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02x05 - I'm Not Sharing/You're Mean

Posted: 01/16/24 09:25
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Here we go Time to have some fun ♪

♪ Here comes Bali and his friends ♪

♪ Bali, arms up in the air

♪ Bali, spinning round and round ♪

♪ Bali, always likes to dance

♪ And jumps to the sky

♪ Bali, calls out to his dad

♪ Bali, jumps into his arms

♪ Gives his mom a kiss

♪ And shouts, I'm happy!

♪ Bali, arms up in the air

♪ Bali, spinning round and round ♪

♪ Bali, always likes to dance

♪ And jumps to the sky

♪ Bali, with Kikou by his side ♪

♪ Takes him everywhere

♪ Music makes him dance

♪ Bali loves his friends ♪

- Wow!

- It's an exciting place, isn't it?

- Oh yeah! Really exciting!

I love cranes and big trucks!

[ Boom ]

Hey Dad, look! What is that?

- They call that a wrecking ball.

It knocks down houses and buildings

when they're very old or badly damaged.

- Wow! That thing is super strong.

Will you pick me up so I can see?

- All right then. Hup!

- Ha ha!

Crash! Bang! Boom!

Look at me, the huge wrecking ball

and I'm wrecking it all!

- Ha ha ha!

Be careful up there, Bali.

My head isn't just some old house!

- Don't worry. I'm wrecking a big building.

[ Imitating machine noises ]

- Now you're a jackhammer, right?

- No, Dad.

[ Imitates machine noises ]

- A truck?

- No!

[ Imitates machine noises ]

- Oh, I know. A crane!

- That's it! I was a good crane, right?

- The very best crane.

But we have to go now. I've some fixing up to do in my workshop.

- Can I help?

- Of course you can.

- Yippee! You're going to fix my puppet for me.

- Hello, Bali!

- Hello, Mouki.

- I've got a broken leg!

- Poor old Mouki. That's my fault.

But it's Tamara's fault as well. We both did it.

We both wanted to play.

So we pulled. We both pulled on him at the same time.

- He broke. - Hmm.

Perhaps next time

you should both try talking to each other instead.

But don't worry. I think I can fix him.

First thing we're going to need is some glue.

- I can get that.

- Thanks, Bali.


- Is something wrong, Dad?

- I'm going to need somebody strong.

Somebody to help me press down hard on Mouki's leg

so that the glue will be able to dry properly.

- Me! I can do that!

- All right!

[ Grunting ]

There! That should do it.

Mouki's his old self again.

- Yippee!

Told you I could do it. Right, Dad?

- Oh, you sure did.

But now we have another job.

We have to fix Aldo, Papili's garden gnome.

The colour's faded away.

- I think he might have a cold.

Let's make him better, huh, Doctor Dad?

- Very well, Doctor Bali.

Now I think all he needs is a brand new coat of paint.

But first we have to get the patient all nice and smooth.

This is called sandpaper.

- Ah! It's super scratchy!

- It smoothes things. Watch this.

You try.

Oh! Now I've got dust up my nose.


- Me too! Ah...

- Achoo! - Achoo!

- Ha ha ha!

And now we're ready for the paint.

Here you go.

Now just a little.

Hey, good job.

- Wow, he looks better now, doesn't he?

- Papili will be pleased with Aldo.

- Ha ha ha!

Look at him, Mom!

I helped glue his leg together.

- You did?

- Uh-huh.

Bali was a great help today.

And I have got a little surprise here for you, Bali.

- Oh wow!

It's my own toolbox!

There's a hammer, and a screwdriver...

Oh thanks, Dad! It's really great!

- Ha ha ha!

OK, Bali! Steady on!

- This is a hammer.

And this is a screwdriver.

- Rewdiver!

- Hey, I know!

Can I take my new toolkit to school

and show it to all my friends?

- Is that a good idea, Bali?

You might lose some of your tools.

You know that your friends will want to try them.

- I'll be super careful.

Please Mom, Dad.

Please can I take them to school?

Please? If I don't lose them?

- Well OK, Bali. You can take them.

They are yours, after all.

- Yeah!

- That was a great gift. He's so excited.

- Yeah!

[ Yawning ]

- I just can't wait for tomorrow.

Night night, Kikou.

Night night, toolkit.

Yeah! Ha ha ha!

- It's fantastic!

- Yeah! I wish I had one.

- And me!

- Oh, wow! You've lots of tools.

- I know!

[ Clapping ]

- OK children, it's time for make-and-do.

