04x03 - Rocky Road

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Once Upon A Time". Aired October 2011 - May 2018.*

Moderator: baileybelle

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A woman with a troubled past is drawn to a New England town where fairy tales are to be believed.
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04x03 - Rocky Road

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Once Upon A Time...

Emma: Who are you?

Elsa: My name is Elsa. I'm looking for my sister.

Mr Gold: Through Belle, there's love in my life again. I've started it with a lie. She thinks she has the real dagger.

Robin: Regina... I-I want you to meet Marian.

Marian: Are you two together?

Leroy: Power's out. So what are you gonna do about it?

Mary Margaret: Me?

Granny: You are the mayor now.

Mary Margaret: I am?

Elsa: It should be melting away. I'm the only one with this power. I should be able to undo it.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Robin, Marian and Roland are walking down Main Street. Robin and Roland have been showing Marian around down.)

Robin Hood: I know this town might seem strange at first, but you do get used to it. And Roland loves it here. He loves watching the boats at the harbour and eating at granny's...

Roland: (Interrupts) And ice cream.

Robin Hood: Yes. How could we forget about ice cream?

Roland: Can we get some now, please?

Robin Hood: (Glances at Marian and can tell that she is overwhelmed) Well, I think your mother's seen enough strange things for one day. We should get back to the camp.

Roland: (Looks at Marian and puts on a pleading face) Please, mom? Regina let me.

Marian: Sure.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Roland, Robin and Marian enter “Any Given Sunday”, and we see the Snow Queen come out from behind the counter, holding two Rocky Road ice creams. One for Robin and the other for Roland.)

Snow Queen: Rocky road for the little man. (Hands Roland his ice cream)

Roland: (Looks happy) Thank you.

Snow Queen: (Chuckles) You're welcome. (Hands Robin his) And his dashing father. (Turns to Marian) And I don't believe that I've met the beautiful mother.

Robin Hood: Uh, this is Marian.

Snow Queen: It is lovely to finally meet you, Marian. (Walks back behind the counter) Well, since you've been through such an ordeal, the least I can do is... is get you something on the house. What flavour would you like?

Marian: (Looks taken by surprise and conflicted) I...Don't know.

Robin Hood: Uh, in our world, the, uh, flavour choices of ice were dirt and mud.

Snow Queen: (Smiles and chuckles) In this world, we've made some improvements. Trust me, there is no problem that can't be solved with a bit of ice cream. (Goes to the back counter top and sprinkles some topping on the ice cream, before waving her hand and casting a spell on the ice cream)

Robin Hood: Thank you. That's very kind.

Snow Queen: (Smiles and peers over the counter, looking at Roland) No, thank you. Seeing a happy family like yours in here really warms my heart.

Marian: (Tries some of her ice cream) Mhm. (Smiles, and follows Robin and Roland out of the door)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Emma, Hook, and Elsa are standing in Mr Gold’s shop, with Mr Gold and Belle standing in front of them. They have come here hoping that Mr Gold might have answers as to why Elsa in the urn in his vault.)

Mr Gold: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've never seen her before in my life.

Emma: So how'd she end up inside your urn inside your secret vault of terror?

Mr Gold: Look, if you really want to know how she wound up there, she's standing right beside you, Miss Swan. Why don't you simply ask her?

Elsa: She did. But I can't remember. Something happened to my memories.

Mr Gold: Well, an all-too-common affliction 'round these parts. Pity. But as you can see, many objects fall into my possession... urns, necklaces, all manner of things. I can't know the history behind all of them.

Hook: (Doesn’t look like he is buying Mr Gold’s story and interrupts) Only if there's something in it for you. Right, mate?

Mr Gold: Yeah, well, that may have been true once. But recently my life has been...Turned upside down. I've lost a son. (Looks to Belle) I've gained a wife. So you might say... I've decided to turn over a new leaf.

Emma: Don't forget about my super power. I'll be able to tell if you're lying.

Mr Gold: How about I do you one better? Let's simply have Belle use the dagger on me.

Belle: (Looks shocked at Mr Gold’s demand, and steps forward, taking a hold of his hand, and she stammers) No. No. Rumple, you don't... you don't have to do that.

Mr Gold: (He’s insistent to prove that he is innocent) No, no, no. Miss Swan wants proof. And I'm happy to cooperate.

Belle: (Sighs) Fine: (She gives in, opens her bag and pulls out her dagger. The others watch as he turns to face Mr Gold and raises it) I command you, Dark One...To tell them the truth.

Mr Gold: The truth is... (He pauses momentarily) Just as I said. I had no idea there was someone inside there. I know nothing about Elsa. Or her sister. But I wish you best of luck finding her.

[ Past. Arendelle ]

(A castle is shown at night time, with it’s windows lit. It switches to inside the castle and into one of the main rooms. Elsa is pacing worriedly, as she learns that Anna hasn’t been sighted or heard from. Kristoff is casually holding onto a chair, remaining calm.)

Elsa: So, no one has heard from Anna? There's been no sightings from any of the scouts?

Kristoff: Since you asked me 10 seconds ago? Nope. She's going be fine. I've seen Anna fight wolves and snow monsters and that idiot from the Southern Isles.

Elsa: Hans?

Kristoff: (Clearly doesn’t like hearing Han’s name) Whatever his name is. Look, the point is she can take care of herself, so stop worrying.

Elsa: Well, I can't just sit here. I'm going after her.

Kristoff: She told me you'd try that and she told me to stop you.

