01x06 - Cruel Dilemma

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Code Lyoko". Aired: 3 September 2003 – 10 November 2007.*
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Series centers on a group of teenagers who travel to the virtual world of Lyoko to battle against a malignant artificial intelligence known as XANA who threatens Earth with powers to access the real world and cause trouble.
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01x06 - Cruel Dilemma

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪


[theme tune fades into background]

[Mr. Delmas] Dear students,
this magnificent stadium

is being built in close cooperation
with the Board of Education.

Soon you will be enjoying
the latest in sports equipment,

and I personally am delighted,

since my duty is to provide you
with the finest work conditions,

and in all areas,
both intellectual and athletic,

since, as Juvenal said:
"A sound mind in a sound body."

[Odd] Wow, can he talk!
Do we have to listen to all of this?

Not really. You could've stayed
with Jeremy if you wanted to.

-[Yumi] What's Einstein up to anyway?
-The usual.

He's glued to his computer screen,

in a big cyber conversation
with his darling Aelita.

[soft guitar music]

[Jeremy] Just a couple
of calculations to go

and my devirtualization program
will be completed.

Do you think
it's going to work, Jeremy?

Do I have a chance of finally

being materialized in your world
and becoming somebody like you?

I sure hope so. Anyway,
there's one thing that I'm sure of.

I've never been as close
to the answer as now.

Oh, honestly, it's so hard to imagine.

We can be face to face
in the same room.

We can touch each other, even kiss.

[stutters] Uh, yeah, that'd be...

[nervously] interesting...
I mean, well, I guess...

Now get ready.
I'm starting the test program.

[computer beeps]

[groans nervously]


[computer beeps]

[sighs] I don't get it!

It's not the end of the world. I'm sure,
Jeremy, that one day, you'll succeed.

[Jeremy] Aelita, I...

I'm beginning to wonder
if I'm up to the job...

If I'm good enough
for such a complicated program.

Sorry. I'm just tired
and jumpy, that's all.

I better go and stretch my legs.
See you later.

[theme music]

Uh? Jeremy... Hey, what's this?

Another one of Jeremy's
materialization programs.

Oh, wow, candy!

-[Jeremy] Odd!
-[Odd grunts]

[Jeremy] How many times have I told you

not to touch my computer
when I'm not here?

-There are months of work in there.
-Relax, Max.

[Odd] I didn't hurt your little toy.

Oh, no! You're such a cosmic creep!
Now look what you've done!

Those keys are sensitive!

Okay, a little piece of candy
is not gonna wreck your keyboard.

[Jeremy] Uh?

That's crazy!

This is really mega insane!

[computer beeps]

[Jeremy] Yes! It works!

[Jeremy laughs] Odd, you're a genius.
You know that?

Make up your mind.
Am I a genius or a creep?

[Jeremy] A creepy genius.
You didn't do it on purpose,

but dropping the candies on the keyboard,

modified and relaunched my program.
I dunno what happened, but it works.

-Thanks, Odd.
-Who's an Einstein now?

-Are you gonna materialize Aelita?
-Well, yeah.

The problem is I only get one try
and that's it.

Because I didn't see what kind
of programming the candy typed in.

[Odd] Yeah, so? There's only one Aelita.

Go and tell the others.
I'll announce the good news to Aelita.

[theme music]

Uh uh.

Yumi, it's now or never.
We may not get a second chance.

[Jeremy] What if there's a bug?

I'll never be able
to set up the program again.


you can't materialize Aelita like that
without making preparations.

I've boosted the scans.
I've got the program going.

-Everything's ready.
-Yeah, in your head.

Hey, come back to Earth, Jeremy.
Try to be practical for once.

Aelita has no parents
or a birth certificate.

What's more, she's not enrolled
in any school. OK, that's no biggie.

But all that together means
she doesn't exist in our world.

Imagine, "Hi, I'm Aelita.
I come from a virtual reality."

That's a one way ticket to the nuthouse.

You know, Jeremy,
it doesn't have to be today. I can wait.

Well, what do we do now?

I can put her up at my house.
My folks wouldn't mind.

And you can plug
into the City Hall computers

and create a phony identity for her.

Find her a new name... Whatever she needs.

Then you just have to enroll her
at our school,

and try to put her in our class.
That'd be really cool, huh?

Okay, we'll get started
first thing tomorrow.

[theme music]

[Jeremy sighs]

[Jeremy grunting]

Aelita, are you asleep?

[computer beeps]

Am I asleep?

Come on, Jeremy, you know
that virtual beings never sleep.

I can't sleep a wink.

I can't stop thinking
and It's keeping me up.

You can't imagine all the things
you're gonna discover in our world.

-You mean like sleeping?
-That's right.