- [Children]: Yeah!

- Now, Sacha, you'll be teamed with Bali.

- Yeah! - Great!

- Miki, you'll be with Charlie.

- Yeah!

- This will be the best truck ever!

- Right. So what are you going to do next?

- Next are the wheels.

- Just wait while I knock this in, Sacha.

- OK. Let me hold this for you.

- Done it! - Very good.

Keep going. I'll see how the others are doing.

- Thank you, Ms. Chang.

That's it. Vroom! Vroom!

- I can do the front wheels.

Would you mind lending me your hammer please, Bali?

- Uh...

But I don't really want to. - Why not?

- Well because, you don't know how to use it

and you might break it or something.

- You know, it isn't much fun making things with you, Bali.

- Oh, hello there, Bali!

- Hello, Aldo!

Hey, Mouki!

- Hey there, Bali. How do you like my kite?

- Oh, it's great, Mouki. Wow!

- I'm going to fly it higher than ever before.

Higher than the highest tree!

- Yeah!

Wow, it's really high up!

- Just a little higher!

- Higher! Higher!

- Oh no!

- Oh!

Phew! It's not broken.

- But it can't fly without string!

- But we could fix it with some fishing line.

And you can use mine if you like.

- You'd lend it to me, Aldo? But don't you need it?

- Ah, we can share it!

- Thanks!

- And besides that,

I'd much rather help you fix your kite.

Come on, let's sing a song while we do it, shall we?

♪♪ No!

♪ No, I don't want to lend any of my cars! ♪

♪ No!

♪ No, I don't want to lend you my big ball ♪

♪ No!

♪ No, I don't want to share any of my paint! ♪

♪ No!

♪ No, I don't want to lend any of my toys! ♪

♪ If you choose not to share

♪ Then things won't be the same ♪

♪ You'll end up playing alone ♪

♪ With no friends just you alone ♪

♪ If you choose not to share

♪ With your friends your paint and toys ♪

♪ Then you might end up alone

♪ With your toys just you all alone ♪

♪ All right, it's OK with me

♪ I'll lend you my cars

♪ Yes!

♪ All right, it's OK with me

♪ I'll lend you my ball

♪ Yes!

♪ All right, I agree

♪ I'll share my paint

♪ Yes!

♪ All right, it's OK with me

♪ I'll lend you my toys

♪ Yes!

♪ But please be careful with my toys ♪♪

- We did it! - Well done!

- Good job! - Well done, everyone!

- Hmm...

Sacha, here you are.

- Really?

Oh, thanks!

- Everything OK?

That's looking good.

- Your hammer is really great, Bali.

Vroom! Vroom!

- You'll need to make two holes in the front for the headlamps.

- Oh. How will we do that?

- Hey, Sacha! We could use these!

That's the best truck in the whole wide world!

- And now we can paint it.

- Well, you don't need my help for that.

- What's the problem?

- My paintbrush is too small.

I'll never be able to paint the truck with this.

- Then you'd better share mine.

My brother lent these ones to me.

Look how big they are!

- Oh, great! Thank you, Sacha!

- All right now, smile please!

- [Children]: Ha ha ha!

♪♪ No!

♪ No, I don't want to lend any of my cars! ♪

♪ No!

♪ No, I don't want to lend you my big ball ♪

♪ No!

♪ No, I don't want to share any of my paint! ♪

♪ No!

♪ No, I don't want to lend any of my toys! ♪

♪ If you choose not to share

♪ Then things won't be the same ♪

♪ You'll end up playing alone ♪

♪ With no friends just you alone ♪

♪ If you choose not to share

♪ With your friends your paint and toys ♪

♪ Then you might end up alone

♪ With your toys just you all alone ♪

♪ All right, it's OK with me

♪ I'll lend you my cars

♪ Yes!

♪ All right, it's OK with me

♪ I'll lend you my ball

♪ Yes!

♪ All right, I agree

♪ I'll share my paint

♪ Yes!

♪ All right, it's OK with me

♪ I'll lend you my toys

♪ Yes!

♪ But please be careful with my toys ♪♪

- We did it! - Well done!

- Good job! - Well done, everyone!

She really needs our help.

- Ohh!

- I'll get more water!

- And I'll finish the shelter.

- Here! You can do it, Kikou!

Go ahead!

[ Squeaking ]

- That's great, Kikou!