Elsa: Well, you can't. I'm the queen.

Kristoff: Which is exactly why you need to stay in Arendelle, as you told her.

Elsa: (Freezes and looks at him, stopping her attempt to leave)

Kristoff: Yep. Anna was right. Logic and reason do work on you. Right now, your kingdom needs you more than Anna.

Elsa: She knows me too well.

Kristoff: It's not hard to see. You're a softy. Beneath that "oh, baby, I'm the queen" thing.

Elsa: (Trying not to crack a smile) Why is it your compliments are so aggravating?

Kristoff: Well, I start out that way, but you'll warm up to me.

Guard: (He enters without knocking, and it’s clear he has important news) Your majesty. I apologize for barging in like this, but we have news from one of our scouts.

Elsa: (Hopeful) Have you found Anna?

Guard: No. But they discovered something else in their search. (He hands Elsa a leather wrapped piece of parchment)

Elsa: (Reads what’s on the parchment and her demeanour quickly changes)

Kristoff: (Senses this) What does it say?

Elsa: There's an army massing in the Southern mountains. Heading for Arendelle, led by Prince Hans.

Kristoff: (Sighs) Well, I know every inch of those mountains. Let me sneak up there and see what he's up to.

Guard: I didn't realize the official Arendelle ice master and deliverer got a say in matters.

Elsa: He doesn't. (Walks towards Kristoff and stops in front of him) You're not going anywhere. It's too dangerous.

Kristoff: Oh, there you go warming up to me. You do care.

Elsa: My sister wants a wedding. It's probably best the groom is alive.

Kristoff: So I'll be real careful.

Elsa: You're staying right here. As you said, I am the queen of Arendelle. So let me be the queen and handle it.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(At the mayor’s office, Mary Margaret is getting ready to host her first town meeting as Mayor, and people are slowly arriving. Mary Margaret is still holding baby Neal, and greeting people as they walk in.)

Mary Margaret: Hi. (Smiles and hands a woman a small piece of paper)

David: Come on inside. (Walks out of the meeting room into the foyer where Mary Margaret is standing) Need a hand? (Reaches out to take Neal off her)

Mary Margaret: (Holds Neal closer to her) Oh, no. I got it.

David: You're planning to run your first fireside chat holding a newborn?

Mary Margaret: Yeah, I'm fine. Mothers are natural multi-taskers.

David: (Touches Neal’s head) That may be, but you're juggling a lot right now.

Mary Margaret: Well, that's true. I have to say, I'm starting to have more and more respect for our court Jester every day.

David: Yeah. Rupert was special.

Mary Margaret: (Chuckles)

David: But you're sure you can...

Mary Margaret: We took back a kingdom, remember? I can handle this.

Mary Margaret and David make their way into the meeting room. Mary Margaret walks to the front of the room, standing at the end and turning to face everyone. David takes a seat next to her. Familiar faces such as; Robin Hood, Marian, Roland, Leroy, Archie and Granny are present.

Mary Margaret: Hi, everyone. And welcome to the very first mayor's fireside chat. For too long, this office was a place to be feared. Well, I want every citizen to feel welcome and included here. So, if you could just refer to the meeting agenda I've printed, there are...

Archie: (Interrupts and holds up his piece of paper) Uh, what's this about an ice wall?

Mary Margaret: (Slightly surprised) Oh, that's, uh, item four. We'll get to that in a minute.

Leroy: I vote we skip items one, two, and three. Show of hands. (The crowd murmurs in agreement with his statement and all raise their hands)

Mary Margaret: (Smiles) Yeah, that's... oh, fine. No, I can... (Sighs) I can be flexible. The ice wall is nothing to worry about. For the time being, it does surround the entire town...

Woman: (Interrupts and sounds angry at Mary Margaret’s last statement) What?

Archie: The entire town?

Leroy: (Stands up angrily) Are you serious?

Mary Margaret: (Becomes a bit flustered, and looks as though she is struggling balancing Neal and handling the crowd) So, no. (Looks down at Neal as he begins to cry) Oh. Everyone calm down. The wall isn't hurting anyone.

Leroy: (Still standing and not looking impressed) We've been through all this before. I ain't worried about the wall. I'm worried about who made it.

Mary Margaret: (Looks back down at her own piece of paper) Item five. Her name is Elsa. She's a friend.

Leroy: Is she the one that froze my truck?

Granny: (Knitting in the corner of the room) And made that snow monster that almost k*lled Marian?

Marian: (Jumps in to defend) Bu... I-I'm fine. Really.

David: (Stands up) I've spoken to Elsa, and I promise you we will have all of this under control very soon. (His voice becomes distorted as the camera zooms in on Marian, who is starting to look a little dizzy and a white stripe is forming through her hair) And there will be no more danger of any kind.

Mary Margaret: (Her voice is distorted too) So, if we could all just circle back around to item one, we can all discuss...

Marian: (Her eyes close and she suddenly passes out in Robin’s arms)

Robin Hood: (Lowers her to the ground gently, and in a panic, tries to wake her up) Marian! Marian! Marian!

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Henry is sitting alone in Granny’s diner doing his algebra work, and the waitress places a cup of hot chocolate in front of him, when Regina enters, carrying a stack of comic books stack, and she sits down beside him, Henry turning to look at her.)

Regina: I didn't know which ones you were reading these days.

Henry: These are awesome. Much better than algebra. Thanks. (Chuckles) But you didn't have to do this.

