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01x34 - Rosie the Reporter/The Jalapeno Giant

Posted: 01/16/24 12:34
by bunniefuu
[bright music]

♪ Rosie has a lot that she wants to know ♪

♪ Can you mail a cat to your abuela's house ♪

♪ In Mexico

♪ How do stores get food, can you pogo stick to the moon ♪

♪ She's got a lot to learn and when she does ♪

♪ They're Rosie's Rules

♪ Hey

♪ Well, that's new information

♪ She will always figure it out ♪

♪ So much to cheer about

♪ For Rosie's Rules

Rosie's Rules!

♪ Rosie's Rules

Rosie's Rules!

♪ Rosie's Rules

Rosie's Rules!

♪ Rosie's Rules ♪

Rosie the Reporter!




Mmm-mm, Tía's restaurant

has the most yum-mazing huevos rancheros!

I'd say so.

Somebody ate all of mine!

Somebody ate all of mine, too!

Me! [laughing]

Ready to go, campeona?


i¡Gracias, hermana!

[Rosie]: !Adiós Tía!

[gasps] Mira, Papá.

Baker Calvin's on TV!

[Papá]: So he is!

This is Rhonda Klein,

reporting big news from Calvin's Bake Shop,

where he just won the top prize for "Cake of the Year!"

Baker Calvin, tell us about your cakes.

Well, they're called mini-surprise cakes

because when you take a bite,

mmm, you'll find a surprise filling inside!


Ooh! This one has sprinkles!


Oh. [clears throat]

Trust me, folks,

you won't want to miss these cakes.

So come on down to Calvin's Bake Shop today,

before they're all gone!

I'm Rhonda Klein: News at .

Can we go, Papá?

Are you kidding?

Did you hear what Reporter Rhonda said

about those yummy-looking cakes? Of course we can go!


[giggling] Rosie's Rule:

Papás can get very excited about mini-surprise cakes!

Whoa, there are lots of people here!

That's what happens when Rhonda reports big news.

[Rhonda]: He's right about that!


[together]: Reporter Rhonda!

[chuckling] That's me!

I just love being a reporter and finding big news.

Like Calvin's mini surprise cakes!

'Cause now everyone knows about them. Even me!

I'm Rosie, and this is my Papá!


Hi, Rosie and Rosie's papá.

Nice to meet you.

Oh! I'm going to interview some of the customers.

We'll see you later!

Whoa. I wish I could be a reporter like Rhonda

and find news too.

I wonder what big news I would find?

I've gotta know!

♪ I have a great big question

♪ And I just can't let it go

♪ Yo quiero saberlo

♪ I really gotta know

What big news could I find?


♪ I'll find the biggest chocolate milkshake ♪

♪ In the land

♪ Or a zebra who plays in a rock and roll band ♪

♪ Una elefantita who likes to jump rope ♪

♪ A brand new planet that's made of a soap ♪♪


That would be supertastical...

Vamos, Papá. I gotta go find big news!

Okay, pero...

can we taste our mini surprise cakes first?

[giggles] Yes.

[both]: Deeyummy!

[Javi]: Okay. The camera is ready, Rosie!

Not Rosie...

Rosie the Reporter!

I'm ready to be a reporter and find big news!

Now where... is... big news?!

[Gatita meowing]

[giggles] Gatita,

I don't think a cutie ball cat is big news.

[sad meowing]

[gasps] But a cutie ball cat

with a super fancy hairdo is...

[Gatita meowing]

[Rosie]: A little here...

Yeah, that, that... Mm-hmm!


[excited meowing]

Camera, Javi!

This is Rosie the Reporter

and guess what?!

My cutie ball cat, Gatita,

has a new... fluffy... hairdo!


Crystal, look at Gatita's hairdo!

Isn't this great big important news?

Um... not really?

Well, that's new information!

But it's a kitty cat hairdo!

Seems like big news to me!

[excited meowing]


Look, Rosie, Gatita's hairdo is super adorable.

[flattered meowing]

But it's not big news.

Oh... Can you help me find big news?

I wish I could, but I'm on my way to the animal shelter.

It's Pet Adoption Day and I'm going to help.

