01x02 - Single Point of Failure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "</SCORPION>". Aired: September 2014 to April 2018.*
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An eccentric genius forms an international network of super-geniuses to act as the last line of defense against the complicated threats of the modern world.
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01x02 - Single Point of Failure

Post by bunniefuu »

Walter: My name is Walter O'Brien. I have the fourth highest IQ ever recorded: 197. Einstein's was 160.

When I was 11, the FBI arrested me for hacking NASA to get their blueprints for my bedroom wall. Now I run a team of geniuses, tackling worldwide threats only we can solve. Toby's our behaviorist. Sylvester's a human calculator. Happy, a mechanical prodigy. Agent Cabe Gallo's our government handler. And Paige? Well, Paige isn't like us. She's normal and translates the world for us while we help her understand her genius son.

Together, we are Scorpion.

Man: Of the six three-digit integers on the board, which are divisible by four?

O'Brien! All of them.

Not even in the outer reaches of Pluto, where you generally reside, is 703 divisible by four.

703 divided by four is 175.75.

They can all be divided by four, just with the remainders.

You didn't define your terms.

(school bell ringing)

(indistinct chatter)



You show a growing disdain for authority.

It's concerning.

Hands on the desk.

Hands on the desk.

(fire alarm ringing)

There's no drill scheduled.

Move out, O'Brien.

Walter. Let's go.

You could get arrested for pulling the fire alarm.

He should get arrested for daring to strike you.

He'll just call Dad.

I'll take care of that, too.

Megan, someday I'll pay you back.

I'll take a Lamborghini, bright yellow.

Race ya!

(door closes)

Paige: Sorry I'm late.

Uh, Ralph's sick again.

That's two days in a row, huh, pal?

Yeah, his fever won't break.

I'm gonna take him to the doctor at 10:00 and then my neighbor can watch him.

If that's okay?


Are you okay? You don't look so...

Never been healthier.

So... mail arrived.

Menus and... paychecks.

Mo' money. Mo' problems.

Or so I've heard in the rapper songs.

Well, rappers may have 99 or so problems but misplacing paychecks is not one of them.

LAX cleared our debt.

This is our first fresh cash.

Toby, are you gonna be okay with this?

I'm way ahead of you.

High stress levels triggers my gambling addictions.

If my levels go up...

(donkey braying)

See, it reminds me I'm being a jackass.

Hell, I could do that for you.

I'll be upstairs.

Hey, seriously, what's wrong?

I'm fine.


So is Ralph by the way.


He hacked the thermometer.

Recalibrated the digital display.

He did what? Ralph?

Walter: He hates school.

We all did.

Especially those of us with math proficiency.

You know, to get through the day, I would look at the clock and I'd create formulas expressing trigonomic functions based on the clock hands.

My sister suggested that to me a long time ago.

Oh, I didn't know you had a sister.

Is she... enabled, too?

Not like us.

But in her own way.

(phone ringing)

Ralph... backpack.

What's his story today?

Sylvester: Don't know. But that is only the second time he's ever mentioned his sister.

Still stalking your ex-wife?


And I am not "stalking."

I'm keeping current.


Walter: Cabe called.

We're all going to meet the governor of California.

Toby: My back-tax status with the state isn't exactly what you'd call good.

What's this about?

He said hurry, all right? So let's hurry.

Paige, Ralph's school is on the way, so we'll drop him off.

Come on, guys!

The new car rides nice.

Steady paycheck equals safe car for my kid.

Toby: Heavy security.

Way more than you'd expect for the governor.

Walter, why is there a van from the Center for Disease Control here?

Walter: I don't know.

We'll find out pretty soon.

Uh, they handle diseases that wipe out civilizations.

Diseases that have no cure.

And they're, they're here.

It's gonna be fine, come on.

Good, you're here. Follow me.

Wait, why are you wearing a surgical mask around your neck?

What exactly are you protecting yourself from?

Cabe: Relax.

They put up a quarantine tent.

A quarantine tent?

I will be in the car.

Uh, Mr. Gallo, sir?

