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02x19 - Cold w*r

Posted: 01/16/24 15:06
by bunniefuu
[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪

[digital typing, beeping]

COLD w*r

[tense music]

[computer buzzing]

-[digital scanning, beeping]

[Jeremy] Something is not right here.

[Jeremy] What do you mean, "quack"?


An alarm signal and no activated tower?

That's weird.

[light music]


[Aelita] And you're sure
about the alarm last night?

[Jeremy] Not a hundred percent!

I was pretty groggy…

Odd! Could you make less noise?

No! If I don't find the DVD of my short
film in the next three seconds,

I'll turn into a pumpkin!

Which short film?

"Natural Grandeur 2"
or "I Guess our Guest is a Ghost"?

"I Guess our Guest is a Ghost"!

[Odd] If you want me
to become rich and famous,

I absolutely have to give it to TV!

TV? Who's TV?

His real name is Thomas Vincent,
but everybody calls him TV,

because he's the famous news reporter
on TV… TV, get it?

TV's gonna be here in five minutes.

My career is nipped in the bud!



Fame, fortune and glory are mine!

[theme music]

-[engine revving]
-[tires screeching]


My dear TV!

On behalf of the students and faculty,
we're very honored that you--

Okay, okay! No big deal, time is money.

This is Edna, my camera… woman,
person, whatever… Never on time.

Show up late one more time
and you're finished!

I've got 150 cameramen who'd k*ll
for a chance to work with TV.

-You, sweatshirt,

park my car out of sight from the kids.
I don't want them scratching it.


[Mrs. Hertz] Now, let's continue
with our study of plant life.

[Mrs. Hertz]
After our field trip last week,

I asked you to calculate the yield
of the field of corn that we visited.

Now, who can give me the answer?


-[Mrs. Hertz] Poliakoff!
-[gasps] Yeah… 1,527 tons.

Really, Nicolas… Well done!

You've solved the problem of world hunger!

[all laughing]

[Mrs. Hertz] Quiet down!

-Give me a panoramic sh*t of the kids.

-[Mrs. Hertz clears throat]
-Can I help you?

Yes. Get out of the sh*t.


Do our schools still provide a future
for our youth?

Faced with the teacher's lax attitudes,
we have reason to doubt.

To see how bad it's become,
all you need to do is pick out a student

at random and ask him his
grade point average. You, for instance!

Ninety-nine point 87 out of 100.


Okay, cut!

That's too high!

Who here has a below 60 average?

Okay, son.
So you're flunking out of school, right?

Me, not exactly. On the other hand,
I have this great DVD to show you!

-[TV] This cannot be happening!

-[TV] What's with this bunch of…
-[bell ringing]

[all cheering]

I'm so disgusted!

TV didn't even want to see my masterpiece!

Is that what it means
to be a starving artist?

-[Jeremy] Oh, no!
-[Aelita] What?

-[alert beeping]
-[tense music]

The alarm, XANA's gone on the att*ck!

[Ulrich] I'll warn Yumi.

[Odd] Well, I sure hope this goes quickly

because I don't want to miss
today's meatballs and gravy.

[Odd] I haven't had it for ages.

[theme music]

[Jeremy through computer] Virtualization.

[static zapping]

[ethereal music]

[all grunting]

[digital scanning, beeping]

-[alert beeping]
-[Jeremy] Watch it! You've got company.

Aelita, stay behind me.


Everyone bring their insecticide?





[groaning loudly]


[action music]







Laser Arrow!

[Yumi shouts]

Thanks, Yumi!

[Odd] Hey!

Bunch of chickens!

I guess XANA's not up to snuff today.

Well, weird or not,

it's better for us because
we have something waiting for us.

Meatballs and gravy!

So hurry up!


Well, my lady, your tower is served.

Aelita, wait! Look!

[Yumi] The tower is deactivating itself.

Well, what do you know?

[Aelita through computer]
What does that mean, Jeremy?

[Jeremy] I wish I knew.

[theme music]

[alert beeping]

Oh no! Another tower activated
in the Ice Sector.

-[digital beeping]
-[Jeremy] Again?


-[Odd] What's going on?
-The tower just deactivated by itself!

[Jeremy] I don't get this at all.

Do you think it's a bug
in the supercomputer?

Or a new plot by XANA.