- Good luck! - Thanks, bye!

I guess I'll have to find big news all by myself.

[ice cream truck jingle]

Wait a secamadoodle!

I know that song.

Me too. It's the ice pop truck!

[jingle continues]

The ice pop truck!

Camera up, Javi!

This is Rosie the Reporter with big icy cold news!

The ice pop truck is on our street!

Tell me, Jun. How do you feel about the big news?

What big news?

Ihe ice pop truck! It's on our street!

That's not big news, Rosie.

It's not?!

Mm-mm. The ice pop truck comes to our street all the time.

News is something that's, well, new.

See ya! [giggles]

Well, where am I gonna find new news?!

I need to call Abuela.


[Rosie]: i¡Hola, Abuela!

i¡Hola, mi niña!

I just got fried plátanos from this--

[cart whistles] Oh! camote cart. ¿Qué pasa?

I'm Rosie the Reporter and I'm looking for big news!

But I can't find any!

Mira Rosalía, if you want to find big news,

you need to find something that is important

to everyone in the community.

Oh, hmm...

Ay! I need my other hand so I can eat my plátanos.

Adiós granito de arroz.

i¡Ciao, bacalao!

Mmm, yummy as always.

Okay, Javi! We need to find something that's important

to everyone in the community.

i¡Muy bien!

See anything newsy?

Not yet.

I just see the green grass and fluffy clouds...

[gasps] And raining stuffies...

Did you say raining stuffies?

I've never heard of raining stuffies before!

i¡Yo tampoco!

Reporter Rosie's Rules:

Sometimes big news falls right out of the sky!

Camera, Javi!

This is Rosie the Reporter with a special weather report!

It's raining stuffies!

That's right! Raining stuffies!

This has never ever happened in the whole entire world.

[excited squeal]

[Javi]: Uh, Rosie?


I actually don't think

it's raining stuffies.


This is Rosie the Reporter saying... never mind!


I just wanted to be a reporter

and find big news,

but I can't find any news and--

I need to flop.

Breathe in... [inhaling]

Breathe out... [exhaling]

Wiggle about.

Now I'm ready to figure this out.

i¡Vamos a ver!

[tablet chiming]

[Rosie]: Hi, Crystal. How's Pet Adoption Day?

Not great, Rosie. No one's coming!

I really want everyone to know about the event,

so these adorable little cuties

can be adopted and find a new home!

Wait a secamadoodle!

Crystal? I think I can help.

¿Listo, Javi?

[Javi]: i¡Listo!

This is Rosie the Reporter

with very important news.

Today is Pet Adoption Day at the animal shelter!

Everyone should know about this

so the cutie animals can find new homes!

[man]: Did you say Pet Adoption Day?

Yes! Right in there.

Oh! Pet adoption day?

Let's check it out.

[laughing] People are starting to go in!

Rosie? What's going on here?

Reporter Rhonda! I found big news

that's important to everyone in our community!

That's fantastic!

What do you say we tell even more people about it? Camera up!


This is Rhonda Klein: News ,

here with some really big news!

Actually, today's news will be brought to you

by my special guest, Rosie the Reporter!

[gasps] Me? Mama Macaroni!

Oh yeah... I'm Rosie... The Reporter...

Oh yeah!

[Rhonda clears throat]

[Rhonda]: Uh, Rosie?

Oh, right.

I'm Rosie the Reporter

with some big news about...

my sister, Crystal!


Crystal, tell us the big news.

Well, today is Pet Adoption Day.

All of these cutie pets need a new home.

So come on down to the animal shelter today!


[excited squeal] Even more people are coming now!

Thank you, Rosie the Reporter!

[strained]: You're welcome!

♪ Noticias listen to the news

♪ Noticias listen to the news

♪ When something important happens in town ♪

♪ The news can help spread the word around ♪

♪ News is how both you and me

♪ Will know what's happening in our community ♪

♪ Who won the game today

♪ Quién gano

♪ Will it rain tomorrow or will it snow ♪

♪ Gatita's haircut is superstastic to see ♪

♪ But that's not news on TV

♪ 'Cause it only matters to me

♪ Si algo importante happens in town ♪

♪ The news is great to spread the word around ♪

♪ News can help our community

♪ It's for me and you and everybody ♪

♪ Noticias listen to the news

♪ Noticias listen to the news

♪ News listen to the news ♪

[Rhonda on TV]: Well folks, it looks like

Pet Adoption Day was a huge success!

