03x01 - Frequency

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Emergency!". Aired: January 15, 1972 – May 28, 1977.*
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Series follows two rescuers, who work as paramedics and firefighters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
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03x01 - Frequency

Post by bunniefuu »

LA Engine 51.
Return assisting units.

Engine 51 out 20 minutes.


Squad 36. Difficult breathing.

1020, North Claymore.

1020, North Claymore.

Cross street, Robinson.
Time out, 0920.

Squad 36, 10-4, KME 461.



DISPATCHER ON RADIO: Station 9, Station

Building collapse.

1913, West Vermont.

Cross street, Wichita.
Time out, 0922.

Squad 59. LA, repeat.

Did you say
victim was at Station 105?

Affirmative, 59.

Squad 59, 10-4. KME 456.

I need the screwdriver.
I need the screwdriver.


Screwdriver. Don't you
have the screwdriver?

I don't have the screwdriver.
I set it down on this tray.

Well, I wouldn't be asking you if I
had the screwdriver, now would I?


Well, It just didn't get up
and walk off by itself.

Well, where did you put it?
I think you used it last.

I put it right on the edge
there. Maybe it fell down.

You're stepping on my foot.

Check underneath.

Did you leave it inside here?

No, I put it on the tray.
I told you.

Well, I don't have it. You
were the last one that had it.


JOHNNY: All right.
Give me the screwdriver.

Now what do you want with that screwdriver,
anyway? Give me the screwdriver.

Boot. Boot,
come back here. Boot Boot.

Boot, come back.



West bound Alameda Freeway,
west of Fremont off-ramp.

Time out, 0925.

Squad 51, KMG 365.


DISPATCHER ON RADIO: Squad 59. Heart case,

1321, North Hope Street. Cross street,
Sullivan Avenue. Time out, 1015.

MAN ON RADIO: Squad 59.10-4.

Sounds like
everybody's working today.


How far ahead?

Well, it should be right up
here past this next off-ramp.


He's still conscious,
but getting a little shocky.

The old guy claims
he lost control of his car.

It's Drew.

You know him? It's Drew Burke.

Hey, Drew?

Hey, Johnny.

How do I rate the County Fire
Department's best paramedic?

Just lucky, I guess.

I couldn't help it.

This little car
darted into my lane

and I had to swerve to avoid it.

I just didn't see the
policeman until it was too late.

I just couldn't avoid him.

Reflexes have gotten too slow,
I guess.

I've been driving 40 years
without a ticket.

Not even a parking ticket.

Did you have any recent
illnesses or allergies, Drew?

I'm allergic to ragweed.

Guess I don't have to worry about that now,

Does this hurt, Drew?


It was about 45, I think,
when I came off the ramp.

Rampart Base, this is Rescue 51.

ROY ON RADIO: Rampart Base,
this is Rescue 51.

Rampart Base,
this is Rescue 51. You read?

Rescue 59,

stand by while we receive
transmission from 51. Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a policeman,
approximate age 25.

He was struck by a car
off the freeway.

The BP is 90 over 60,
the pulse rate is 120.

The respiration is 20,
the patient is still conscious.

There's pain in
the left shoulder area.

He has tenderness
in the left lateral rib cage,

and there's tenderness in the
upper left quadrant of the abdomen.

Rampart, there's pain
in the left shoulder,

tenderness in
the left lateral rib cage,

tenderness in the upper
left quadrant of the abdomen.

The patient probably has
some sort of internal injury.

We request permission
to start an IV.

Ringer's, 500 cos,

then stand by
while we monitor from 59.

Standing by, Rampart.



Where's that ambulance?

It should be here
any minute now.

I radioed in as soon
as I called you guys.

It's probably tied up
in traffic.

Johnny, Johnny... Yeah, Drew?

Johnny, you call Pam.

All right, I will.

Johnny, if I don't make it...

Come on, cut it out, Drew.

Tell Pam she's

the greatest thing
that ever happened to me.

Drew, Drew!

Rampart Base, this is Rescue 51.

The patient is unconscious.

Rampart, Rescue 59.

We have a full arrest.

We'll send a strip,
now going to defib.


ROY ON RADIO: Rampart,
this is Rescue 51. Over.

