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01x08 - A Present for Nana/I'm So Hot

Posted: 01/16/24 09:19
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Here we go Time to have some fun ♪

♪ Here comes Bali and his friends ♪

♪ Bali, arms up in the air

♪ Bali, spinning round and round ♪

♪ Bali, always likes to dance

♪ And jumps to the sky

♪ Bali, calls out to his dad

♪ Bali, jumps into his arms

♪ Gives his mom a kiss

♪ And shouts, I'm happy!

♪ Bali, arms up in the air

♪ Bali, spinning round and round ♪

♪ Bali, always likes to dance

♪ And jumps to the sky

♪ Bali, with Kikou by his side ♪

♪ Takes him everywhere

♪ Bali, music makes him dance

♪ Bali loves his friends ♪

[ Squawking ]

- Bali! You're sure

you don't want to come shopping with us?

- Yeah, I'm sure.

Nana and me are making things today.

- OK, we'll see you later, sweetie!

[ Kiss ]

[ Kiss ]

- Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!

Goodbye, Lea!

- Hmm!

- Nana, why do you like making boats so much?

- I think it's because

I love the ocean, and boats too!

And did you know, Bali,

Papi and I were married on a big boat!

- You were?

- It was a long time ago now, of course.

But it was a great day!

[ Laughing ]

- A very special day, I might add!

- Papi!

[ Laughing ]

- You remember all the music and dancing?

- How could I ever forget?

[ Laughing ]

- Oh, but isn't that exactly like

the boat we got married on?

- It does look quite like it.

- Look closer, Papi!

Isn't it the most beautiful boat you ever saw?

- It most certainly is!

That's a great little helper you have there!

- Yes, he is.

I'm very proud to have a grandson like him.

[ Laughing ]

- Well, I guess it's about time

I left you to your boat-building.

I gotta catch some fish for tonight's dinner!

I'll see you later!

[ Gasping ]

- Good catch, Nana!

- Upon my soul!

I haven't seen this picture for a long time!

- Oh!

Uh, what is it, Nana?

Can I see it, please?

- This picture

was taken on the day we got married, Bali.

- You look real nice!

Oh! But what's that around your neck?

- Your Papi's present for me.

It's my favourite necklace.

- Wow! Are those rocks?

They're so cool!

Hey, Nana! Can I see it, please?

I'd really like to!

- Right now?

OK, why not?

I guess we can finish painting the boat later.

- Yippee!

- Oh dear. Well, it must be here somewhere!

- I'm sure you'll find it real soon, Nana!

- I hope so, sweetheart. I hope so!

It can't have just disappeared!

- I can help you look for it!

I'm good at finding things!

I can always find my toys,

and even Lea's when she's lost them!

- Thanks. We'll look together, shall we?

And then we're sure to find it!

- A-ha!

Nana, why do you like that necklace?

- I like it because

it was a special gift from your Papi!

- Hmm.

- You see, Bali,

when someone who you care about

gives you a special present,

it makes you happy!

I love Papi, and that present

reminds me of him, you see?

- Yes, Nana. So come on! Let's look again!

- OK, Bali.

- Yeah!

[ Laughing ]

- That's it! We've looked everywhere!

And still no sign of that necklace!

- Maybe it's in the kitchen!

Or the living room! Or--

- Bali, I think I'll just

look for it some other time.

We've both had just about enough.

Let's go for a walk along the beach.

- Oh yeah, Nana!

Come on, Kikou!

We're going to the beach!

- Hello!

- Oo-ooh!


Those stones on your headscarf are really funny, Nana!

- But they're not stones. They're seashells, Bali.

They come from the sea!

Here, look for yourself!

- Oh, wow! They feel so smooth!

- I had a feeling you'd like them.

They're just lovely, aren't they?

And do you know who else likes seashells?

- No.

- Mermaids!

- Mer-- mermaids? What's that?

So what is a mermaid, Nana?

- Well...

Uh... let's see.

Let me draw one in the sand.

Mermaids are strange creatures.

They're half girl, and half fish!

And they live in the ocean!

- Wow! Did you ever see one, Nana?

- Well, only in storybooks.

But that doesn't mean they're not real, does it?

Oh! I'm going to sit down a while.

And I'm going to think really hard

about where that necklace of mine might be!

Be careful near the water, sweetheart!

Promise you won't get too close.

- Yeah, I promise.