Regina: Well, I wanted to. (Face drops) But don't get used to it. (She chuckles again) (Reaches out to pick one up, Henry doing the same) Isn't it funny how these are just ink and paper but everything in your storybook is real? Makes you wonder who wrote it, doesn't it?

Henry: (Turns to look at her) The storybook?

Regina: Mm-hmm.

Henry: No one knows.

Regina: (Places the comic she is holding back on the counter) Oh, come on. You're such an expert on all this. You've read it cover to cover. There's nothing in the book that gives... Even a clue?

Henry: (Senses that Regina is genuinely interested) What are you up to?

Regina: (She scoffs momentarily, before sighing) These stories about me in the book, I was written as a villain. And things never work out for the villain, so I... Want to find who wrote this book and make them... Ask them... To write me a happy ending. Is that crazy?

Henry: (Enthusiastic) This is the best idea you've ever had. We have to change the book because it's wrong about you. We just have to find the clues.

Regina: "We"? What? You'll help me?

Henry: It'll be our own secret mission.

Regina: (Chuckles) Like that “Operation Viper" you had with Emma.

Henry: (Corrects her) "Cobra," but yeah. This one we'll call "operation..." (Looks down at the counter deep in thought)

Regina: "Mongoose."

Henry: Perfect. "Operation Mongoose" it is.

Regina: (Chuckles)

The bell to the diner jingles and the door opens, revealing Robin Hood, who is still clearly looking distressed as he makes his way over to where Regina and Henry are sitting.

Robin Hood: Oh, Regina. Can we talk?

Regina: (Stands up, clears her throat awkwardly and walks towards him) What are you doing here?

Robin Hood: It's Marian. Something's happened to her. I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to turn to. I need your help.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Mary Margaret and David are still in the Mayor’s office watching over Marian, who is unconscious on the couch, ice now starting to cover her body. David is by the fire and poking it, with hopes of making Marian warm again. Everyone who was at the meeting is gone. Robin and Regina enter.)

Robin Hood: How is she?

David: Not good. She's getting colder.

Mary Margaret: (Sighs) Regina, thanks for coming.

Regina: Don't thank me till I've done something. (Notices the bird painting on the wall and stops in her tracks) Who's idea was that?

Mary Margaret: Oh, I thought I would put my own personal touch on the office.

Regina: Well, you've succeeded. Hideously. (Walks to where Robin is kneeling by Marian)

Robin Hood: (Looks up at her) Is there anything you can do?

Regina: (Exhales sharply) This is strong magic. I-I can't stop it, but maybe I can slow it down.

Footsteps echo in the foyer, and a moment later, Emma enters the room, followed by Hook and Elsa.

Emma: What happened?

Regina: (Looks up and indicates to Emma) Perhaps you should ask your new friend. After all, it was her monster that att*cked Marian.

Hook: Well, to be fair, we did provoke the beast.

Elsa: But this isn't my magic. Someone else did this.

Regina: Oh, and we're supposed to trust you?

Emma: You can trust me. If she says it was someone else, it was.

Henry: So, how do we break the spell?

Elsa: The only way to cure a freezing spell is an act of true love.

Regina: (Looks saddened) True love's kiss.

Robin Hood: Well, then there's no time to lose. (Turns back towards Marian, before leaning down and kissing her. After a few moments, he pulls back when realizes it wasn’t working) What's wrong? Why isn't it working?

David: I've seen this once before, when Frederick was turned to gold.

Emma: Who the hell's Frederick?

Henry: Long story.

Robin Hood: (Frustrated) So, the cold is acting as a barrier? Is there nothing we can do?

Regina: Well, every curse is different. I need more time to study this one.

Emma: I'm going to go find who did this before it happens again. (Turns to leave)

Regina: Well, I hope you bring backup.

Emma: (Turns back around) What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Regina: Well, between the snow monster and the cave-in...seems like the saviour needs saving these days.

Emma: I think you're bitter and you're taking it out on the wrong person. I'll be fine. (Turns to leave again)

Hook: (Goes to follow her) Well, I like that battle plan, so I'm with you, Swan.

Emma: (Stops him) No. Take Elsa to the sheriff's station. Keep her out of sight. Once people get word of this, they're going to be calling for her head.

Hook: (More concerned about Emma) I'd rather save yours than hers. There's someone dangerous out there.

Emma: (Her tone is sharp) I don't have time to argue with you about this. Can you for once just do what I say? (Leaves the room, not seeing Hook’s surprised look)

[ Past. Arendelle ]

(Kristoff is leading Sven through the woods at night time. He has snuck out behind Elsa’s back to spy on Han’s camp, and he’s talking to Sven.)

Kristoff: I am doing what Elsa said. (Exhales sharply) Well, the spirit of it, anyway. Fine. Okay. I'm disobeying her. But she'll be glad, Sven. You'll see. She just doesn't know it yet. Now, stay put, buddy. (Walks off and leaves Sven near a tree, as he spies Hans camp) Wow. He wasn't exaggerating. He really does have 12 brothers.

At the camp, Hans is sitting near a fire reading a piece of parchment before his brother approaches him.

Jurgen: Hans. More wood on the fire. It's freezing.

Hans: I'm busy. Do it yourself.

Jurgen: Now, is that any way to treat your big brother? Maybe I'll throw you on instead.

Hans: (Stands up) You would be wise not to insult the future king of Arendelle. (His brothers laugh at him)

Brother 1: Don't you think it's a little early to be sizing the crown, Hans?

Jurgen: Remember what happened the last time.