59 has a full arrest.

What's happening?

Full arrest.

All right, look,
I'm gonna start another IV.

Maybe we can keep him going for a
little while longer while 59 gets clear.

Yeah, I hope they make it fast.

How's it looking?


Stand by.

Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, the patient's lapsed
into unconsciousness.

The BP's falling.

It's 60 over 30.

Respiration is shallow.

Pulse rate is 132.

We've started the second IV.

Draw it now and transport
as soon as you can.

I better set up for both squads.

Yeah, we may need an
operating room for 51's patient.

Sounds like a possible
ruptured spleen.

Will do.

How fast would you say
she was going?

About 65.

We'll follow you. Yeah.

How's he doing?

Not so good.

Well, I'm sorry he was hurt,
but, you know,

this wouldn't have happened if he
hadn't followed me on the freeway.

I'm already an hour late
for my bridge game.

Dr. Parker, outpatient area.

Dr. Parker, outpatient area.

Any change, Johnny?

Can barely get a pulse, Doctor.

Did you get the red top?

I got it right here.

Take it up to the lab,
then, will you?

Excuse me, nurse.


Marie, have the lab set up
for six units of blood right away.

Let's use a number 18
nasogastric tube.

I want to check the aspirate
for blood and food particles.


We're set up in OR
whenever you're ready.


Doc, you're gonna operate?

Afraid I'll have to, Johnny.

I'm going to do a laparotomy.

I'm gonna go and call his wife

and tell her
to come on down here.

Look, would you rather me call?

No, it's all right.

Johnny seems bugged.

Yeah, the patient's
a friend of his.

Yeah, that's rough.

It's just that he's a little bit more
emotionally involved now, that's all.


WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Shapiro.
Emergency Area.

Dr. Shapiro. Emergency Area.

Dr. Hoffman.
Administrator's office.

Dr. Hoffman.
Administrator's office.

I couldn't stop
the bleeding, Johnny.

His spleen, pancreas,
lower intestines.

Dixie told me
he was a friend of yours.

I'm sorry.

Officer Burke's wife
is here, Kel.

I couldn't save him, Dix.


I'll talk to her. No.

I'll talk to her.
Just give me a minute.

Sure, Johnny.

What do I tell her?

That Drew died because the
radio was tied up on another case?


Forget it.

What's he talking about?

It got in his head that
Drew could have been saved

if we'd just had
clearer transmission.

Believe me, Roy,

in his case, those few seconds
wouldn't have mattered.

I realize that.

Johnny will, too, later on.

What if those few seconds
did matter?

We already got
three other paramedic units

working out of this hospital
right now.

And we're already overlapping
on some rescues,

like this morning.

What happens if we get
three or four squads

working around here
at the same time?

It could get pretty hairy.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Marcus.
Admission Desk.

Dr. Marcus, Admission Desk.


Did Drew suffer at the end?

He was, um...
He was unconscious.

He was on the operating table.

Brackett, uh,

couldn't stop the hemorrhaging.

We haven't seen you in months.

Yeah, I guess not.

You still chase the girls?

We used to joke about you.

Drew always said
you had it made.

Remember how you
used to argue about

which one had
the most dangerous job?


If it's any comfort,

Brackett said that the few seconds

couldn't have
made the difference.

It isn't.

Who's going to take care of
Pam and the baby now that...

She was so helpless.

When they were first married,
she could barely boil water.

They were crazy
about one another.

You know,

he wasn't a stranger.
He was a very close friend.

Maybe I should feel this way
about all patients.

You know what I was thinking
when I went to meet her to tell her?

No. What?


I wished you had been
in my place.


It's just a weakness
of character.


Just indicates you're human,
that's all.


Morning. Morning.

Are you still down about Drew?


You know what I did
on my days off?

I helped Pam with the funeral
arrangements and stuff like that.

That was rough.

You know, going like that,

you sure leave
a lot of loose ends.

Yeah, I guess you do.

You know,

watching Pam

kind of makes me glad
I'm not married.

Well, I wouldn't quite go
that far with it.

You have to remember,

if you or me or Drew...

If it happens on the job, it kind of
happens kind of quickly, you know?

