understand?

She's gonna have a baby.
Yeah, I know that.

How long has she been pregnant?

I... I sh*t her.

Look, who's her doctor?

Uh, Doctor...

Wagner. Lillian. Okay.

Wagner. All right.

Do you have a telephone
number around here?

Her number, her
address or anything?

Yes, it's at the phone. Okay.

Why don't we go over and get it,

and then I'll take you to the
hospital with me, all right?

Yes. Okay. Come on.


fetal heart tones?

Rampart, I can barely hear
the fetal heartbeat.




toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

Squad 51, this is Rampart.

Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.

an IV, 51. Lactated Ringer's.

DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.

Room 3. All right. Harold,
take this.

She seems to be holding her own.

She was conscious twice
just before we brought her in.

Yes? DR.

Mr. Barlow. Oh,
yeah. Mr. Barlow.

Dora's doctor, will she be here?

Yeah. Yeah. We reached her.

We have all the
information we need.

But will she be here
for Dora? Yeah. Yeah.

Where's Dora? She needs me.

Well... Yeah. I think he needs some coffee,
don't you?

Why don't you get him some?

No! Dora! No, no,
a cup of coffee.

All right? A cup of coffee.

Possible serious kidney damage.

What about the child?

It's in its eighth month.

The child's heart
isn't all it should be.

The b*llet may have
just come close to the sac,

or penetrated it
and missed the child,

or hit the child.

We'll do an amniocentesis
to see what happened.



Where's Pete?

I want to talk to her husband.

I'll get him.


That guy's really torn up
about his wife.

Well, that's what you get when you
keep a loaded g*n around the house.

Mr. Barlow?

What is it? Dr. Brackett
would like to see you.

What's the matter?

Is there anything wrong?

The doctor will tell you.

the fluid from the uterus is bloody.

I'm afraid the b*llet
did penetrate it.

The child may be in trouble.

The mother, too.

Massive kidney damage.


Carol, take this up to the lab

for a fetal hemoglobin analysis.



I have her husband.


Ask Mike to give
Joe a hand, huh?

Mr. Barlow?

I'm Dr. Brackett. Where is she?

She's in there...

Just a moment. I
have to talk to you first.

Sit down, please.

I should never
have bought that g*n.

Been five burglaries
in the neighborhood, and,

with the baby coming
and all... Mr. Barlow...

she wanted to move.

I k*lled her.
The g*n just went off.

Mr. Barlow, listen to me.

Your wife is not dead.

She's very much alive.

But I need your cooperation.

I need your help.


She isn't fully conscious,
and I need some answers.

For what?

If it were a question of
either saving your wife's life

or the child,

which would she want?

It doesn't matter what
she wants. She comes first.

Now, can I please see her?


Come on.

She's conscious. Good.

Fetal heart tones
are down to 96.

You want to do a C-section
and save this child?

If we don't repair
the kidney first,

she may not survive
to have the cesarean.


I'm sorry, Dora.

My baby.


Where's Pete? I'm right here,

There's no time.

We've got to save the baby.

Mrs. Barlow.

Your condition requires
an immediate operation.


I want my baby to live.

But you, Dora...

The baby comes first.

I couldn't live
without you, honey.

Our baby's not going to die,

for me or for you.

You hear me, Doctor?

Mrs. Barlow,

there's a reasonable chance
we can save you both

if we perform
simultaneous operations.

But we've got to
begin immediately.

Joe, I'll repair the kidney.

Call the senior OB resident.

Tell him we're
taking her up to surgery.

I want him to scrub in with me. Okay,


If something starts to go wrong,




Hey, John, come here, quick!

Look, you guys. We've got a
fantastic prank going on with Chet.

Oh, yeah? Yeah.

He's in the washroom, shaving.

So why don't you go in,

and no matter what
happens with the lights,

just play it straight.


Now, Roy...

Trouble on the line somewhere.


The lights. Didn't you
see them go on and off?


There they go again!
Did you see that?

Oh, come on!

Hey, man, I'm not putting you
on! They're going on and off!


Now! Did you see that?

Chet, you can pull that stuff
on everybody else,

but you're not
gonna pull it on me.

[WHISPERING] No more! No more!

Come on!

What's the matter, pal?

I don't know. Did you guys notice anything
unusual in the last couple of minutes?

I don't know. Could you be more specific?

Yeah, like, is it animal,
vegetable, or mineral?

JOHNNY: I don't think Chet
knows the difference.




Did you just swat a fly?

Well, what do you think that is?


Station 51. Accident.

Man trapped at
World Motion Picture Studios,

Western Street.

Pickford and Douglas Avenues.

Pickford and Douglas Avenues.

Time out, 1255.