Is there a very terrible, possibly communicable disease in this home?

(donkey braying)


Stress levels are a tad elevated right now.

Weird, phone's off but I still hear a donkey.

Cabe: Today's not the day to be screwing off.

You two go wait with Sylvester.

There's a computer I need you to look at.

That poor little girl.

Who's that kid?

That's a need-to-know.

You know, what I need to know is exactly what's going on.

Otherwise, I can't help.

Cabe: Guys, this is Governor Lane.

This is the man who can help my daughter?

I'm gonna need to know everything that's happening here.

So governmental habits of proprietary knowledge and "need to know..."

Jettison that nonsense or my efforts to help your child will be hampered.

Cabe: You have to forgive Mr. O'Brien.

He's brilliant but impolitic.

Don't care what he is, long as he helps.

In here...

We're really not trying to hamper anyone, but if the public hears "unknown virus," it could cause panic.

Especially if there's a political motivation.

What kind of virus?

She tested negative for Hanta, Rift Valley, Ebola...

Eastern equine encephalitis?

Also negative.

She's only positive for the common cold.

The CDC has a database of the rarest infective agents in the world.

They're searching.

Yeah, but while they search, Helena's kidneys, liver, lungs: all shutting down.

Her fever's cli...

How long?

Cabe: Doctors said she has less than 24 hours.

Walter: This is a medical problem.

Why am I here?

First of all, Governor, we're so sorry this is happening to you.

I have a child, too, and I can't imagine how you feel.

All we want to do is help.

Thank you.

Come with me.

Lane: We found this virus on Helena's laptop a few hours ago.

Based on this, we're working on the assumption that someone made Helena sick intentionally.

Targeting you, no doubt.

Any idea why?

Immigration reform? Three strikes?

Those are my hot-button issues, but would they prompt this kind of hostility against my kid?

We're compiling all threats, past and present.

The FBI, NSA, Homeland, all the top computer guys been trying to trace the sender.

The source bounced around to 15 countries.

We hit a wall.

Agent Gallo said that you and your team were brilliant.

That you could find out who sent it.

All right.

All of your devices are on the same home network?


Any other computer have this virus?


Okay, so he directed the virus to just Helena's computer.

Anybody else in the house sick?


Walter: You... your wife and your staff... they've all been in her proximity?

Yes. What are you getting at?

Well, he could have taken out the whole home network, but he directed the computer virus at just your child.

I don't think it's a coincidence that no one else but Helena is ill.

Wait, wait. What does this mean?

Give the girl some cool air. She's hot enough.

What are you doing?


You can't catch it.

None of us can.

The virus he placed on the computer is custom-built.

He did the same with your daughter, or why is no one else ill?

Cabe: You're saying he custom-built a virus that would make just this child sick?

Yeah. There's computer hacking, and more recently, there's biohacking.

Now, whoever infected the computer also infected your daughter.

Until we find that person and know exactly what biological agent he used, there's not gonna be any hope for a cure.

Wait, wait, wait. Where are you going?

You can't just drop a theory like that and leave.

Governor, the helplessness you feel will incline you to irrational behavior.

So please, resist the temptation to do anything stupid, like standing in my way.

Let me do my job.

Sylvester: I checked the AVG scanner, came up with nothing.

If we can find a signature in the viral code, it'll tell us who sent it.

Meaning we have nothing.

So far, Walt.

Keep your shorts on.

Cabe: Governor's had ten distinct threats since he took the office.

Four of the perps are locked up, thus leaving six.

Guillermo Flacos?

This is way too subtle for a Mexican drug lord.

Oh, announcing your intent via e-mail?

That's too subtle?

Personally, I would keep digging.

Walter: Any on the list have computer proficiency and a knowledge of biophysics?

Well, that'll probably narrow our list down to zero, but we'll keep digging.

What I want to understand is how you hack into a human being.

I get your DNA from anywhere... a coffee cup, a piece of gum... and then I study your genetics for a deficiency... say, uh, lung disease... and then I harness that genetic sequence onto a cold virus and I blow it in your face.

Or into the air around you.