And we're not the ones
that are left behind.

That's the rough part.

Joanne and I talk about it some.

Mostly, I don't like
to think about it.

Mostly because there's nothing
you can do about it when it happens.

Incidentally, you know,
I came on this morning,

guys on A shift told me that they had a
meeting with Brackett at Rampart yesterday.

Oh, yeah?

And we're supposed to have one
today at 10:30 a.m. if we're clear.

A meeting? What for?

Communications procedures.

I guess that run we had the
other day really worked Brackett up.

Are you telling me that a clear
channel could've saved Drew's life?

No. It wouldn't have helped.

Well, then why
the meeting, then?

Because maybe the next time
you could be right.

Will we always have to work multiple
squads off the same base station?

I mean, look at all of us.

And what about the squads that work
out of St. Francis and Harbor General?

They have the same problem
we do.

I'm afraid that's one of the technical problems
we'll just have to try and work around.

For the time being,
there just aren't enough hospitals

equipped to supervise
the rescue units.

And until we get them...

Involves working out
a system of priorities.

You mean my victim is
worse off than your victim?

Well, that's about it.

You're going to have to depend
on our judgment here at Rampart

based on the information
you give us.

Though some of you
have feelings to the contrary,

at the moment there's
no better way to operate.


you make a decision
between one life and another.

Don't back me into a corner,

While you're dependent on us prescribing
treatment, we're also dependent on you.

You're our eyes. Remember that.

Then what do we do if we have this
overload situation on the same frequency?

Two squads,
like 51 and us today?

We work them both in
just as we did then.

And a third squad
has to get in, bad?

Well, if the radio's jammed,
they can phone in on the landline.

We can handle EKGs
over the phone.

What happens if there's no
phone at the victim's location?

Then we'll just have to tell
the other squads to stand by

while you send us 10 to 15
seconds of strip over the Biophone.

Based on that it's up to us to make
the decision who gets first crack at us.

So if you're working one squad,
what do the rest of us do?

You could call in on your fire
department frequency to the dispatcher.

Have him phone in
over the landline.

He can relay back and forth
between here and the squad.

But you can't send
an EKG that way.

In that case, no.

We'd have to rely on your
evaluation of the victim's condition

and what you're getting
on your cardioscope.

It really isn't a foolproof system,
is it, Doc?

No, it isn't.

But it's a lot better system
than existed

before your rescue squads
were authorized

to operate as paramedics.

We didn't have a problem
like that then.

That's what I mean. Trained,
you're better than nothing.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Early,
Treatment Room 3.

Look right here.

Doctor, please.

Mrs. Paxton, are you sure he hasn't ingested
anything in the last couple of hours?

All I know is that I gave him
his breakfast

then he and a friend
went bike riding.

They came home and then
he collapsed on the bed.

With your permission,
I'd like to draw blood for analysis.

Whatever you think is best.

See if Dr. Early is still in 3, Karen. Have
him come in when he has a free minute.


Come on, son. Now, I want you
to tell me your name.

Come on, what's your name?


All right,
what's your last name, son?



What have we got, Mike?

Well, you may find this
hard to believe,

but this young man seems to
be suffering ataxia, confusion.

He can't walk a straight line,
and he can barely remember his name.

Try him, it's Kevin.

Kevin, will you listen to me?

We're going to count backwards,

Now you repeat after me.





I think we better do
a complete checkup.

I think his friend
is still out in the lobby.

What friend?

Kevin's friend, Eric.
He's sitting in the lobby.

But he doesn't know anything.

Just says they went bike
riding and came right home.

Nurse, would you
bring him in, please?

Of course.

Eric, the doctors would like
to talk to you.

Hold on, they're not gonna
hurt you.

They just wanna help
your friend.

I didn't do nothing to him.
Honest, lady.

Well, then, you have nothing
to worry about. Come on.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Jose Estrada.
Dr. Jose Estrada.

All right now,
my young friend, Eric.

Suppose you tell me exactly what happened
to you and Kevin on your bike ride.

Nothing. We just
rode our bikes around

and came back to Kevin's
house, that's all.

And you didn't eat or drink
anything along the way?

Is Kevin going to die?