♪♪ Help your family Friends and neighbors too ♪

♪ Help them do the things They find hard to do ♪

♪ Help out anyone When they need a hand ♪

♪ Helping someone else Can be lots of fun! ♪

♪ Help your family Friends and neighbors too ♪

♪ Help them do the things They find hard to do ♪

♪ Help out anyone When they need a hand ♪

♪ Helping other people Can be lots of fun! ♪

♪ You are sick

♪ and I am well

♪ I'm very happy to help you

♪ You're feeling sick

♪ and you would like

♪ A glass of water or some milk ♪

♪ Don't you move I'll get it for you ♪

♪ Here you are, this is for you ♪

♪ You can always count on me

♪ When and if you need some help ♪

♪ Help your family Friends and neighbors too ♪

♪ Help them do the things They find hard to do ♪

♪ Help out anyone When they need a hand ♪

♪ Helping someone else Can be lots of fun! ♪

♪ Help your family Friends and neighbors too ♪

♪ Help them do the things They find hard to do ♪

♪ Help out anyone When they need a hand ♪

♪ Helping other people Can be lots of fun! ♪♪

- Yahoo!

A great goal by Bali!

[ Lea babbling ]

- You having fun, Bali?

- Oh, you bet I am!

- Ah! Ah!

- This is it. He lines up the ball. He just has to score here!

A goal! Yeah!

Uh... thank you for stopping my ball.

- Hey, this ain't your ball, it's mine! Ha, ha!

You want your ball?

Well, go fetch it!

Don't go telling anyone about this!

Or else, you get me?

Ha, ha!

- Bali, has your friend gone?

- He, uh...

- Bali, what happened to your ball?

- It, uh... it got lost, Nanou.

- Got lost? How did that happen?

- I kicked it super-hard, and didn't see where it landed.

- Oh, I am sorry, Bali.

- Bali!

- Let's have a look, hmm?

Where might it have gone?

- Over there?

- Ha, ha!

[ Ducks quacking ]

- Well, I'm afraid your ball really is lost.

Still, someone may find it, and I'm sure they'll bring it back.

Come on, you wanna go feed the ducks?

- No.

- OK, why don't you go and try the new slide?

- Well, OK. But...

You too, Nanou! Will you come with me?

- Ha! Oh, duckie!

Duckie, Nanou, duckie!

- Just as soon as Lea's fed the ducks. But don't worry.

I'll be watching you all the time!

- Mm-hmm.

- Vroom, vroom!

What a great truck! Oh boy!

Vroom, vroom!

- Uh, excuse me?

I... I wanna slide!

- No babies allowed on this slide!

Ha, ha! Baby!

- Oh...

- Ha, ha! Duckie!

- What's wrong, Bali?

I thought you were gonna play on the slide.

- I... don't like it much.

- Why not?

- I said no!

This is my slide, OK? Now beat it!

- Well, Bali seems to be in a bit of a hurry.

Hello there, Nanou. Hello, darling Lea!

- Ha, ha! Mommy!

- Hiya, tiger! So, you have fun at the park?

- Oh, sure.

- Whoa! Where's your ball, Bali?

- I, uh, I lost it in the park!

- Oh, no! That is a shame.

So did you look for it?

- Yeah, and Nanou too!

- Don't be down. We'll look for it together tomorrow!

- Well, young man!

Bali? Going somewhere?

- Uh... just my room!

- The weekend starts here, son!

What do you say we all go out and have a picnic in the park?

We'll ask Tamara to come.

- Oh, I don't know. I don't want to!

- He doesn't seem to be himself.

- I think he's just sad because he lost his ball.

- Hmm...

- Mmm?

- ♪ Pa-pa-pa-pa!

It's a beautiful day!

A perfect day for a picnic in the park. So let's go!

- Yeah, but I don't feel so well.

- What is it, Bali?

I'll get some water.

- It's OK, Kikou.

We'll be safe here in bed, where no one can bother us!

Ah, if only Robobear were here now!

- [Both]: Oh! Unh! Ha, ha!

- Ha, ha! - Hey!

- My ball!

And my racket!

That's mine, too! Hand it over, kid!

Ha, ha, ha!



- Oh!

- GRR!

You! Get off!

Those are my swings, so get off!

Hey, you!

That's my sandbox, kid! You can't play in there.



Robobear, where are you?

We need your help!

- Rob-rob-rob-robot!

Hi! What's the problem?

- [All]: Robobear!

- Over there!

He's been shouting at all the kids, telling them what to do!

- You were right to call me in, Bali!

But... there's only one solution.

You're all going to stop him together!

- Hey, you!