Toby, anything?

I traced the computer virus' code...

Russia, China, Serbia.

It's no wonder the government couldn't crack it.

It uses none of the known building blocks.

That's where you leave it, huh?

With a young girl dying.

All right, trace the IP header.

Study it for patterns.

Maybe that'll get us somewhere.

Don't say "I'm fine."

I was gonna say "I'll live."

What's eating you?

You're acting... I'm...

I'm tempted to use the word "emotional."

Particularly challenging problems create... impatience.

But you were already off this morning when you came in.

You only became "impatient" when you saw that little girl in her bed.

Yeah, she reminded me of a problem I couldn't solve.

You realize the more evasive you are, the more I'll press.

All right.

As a child my, uh, sister got sick.

She survived.

She's fine.

Like you, all day.

All right, you know what? I couldn't help her.

It felt like she was being beaten, and I was handcuffed.

I couldn't solve her problem.

And that's how you felt, seeing that girl today?

Sylvester: Walter!

We've got something!

Thank you for the bandage.

All right, hide the mugs, I'm coming down!

Okay, so we've successfully mirrored the infected laptop.

The good news is... we traced the e-mail.

The bad news... it doesn't just bounce off a few servers around the world.

It's caught in an endless loop.

That is a dirty one, it's a good one.

They're using a round-robin on an IP address, but it's too clever by half. It narrows the source.

There's a pattern in the routing data. You see that prefix?

I know the place that uses this trick to mask their e-mail origins.

Let's go.

Walter: The sophistication of the e-mail sent to the governor's daughter stamps of this place.

It's a known hacker petri dish.

Toby: One guy makes an advancement in deception, passes it on to another guy.

It's how Silk Road stayed online for so long.

You know that how?

I think we both take the Fifth on that.

Hey! k*ll the music!

Homeland Security!

I'm looking for the scumbag that sent a viral e-mail to the governor's daughter.

That greaseball right there.

His wide eyes and twitching hands go beyond the standard for ten cans of Mountain Dew.

You. Don't move.

Since when does Walter get physical?



Got the job on Craigslist.

I never even met the client.


I think he broke some ribs.


Refocus, or I'll break the rest of them.

How were you paid?

Cash, to my P.O. Box.

Great. Untraceable.

I didn't know about any sick kid.

I just sent a few anonymous e-mails, and I pocketed three grand.

Three e-mails?

More than one?

I sent four total.

All the same...
"It's your fault she's sick."

So, there are more victims?

Sir, we identified the three other victims.

They're all children.

My God.

They're all as sick as your daughter.

Sons and daughters of Dwight Carrington, Victoria Cooper, and John Tuttle.

Wait, I know them.

You were all employees of Vlaxco Pharmaceuticals in 2008.

That's before I went into politics.

I only worked there for a year in risk management.

There's a drug called Trexicane.

You all worked on its development.

Trexicane had promise as a cure for SMA... it's spinal muscular atrophy.

It causes your muscles to waste away until you can't breathe anymore.

The clinical trial was going really well until Vlaxco pulled the plug.

Yeah, it also worked well on asthma.

It was redeveloped solely for asthma.

Way more profit, huh?

Left all the SMA sufferers out in the cold.

I spent months fielding their angry phone calls.

I hated the job.

But how is this related to Helena?

We think that whoever att*cked Helena and these other children must be someone who suffered from SMA.

And they're trying to make us suffer, too?

What kind of mind thinks this way?

Well, the kind that sends taunting e-mails alongside this deadly disease.

So, someone in enough psychological pain to not care about how stupid that is from a criminal standpoint.

Okay, is this headed towards ransom?

More likely, like his experience with Trexicane, he's saying there is a cure out there, you just can't have it.

This person would need high scientific aptitude and access to cutting-edge genetic sequencers.

I got thousands of complaints after the trial ended.

Our best bet at finding someone that angry enough to infect your daughter and three other children is in the drug-trial records.

None of the other families work at Vlaxco anymore.

You're the governor.

Convince Vlaxco to hand them over.

I'll beg if I have to.