Hans: (Snaps) Of course I remember. But last time, I didn't have this. (Holds up the parchment, where a picture of an urn)

[ Past. Arendelle ]

(Back in Elsa’s castle, Elsa is still talking to the same guard from earlier in the room, they are looking at a map on the table. There are now two other guards who have joined them.)

Elsa: Even if they had enough men to storm the castle, I'd freeze them before they reached the gate.

Guard: He's posturing. Prince Hans has seen what you can do.

Kristoff: (Enters the room) And he knows how to defeat her.

Elsa: (Looks surprised to see him) Kristoff. Shouldn't you be... somewhere else?

Kristoff: I should be. I was. Uh...I mean...I went to spy on Hans, okay?

Elsa: (Doesn’t look happy) You disobeyed me.

Kristoff: Punish me after I tell you what I found. (Walks over to the map and points towards the caves) There's an urn hidden in a cave in the north valley. It has the power to trap people like you.

Elsa: (Looks offended) People... Like me?

Kristoff: With magic. Hans wants to use it against you and then invade Arendelle.

Guard: Your majesty, if this is truly his plan, let us take the fight to him.

Elsa: No. I will not risk that many lives. There has to be a way to avoid w*r.

Kristoff: I know the valley, the cave, the shortcut that they don't. Let me bring a few soldiers, and I will destroy the urn.

Elsa: (Smiles) You can bring one. Me.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Leroy, Archie and Granny are stood with the same group of people from the meeting at the front of Granny’s diner, and they are having their own meeting, and Leroy is annoyed still.)

Leroy: Elsa's the problem. Today it's Marian. Tomorrow she could freeze the whole town.

Granny: Much as I like to move the hot cocoa, somebody's got to stop her.

Leroy: (Begins to walk out of Granny’s grounds, and the others follow)

Archie: (Protests and tries to stop him) Wait. You can't just condemn her without all the facts.

Leroy: Look around. Who else can turn people into popsicles? It's Elsa, and we all know it, so she's got to be stopped before she hurts someone else.

The group continues to walk down Main Street, walking about “Any Given Sundae” and the Snow Queen, who watches them walk past, with an amused smile on her face.

[ Past. Arendelle ]

(It’s dawn, and Elsa and Kristoff make their way through the woods, towards the cave that contains the ice cave. Sven is no longer with Kristoff. Kristoff is carrying rope and some form of w*apon.)

Elsa: Did Hans say anything else about the urn? Anything at all?

Kristoff: Just that it can trap people like you and it's really, really old.

Elsa: Do you understand what that means? There must have been others like me. I always thought I was alone.

Kristoff: You've never been alone. You have Anna.

Elsa: And I love her. But...We're not the same.

Kristoff: Yeah. No, I got that.

Elsa: You know what I mean. We're sisters, and I love her, but I have this...Magic. You should understand. I mean, you grew up with rock trolls.

Kristoff: So?

Elsa: So you're human and they're, you know, rocks.

Kristoff: (Scoffs) They're family. They just wanted what was best for me. I guess I never really felt alone.

Elsa: (Not watching were she is going) Wish I could see it like that.

Kristoff: (Sees that Elsa is about walk right off a cliff, and rushes forward, grabbing her arm and pulling her back) Welcome to the north valley. (Sighs) The cave is about 100 feet straight down.

Elsa: Not a problem. Would you prefer a slide or a spiral staircase? (Goes to use her magic)

Kristoff: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no. We can't use magic. Hans might see it and be right on top of us.

Elsa: Well, what would you suggest?

Kristoff: Well, something a bit more rustic.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook and Elsa are in an alley on Storybrooke’s Main Street, waiting until Leroy and his angry mob pass.)

Hook: Wait. All right. Coast is clear. (Steps out onto the pavement)

Elsa: (Follows him onto the pavement, but doesn’t follow him)

Hook: That means go, love.

Elsa: I'm not coming with you. There's someone out there with powers like mine. I need to find out who. I...I can't just hide out in some sheriff's station.

Hook: Oh. Well, that works out quite nicely, then. 'Cause that's not where we're going.

Elsa: (Surprised) It's not?

Hook: With Emma running into danger? Not a chance in hell. And the sheriff's station's that way.

Elsa: (Curiously) And what's that way?

Hook: (Smirks) With any luck, danger. (Begins walking and Elsa follows)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(David and Emma are in the woods, and are approaching Robin Hood’s tent.)

David: Robin and Marian's tent's up ahead. So, what exactly are we looking for?

Emma: If whoever cursed Marian has the same powers as Elsa, maybe they left a trail.

David: So we split up and we look for anything... Cold.

Emma: (Scoffs)

David: Yeah. Well, shout if you need help, and I'll...

Emma: (Interrupts him) Okay. Yeah. I got it. (Leaves David and walks towards Robin’s tent. She hears clattering coming from inside and draws her g*n, knowing it’s not Robin) Whoever's in there, come out.

Will: (Steps out of the tent slowly and puts his hands up in a surrender motion)

Emma: Who the hell are you? What are you doing in that tent?

Will: (He has a strong, cocky British accent) It depends who's asking.

Emma: The sheriff's asking.

Will: I never did like sheriffs very much. Though you do seem like the decent sort, so I'm guessing you're not gonna sh**t a man in the back.

Emma: (Looks at him confusion, and her eyes widen when he suddenly bolts) Hey, stop! (Behind chasing after him through the woods. As she is about to catch him, she trips over a log, and quickly gets back on her feet)

David: (Suddenly appears from behind a tree and tackles Will to the ground, before quickly making him stand and still holding onto him tightly) Where were you going?