Look at that huge fish, Kikou!

Oh! That wasn't a fish!

That was a...

A mermaid!

- Oo-ooh!

Hey, why don't you come and visit me?

- I can't swim that far, Kikou.

[ Squeaking ]

Good idea!

[ Squeaking ]


♪ Humming

- Hello, young sailor! Welcome to my rock!

- My name's Bali, and this is Kikou!

Are you a mermaid?

- That's right. My name's Luna, mermaid of the Blue Lagoon.

- Oh, I like your comb, Luna!

- Oh, thanks! I found it one morning

at the bottom of the sea!

- It was just lying there?

- Oh, yes. I find all kinds of beautiful things.

I keep them safe in here,

just in case their owners come looking for them! See?

- Oh!

♪♪ Down below the ocean blue

♪ Lies a treasure chest in view ♪

♪ With its cover open wide

♪ Everyone look what's inside

♪ And oh!

♪ Pretty seashells on a string

♪ Some diamonds and a ring

♪ Shiny coins of silver

♪ Dating from long ago

♪ And from the oyster world

♪ A bright and giant pearl

♪ Then just to make you smile

♪ A starfish stays awhile

♪ And oh!

♪ Down below the ocean blue

♪ Lies a treasure chest in view ♪

♪ With its cover open wide

♪ Everyone can see inside

♪ And oh!

♪ A baby dragonfly

♪ With tiny silver wings

♪ Flowers made of coral

♪ Sewn on a summer hat

♪ A candy-coated treat

♪ For hungry fish to eat

♪ And then a playful youth

♪ Just lost a baby tooth

♪ And oh! ♪

[ Squawking ]

- See how many things I found?

[ Kikou squeaking ]

- Wow! Which one do you like the best?

- Hmm!

Now, let me think!

You know, Bali, I think it's this one.

- But that's just a seashell!

- Yes, but if you hold it to your ear,

you can always hear--

- The sea!

[ Giggling ]

[ Gulls squawking ]

Oh, wow!

Nana, please, can we go back to the house now?

- That's a good idea!

Your mom and dad should be back pretty soon,

and I still have to finish painting that boat!

- Mmm...

- And this is a spoon to eat our soup with!

- Eat... spoon! Ha ha!

- Good girl!

- [Mom]: You're speaking better every day!

So, Mom! What did you and Bali do

while we were out shopping?

- First, we went to my workshop, and made a boat!

Then, later, we went for a nice long walk on the beach.

Oh, yes! I wanted to show Bali my beautiful pearl necklace,

but I couldn't find it anywhere!

I'm worried it may be lost!

- You mean the one Dad gave you on your wedding day?

- Bali helped me to look for it.

We searched everywhere, but it's gone.

- Mommy!

- I'm sure it will turn up soon.

We'll all help look for it later.

- Hey, where's Bali?

- Here, Nana. This is for you! It's a gift.

- Oh!

This is beautiful!

- Oh! - Hey!

- Oh, my darling!

You are so special! Thank you!

Thank you so much.

I'm going to put it on right now.

- You made this by yourself?

- Papi helped me.

- Bali's the real artist!

All I did was make some holes in the seashells for the string!

Well, I didn't have anything else to do!

Sorry, but I didn't catch a single fish today!

- Not even one, Dad?

Well then, it's a good thing we bought some at the shop!

[ All laughing ]

- Oh, well!

- Better than going hungry, I guess!

♪♪ Down below the ocean blue

♪ Lies a treasure chest in view ♪

♪ With its cover open wide

♪ Everyone look what's inside

♪ And oh!

♪ Pretty seashells on a string

♪ Some diamonds and a ring

♪ Shiny coins of silver

♪ Dating from long ago

♪ And from the oyster world

♪ A bright and giant pearl

♪ Then just to make you smile

♪ A starfish stays awhile

♪ And oh!

♪ Down below the ocean blue

♪ Lies a treasure chest in view ♪

♪ With its cover open wide

♪ Everyone can see inside

♪ And oh!

♪ A baby dragonfly

♪ With tiny silver wings

♪ Flowers made of coral

♪ Sewn on a summer hat

♪ A candy-coated treat

♪ For hungry fish to eat

♪ And then a playful youth

♪ Just lost a baby tooth

♪ And oh! ♪

♪♪ If things turn out just like I want ♪

♪ I jump, I laugh, I'm so happy ♪

♪ But if things turn out differently ♪

♪ I change my plans so I'm still happy ♪

- Ha, ha!