(sighs) Where are Cabe and Sylvester?

You haven't eaten today.

If you don't take care of yourself, then you can't help anyone else.

Are you barking at me now?

I'm here to help you guys.

Here. They're here.

Hey, when are we getting the Vlaxco records?

Vlaxco says they're not gonna give them to us, yet.

They want to help, but their lawyers are complaining about breaking patient confidentiality with a politician.

They say it'll take 12 hours to get us access.

Walter, I saw the governor's daughter, she doesn't have 12 hours.

Kid's dying, and they're stonewalling.

Bastards won't budge.

What about a court order?

24 hours, at least.

How hard did you push them, Cabe?

You know me.

I tried as hard as I could.

I've been trying to hack Vlaxco's records, but all confidential drug trials are kept on an air-gapped system.

That means not connected to the Web.

We can't get it.

If I had another coffee cup in my hand right now, I'd smash it.

I don't think I'd blame you.


Hmm. Call the governor.

Ask if Vlaxco keeps hard copies of the study files.

Why am I asking?

We're gonna break in.

I understand that we need to get all the patients for the Vlaxco drug trial.

I get that that is where we're going to find the person who keeps making these kids sick.

But I think I would be better suited for an advisory role.

Walter: Sylvester, if Cabe gets caught, it's federal time. If Paige gets caught, she loses Ralph. Happy and Toby are the distraction.

I could be the distraction.

N-N-No, you need to memorize the files. No one else can do that.

It's over a hundred pages long.

I'm gonna be reading the layout and guiding you through the building, okay?


I'm still not clear on what this has to do with Earl's Sub Shop across the street.

Well, Vlaxco has a brutal security firewall that would take hours to hack.

But they also have hundreds of employees. So, statistically, one of them is gonna order from Earl's today.

Now, I've hacked into the sub shop's server and I've placed a Trojan shell on their PDF menu.

Your Trojan horse is a two-for-one sub coupon.

That's a really good deal.

Earl knows his way around a hoagie.

Now, as soon as someone clicks on the PDF menu and downloads the coupon, we're past the Vlaxco firewall.

It's lunchtime, so it shouldn't take long.

(laughs) I'm in.

All right, just going through HR.

Just looking through the employee security badges.

I'll be damned.

All right, look for someone in middle management.

A guy driving a low-level luxury sedan, trying to keep up with the VPs.

That's someone that can really get angry.


Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Jed Hausler.

Just copying his data.

Should have a bogus security badge in a few seconds.

I'm heading over to Happy.

Good luck, Sly.

Cabe: Governor.

We may have some good news for you here in a while.

It's an involved operation, I'll run it down for you later.

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Governor.

How is she?

She's holding on as best she can.

Walter lied to me earlier about his sister.

Said she'd gotten over a childhood illness, but I saw a letter that said she's in a care facility battling MS.

He doesn't talk about her much.

I know, but when he's reminded of her, he smashes things and tackles people and does daytime robberies.

I'm just trying to give him as much space as I can.

Toby: Third message.

Just want to reiterate, I am making real money now.

Can start to re-pay you.

Even if you're seeing someone.

It's totally immaterial.

(car honks)

You can call me back anytime.

(donkey braying)

She's not getting back with you.

Look, people only let you down.

Sooner you realize that, the better.

That's a cynical worldview.

When I was two, my dad took me to St. Luke's, handed me to a nurse and said, "Find her a good home. "

Thanks to how my brain works, I remember every moment of it.

So 25 years later, I'm not cynical...

I'm smart.

You put a quarter-inch wrench on a quarter-inch bolt, it works.

Tools don't let you down. Only people do.

Spending your life scared to connect to anyone isn't any way to live.

(computer beeps)

Software just picked up Jed Hausler's license plate.

Let's go find his car.

Walter: Here's your earpiece.

The laboratories have disease samples, Walter.

Like the plague.

They have the actual plague.

Sylvester, you're not going near the biohazard lab.

I'm gonna be talking you through the whole way.

Okay, you guys ready?

Looking for Jed Hausler's car.