Emma: (Finally catches up and she is panting) I almost had him, but I... Fell.

David: Don't worry about it. That's why we have two sheriffs.

Will: Two sheriffs? Bloody hell. That's not even fair, is it?

David: Who are you?

Will: All right. My name's will Scarlet. I used to be a merry man until me and Robin Hood had a bit of a falling out.

Emma: So what are you doing in his tent?

Will: Well, I heard what happened to Marian. Terrible thing. But I kind of know something that might help.

Emma: Well, he's not here right now, so tell us.

Will: Look, I'm a thief. Always been a thief, always gonna be a thief. And when there's a blackout like the other night, do you know what a thief does?

Emma: He goes to work.

Will: Exactly. So, I'm working me way down Main Street when I break into the ice-cream parlour and see the strangest thing. There'd been no electricity for hours, but still all the ice cream was frozen solid. How... how does something like that happen?

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Regina and Robin are still in the Mayor’s office, and Marian is lying on the couch, still freezing to death, and looking colder by the moment.)

Regina: The curse is working its way towards her heart. Once it touches... that's it.

Robin Hood: Is there nothing you can do?

Regina: (Sighs) There might be something. But only if you trust me completely.

Robin Hood: I do.

Regina: Then I'll send Henry to my vault to get what I need.

Robin Hood: Of course. What are you going to do?

Regina: Something drastic.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Mr Gold is working on a trinket in his shop, when the door opens, and Hook and Elsa enter. Elsa is curious with the shop and what’s in it.)

Mr Gold: (Stops tinkering) I must apologize, but I'm really rather busy today.

Hook: (Walks to the counter and his tone isn’t one of friendliness) And here I was hoping for a warm hello from the newly-reformed Mr. Gold.

Mr Gold: This is still a place of business. So unless you have something to offer me, I'm afraid I can be of no further help.

Hook: Well, as it turns out, I do have something to offer you...my silence. See...I know that that dagger you gave Belle was a fake.

Mr Gold: Is that right?

Hook: Mm. I've hunted you a long time, my old crocodile, and I know you better than most. And I know that you would never let anyone have power over you. Not even Belle.

Mr Gold: And you expect her to believe you without a shred of proof?

Hook: Well, I could ask her to summon you with the dagger. And then, when it doesn't work...Proof.

Mr Gold: That's a very dangerous insinuation.

Hook: So we have a deal?

Mr Gold: I do hope Miss Swan's worth it.

Hook: (He smiles, insinuating that it is worth it and he turns his attention to Elsa) Good news! He's agreed to help.

Elsa: (Walks towards Mr Gold, holding out her hand) This hair is from Marian. Someone cast a freezing curse on her. We need to know who it is.

Mr Gold: (Takes the hair and places it in his open palm) Well... you're in luck. Magic can change forms, but never be destroyed. We'll simply return it to its natural state. (Waves his other hand and changes the hair back into its original state)

Elsa: (Scoffs) Snowflakes.

Mr Gold: Magic similar to yours, dearie, though not quite the same. Much like a snowflake, each person's magic is unique.

Hook: Poetic. How does that help us?

Mr Gold: Well, magic seeks out like-magic. So if I set this free... (He blows the snowflakes into the air) It should find its way home, back to the person who cast it. (The snowflakes begin to head for the shop door)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Mary Margaret is by her car, and is trying to put down Neal’s pram with one hand, as he holds Neal in the other.)

Mary Margaret: Come on. Ah! (Sees Archie and chuckles)

Archie: Got your hands full.

Mary Margaret: No, I'm fine. It's just a little trouble with the stroller. You know, they... they make these contraptions so complicated. Oh! (She drops the stroller on the ground) See?

Archie: Oh. [Laughs] I can't imagine how complicated things must be with all your new responsibilities as a mother and Storybrooke and this whole ice problem. It's a lot to take on, even for Snow White.

Mary Margaret: (Stops struggling with the stroller and looks down at Neal) Oh, I can handle it. You know, 'cause... I mean, I want to. They say that they grow up so fast. And I don't want to miss a second.

Archie: Yeah. Because you missed it with Emma.

Mary Margaret: I don't remember scheduling a session.

Archie: I'm sorry. Um... I-I just can't help myself. But, you know, it... it's really okay. It's actually healthy to not be joined at the hip. And I can tell you, if you let it go, even just a little, the baby will be just fine. And you'll be even better. I promise. (Smiles and leaves Mary Margaret, just as Neal begins to cry)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Will has taken Emma and David to “Any Given Sundae” where he is still trying to convince them that the power didn’t go out there during the blackout. Emma is peering through the door, and David through the window.)

Emma: (Turns to look at Will) I don't know. Looks pretty normal to me.

Will: It was bleeding cold in there, I'm telling you.

Emma: Because they sell ice cream.

Will: During the blackout.

Emma: Says the guy who's trying to avoid jail.

Will: I may be a thief, but I'm no liar and I can bloody well prove it. (Moves the door and tries to use a paperclip to unlock the door)

David: Really? You think breaking in again is gonna help your case?

Will: Can you just be quiet a second, mate? I'm just trying to do this. Takes concentration. Bit tricky.

Emma: (Steps forward and takes he paperclip from him) It's all about... yeah, the tumblers. I got it.

David: You do?