Of course not,

but I think that Kevin drank
something that wasn't good for him.

And I think if you tell me what it was,
it might help to make him well.

We found a sack.

And what was in the sack?

A bottle.
And what was in the bottle?

I don't know.
It looked like water.

Did you drink any of it? No.

Why not?

Kevin drank it all.


I dared him to.

Was there a name on the bottle?


Vodka? Yeah, that's it.

Was it a big bottle?

No, a little one.

Was it full?


Mrs. Paxton, very simply,
your son is drunk.

The youngest such case
we've ever had at Rampart.


What can you do for him?

Well, first I'll want to see the
percentage of alcohol in his bloodstream.

Then, if the count
isn't too high,

I guess the only thing you can do is
take him home and let him sleep it off.

Eric Knowles, you promised me
you boys wouldn't get into trouble.

Honest, Mrs. Paxton,
we didn't know it was bad.

We won't never do it again.
I promise. Will we, Kevin?

JOE: Eric,
I think you'd better tell Kevin tomorrow.

He's more likely
to understand you then.

WOMAN ON PA: Dr. Hoffman,
Treatment Room 1.

Dr. Hoffman, Treatment Room 1.

What have we got?

Burn victim. Rescue 36
pulled him out of a fleabag hotel.

to get your patient's history?

MAN ON RADIO.' 10-4.

Hotel manager says
he's been on a bender.

All he knows is his name and someone
sends him a check once a month.

We've wrapped him
in sterile sheets.

Will start an IV on him.

Go ahead, 36, start an IV
with normal saline.

Dr. Allan, Treatment Room 3.

Oh, you got a busy afternoon?

You had to ask.

Listen, who'd like to treat a poor
working gal to pie and coffee?

You're on.


Rampart Emergency.

Yeah, we'll be ready.

I hope.

Listen, I'll make a deal
with you guys.

Hang around for a while,
and I'll buy you pie and coffee.

I think we may need you.

What have you got, Dix?

Two motorcycle gangs
decided to have it out.

I guess it's your typical

Knives, chains, broken bottles,
some sh**ting.

At least three ambulances
are coming in.

The police are bringing in about half a
dozen others in less serious condition.

How are we fixed for rooms?

Two's available,
that's about it.

Better set up a couple of ORs,
just in case.

We can move that multiple
fracture patient into recovery

as soon as
Mike's finished with him.


Call security. Have them
break out the hard restraints

and get a couple of interns and
orderlies down here. Heavyweights.

Can you guys stick with us?


Rampart, Rescue 36.

Patient has stopped breathing.
Request esophageal airway.

Do you have any other vitals?

Would you come with me, please?

Well, it seems to me every
time we have a full moon,

and these cop-and-biker
relationships come around,

we get ripped off
in the drug department.

That we want to watch out for
this time around, right?

If you get a code blue,
just give your location,

do your examinations,
and we'll get there as soon as we can.

Gentlemen, you're on your own.

have a doctor in Treatment 1?

Stevens, you know
what to expect.

We had those bikers in last
month. How are you feeling?


I feel safer already.

Now everything may go off
without a hitch, but be alert.

The bedside manner is out.

Follow your doctor's instructions
as long as he needs you.

If you're not needed,
I don't want to see you around here.

Now, Is that clear?

MAN: Here they come!

Remember what I said.

WOMAN ON PA.' Dr. Reid.

Take him into 3. Quick.

You don't have to worry
about this one. He's had it.

Yeah. Take him downstairs.

Follow me into Room 2.

ROY: Want to pass me the...


Get your hands off me!

MAN: Get out, you...

OR 3 is available?

Send a surgeon right away.

Look, I cannot work
on this dude like this.

Now, you're standing here.
He will not get away.

Well, now,
what happens if he does?

Look, man, in order to patch you up right,
I've got to get him to unlock you.

Now, you try to pull anything, the
man in blue is going to nail you. Got it?

Yeah, Jack. I dig it.

All right, do it to him.



All right, I'm sorry, man.

Have you ever
had a tetanus shot?

Do what?

A tetanus shot. Have you
ever had a tetanus shot?

No, man.

Tetanus immune globulin,

Hey, Doc, will it hurt?