There! Punch it, sister!

(car alarm whooping)

Toby: Excuse me. My wife is the world's worst driver. Could you find out who owns this car? You can do this. You just walk in, look at the files, you walk out. Walk in, look, walk out.
Walter: That's our guy. Sylvester... you're on. You need to get out of there before he comes back and swipes his real ID.


Toby: Oh... He looks angry. Perfect.

What the hell did you do to my car?

Not me. Him.

Who was driving?

You distracted me.

Oh, talking is a distraction?

Constant complaining is distraction.

Hausler: Hey! Can we please talk about the damage to my car?

My bad.

Love the 'stache.

Um... $300, we'll call it a day?

There's thousands in damage here.


Just give me your insurance papers.

Hey, you recently divorced?

There's a tan line where your wedding ring would be.

I only ask 'cause... I think I'm about to pull that trigger myself.

Walter: All right.

You're looking for 2008, January to August.

Trexicane trial program.

Okay. I got the box.

Okay, get the name of every patient in the trial.

How long is that gonna take?

Accuracy is bliss.

Do you see this?

Cold as Pennsylvania steel.

Maybe if you knew how to warm me up...
(phone chimes)

That's my supervisor, who's going to kick my ass.

Hold on. He can wait.

You're the guy just a step ahead of me: you're back in the single scene, trading boxers for briefs, hitting the gym, scoring hair plugs...

Get the hell out of my way and leave your info at the desk.

Not good.

Yeah, we couldn't hold our patsy any longer.

He's heading back in.

There he is.

Mr. Hausler, it's saying you're already in here.

Well, clearly, I'm not.

I don't want you to panic, but the guards know you're in the building.

Oh, boy...


Walter: Security's been alerted.

They are coming toward the file room.

Okay. All done.

Walter: Now, you can get out through the doors in the back. To your left.

Walter, you said no biohazard.

You have to.


Last year the CDC exposed 86 of their own people to anthrax.

Walter, there could be anthrax back there.

Listen to me, you have no other way out.

Walter, there's got to be...

(door bangs open)


We see you on the security cam.

I am in a dirty room, Walter.

Just stay calm. Head out the east side door. Do you see it?


Walter: Now, there's a service hall on the other side. Head down there to the exit, where we'll be waiting for you.

Sylvester, pick up the pace, pal.

I don't know if you can push him too hard here, Walter.

This is my worst nightmare. Literally.

I have had this one.


Guards are getting closer, Sylvester.

I can't touch that handle.

Walter: Logically, it's probably one of the cleanest handles in the world.

Much better than a public bathroom.

I don't touch those either!

Open the damn door, because if you think this lab's dirty, wait until you're in a prison cell, which is where they will take you if you don't open the door.


Come on, Sylvester.

Get the hell out of there, now.

You cannot be impatient with him. Sylvester... it's Paige.

What if you take off your sweater and put it around your hand?

What kind of deterrent against a lethal spore is a poly-cotton blend?

Think of something else.

Um... so you got a paycheck today.

What are you going to do with your money?

Get rid of it. Money makes me nervous.

Okay, then close your eyes and get rid of it.


You need to hand over the money...

All right. Oh...

Paige: Pull down... and run like hell!

(tires screeching)

Come on! Come on!

(tires squealing)

Her fever's worse.

She's in decline.

Where are we, folks?

Well, based on the names Sylvester got us, we're pulling background on the people from the Vlaxco trial.

Now we can look for our suspect.

The last participant in the trial.

So, we have 50 names here.

One of them is our biohacker.

How do we narrow it down?

Our bad guy's gotten kids sick and made sure the parents knew it was done intentionally.

That's a real angry dude.

Take it from someone who has dropped a fortune at games of chance: nothing makes the psyche more vindictive than loss.

It's primal; through vengeance, humans wrongly believe they can be made whole again.

We need to find whoever lost the most from this drug not being approved.

So, 20 test subjects showed no improvement from the dr*gs.

So they didn't really lose anything from being part of the trial.

They entered sick, they left sick.

We're down to 30.

Same with those who got the placebo... their situation didn't change.