Emma: (Sighs) Neal taught me a few things. (Unlocks the door, the bell jingles and the three of them enter, the door closing behind them)

David: Emma, it doesn't look like...

Emma: Wait. Shh. Listen.

David: I don't hear nothing.

Emma: Exactly. No compressor hum means no cooling system. (Smartass here was telling the truth. Something's not right here.)

Will: Check the back. You'll see how right I am.

Emma: (Enters the freezer and David follows her) Well, look at that. Looks like we owe will an apology. (Hears the bell jingle and runs out into the main part of the shop to see Will gone) Son of a... He's gone. (Notices the cashier is open and all the cash is gone) And he didn't leave empty-handed. (Goes to chase after him)

David: (Stops her) Emma, stop. He's not the most important thing right now.

Emma: (Frustrated) So I just let him go?

David: And then you'll find him.

Emma: Will I?

David: What's going on? Emma, I'm your father. Talk to me.

Emma: (Sighs) It's Regina. What she said, she was right. It's like I can't save a cat from a tree right now. It's like I'm the anti-saviour.

David: You're being a little hard on yourself. We all have bad days.

Emma: Well, I'm having a run of them. I know.

David: But you can't lose faith in yourself. Trust me.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook and Elsa are still following the snow flakes which are leading them through the Storybrooke woods. Every so often, Hook is stopping to mark a tree, and Elsa stops to watch him.)

Elsa: What are you doing?

Hook: (Marks another tree) Leaving a trail. I'm more accustomed to outrunning bad weather than following it.

Elsa: (Walks alongside him) Snow isn't bad. And we're following magic.

Hook: Try to outrun that, too, when given the chance.

Elsa: (Chuckles)

Hook: What's so funny?

Elsa: It's just Emma has magic, and you clearly don't want to outrun her.

Hook: More like the other way around.

Elsa: Maybe she feels the same way about pirates as you do about magic.

Hook: I've worked to change. Though, in fairness, being a pirate is not necessarily a bad thing. Particularly a charming one like meself.

Elsa: I think your self-appreciation is blinding you to a simple fact... this isn't about you. It's about her.

Hook: Is that right? A few short days, and you know Emma so well?

Elsa: We're a lot alike. When you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, it can be hard to let people in, to trust them. Even when they want what's best for you.

[ Past. Arendelle ]

(Elsa and Kristoff have arrived at the cave and are looking around for the urn. They have beaten Hans and his brothers to it. The urn is on a ledge on a rock.)

Kristoff: (Points to the urn) There's the urn. (Chuckles) See? I told you we could beat Hans the old-fashioned way. Now let's destroy it.

Elsa: Do you mind if I use my magic now? Or would you prefer to hack away at it with your ice-axe?

Kristoff: (Scoffs) You know, my hacking arm's a little tired. I think you should do the honours, your majesty.

Elsa: Why, thank you, ice master. (Walks forward and takes the urn of the ledge and looks at it. An old language of text suddenly appears on the outside) Wait. There's something written here. I think these are ancient Futhark runes. I can't read it. What do you think it says?

Kristoff: Uh..."Dangerous urn! Keep away!" Just a guess. Does it matter? Let's destroy it and get out of here.

Elsa: What if it can tell me if there are others like me? I'm the only one in my family born with magic. I'd like to know why.

Kristoff: Elsa, I know you want answers. But right now we can get rid of that urn for your own good, and Arendelle's.

Elsa: I want to know what it says. I might not get another chance.

Kristoff: Please, Elsa, you have to trust me on this... (Tries to reach for the urn)

Elsa: No! (Snatches the urn back as footsteps approach)

Kristoff: Someone's coming. Hans. (Turns to look at Hans) And his brothers. Three of them, anyway.

Hans: The urn. Get it.

The three brothers rush towards them, in an attempt to retrieve the urn. Kristoff draws his sword ready to fight, and Elsa uses her ice magic to knock two brothers to wall, before creating a spiky ice wall, moving it towards them, trapping them between the cave wall and her ice. Kristoff fends off the other brother, and just as they think they’ve won, Hans draws his sword and presses it against Kristoff’s back.

Hans: Enough, witch. Unless you want your sister to be left a widow.

Kristoff: You know, technically, she wouldn't be a widow. We're not married yet, so... ow.

Hans: Hand it over. Now.

Elsa: (Hesitates)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(The snowflakes have lead Hook and Elsa to the Snow Queen.)

Hook: I'd say we're on the right track.

Elsa: Yes. There she is. (They watch as the Snow Queen steps out) Look.

Hook: Get down. (He hides behind a log with Elsa, before pulling out his phone.)

Elsa: (Looks at it curiously) What is that thing?

Hook: (Sighs) I don't know. It's a device for...Talking. I don't bloody know. I press the "Emma" button, and she answers usually. (He presses the button and sighs again whilst it rings, but it goes to voicemail)

Emma: (Voicemail) Hey, this is Emma. Leave a message.

Hook: (Slight annoyed) Why should I carry around this ridiculous thing if you're never there when I use it? We found the person who froze Marian. Get to the west edge of the woods right away. (Hangs up and notices that Elsa is leaning over the log and pulls her back) What the bloody hell are you doing?

Elsa: Sorry. I've never seen someone like me before. She doesn't look evil.

Hook: Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving, love. So let's just stay out of sight. I haven't a fondness of icebergs and I'd rather avoid being turned into one.

[ Past. Arendelle ]

(Elsa is still holding onto the urn in the cave, whilst Hans continues to thr*aten Kristoff with the sword poking his back.)