I even adopted a sweet little kitty myself!


[babbling] Who's a cute little one?

[together]: Aww!

Rosie's Rule: News is something

that's important for everyone in the community to know.


And even if it's not news,

a kitty cat hairdo is still pretty cute.



The Jalapeño Giant.

♪ i¡Limpiando! iBailando! ♪

♪ It's our Saturday morning cleaning song ♪♪

I'll wipe the counters.

I'll water peppers!

Then when we're done...

[both]: The house will look better!


[Javi humming]

[gasps] i¡Mamá!

Look at our jalapeño plant!

The jalapeño is so big!

i¡EÉpale! You're right, Javi.

I think it's the biggest jalapeño I've ever seen!

i¡Bailando! Do a dance!

We have a giant jalapeño plant!


How about we take this to the restaurant

to show everyone!

i¡Sí, qué padre!

i¡Mira, Gatita!

Around and around and around!


i¡Tu turno!

[wobbling meows]

[sad meow]


Good try, Gatita.

Rosie's Rule:

It's not so easy for a kitty cat

to use a hoop de hoop!

[Javi]: Let's go! Hurry, hurry! [Tía]: AÁndale, ándale.

- Uh-oh... - Ay...

[upbeat music]


i¡Hola primo! iHola Tía!

i¡Hola! Guess what! We found a jalapeño

in my kitchen, and it's giant! Gotta go, bye!

[engine starts]

Did javi just say there's a jalapeño giant in his kitchen?

[meows]: Uh-huh!

That is... supertastical!

[excited meow]

And a little scary.

[nervous meow]

But mostly supertastical!

[excited meow]

I wonder what the jalapeño giant looks like...

I've gotta know!

♪ I have a great big question

♪ And I just can't let it go

♪ Yo quiero saberlo

♪ I really gotta know

What does the jalapeño giant look like?


♪ She makes ginormous footprints stomping through the town ♪

♪ Wears a cloud as a hat and a circus tent gown ♪

♪ She's got a pet rhino that plays the kazoo ♪

♪ And takes bubble baths in the lake at the zoo ♪♪

Bubble baths at the zoo...

- Hi, Rosie! - Ahh!

Jun! Phew!

I thought you were the jalapeño giant.


The what?

The jalapeño giant!

It's got giant arms and legs

and it stomps all around

and says blegh-blegh-blegh!

[goofy meowing]

Whoa. And it's real?


And you saw it?

Well... no.

But it's in Javi's kitchen.

We can go see it right now!

Let's do it.

- Ugh! - Um...

You can go first.

No. You go first.

- You. - You.

- You. - You.

You! Gatita?

[meows]: Nuh-uh.


We'll go together.



Do you... see the giant?


Not yet.

But she must be in there somewhere.


Oh jalapeño giant!

Where are you?



Rosie, look!

I am looking!

No, look here!

[gasps] A giant hole!

[Jun]: Or...

A giant footprint!

Rosie. I think the giant's on the loose!

Me too!

What does that mean?

It means she's stomping all over our neighborhood!


[startled meow]


Do you think that's the giant?

I don't know.


But this is very big news.

We need to tell everyone in the neighborhood!

But how do we do that?

Before the giant finds us?

[nervous meow]


I need to call Abuela.

[mysterious music]



[camera clicks]

[Rosie]: i¡Hola Abuela!

i¡Hola mi niña!

I'm in a photo booth taking a picture

with Lili and Vero.

[camera clicks]


[camera clicks]

[laughs] ¿Qué pasa?

[giggles] Abuela, I have big news.

Is it about the jalapeño?


Rosie's Rule:

Sometimes your Abuela knows your news

before you even tell her!

How'd you know about the jalapeño?

Your Tía called me and told me all about it.

It's very big news.

I know! And Jun and I want to tell

the whole neighborhood about it!