They might have been disappointed they didn't get the real drug, but that's not loss.

Five died since the trial ended.

They're all out.

Okay, here's where we get down to the nitty-gritty.

The guys left have all suffered loss.

All would have improved with the Trexicane drug.

Benjamin Carlisle, maybe?

32 years old, entrepreneur making six figures.

When he started the study, he was engaged... world on a string.

Where's he now?

Begging for charity for his treatment, blogging pretty angrily regarding his degenerating condition... and no longer engaged.

If I lost a fiancée to a disease that could have been cured, I'd consider revenge.

Cabe: That's not the guy.

This is.

Robert Richter.

Single dad.

According to this, his child responded well to the meds but died after the drug trial was scrapped.

He lost more than anyone.

You're basing this purely on emotion.

There's entire sections of jurisprudence based on crimes of passion.

Emotion is as good as any of them.

Especially in a case like this.

Trust me.

Guys? There's a Robert Richter that works at Venice College of Science.

And he is a microbiology professor.

Walter: There should be some evidence here in Richter's office.

Assistant: I'm sorry, Mr. Richter is gone for the day.

Um, maybe I should call campus security first?

Feel free, but my badge is bigger.

We'll take it from here.

All I have in here are exam papers.

Same here.

Oh, oh, oh. Look what I found.

He was computer modeling spray patterns.

I bet he loads a small aerosol device with the virus; all he's got to do is get a few feet from the victim, presses a button and then he infects them with a gene that'll k*ll only them.

Target never even knows.

That's a pretty sophisticated m*rder w*apon.

And scary easy to make.

He's got fast DNA sequencers, graphene-based nanochannel hardware...

Today, genetic engineering is a hobby; if you're smart enough, you can be a modern Typhoid Mary.

Uh... what are you doing?

Happy was right.

Richter is a modern Typhoid Mary, emphasis on modern.

His daughter died in 2010.

The reason he had to wait years to retaliate is he had to wait for technology to catch up to his plans. But now that it has, the same technology might be the thing that stops him.


Saved in the memory are the sequences for the k*ller genes.

And how does that help us?

(printer whirs)

We send this to CDC, they can follow the blueprint backwards to reverse-engineer what Richter did in two hours.

They can save the people he infected.

They can make an antidote.

Before I send this...

I'm positive.

Great work.


Well, considering we just saved four kids, maybe we earned a celebratory toast.


Uh, you really think I'm gonna drink something out of a bio lab's fridge?

(Toby whoops)

Well... yeah.

Don't celebrate just yet.

There's another sequence here.

There's a fifth target.

Paige: Fifth target?

Walter: Mm-hmm.

That spam creep said he only sent four e-mail viruses.

Well, maybe this guy didn't get an e-mail 'cause he's special to Richter.

Special how?

Walter: This sequence also appears in a file in Richter's laptop referring to...

It's the governor.

So, the last one is Governor Lane.

But the sequence is different from the others.

The sequence targets a potassium channel in the heart, k*lling the person instantly.

He's not at his house.

His wife said he ditched security, went out the back. They don't know where he went.

The only thing that can keep a man away from his dying child is if he thinks he can make her better.

Richter called him.

Promised him an antidote if the governor would meet with him and just hear him out.

He's not gonna give the governor an antidote.

He's gonna give him the virus.

It's not just gonna make him suffer.

It's gonna stop the governor's heart within seconds.

I put an alarm on the governor's family car.

Why the hell isn't he answering his cell phone?

It's not on and even if it were, he wouldn't answer.

Checking GPS.

We'll track him soon.

Toby, what about Richter?

I'm getting a bead on his phone, too.

Happy: I got Richter's cell records.

Last call was to Governor Lane, 15 minutes ago.

I warned the governor about irrational behavior.

I told him not to do anything stupid.

Got him! Got the governor.

He's at Marina Beach Plaza.

Toby: Really?

Well, then we got a problem, 'cause so is Richter.

(indistinct radio transmission)

Spread out! We need to find the governor!

I got nothing up here!