♪ You say that when the carnival's back ♪

♪ You're going to win a great big prize ♪

♪ And when your birthday comes along ♪

♪ You'll be the strongest one around ♪

♪ But if things

♪ turn out differently

♪ You feel sad, worried and upset ♪

♪ Now don't you let it get you down ♪

♪ All you do is change your plans ♪

♪ If things turn out just like I want ♪

♪ I jump, I laugh, I'm so happy ♪

♪ But if things turn out differently ♪

♪ I change my plans

♪ so I'm still happy ♪

- Phew!

- Hey, Bali!

What does the thermometer say?

Is today gonna be another hot one?

- Super hot!

- And what do we do when it's hot?

We drink lots and lots of juice!

Hey, who wants a slice of lemon?

- Oh, me, please!

- [Mom]: Me too, honey!

- Hey, give it to me, Dad, and I'll take it to Mommy!

Here you go, Mom!

- Oh, thanks, Bali!


You know, that's just what I needed!

- You're welcome!

[ Gurgling ]

- Ah!

- Oh, you were thirsty, sweetheart!

- Ha, ha!

- Darling, have you heard if it's gonna be this hot all day?

- According to the weatherman on the radio,

I'm afraid it's gonna be like this all week!

- Ah!

I don't like this heat!

- OK, I'm gonna make some more ice cubes!

- Oh, cool!

Raspberry ice cream!

Hey, Dad, could I have some?

- Great idea, son! It might cool us down!

- Yippee!

- Something isn't right!

- Mmm!

Oh, no! The ice cream's melted and turned to goo!

- Sorry, Bali! I guess I didn't

close the door properly.

- It's OK.

- We'll think of something else to cool us down.

- Wish I was swimming like Spotty.

- Now, that's not such a bad idea!

How about I run you a cold bath?

- Yeah!

- There! Oh, you're gonna feel a whole lot better

once you're in the tub, Bali!

- Oh, I got an idea!

Wait a minute, Dad. I'll be right back!

- Bali? Hey, the tub's almost ready!

- I'm ready too, Dad!

- Ha, ha!

Oh, I can see that!

Is my diver ready to jump in?

- Yeah!

- Here we go!

One, two, and !

- Ha, ha!

I'm making it rain!

- [Both]: Ha, ha!

- Calling Dad! Come in, Dad!

- Dad here, Bali. Hey, what can you see underwater? Over.

- Well, I can see a dolphin,

and a duck, and-- oh, Dad! Look out!

A giant octopus!


- [Both]: Ha, ha!

- Are you gonna get in the water, Dad?

- No, we'd get water everywhere!

Besides, there's only enough room for you!

- Oh! That's a pity.

- Oh, hot!

- Yes, Lea, it is very hot today.

You wanna join your brother in the tub?

- No!

- Wait a minute! I've an idea!

Look out there, Lea,

'cause here comes Mr. Wind!

- Ha, ha!

- Guess I've had enough fun in the bath now, Dad.

Is it time to get out?

- Sure you want to?

It's a lot cooler in there than out here!

- Yeah, but being in the tub on my own is no fun!

- Come on, then.

- Thanks, Dad!

Ha, ha! That tickles!

[ Squeaking ]

What is it, Kikou? Can you see something?

There's someone coming!

Who is it? Oh!

Uh... hello, sir.

- Oh, hello there! Ha, ha!

My name is Glaglagla.

- Well, my name is Bali, and this here is Kikou.

- Pleased to meet you!

- Ha, ha!

Brr! Oh, you're so cold, Mr. Snowman!

- Ha, ha! So cold, am I?

Well, of course I'm cold! I'm a snowman!

- But it's so hot! So why haven't you melted?

- Ha, ha! What, melted? Me?

- Sure! The sun's stronger than you are!

- No, it isn't.

Come closer, and I'll tell you a secret!

- Really? You've a secret?

- Sure! Just look here.

Oh, it's hot!

But then...

Now it isn't hot!

And again here!

What do you see?

- Your umbrella is making shadows in the sand! And hey!


Oh, I get it! I see!

When I'm standing in the shadow, it isn't as hot!

- You see? Well done!

It's called the shade!

And when it's on me, when I'm under my umbrella,

then I can't be melted! Do you see?