Station 51. KMG 365.




FOREMAN: We have
an injured man trapped!

We were moving the boat,
and it started to tilt.

Bill went under there to check it out,
and the whole thing went.

Why don't you get
the Porta Power?

He's under there.

Moving this flatbed can bring
the whole thing down on him.

JOHNNY: Is he conscious?

FOREMAN: He mumbles and
moves around every once in a while,

but he's alive, all right.

STANLEY: Well, don't try to pull
out anything that isn't loose in there.

We'll build a new underpinning.

Two-by-fours! All you can get!

JOHNNY: I'm gonna go on in, Cap.

ROY: Here,
let me hold some of that.

JOHNNY: Okay. ROY: Uh-huh.

ROY: This thing is shaky.

Watch it.

you're clear back here. Okay.

Let's see.


Pulse is 120 and weak.

He's lost a lot of blood.
He's real shocky.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

We have a male victim. He's a construction
worker trapped underneath a boat.

Vital signs are as follows.

What's that pulse again?

Uh, pulse is 120 and weak.

He's lost a lot of blood.
He's getting real shocky.

The pulse is 120 and weak.

He's losing a lot
of blood, Rampart,

and it looks like he's in shock.

Start IV with Ringer's.

Will stand by.

What's going on?

What happened? All right,
now, just take it easy.

All these underpinnings

Let's get out of here.

All right, just take it easy,
now. Calm down.

As soon as they
get us untangled,

we're gonna get out of here.

Now, I need a new swab.

ROY: Yeah.



JOHNNY: Hey, you just hang on,
we'll get you out in just a second.

All right.

ROY: You wanna
hook her up, Chet?

Can you bring your arm
to me just a little bit

so I can get
this needle into it?

Just raise it just a little bit.

What needle?

Well, I'm gonna have
to start an IV.

This is just to keep you going

until we get you
to the hospital.

You mean a transfusion? Blood?

Something like that.

I don't go for that stuff.

What do you mean,
you don't go for it?

I don't believe in it.

Now look,
you've lost a lot of blood.

I'll make it. Now look,
don't be a fool!

Now, give me your arm. No!

Cap! She's going!

Okay, don't move!

Look, a few more of these
beams here and we got it made.

Five minutes!

Cap, I don't think
he's got five minutes!


All right. Right in there.

Let's get this one here, too.


ROY: Yeah? Brachial
artery's been severed.

He's got to have this IV.

No needles!

ROY: Okay, you're liable to
k*ll yourself. You know that?

They'll get me out.

You're liable to run out
of blood before they do.

I'll take my chances.


Now look,
you're already starting to pass out.

If I pass out, promise,

no needles.

Cap! We gotta get
this man out of here!

I don't wanna k*ll all three of you.

Now, don't move him
till I give you the word.

JOHNNY: Roy, he's passed
out. I gotta get him some oxygen.

Can you give me 6 liters?


Johnny, the only way
to do this is

you're gonna have to get in
there and try to seal that artery.

You think you can do it?






you're all right over here. Okay.

John! Roy! Two minutes!

Is there anything I can do?

No, not right now.


All right. Cap, I got it!

STANLEY: All right. Stretcher!

Look, the thing's secured
now. Let's pull him out.

Okay, Cap. I can move
these boards, right?

Yeah, go ahead. Okay.

I'm gonna have to let go
of this artery.

Watch it.


Wait a minute. Hang on.
Somebody get in here with us.

Okay. Lift out his foot,
all right?

Let me get his foot,
all right? Okay.

JOHNNY: You guys...
Now, hold him up.

Somebody hold him up.

Marco, get in there. Yeah.

JOHNNY: You got his waist? Yeah.

Okay, I got the artery.

Chet, is there any way you
can get in here a little closer?


All right, his feet are free.
Now drag him out.

I got his belt. Okay.

All right.

Lift him up. Okay.


JOHNNY: Okay, let me get the... CHET: Ooh,
watch it. Watch the oxygen.

Grab the oxygen.

Yeah. There you go.

Okay, you wanna check
the arterial flow, there?

You got it?

Rampart, Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

We're transporting the
patient to your location.

The BP on the patient
is 90 over 70.

The patient refused
to have an IV,

so we've occluded the
arterial flow in the right arm.


Take the, uh...
Okay, I got that.

Take him to Room 2.
Dr. Morton will see him.

Is that the one who
wouldn't take the IV?

ROY: Yeah. Well,
he looks like he made it. Room 3.

How's Mrs. Barlow doing?

Mother's fine, baby's fine.

The father fainted. Twice.

Just the last four
lines? Last four lines.

Here he comes.

STANLEY: All right, Marco.






No, the last one's a "B,"
but that was pretty good.