What's his BP?

Parker, did you tell the lab I want
that crossmatch double quick?

I told them, Doctor. There's a lot of
blood going through that lab right now.

And there's a lot of blood
coming out of this man right now.

I'm gonna need more sutures.


Security! Security!


Not in here! All right.


You're gonna die.

Get him out!

Parker, get this IV going again.


Remind me to trade in
my motorcycle.

All right.


LA, are you available?

Squad 51 available.

Squad 51, Engine 51,
unknown type rescue.

Man possibly trapped.

1400, Bernhardt Road.

Cross street,
Filmore Boulevard. Time out, 1538.

Squad 51, affirmative.

CHET: Hey! Forget it!

Forget your gear. Just come
on in here. You can't believe this.

Today, I'll believe anything.

Hi. I'm Oona Crim.

Hi. What's the problem?

The problem is simple. It's
the solution that's difficult.

We just got here. So why don't
you tell us the problem first?

This is a gas. Let me, Chet.

Well, I come home
to find Zack...


My boyfriend,
in the middle of The Terrible Decade.

Terrible Decade?

The Terrible Decade. That's the
name of his new kinetic sculpture.

Don't you guys know anything
about art?

Anyway, he finished it
hours ago,

but he's just sitting there,
looking very unhappy.

Why? Doesn't he like
the way it turned out?

Yes. That's a masterpiece.

But in his excitement in finishing it,
he made one mistake.

He welded himself inside it.

Chet, I wanted to tell them.

Well, let's have a closer look.

What do you think, Cap?

Well, this part of it's
only a bicycle fender.

He can squeeze out right here
if we cut it or bent it.

I'll die first,
become a part of it. Immortality.

The health authorities
will never allow that.



Hang on, Oona baby.
Send out good vibes.


What's happening?


And remember,
send out good vibes to Zack.

Far out! This is great.

Hey, hey, hey, do you have
any smaller versions of this?

You know, something that can
fit on a tabletop?

Yeah, we got about a dozen
more of them upstairs.

All right.

They're really reasonable.
You can make payments.

How much are these things?

Cap, I've got an idea.


Man, if you guys
bust this thing,

I'm gonna put a hex on you.

This baby is going straight to the museum
in New York for a permanent exhibition.

It's a very nice piece of work.


That should do it.
Chet, you ready?

Any time you are!

All right, Mike, take it easy. All
we need is a few feet, all right?


Hey, Oona. Oona, baby, look.

That Master's degree in structural
engineering finally paid off.

All right, hold can,
hold can, hold can.


She's built like a bridge!

I could have told you that.
Everybody knows you're a genius.

What do you think?

About this? Yeah.

I think it's
a great work of art.

How do you know
it's a great work of art?

I like it. Hear, hear.

Hey, did you see this, Gage?

Well, then I must
be getting old.

I don't like pop art,
rock music.

I don't smoke pot,
keep my hair cut too short.

I take a shower every day.

Who was that who called?

What's the matter? That redhead
from Reception turn you down again?


It was... It was Pam Burke.

She just wanted
to talk to somebody.

You know?

She's going down to San Diego to
visit her folks for a couple of weeks.

How is she?

I don't know.

I guess... I guess the
nights are really bad on her.

Yeah, I'm gonna...

I'm gonna stop by tomorrow and see if
there's anything I can do before she leaves.

Oh, man.

You know, Roy, I tried so hard

to get.

To get his death out of my
mind and then she calls and...



Station 51, truck 8.

Men injured
at construction site.

21721, Broxton Avenue.

Cross street, St. Thomas Drive.

Time out, 1004.

KMG 365.


Are you in charge here?

I'm the watchman.
I put in the call.

Yeah, what do we got?

Well, it must've been
the wind last night.

Played hell with the framing.

Nobody's working today,
except Mr. Toffler.

He and his son went up top
to check on the damage

and I heard this crash.

Seems like the whole roof
caved in on them.

They're really trapped up there.

Did you try to do anything?

I tried to get to them, but the
whole place is like a house of cards.

Whereabouts are they? This way.

Here, Roy. Thanks, Captain.



Look out, look out!
Get out of the way.