Ditto that in the... rotunda.

Woman: Lower level's clear.

Okay, okay.

Think about how this would go down.

He sees the police and knows it's got to happen fast but private.

(indistinct radio transmission)

Toby, anything?

He wouldn't wait in the open.

Not with all the police.

Someplace in here, but someplace quiet.

Side hallways maybe.

I found Richter!

We're on our way.

He's moving towards the target.

I got eyes on him!

Cabe, if he even gets close, Governor Lane is dead!

Homeland Security! Don't move!


He expelled the virus!

It'll be aerosolized in...

Sylvester: Ten seconds!

Based on where the governor is standing, the interior wind patterns and s-scattergrams!

Now, you have seven seconds.

What are you doing?

Making it rain.


To take down the virus.

Two seconds, Walter!

(crowd gasping, clamoring)

(indistinct radio transmission)

How do we know this worked?

Well, if it didn't, he'd be dead by now.

He said he had an antidote!

No, sir.

We already sent the antidote for your daughter.

He was trying to k*ll you.

Agent Gallo, she's gonna be fine.

So glad to hear it, Governor.

I'll tell my team.

The antidote the CDC synthesized is working.

Helena's fever broke.

We're getting reports of the same from the other victims.

(intercom beeps)

Richter: You think I care... getting caught?

Dying in prison?

I died when my daughter did.

I just didn't feel that I should be the only one to feel the pain I experienced.

You're not.

I know what it feels like to sit at your child's bedside.

Watching each breath they take, praying it won't be their last.

To hold your daughter's hand, trying to memorize what it feels like so you won't forget.

Your daughter too scared to close her eyes, even when she's so tired, because she's worried she won't be able to open them again.

Some things you just can't fix.

You got to live with them.

You don't take innocent lives.

We shouldn't be listening to this.

That man deserved to die.

They all deserved to feel my pain!

No, they didn't.

No one deserves it.

Hey, I'm going to get Ralph.

I got him a new telescope.

And I thought we might set it up on the roof and grill.

Want to join us?

Uh, maybe later, but thanks.


Isn't that called "trying to unring a bell"?


Sometimes it's okay to admit you don't have all the answers.

You know about my sister, don't you?

How she's still sick?

It's not really my business.

I was just trying to help you today.

For me, my mind... every problem has a solution.

There must be a solution for her.


I should never have yelled at you earlier.

You're the bravest person I've ever met.

That girl would've died today without you.

Without us.

Cabe: Federal transpo just came around back and picked up Richter.

I'm on my way out.

Ralph and I were gonna barbecue some burgers up on the roof.

It would really help if you could keep an eye on him while I work the grill.

(school bell rings)

Sylvester: 'Scuse me.

Woman: Can I help you?

Yes, uh, this is for the kids.

But nothing for the biology department.

Or a-a lab of any kind.

Something fun?

And safe.

(playful clamoring nearby)

Toby: Hi. This is Dr. Tobias M. Curtis. Please leave a message. (beeps)

Woman: Hi, Toby. It's me.

I'm really glad things are going well for you.

But I don't care about the money you owe.

I moved on.

Please do the same.

And don't call again. Bye.

All in.

You didn't even see your cards yet.

I don't have to.

I see you.

(laughs): Hey.

Hi, Walter.

Your sister is the best patient we have.

Never quits.


I got my first paycheck.

Well, I hope you're gonna do something fun.

You deserve it.

Yeah, I'm gonna do something for you.


MS is my fight, not yours.

I'm not gonna let you die, Megan.

I'm going to fix you.

Cabe, another medium-well?


The last one was raw.

Hi, Walter.


There, I think I'm done, Ralph.

Come check this out.

See all the stars?

There's millions of them up there.

You got a notepad?

Thank you.

You know, having a family can be a hard thing.

Makes you vulnerable.

I know.

It can be a good thing, too.

I know.

Hey. Hey.


Hey, Ralph? If you look at the curvature of the moon's surface, Orion's belt makes a perfect horizontal tangent line.

Isn't that cool?

It is cool!

Thank you.

No problem.
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