-That and all kinds of fun things.
-Tell me more.


[Odd snores]

-[sinister music]
-[electricity crackling]

[engines starting]

When you touch an object
with your fingers,

you have a sort of sensation.

It could be a feeling of softness,
or of heat, or it could be cold.

Oh, I see. I thought that
you only sensed with your brain.

That's right,
but it's a little more complicated.

Here on Earth, everyone has five senses.

You, Aelita, only have two of them:
hearing and seeing.

-You can only see and hear.
-Speaking of hearing...

[Jeremy] Soon you'll be able to touch...

Jeremy, I think I just heard XANA!
He's up to something!

[bulldozer engine rumbling]

What's all that noise, I wonder?

[Aelita] Jeremy,
XANA's launched an attack!

Okay, listen, Aelita.
Go and hide in a deactivated tower.

I'll contact you from the factory.

[Odd snores]

[Jeremy] Odd, wake up! XANA's attacking!
Odd, wake up!

What was that? What'd you say
about carpet tacking?

[Jeremy] Ulrich, get up!

It's a XANA alert!

[Ulrich pants]

[Ulrich coughs]

What did you say?

I said, it's a XANA alert.
XANA's attacking!

Do you always sleep
with those things in your ears?

Yeah, Odd, always,
and one of these days I'll tell you why.


[theme music]

[engine rumbling]


[Odd] No need to look any further.

This time, he picked a real winner.

He's attacking us with bulldozers.
Nice going, XANA. How subtle can you get!

[Ulrich] Jeremy, rush over to the lab
and call Yumi.

Odd and I are gonna try
and stop these monsters.


-I'll take the front one.
-Got you!




[phone ringing]

[Yumi groans]

[phone ringing]

Come on, Yumi, get up. We really need you.

Do you realize what time it is?

What bulldozers?


XANA's controlling the thing.
I don't know what to do, Ulrich.

That makes two of us. You go
and meet Yumi and Jeremy at the lab.

If I can find out
what XANA wants to do with these monsters,

-that sure would help.
-Okay, just be careful.


[Aelita panting]

Eyes open, Aelita!

You never know
where XANA's monsters are hiding.

[Aelita] Don't worry.
No enemy in sight for the moment.

But the pulse beats are stronger.
The activated tower can't be too far away.


[yells] Woah!

[elevator zooms]

[hatch buzzes]

Aelita, don't worry.
Odd should be there soon.

Let's hope that Yumi
and Ulrich are on their way.

Ulrich? He's on the bulldozer,
trying to find out what XANA's up to.

[Jeremy] Ulrich, do you read me?

[Ulrich] Bad news, Jeremy.

I'm on the river bank, and I'm afraid
XANA's target is the factory.

That's gotta be it. If XANA destroys
our factory,

we can say goodbye to our equipment.

No more computer, meaning
no more communication with Aelita.

Don't forget the scans.

Without them, no more transfers to Lyoko.

[Odd] And that means
total victory for XANA!

Ulrich, listen.
Odd's just about to go alone.

So, hurry up!

[Ulrich] I'll do my best,
but I can't promise a graceful entrance.

[Jeremy] Transfer Odd.

[computer beeps]

[Jeremy] Scanner.

[machine buzzes]

[Jeremy] Virtualization.


[Odd grunts and pants]


-Hello, Odd. You're looking stressed.
-I'm okay, Aelita.

But I never know
what I'm gonna find whenever I come here.

Come with me, Odd.
The activated tower is this way.

[Odd] Okay, let's go and check it out.

[bulldozer engines rumbling]

[Ulrich groaning]

[Ulrich yelps]


Oh, no! Oh!

[grunts and groans]

[loud crash]

[Jeremy] Ulrich, do you read me?

[Yumi] Jeremy?

Yumi, I've lost contact with Ulrich!

[Yumi] Where was he
when you last spoke to him?

[Jeremy] He was going to the factory
with the bulldozers.

[panting] Right, I'm almost there.
I'll find him.


[Aelita] That way.

[Odd] Talk about a reception committee!

[Aelita] Usually,
roachsters move in groups of five.

[mechanical footsteps]

[mechanical footsteps]

It looks like the committee
is at full strength.

[Odd grunts]





Hello, roachsters.
Now, which one of you wants to be first?

-[lasers blasting]
-[Odd grunts]

[Odd grunts]

-[Odd grunts]
-[Aelita groans]

-[Aelita grunts]
-[Odd grunts]


-[lasers blasting]
-[Odd grunts]

-[lasers blasting]
-[both grunt]

-[laser blasts]
-[Odd groans]

[computer beeps]

Hey, would you cool it, Odd?