You guys okay? Not a scratch!

You're going to have
to find another stairway.

All right, you wanna pass up
the O2 and the scope?

You got it.


SID: Help!

He's dead. My boy is dead.

What happened?

When the section collapsed, my son
Hugh here took it full force on his chest.

All right, we got a pulse.

Saving my life. Let's get him
over on his side and get an airway.

My son is dead!

We're not gonna lose this one.


Rampart, this is Rescue 51.

Stand by,

Rampart, we have two males,
ages about 50 and 20.

They were working
on a construction site

when part of the structure
fell on them.

The younger of the two
is unconscious.

He's bleeding from his ears,
his mouth and his nose.

We've rolled him on his side.
He has a clear airway.

He's breathing fairly well
on his own.

Vital signs are to follow.

What about the other victim, 51?

Rampart, the father
has chest pains.

Possible fractured ribs.


Stand by, 51.
We have 36 on the line.

Go ahead, 36. What is the
condition of your bicycle riders?

MAN ON RADIO: One of the
victims is already dead, Rampart.


Rampart Base.

The other victim
has severe head injuries.

Unconscious. Vitals to follow.

It's Squad 18. They've got
an acute pulmonary edema.

Knew the radio was tied up.

Get Mike or Joe down here, fast.

Stand by, 18.
We're sending for a doctor.

on the boy yet?

Respiration is now
shallow and gurgly.

Pulse 120, weak but steady.

BP is 80 over 40.

He's still unconscious.

There's possible internal damage
to the upper chest and throat area.

We've got an EKG hooked up now.

Hugh, Hugh.

You're gonna be all right, son.

We're gonna get you out of here.


Just hang in there, son.

Sir, you wanna move over
towards that door over there?

You're gonna be a lot safer.

Then I'll get to you
in just a minute.

I don't care about me.
Please, please, save him.

Don't let him die, please.


Right, he's got a chest injury. We
gotta get him to that doorway quick.

Right. Chet, get down that way.
See if you can find a stairway.

Marco, you go that way.

If you find anything, holler.

Easy. Easy. Easy.

Grab that arm. Grab that arm.

All right. Let's get
this one towards the exit.

Get him towards the exit.

All right. I got it here.

All right. Get him out quick,
man. It's about ready to go.

Come on, come on.

Look out.

Somebody get the oxygen.

Your strip shows
a sinus tachycardia, 18.

Your O2 should be flowing

We may have a cardiac arrest.

We're going to have to reduce
the blood volume.

Use rotating tourniquets
on the extremities.

of your victim?


Do you have a cardiac arrest?

three times. Request IV D5W.

Can you send us

Coming up, Rampart.

Joe, 51 wants to send us
some strip on our cardiac arrest.

Can they transmit?

We'd like to receive their EKG now.

Johnny, patch him in
as soon as you can.

We've got traffic backed up.

Line's clear, Kel.

Stand by, 36. Go ahead, 51.

All right, this will be lead 2.

Rampart, this is
gonna be lead 2.


All right, boys, all right.

How we doing over here, Chet?

Well, he's still with us.

The ambulance is here.
Are we ready to transport?

Not yet on this one.

I think we can
transport the kid here.

Rampart Base, this is Rescue 51.

We have a rhythm.
Vitals to follow.

You're looking good, 51.
He's in sinus rhythm.

How's it going, Joe? Okay, Kel.

Look, make sure you...
Continue to stand by, 36.

I'm receiving vitals
on 51's cardiac arrest.

MAN ON RADIO: 10-4. Squad 36.

How's he doing?

Well, he's stable enough
to transport.

That's pretty good
radio work, eh?

Yeah, it all depends.

On what?

On him

and him.

I just called Dixie
about the Tofflers.


They're both responding.
So is 18's pulmonary edema.

What about 36's bike accident?

They're both
coming out of the coma.

Four saves out of five
victims. That's pretty good.

Especially when they were all
handled from the same base station

at the same time.

What's happening?

Hey, lookie here.

A messenger brought that
while you were on the phone.

It's for the station.

Yeah, that crazy sculptor
thought we'd like it.

Why don't you plug it in, Marco?


Well, far out.
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