But we don't know how.

Mira Rosalía,

one way to share news is with a newspaper!

Then you can give them to everyone

and they'll all know about it!

[gasps] i¡La foto está lista!

i¡Adiós granito de arroz!

i¡Ciao, bacalao!

- Jun! - Ahh!

[sighs] I thought you were the giant.

Nope. But I know how we can tell everyone about it.

We can make a newspaper!

[gasps] That's a great idea!

Gonna make... A newspaper...

About the giant... [stomping]

I'll save the dance for later. Let's go!

[startled meow]

[tense music]

[sighs] That was the last one.

¿Qué pasa calabaza?

Nada empanada.

Jun and I just delivered newspapers

to everyone in the neighborhood.

We had big news to share.

Giant news!

Oh, ya veo...

Well, I'm heading over to Tía's house.

She's on her way home with some kind of jalapeño.

[both]: Jalapeño?!

The giant's coming right now!

Rosie, I just read about the jalapeño giant.

Is she here?

Not yet. But she's coming any minute!

She's here!


- Oh no! - Oh no!


I don't see anything!

[Jun]: Oh my gosh! [Rosie]: No! It's scary!

Is that it? I think I see her!

[Rosie]: Here she comes!

The great... big...


What's everyone doing in front of my house?

We're here to see the jalapeño giant.


Wait a secamadoodle.

That's not a ginormous, gigantical giant!

Not at all!

Pero primo, I thought you said there was a jalapeño giant!

[Javi]: I didn't say, "jalapeño giant."

I said, "giant jalapeño!"

Wait! What about the giant footprint?!

[Javi]: Those are from Benito digging holes!



Ah! But what about the loud stomping?

Mira, Rosie.

That's just the construction worker fixing the roof.

Well, that's new information!

I... guess I was wrong about the giant after all.

Yeah, you were, Rosie.

You told everyone about the jalapeño giant,

but there wasn't one.

[all]: Aw...

Ugh! I told everybody about a jalapeño giant,

but it was a giant jalapeño and now everyone's upset and...

I need to flop.

Breathe in... [inhaling]

Breathe out... [exhaling]

Wiggle about.

Now I'm ready to figure this out.

i¡Vamos a ver!

I'm sorry, Jun.

I should have made sure there was a real jalapeño giant

before I told you about it.

Thanks, Rosie.

And we should have made sure it was true

before we made newspapers about it!

Ay, that's okay, kids.

Now you know, before sharing news...

and news stories...

you should make sure the news is true.


Then they won't think it's a giant

when it's really just a plant!


♪ Noticias, did you hear the news ♪

♪ Noticias, did you hear the news ♪

♪ I just heard some big news today ♪

♪ But before I share I'll find a way ♪

♪ To check the facts, make sure and see ♪

♪ Is it the truth or just a made-up story ♪

♪ Over at la playa is where I heard ♪

♪ That there might be a giant polka dot bird ♪

¿Estás segura?

♪ Someone just said it's raining chocolate today ♪

♪ Could that really be true

♪ I don't think so, how about you ♪

♪ I just heard some big news today ♪

♪ But before I share I'll find a way ♪

♪ To check the facts, make sure and see ♪

♪ Is it the truth or just a made-up story ♪

♪ Noticias, did you hear the news ♪

♪ Noticias, las escuchaste

♪ News, did you hear the news ♪

Rosie, guess what?!

Mi Mamá's giant jalapeño just won a prize.

Biggest jalapeño in town!

Mama Macaroni!

Come on, Javi.

Where are we going?

To tell everyone the news!

Because this time it's true!

And it's about my Tía!

Que padre!

Rosie's Rule:

Sharing news is supertastical,

as long as you make sure it's true first.


[upbeat music]

Tita, watch!



[excited meowing]

Now Tita turn!

[confused meow] Uh-huh!

[soft meowing]

[confused meow]

Roll, Tita, roll!

[confused meow]

Tita need help?



Dat no work!



Hmm... Mmm!




Yay, Tita roll!





Go, Tita, go!


[meows]: Ta-da!


Tita roll a lot!

Go again?

[meows]: Nuh-uh.



[bright music]