- [All]: Us?

- But how?

- The next time that monster tells you to do something,

just put these earmuffs on and ignore him completely!

- GRR!

- [All: Tip, tap, topla!

- All right!

OK, kids, put them on!

And remember, I'm right here.

- [All]: All right! Yeah!

- Hey! That's my slide,

and you're not allowed to play on it! Grr!


Hey, kid! That's my slide, you're not-- hey!

- Ha, ha!

- Oh!

- I told you, kid, you can't play on there!

- Ha! Yes, I can!

- What the...?

♪ Humming


- Yeah, so can I!

- Yeah! Ha, ha!

- GRR!

♪♪ You're too small

♪ I don't like what you say

♪ You don't know how to play

♪ So give me your boat!

♪ You can say anything you like ♪

♪ I cover my ears and eyes real tight ♪

♪ I'm telling you not to waste your time ♪

♪ You're just a meanie, so go away ♪

♪ You're too small

♪ You don't know how to play

♪ Your friends I don't like

♪ So give me your bike!

♪ Tell me why are you so mean?

♪ That's not the way

♪ You're gonna make friends

♪ You're always nasty and unfriendly ♪

♪ Every time you meet someone

♪ You're too small

♪ I don't like what you say

♪ You don't know how to play

♪ So give me your car!

♪ Being mean is not much fun

♪ You're always alone all the time ♪

♪ No one ever wants to play with you ♪

♪ Why don't you change the things you do ♪

♪ Oh, OK then!

♪ Come on, let's have some fun! ♪♪

- Ha, ha! Thanks, Robobear!

- And remember, Bali,

if you should need me at any time in the future, just call!

I will always be there for you!

- Here's that glass of water for you, Bali!

You got a temperature, son?

- Dad, Dad, listen. I'm not really sick.

See, there was this big boy in the park.

He took my ball away!

He said it didn't belong to me.

Then he kicked it really far away!

And then he told me that I'd better not tell anyone.

Then he said I wasn't allowed to go on the slide

because it was his!

So then I got scared and ran away.

- Bali, you were very brave to tell me all that.

You know, your mother and I will always help you.

It just sometimes happens that

some people bother others

because they think they're stronger.

- But I was scared!

- OK, what should we do about it?

- Hmm... If I ignore him, that might work!

- You're right, Bali. Why don't we give it a try?

Now, this other guy.

Do you think you'll be able to ignore him?

- Mm-hmm.

- I love you a lot, you know.

- [Both]: Mmm!

- Well, we didn't find your ball.

But then, worse things could happen.

Guess I'll just buy you a new one.

- You're right, Dad. And thanks!

Hey, Dad? Can we go to the playground?

- Go ahead! I'll be watching.

- Hey, you two, wait!

You gimme that!

- Yeah?

- Bali, he scares me!

- We're not giving you anything!


- Huh?

- Ha, ha!

- Oh no. You can't go on my slide!

- Oh yes we can!

- Hey!

This is your last chance!

The real, last, final chance, you hear?

- But we're not scared of you anymore!

- Huh?

- Go, Tamara!

- Whee!

- Hey, if you were nicer to us, we could play together!

- Hmm?

Uh... really?

It's cool if I play with you?

- Super-cool! Yeah!

- It's a lot more fun playing together!

- Sure is! I'm Bali, and this here is my friend Tamara.

- Hi! Oh, I'm Toby.

- Oh wow!

- Let's go, Toby!

- You know, Lea, I think

your brother dealt with that situation very well!

- Bali! Ha, ha!

- Super-cool! Ha, ha!

Closed captions: Global Vision

♪♪ You're too small

♪ I don't like what you say

♪ You don't know how to play

♪ So give me your boat!

♪ You can say anything you like ♪

♪ I cover my ears and eyes real tight ♪

♪ I'm telling you not to waste your time ♪

♪ You're just a meanie, so go away ♪

♪ You're too small

♪ You don't know how to play

♪ Your friends I don't like

♪ So give me your bike!

♪ Tell me why are you so mean?

♪ That's not the way

♪ You're gonna make friends

♪ You're always nasty and unfriendly ♪

♪ Every time you meet someone

♪ You're too small

♪ I don't like what you say

♪ You don't know how to play

♪ So give me your car!

♪ Being mean is not much fun

♪ You're always alone all the time ♪

♪ No one ever wants to play with you ♪

♪ Why don't you change the things you do ♪

♪ Oh, OK then!

♪ Come on, let's have some fun! ♪♪