[Jeremy] Go to lunch. I'll stay here
and try to work all this out.

If anything happens,
I'll give you a shout.

[Aelita] I'll stay with you.
With two of us, it'll go faster.


[light music]


[TV] What's with
these little mini-servings?

[TV] Come on, cookie, don't be shy!
Load up the meatballs!

[TV] Let me tell you,
sure is no picnic being a field reporter.

[Odd] Wait, what?
Where are all the meatballs?

On TV's tray.

[groans in disgust]

Oh, this is awful!

Any guy who had wheels like this,
I'd go out with in a heartbeat!

Okay, I'm outta of here! I'm starving!

[tense music]

[alert beeping]

It's starting up again!
Should I tell the others?

Hang on.
It might deactivate by itself again.


[tense music]

[thunder rumbling]

[wind howling]

Look! It's snowing!

[all cheering]

Calm down, everyone. Stay in your seats.

The sub-systems seems okay, too.

[alert beeping]

Jeremy! The tower is still activated.

[groans] Bad news.

Maybe this time, XANA really is attacking!

[laughing, indistinct chatter]

That's enough, now!

Everyone inside.


[Ulrich laughing]

Yes, Jeremy?

[Yumi gasps]

-XANA's attacking!
-[Odd grunts]

[Ulrich grunts]

-[wind howling]
-[tense music]

[Jim] Inside, on the double!

[kids groaning]


Come on, I got you.

[wind howling]

We have to get to Lyoko.

Yeah, you're right,
and I bet the weather's better there.

[Yumi] Jeremy, we're stuck at school
because of the blizzard.

A nightmare! XANA's back to his old self.


-[Herb grunts] Closed. Now what?
-[Sissi] Follow me!

[Herb grunts]

[teeth chattering]

[engine starting]

[engine starting]

[engine revving]

Cool! The Subsonics!

[up-tempo rock music
playing over car speakers]

[TV shivering]

[Jim] Here, Mr. TV!
This will keep your hair in place.


Very good, Mrs. Hertz.

You did well to take the children safely
to the basement of the Science Building.

[Jim] Look, Mr. Delmas!

I found the weather station. I got this
free with my Sumo Mag subscription.

Up there,
it shows the temperature outside.

It's four degrees below zero.

And down here, it shows…

the temperature in here, 37.

Thirty-seven degrees!

Come on! Let's go down to the boiler room.

Okay, everybody.

[engine rumbling]

It's a scientific fact that
if we huddle together, we'll keep warmer.

-[Herb] Ouch!

[Sissi] It's a scientific fact that a good
slap will keep your cheek warm!

[Delmas] I'm setting it on maximum.
That should warm us up a little.

Edna! Stop wasting film!

An unbelievable deep freeze
has taken hold of the city

and what are you sh**ting?

Three brats in a basement!

[TV] It's not even PG-13!

-[Edna sighs]
-People expect spectacular TV from TV!

[TV] So let's get out of this rat hole and
go where the action is, the city!

Not with me!

Oh, yeah?

Fine! You're fired!

[all grunt]

Can't have cold feet on this job!

[teeth chattering]

You can't go outside!
It's 40 below out there.

-[TV] My car keys.

-I think I left them in the ignition.

[Ulrich] Did you hear that?

Forty below.

And there's no reason for XANA
to stop there.

[Odd] The only solution
is to deactivate the tower on Lyoko.

[Odd] But if we go out,
we'll end up as ice sculptures!

We have to try. We'll sneak out of here
and search the rooms for warmer gear

-and then we'll run over to the factory.
-[Odd] Okay.

[theme music]

[engine rumbling steadily]

I'm warning you, Herb. If you fall asleep,
I'll slap you again!

What do you think you're doing in my car?

Get out of here!

Hey! You're not gonna leave us
in this blizzard, are you?

Fine. I'll drop you off!

Get in the back

and don't get my soft leather seats dirty,
got it?


[tires screeching]

[groans, grunts] Stupid power steering!

-[Sissi gasps]
-[Herb] Look out!

-[Herb] Look out!
-[all screaming]

Did you see that?

[Yumi] We gotta go and help them.

-Yes, Michael?

How cold is it?

Fifty-eight degrees below zero outside,

Twenty-three degrees in here!