It's okay, Marco.
Pretty good anyway.

Hey, what's going on?

Well, there's been so much talk
about poor eyesight around here,

I figured I'd better
check everybody out. Roy?

JOHNNY: You're up, Roy.










Okay, John. Okay, Cap.


Oh, that's a toughie.
Let's see, now.











The man's got the eyes
of a hawk!




Your turn. Oh.

Try this one here.


Well, come on, Chet!
That's an easy one I gave you.

All right, well,
what about that one?

Uh, that's, uh...

Chet, that's an easy one.

I can't read it, Cap!
I can barely see that E!

No kidding, man!


Here. Take it easy. It's not the end
of the world. Have a cup of coffee.

Yeah, come on. Mike and
Marco and I'll point you to the fire.

I don't think that'
be necessary.
I don't think I'll be around.

What do you mean,
you won't be with us?

Come on! We're a team!

Yeah? Well, you know,
I could be laid off this job.

Well, you can always
become an umpire.

Or a battalion chief.


Look, the only thing I ever wanted to do,
all my life,

was be a fireman.

Chet, it was just a joke.

Yeah, come on.

We're just joking with you.
We were setting you up!

You aren't smart enough
to have fooled me.


Now wait a minute! Okay,
in there, in the bathroom,

I saw the lights
go on and off, too.

Yeah, and that fly?
There was no fly.

Roy, you don't have
to lie to me.

Yesterday, I went down to
the movie house to see a movie.

I watched the whole thing.
It was blurry the whole time.

Where'd you sit?

Well, in the first row. I wanted
to make sure I could see it.

That's why it was blurry!

All right, now, you can't
explain the eye chart.

Yes, it can be explained.

Look, let me show you... No,
it can't be explained.

I don't even want to hear it.

Now look, Chet, it can be explained,
if you'll just hang... Wait...


Well, he's the hardest guy in the
world to communicate with, isn't he?

I've been telling
you that for years!

Well, we'd better
think of something before...


DISPATCHER: Station 51,
accident and car fire.

5000 Old Hill Road.

Time out, 0812.

STANLEY: Station 51, KMG 365.




Informant reports fire is now out,
but there is an injury.

Engine 51.

I was up on the hill
chopping weeds.

Oh, the rain brings
those things up by the ton.

But I was standing there

and all of a sudden I seen this fellow
coming down the road, lickety-split,

and he tried to make this curve,

and wham, bang,
right into that tree!

Up and over like a pinwheel,

and his gas t*nk
went up like a torch.

I never used one of these things
before. It worked pretty good.

Hey, this fell out
of his pocket.

His name is Marsh.
Lou Marsh. All right.

He just been lying there like that,
eyes open, staring up at the sky.

Won't move or anything.
You think he's dead?

I've heard sometimes
they don't close their eyes.

Pulse is pretty rapid
and steady.

Respiration's okay.

Internal? I don't know.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a male victim here,
about 33, 34 years old.

He's been in a
motorbike accident.

He is conscious,
no apparent signs of internal injury.

The vital signs are... The pulse is 100,
and the respiration 16.

Stand by for BP.

BP is 110 over 80.

10-4, 51.

Are you in any pain?

Mr. Marsh, can you hear me?

Can you hear me, Mr. Marsh?

That's the way he was with me.
Wouldn't say a thing.

I think maybe he's in shock.

Mr. Marsh?

I want you to move
your arms, okay?

Can you move your hands?

Mr. Marsh, try
to move your legs.

Move your feet, Mr. Marsh.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

Patient's conscious,
his eyes are open,

but we're not getting any
movement out of his extremities.

Now, he's got a fairly bad
abrasion on his forehead,

so we suspect there
might be some head injury.

Probably a head injury.

But the cervical spine
could also be involved.

Immobilize neck and transport.


Johnny! His pulse has gone up!

Rampart, Squad 51.

Pulse on our victim
has gone way up to 120.

What's his blood pressure?

Stand by for BP.

BP is 140 over 100.

IV with D5W, TKO.

You taking him to the hospital?

Yeah, that's right.


When we just mentioned
taking him to the hospital,

his heart just started racing.

He can hear us.


Look, he's moving his thumb!

Hey, mister,
when I first got to him,

he was still moving a little bit,
and he was trying to talk.

I'm not sure, but I think he
said something about the road.

"Up the road."

Mr. Marsh?

Can you move your thumb again?

He can understand.

Mr. Marsh, are you trying
to tell us something?

If your answer is yes,
I want you to move your thumb up and down.

If it's no, I want you to move it sideways,
all right?

Each time we mention the hospital,
you get excited.

Are you afraid
to go in the hospital?

Do you want
to go to the hospital?