Your mission is to protect Aelita,

-[Odd] Wanna trade places, Jeremy?


Ulrich, Ulrich, get up, Ulrich! Hurry up!




[loud crash and thud]


[Yumi groans]

[Jeremy] Odd, you've used up
four of your ten arrows!

[Odd grunts]

[Aelita gasps]

[Odd] Here comes three more. Laser arrow!


Ulrich, you've gotta get up!

[bulldozer engine rumbles]

[both panting and grunting]

[both grunt]

[Yumi] Ulrich!

[Yumi groaning and panting]

[Yumi] Hey Jeremy, can you give me a hand?

-[Jeremy] What about the bulldozers?
-[Yumi] It's a mess up there.

[Jeremy] I wish it were only up there.


[theme music]

[Yumi] How's Odd doing?

[Odd] Jeremy, I'm starting to get
a little lonely out here.

-That answers your question?
-[Yumi] Gotcha.

Okay, Odd, Yumi is on her way.

As for Ulrich,
let's just say he's fast asleep.

[Odd] He is? That must be tough
without his ear plugs.


[loud crash]

[Jeremy] Transfer Yumi.

[Jeremy] Scanner.

[Jeremy] Virtualization.


[Jeremy] Odd, figure out a way
to slow down the roachsters.

-You're way ahead of Yumi.
-Take care of the tower.

I'll take care of the roachsters.

Let's see what the score is.

Three roachsters
and three laser arrows left.

Odd, this is no time to miss your target.

-[laser arrow blasting]
-[Odd groans]


[Odd] Jeremy, how many life points
have I got left?

[Jeremy] Ten. Hang on.
Yumi's almost there.

[mechanical footsteps getting closer]

[Odd whistles]

That's it for you.
Where's your buddy hiding?


Yumi! Uh-Oh.

[Odd shouts]

[Yumi yells] No!

[Yumi grunts]

Hey, Jeremy, I didn't make it in time!

[Yumi] It's game over for Odd.

I'll back up Aelita
in case she needs help.

[Jeremy] I don't want to stress you out,

but if the scans are destroyed,
you're on a one way trip, Yumi.

[Yumi] No problem, I'll hurry.
I could use a little nap before class.

Jeremy, it isn't the scanners
she has to worry about. I had a vision.

I saw Yumi falling into the digital void.

[Jeremy] Virtualized forever?

-[Jeremy] Hey, Yumi...
-I heard him.

-[Ulrich] I'll go and help her.

No, Ulrich. Take a look at yourself.

In the shape you're in, it'd be crazy.

Odd, help me!


[exhales exhausted]

-[Jeremy] I saw it.

Yumi's on her way to help you.
Give me a visual.

[computer beeps]

There it is! That's where I saw Yumi fall!

[Jeremy] Transfer Ulrich.



[Aelita panting and grunting]

[Aelita panting]

[Aelita gasps]

[Aelita grunts and groans loudly]


[Yumi grunts loudly]

[Yumi screaming]

[Yumi] Jeremy, I can't hold on anymore.

Aelita's inside the tower now.
Hang on, Yumi.

[Aelita sighs]

[Yumi groaning]

I can't, I...


[debris rumbling]

[Ulrich] Yumi, I'm coming! Yumi!

-[Ulrich yells] No!
-[Yumi screaming]

[Jeremy gasps]

[computer beeps]

[bulldozer engines cease]

[computer beeps]

[Jeremy] I never would have thought
it was possible for one of us to become...

[Ulrich] It's all my fault.

If I had been faster,
she would still be here.

But there is a solution,
and Jeremy knows what it is.

The materialization program.

It's operational, but Aelita
has to give up her place to Yumi.

Can you bring Yumi back here?

Yes, but I can only materialize
one person.

One and only one.

Then choose Yumi.
She's part of your world already.


It's okay. I can wait a little longer.

[Jeremy] Okay, Aelita.

[Jeremy] But first of all, I need
to track down Yumi in the digital void.

[computer beeps]

[both gasp]

[Yumi sighs]

It's alright, Yumi. You're gonna be okay?

[Odd] Welcome home.

But, how did you get me back here?

[Jeremy] I'm happy,
and at the same time, I'm sad.

[Aelita] Why? At least you know
the program works.

You just have to set it up again.

Yeah, nothing to it!

I have faith in you, Jeremy.

[chuckles to self]

One day you'll get me there. I'm sure.

[Odd] Hey Jeremy, want some candy?

What are you doing with that? It's mine.

Yeah, I guess it is.

-[Odd] Okay, no problemo. Here you go.
-[Yumi] Come on, have one.

[Yumi] Candy can fix anything...

Even a broken heart.

[Jeremy] If you say so.


[soothing guitar music]

[theme music]
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