Now we're in shade, you come with me!

- To where?

- To where it's cool!

Let's go, friends!

- Glaglagla, look!


There! Come on!

Ha, ha, ha!


[ Squeaking ]

Ha, ha!

- Are you all right in there?

♪ Glaglagla!

Oh, sure! We're doing just fine!

- A little splish-splash on a hot day is always a good idea!

- Come on in, Glaglagla!

- Ha, ha! Why not?

- All right! Yippee!

[ Squeaking ]

♪♪ If you're out in the sun

♪ And it's bright and it's hot

♪ If you're out in the sun

♪ A sunburn you don't want

♪ So now when you go out to play ♪

♪ On a bright and sunny day

♪ Try to stay fresh in the shade ♪

♪ Wear sunglasses and a hat

♪ Put some sunscreen on your skin ♪

♪ And splish splash, go in for a swim! ♪

♪ If you're out in the sun And it's bright and it's hot ♪

♪ If you're out in the sun

♪ A sunburn you don't want

♪ So now when you go out to play ♪

♪ On a bright and sunny day

♪ Try to stay fresh in the shade ♪

♪ Wear sunglasses and a hat

♪ Put some sunscreen on your skin ♪

♪ And splish splash, go in for a swim! ♪

♪ If you're out in the sun

♪ And it's bright and it's hot

♪If you're out in the sun

♪ A sunburn you don't want

♪ So now when you go out to play ♪

♪ On a bright and sunny day

♪ Try to stay fresh in the shade ♪

♪ Wear sunglasses and a hat

♪ Put some sunscreen on your skin ♪

♪ And splish splash, go in for a swim! ♪♪

- Ha, ha!

It's still hot.

Even after a cold bath, it's still hot, Dad!

- It sure is, and I'm afraid I've just about run out

of ways to keep cool, Bali!

- Hey, Dad? Remember my pool?

- The inflatable one from last year?

- That's it! The big yellow one!

- I think it's in the garage downstairs, but why?

- Well, why don't we fill it up?

Then you could get in the water too!

- Stop wriggling, Bali!

I have to put sunscreen on you to protect you from the sun!

- Nearly there, Dad!

So when the pool's filled up with water,

are you gonna swim with me?

- Of course I am!

But I'm warning you, no giant octopus this time!

- Ha, ha!

Lea, do you wanna come in the pool with me?

- Bali, no!

- We don't know why, but she doesn't wanna go in the water.

- She's gonna get too hot!

- Too hot!

- Oh, I know! Do we have an umbrella?

- No, we left it at Nana's last summer!

- Yeah, but how else

can we make some shade for Lea, Dad?

- I think I may have the solution!

- Great idea, Mommy!

Look, we're making shade!

Wow, it's really cool like that!

It's just like our own little house!

Hey, will you lift me in, please, Mommy?

Look out below!

Ha, ha!

- Ha, ha!

All right! I'm a big shark,

and I'm gonna catch whoever splashed me!

- Ha, ha!

- This heat wave...

Well, as long as there's shade and water,

I guess it's just about bearable.

- You're right, Mommy!

Ha, ha! Take that, you scary shark!

- Ha, ha! Not the giant octopus!

- Ha, ha!

Closed captions: Global Vision

♪♪ If you're out in the sun

♪ And it's bright and it's hot

♪ If you're out in the sun

♪ A sunburn you don't want

♪ So now when you go out to play ♪

♪ On a bright and sunny day

♪ Try to stay fresh in the shade ♪

♪ Wear sunglasses and a hat

♪ Put some sunscreen on your skin ♪

♪ And splish splash, go in for a swim! ♪

♪ If you're out in the sun And it's bright and it's hot ♪

♪ If you're out in the sun

♪ A sunburn you don't want

♪ So now when you go out to play ♪

♪ On a bright and sunny day

♪ Try to stay fresh in the shade ♪

♪ Wear sunglasses and a hat

♪ Put some sunscreen on your skin ♪

♪ And splish splash, go in for a swim! ♪

♪ If you're out in the sun

♪ And it's bright and it's hot

♪If you're out in the sun

♪ A sunburn you don't want

♪ So now when you go out to play ♪

♪ On a bright and sunny day

♪ Try to stay fresh in the shade ♪

♪ Wear sunglasses and a hat

♪ Put some sunscreen on your skin ♪

♪ And splish splash, go in for a swim! ♪♪