Hans: (Eyeing Kristoff with disgust) This is the man she's to marry?

Kristoff: (Scoffs)In fairness, I never tried to k*ll her.

Hans: I didn't try to k*ll her. I left her to die. Important distinction. But I'm happy to k*ll you.

Elsa: Please, no! Don't hurt him.

Hans: Then give me the urn.

Kristoff: Elsa, don't. It doesn't matter what happens to me. Just don't let him have it.

Elsa: Wait. You can take it. Just let him go.

Kristoff: Elsa!

Elsa: I'm sorry, Kristoff. I should have listened to you and destroyed it when I had the chance.

Kristoff: Don't you understand? If Hans has the urn and traps you, then Arendelle is doomed.

Elsa: No, it isn't. I didn't trust you before, which is why I have to trust you now. You have to find Anna and save Arendelle.

Hans: (Indicates to one of his brothers to take Kristoff so he can take the Urn from Elsa and he chuckles) Huh? Oh, you want to make fun of me now? Showed them. Now I'll show you. You don't belong in this world. You don't belong anywhere. Which is why I'm gonna put you somewhere where it's like you don't even exist. (He opens the lid of the urn and a runny, shiny white substance comes out and begins to move towards Elsa) The citizens of Arendelle will cheer when I take their kingdom because they'll finally have a real ruler. Not a monster like you.

As the white liquid reaches Elsa, it suddenly changes paths, and moves to the side, before beginning to rise, and form into the Snow Queen. Everyone is wearing similar expressions of confusion.

Kristoff: No one thought to check if it was empty?

Hans: What's going on? Who are you?

Snow Queen: Hmm, from what I just heard, I think you'd call me a monster. (Uses her magic to freeze Hans, his brothers running away before she gets the chance to freeze them too)

Elsa: You... You saved me.

Snow Queen: I know from experience. No one should be trapped in that urn. Especially someone as special as you. (Notices Kristoff) Who is this?

Elsa: It's okay. He's okay. His name's Kristoff. He's my friend.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook and Elsa are still hiding behind their log, and Emma still hasn’t shown up, and Hook decides that it’s time to move.)

Hook: We've waited long enough. We have to find Emma. (Stands up and begins to walk away, but suddenly finds himself stuck, ice around his shoes, not allowing him to move)

Snow Queen: I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't let you leave.

Hook: (Confused and angry) What?

Elsa: Let go of him now.

Snow Queen: Not when you and I have so much catching up to do, my sweet Elsa.

Hook: Catching up? What? You know her?

Elsa: I've never seen her before.

Snow Queen: You've simply forgotten.

Elsa: I wouldn't forget someone like you. Like me.

Snow Queen: The magic of the rock trolls. They pull memories. They did quite a number on you, I'm afraid.

Elsa: The rock trolls? Why would they do that to me?

Snow Queen: For the same reason they did it to your sister, Anna. Some memories are too painful.

Elsa: You know Anna? What happened to her?

Snow Queen: The same things that happens to every ordinary person. Eventually... they grow to fear us. You wonder... How you ended up trapped in that urn. It was your sister. Anna put you there.

Elsa: You're lying.

Snow Queen: Am I? Look at the people in this town. They're ready to burn you at the stake.

Elsa: Because of what you did. You hurt one of them.

Snow Queen: You mean that woman... Marian. Well, that was an accident.

Elsa: No, it wasn't. You wanted them to think it was me. To blame me. Why?

Snow Queen: I was trying to teach you a lesson. Eventually, everyone turns on people like us. Even friends. Even family. They're just waiting for a reason. (She begins to grow icicles above Hook, which shake, ready to drop and s*ab him)

Elsa: What are you doing? (Tries to stop them, but she has no magic)

Snow Queen: Don't bother. I've neutralized your magic.

Hook: (Hastily tries to free himself, and tries to chip at the ice with his hook, but it isn’t working)

Snow Queen: When your friend is found, you'll look responsible. Then they'll turn on you and they'll treat you as the monster that they truly see you as, and you'll know that I'm right.

Elsa: No!

Emma: (Appears with David, and looks scared when she sees Hook’s predicament) Hey! Dairy queen!

Snow Queen: (Shocked) Emma?

Emma: (Looks at the Snow Queen confused) Do we know each other?

Snow Queen: Of course not. Your reputation precedes you. You really think that your magic is a match for mine?

Emma: There's only one way to find out. (Uses her magic to force the Snow Queen back)

David: (Rushes over to Hook and begins to forcefully bash away the ice around his feet)

Hook: (Looks up and sees the sharp icicles are beginning to dislodge) No.

Snow Queen: (Sits up and commands the ice to start falling)

Emma: (Sees the ice is falling around David and Hook, and uses her magic to move Hook and David out of the way quickly, who land a few metres away) You guys okay?

David: Yeah, we're fine. (Sits up and looks around for the Snow Queen) Where is she?

Emma: She's gone.

[ Past. Arendelle ]

(Elsa and the Snow Queen are out of the ice cave, and are back in Elsa’s palace with the urn. They are laughing and asking one another questions.)

Elsa: Have you ever made a snowman come to life? That's the best.

Snow Queen: Have you tried building an ice palace yet?

Elsa: Yes. You have to see it sometime. (Giggles)

Snow Queen: (Stops in front of a painting of Elsa’s parents)

Elsa: Oh. That's my favourite painting of my parents. I feel like it gets my mother's smile just right.

Snow Queen: I agree.