Look, you were talking
to this man here

about something
up the road, right?

Are you afraid of
something up the road?

Is there someone else
up that road?

Cap! There may be
another victim up the road!

Chet, go with Roy, pal.

Okay. My partner's gonna go
up the road and have a look.

Do you understand me?

ROY: There it is.

Nothing. Let's check the back.

He's in here!

Get me a spare cuff
and stethoscope, all right?

Here. Roy?

All right.

Let's see.

I got some deep respirations.

There. Wanna take
this stuff out of here?

BP's a little under normal,
but I can't find anything wrong with him.

Engine 51, this is Squad 51.

We got a second victim up here.

It's a boy.

He's unconscious.
He's inside of a camper,

about a half a mile
south of your location.

I'm gonna be bringing
him down in the squad.

Okay, let's get him out of here.

Why don't you take
this BP cuff here?

All right.

Let me try to get him out.


Why don't you hold him
for me until I get out here?

You got him? Yeah.

All right.


Got him? Yeah.

My partner found a
camper with a little boy in it.

Is that what you were
trying to tell us?

Engine 51, this is Squad 51.

Engine 51.

This boy is still unconscious,
and I can't find any apparent injury.

Can you ask the patient
at your location

if he knows
what's wrong with him?


JOHNNY: Mr. Marsh?

Was he hurt in the wreck?

Well, he's unconscious. Do
you know what's wrong with him?

Was it a snakebite?

Was he with you on your trip?

Was he sick?

You guys wanna bring
that stretcher on in here?

Was it something he ate?

I can't get anything
out of him. All right.

Look. Now, the young boy's here,

and he's gonna go to the hospital,
okay? He's gonna be all right.

Okay, thanks.

I can't get anything out of him.

All right.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Go ahead, 51.

Right, we got
a second victim here.

He's a boy, he's 10 years old.

Vitals on him are the blood
pressure's 100 over 60,

pulse is fast and faint,
and the respiration is, uh,


There was no apparent injury,
and the skin was pale.

Observe and transport.

Right, Rampart, he's on the way.

MAN 1: Rampart, Squad 14.

Go ahead, 14.

Rampart, this is Squad 14.
I have a full arrest.

I've defibrillated once,
but patient still in V-fib.

one amp bicarb and defib again, 14.

Squad 14, 10-4.

MAN 2: Rampart,
this is Squad 45.

Patient is not responding.

amp of 1:10,000 epinephrine, IC.

Yeah. Ask Prosthetics to
get me an extra pair of hands.

Doc? This man is paralyzed,
but he is stabilized.

Pull him to Room 4
till I examine the boy.

All right.

Pulse on the boy has gone up,

blood pressure is down.

Every now and then,
he takes a deep intake of breath,

like he's suffocating on
something. I can't figure it.

He smells of acetone.
May be diabetic.

Yeah. Johnny?

Mr. Marsh? Now, listen to me.

Is your son a diabetic?

He's a diabetic.

Dix, get him into 3. Draw blood
sugar and get it to the lab, stat.

Doc, he seems to be
paralyzed all over.

The only thing that he
can move is his right thumb.

When did the accident happen?

About, oh, 45, 50 minutes ago.

Look, will you do
something for me?

Try hard,

try very hard,

to move your left hand.

Your left hand. Okay?

It's a good sign.

Let's get him into 4. Okay.

ROY: Right on. JOHNNY: Yeah,
pretty good.

How did it go at the hospital?

It looks like they're
both gonna recover.

Wow, that's great. Yeah.

Wish I could say
the same for Chet.

He won't listen to anybody.


Where is he?
He's in the locker room,

trying to decide who he's
gonna give his pin-up picture to.

[SIGHING] Oh, man.

Hi, Johnny.

Hey, look,
I'm gonna leave you my favorite possession

because I think
we're that tight.

Oh, shut up!


Just... Just shut up and listen
to me for a second, will you?

Now look,
we played a joke on you,

and you fell apart.

Now, you say you're too
smart to be fooled by me,

and you think I'm just
trying to cheer you up.

Well, if you're so smart,

how come you can't figure out
that I don't really like you well enough

to try to protect your feelings?

Right? Well...

Yeah, I know that...

All right. Now, listen to this.

Now, the eye test.
The eye test, right?

We all had these so we
could read off of them.

I know that!


I knew you guys were
trying to play tricks on me!

I was putting you on!

Well, you sure had me fooled.

Well, you know me.

Yeah. That's right.

I do know you.

Well, come on,
let's go get some coffee.

Oh, by the way,
is that your $5 bill?

Oh, come on, quit putting me on.

I'm serious! A $5 bill,
right down by Mike's locker.

Come on.

Coffee. I'm serious!