A deadly cold snap has hit the city
which was buried under ice and snow

in a matter of minutes.

The authorities have put the emergency
cold weather plan into action

but chaos has broken out
nonetheless. Telephone lines--

[all shivering]

It wasn't my fault!

It was the power steering!

[Yumi] Yeah, right. Why don't
you make yourself useful in the meantime?

Get Sissi and Herb
into the boiler room, fast!

[TV sighs]

[Odd] Now that's authority.

[Yumi] Ulrich! Look out!

[Ulrich and Odd screaming]

[Odd gasps] That was close!

[Ulrich] Yumi!

[Yumi] This is why…
I like bonsais better!

[Ulrich] We'll get you out of there.

-[Ulrich] One, two, three.
-[Ulrich and Odd straining]

[Yumi] Forget it. It's much too heavy.

Go to the computer factory.
That's more important!

We just can't leave her here.

-She won't last long in this cold!
-Okay. You get to Lyoko.

-I'll stay here with her.
-Good luck!

Hang in there. I'm gonna go and look
for something to get you out of there.



[tense music]

We have no choice, Jeremy!

But that's exactly
what XANA is waiting for, Aelita!

For you to go to Lyoko alone
so he can steal your memory!

If someone doesn't go
and deactivate that tower,

Ulrich, Yumi and Odd will die of cold,
and the entire city with them!

Yeah, I guess you're right.
I'll launch the virtualization process.


Let… me… sleep.

[Ulrich] No!

No. You can sleep later! Okay?

[Ulrich grunting]



[groaning in frustration]

[theme music]

[Jeremy through computer]
Look out, Aelita! Hornets on the way.

I can't see anything for now.


They're not Hornets!

They're Flying Mantas!


-[alert beeping]

But… they never leave Sector Five!


[Aelita] We have to face facts.
XANA is getting more and more powerful!

[Jeremy through computer]
About face, Aelita! Fast!


[Jim] Well, that's it!


[Odd] Think about hot things, Odd!

[Odd] Tahiti… Sauna…
Heat wave… Fireplace…

[Mantas screeching]

Flying mines!

[engine revving]


[Ulrich shouts]

Yumi… Stay with me!


[all shivering]

Okay, no sleeping.

Everyone, listen up!
I'm gonna tell you a little story.

It's from when
I was a volunteer research subject

for the space exploration program.

[Jeremy] Aelita, what are you doing?
You're going straight to the Scyphozoa!

[action music]


[Odd] Palm Springs…
Blast furnace…

And believe it or not… Major Satanox

really had hippopotamus blood
in his veins…

No sleeping!

[shivering loudly]

-[Jim] …if you see what I mean.


[Jeremy through computer]
Aelita, behind you!

[action music]

[Ulrich] Please, hang on…

I'm sure Odd's already on Lyoko.


-[Odd groans]

[Jeremy grunts]



Transfer Odd!

[Jeremy through computer] Virtualization!

[static zapping]


Oh, no! More ice!

Leave me.

You won't get rid of me that easily.

[Odd] Laser Arrow!


Can I drop you off
at the next activated tower, perhaps?

I wouldn't say no.

[Jeremy through computer]
Look out behind you!

…and so, there I…


[action music]

[Jeremy through computer]
Another field of flying mines!

Hang on.

[Ulrich] Please, Yumi! Don't give up!

We need you to fight against XANA.

[Aelita and Odd groaning]


Odd! The Flying Mantas are behind us.

[Manta screeching]

[Odd laughing]

Right where I want them!

[Odd] Here we go!


[Jeremy through computer]
Yes! There's an open passage.

[Odd] Hurry, I'll cover you.

[Odd] Shield!



[echoing beeps]

[ethereal music]

[Ulrich shivering]

[Ulrich] I need you…


Tower deactivated.

[powering down]


Yumi… Yumi!


[Ulrich] Oh, no!


Jeremy, hurry up!

Launch a return to the past,
Yumi's in trouble!

[Jeremy] Okay.

Return to the past, now!

[powering up]

[light music]


What's with these little mini-servings?

[TV] Come on, cookie, don't be shy!
Load up the meatballs!


Do you really want it?

Oh yeah. What, are you deaf, too?

-[TV groans]

What the…

And if you're still hungry,

there's seconds!

[all laughing]

[theme music]