Elsa: You knew her?

Snow Queen: Yes. She's my sister. I knew, when you told me you were queen, that I... I was waiting for the right moment. I-I-I didn't want to overwhelm you. Did... did I?

Elsa: (Shocked) No, I... Well, a bit, yes. Mother never told me she had a sister.

Snow Queen: I'm sure she was trying to spare you a very painful history. Y-you see I was trapped in that urn by people who fear magic like ours. But that was a long time ago. And now I cannot wait to see my beloved sister again. Where is she?

Elsa: (Suddenly looks sad) Lost at sea. I'm sorry.

Snow Queen: My poor darling girl. You must have felt so lonely when she died.

Elsa: It was just me and my sister, Anna. But now she's missing and I fear something's happened to her, too.

Snow Queen: We'll find her. Together. That's what family is for.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Elsa is standing looking at the ice formation the Snow Queen had made. Behind her, Emma, Hook and Charming re-group, after having a look for the Snow Queen.)

Emma: (Sighs) No sign of her. Not even tracks. (Begins pacing again)

David: What is it? You okay? Hey, we're gonna find her. Don't let Regina shake your confidence.

Emma: It's not that. It's this snow queen. It's like she didn't just know Elsa. She knew me, too.

David: Well, you are the sheriff and the saviour and royalty. I think pretty much everyone in Storybrooke knows who you are.

Emma: (Sighs) There's something more. It's like, when she said my name, I-I-I don't know. It sounded familiar.

David: Well, we'll figure it out. But today you did good. You stopped her. It was a pretty impressive show, sheriff.

Hook: That it was. But perhaps we should keep searching, find the villain's lair, as it were.

Emma: (Narrows her eyes at him and is angry) So you can almost get yourself k*lled again? That's exactly why I told you to go to the sheriff's station. (Walks off, leaving a confused Hook behind once again. She approaches Elsa and sighs) How are you doing?

Elsa: That woman was lying about my sister. She would never trap me in that urn. She was lying about the past. I just wish I knew the truth.

Emma: I've learned the past has a way of revealing itself. Give it time. We're gonna find her, Elsa. Your sister, Anna, and this Snow Queen. My gut tells me that you two are just pawns. I think this is about something more.

Elsa: What makes you say that?

Emma: I brought you to this world, Elsa, but it was an accident. The Snow Queen, she was already here. I'm starting to think maybe it wasn't just some curse that brought her to Storybrooke.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Regina is still in the mayor’s office with a now completely frozen Marian. Robin enters the room again, and still looks stressed.)

Robin Hood: Roland's with Little John now. I wish I could have told him I did everything I could.

Regina: (Sighs) Even true love's kiss can't solve every problem.

Robin Hood: Well, there's a reason that kiss didn't work. And it's not what everyone thinks. I'm in love with someone else. (Looks at her)

Regina: (Scoffs) You are?

Robin Hood: Yes. But...

Regina: I know. I know you... have to go back to her. She's still your wife.

Robin Hood: I'm sorry I dragged you into this.

Henry: (Enters the room and walks up to them) You really need to clean that vault out. But I found it. (Starts rummaging in his bag)

Regina: You're sure you still want me to do this?

Robin Hood: Yes.

Regina: (Inhales deeply, before plunging her heart into Marian’s chest and pulling out her heart, which hasn’t been touched by the ice yet) Well, the ice hasn't touched her heart yet. We can keep her alive.

Robin Hood: So, then, she'll simply stay like this? Alive but... Frozen?

Regina: Until we find a cure. And I will find one.

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(Hook is drinking alone outside of Granny’s at the same table he and Emma kissed out a few nights ago after getting back from the past. Emma exits Granny’s diner, and it’s clear she is still in a mood with him.)

Hook: (Makes a gesture for her to join him) Swan. Don't make a man drink alone.

Emma: (Continues walking past him, and still annoyed) Not in the mood for a drink or a man. (Walks out onto the street)

Hook: (Runs after her) I'm sorry I didn't listen to you today. All right, I know you feel like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders. But at some point… (Uses his hook to turn her to face him) Even though we're quite different, you've got to trust me.

Emma: (Raises her voice) That's what you think this is about? That I don't trust you?

Hook: (Looks slightly confused) Is that not what it's about?

Emma: Of course I trust you.

Hook: (Raises his own voice) Then why do you keep pulling away from me?

Emma: Because everyone I've ever been with is dead. Neal and Graham. Even Walsh. I lost everyone. I... I can't lose you, too. (She has tears in her eyes)

Hook: (His expressions softens and he keeps his gaze on her, it now one of comfort) Well, love, you don't have to worry about me. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's surviving. (Continues to look into her eyes for a few moments, before pulling Emma too him and kissing her passionately in the middle of the street, ending their argument)

[ Present. Storybrooke ]

(The Snow Queen makes her way through the woods, and Mr Gold is waiting for her. The Snow Queen looks surprised to see him.)

Mr Gold: Don't worry, dearie. It's only me. Sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted.

Snow Queen: They will.

Mr Gold: We shall see. And, uh... Did Miss Swan remember you?

Snow Queen: No.

Mr Gold: That's good for you. Because it could happen. And you wouldn't want that, now, would you? Are you sure you don't want my help?

Snow Queen: When I'm ready to make a deal, I'll come to you.

Mr Gold: A moment I eagerly await. Now, you should find some shelter. It's getting quite frosty. (Walks away and leaves the Snow Queen alone in the woods)

[ End ]

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