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03x34 - House of Suspicion

Posted: 01/16/24 08:34
by bunniefuu
So, Patricia, mind telling me what you were doing talking to team evil just now? Oh, Eddie.

I so wish you hadn't asked me that.

So? What's going on? Why are you being so weird? Because my girlfriend was in Victor's office in what looked like an evil summit.

What? Yeah.

So? Think about it, Eddie.

You guys were pulling that room apart, waving around an ancient artifact.

What would've happened if Victor had come down? Someone had to make sure he kept away.

I saved your necks.

I'm really sorry, you're right.

I Guess this whole team evil thing's just got me really jumpy.

You're not the only one who's jumpy.

Victor just gave me a massive grilling.


We just have to be careful of all of them.

- Yeah.

- Just don't tell him anything.

And definitely don't go near the Gate House.

Come on.

Perhaps I was not clear in my brief.

When I instructed you to go and bring me a sinner, I did not mean, "go and play puerile games".

Why do you both come to me with these sniveling excuses? I hope you are not comparing me to this girl, Robert.

Why not? Oh, you are both as worthless as each other.

I shall have to go out and collect them myself.

And believe me, where you have both failed I shall Succeed! So one artifact down, three to go.

What do we got? Um hot heights? We still need to ask Joy about her, right? Alfie, how did it go? Upstairs, downstairs, outside, in.

Always search to conquer sin.

High and low in dale and hill.

Seek ye all to mend all ill.

There is just one thing you'll need.

In the resting place, you will succeed.

- Willow, what were you just singing?
- What?
- Was I singing?
- Yes.

Yeah um, you were singing.

- The nursery rhyme, what was it?
- Um Uh, there is just one thing you'll need.

Oh, yes.

In the place of rest, you will succeed.

So mysterious, isn't it? Hey, Jo.

Do you want to go out sometime? Like, on a date? But, Jordan, we can't.

- What about Mandy?
- No, no, no.

Guys Where's your chemistry?
- It's like a watching a pair of wet mops.

- Who has stolen my sequins? Willow, no.

I'm not in the mood.

Please, please, no I cannot finish my costumes without my sequins.

Sequins? Willow, we didn't right sequins into the script.

Can someone get Willow out of here please?
- Please.

- I need sequins.

I don't need this right now, I have priorities.

- No!
- Get her out of here! Raus! No no.

- No, no.

- Willow! Will Okay.

The nursery rhyme you were singing last night, who taught it to you? My grandpa.

What was his name? Grandpa.

Have you seen my sequins?
- Oh!
- No Okay, so she says her grandpa taught it to her, who was her grandpa? Who knows? She never did her family tree.

She drew a real tree.

It was nice.


This sounds like a job for our resident genealogist.

Uh okay.

- Anything interesting?
- Ah! Patricia nearly scared me half to death.

- Only half?
- Ha

No, just some bills.

Oh, and a parcel for KT.

From America.

Love them.

Maybe something about her grandfather.

I'll take it up to her.

- But
- Don't worry.

I'll make sure KT gets it.

So this is the family tree I was meant to do.

- Mine was much prettier.

- Focus, Willow.

Hey, Joy, we really appreciate you helping us.

- Don't we, Willow?
- Yes.

- Yeah.

- Sorry.

Mm, where was I? Hannah's parents were June and Brian.

You have a really, really big family.

And you'll meet them all at the holidays.

June had two brothers.

That was Stuart and Edward.

- Um
- That's weird.

June Henson.

And that was her original surname, and her brother was called Edward Henson.

Mm, yes.

- What is it?
- Hang on.

What? Edward Henson, um Your great Grandmother's brother, is, um My great grandfather.

So we're We're, um
- Related?
- Yeah.

Ah! Excite Joy! We're semi

Oh, my goodness Dude, the nursery rhyme was passed down the wrong line.

It was a clue.

"In the place of rest, you will succeed".

Boop! And now it's done, and we just have to wait.


Am I interrupting? I was under the impression you were too busy to meet up today.

- Eric, um
- No, don't worry about me.

I'll be fine By myself on my own every day.


What do I care? Now, now, Eric.

Let's not be jealous.

We have a marvelous lunch planned for us all.

Of course, over at the Gate House.

Oh, oh, oh, lovely.


I had no idea.

Well As rehearsals go, that was, uh Shocking.

What is going on between you two? Hey, there's nothing going on with me.

Okay? I'm the same as I ever was.

Let's just make that clear.

You know what? I'm sick of this.

I'm guessing it would be a lot easier if I wasn't in this play.

So I'm gonna do you a favor.

I quit.

Sorry, Jerome.

Find another Jo.

That is just great.

See? That is not normal behavior.

Yeah, definitely a Frombie.

- Shouldn't someone go after her?
- No, let her go.

We can't just keep locking her up.

We have to stick together.

- Then we'll be safe.

- Mm.

The chain is almost complete.

Today I shall capture our next sinner.

And plunge their soul into darkness! Do you want to be in this play or not?
- Well, I'm not really
- No Guys.

Well, if we want to pass this module, we have to be.

So it's time to shut up, step up, and get it done.

Who's in?
- Uh
- Kind of hungry.

- Still no.

- Still no.

Okay, I'll put it another way.

We're in front of the whole school on Friday.

We can work hard and not look stupid, or we can slack off and become social pariahs.

- Pariahs?
- Oh, gosh.

Not pariahs.

Who's up for ruining their lives forever? And who's up for saving their reputations? Oh, I never really had a rep
- Fabes.

- Put your hand up.



Auditions for the role of Jo will commence in five minutes.



I need my lucky hat.

Oh, no.

Bad vibes.

Emergency cypress oil.

- First up, Patricia.

Do you want to
- Nope.

Do you? Well, I'm strictly behind the scenes.

- Right.

Let's move on.

- Willow? Um what? I think she's demonstrating the life cycle of a tree through the medium of dance.


Next! Thank you, Willow.

Well, that's it.

That's everyone.

- Great.

- Yup.

No, no, no there must be someone else.

Patricia, you didn't just This is ridiculous.

Unless Mara No, I'm the writer.

It would be a conflict of interest.

- But we don't
- Just pick someone, Jerome.

Though I realize that's not your strong point.

- Who are you?
- Madam
- How did you get in here?
- I do apologize.

Victor said I could have a look around.

- Well, at this time?
- I went to school here, you see
- As a boy.

- Oh.

Ah, fond memories of the place.

Well, I've been traveling for many years.

I caught a fever and nearly died.

But in my fitful slumbers, I dreamt of Of my happiest days.



- Oh! I was gonna work on my costumes.

- Ooh, great.

I'd love to see them.

No, you can't.

Not until tomorrow.

That's the rules.

- Hey.

- Hello.

Hey, sis! Oh, there's the costumes.

- Let me see
- They're not ready yet! Okay.

So did you see the pyramids while you were in Egypt? Eh In passing.

One of the eight wonders of the world, I understand.

Mm, indeed.

I really want to go.

Love to see more of the world.

Quite envious, really.

I have albums filled with pictures from my travels.

Perhaps you would like to come and see them.

All right, then.

Shall we? Oh.

I'm sorry.

I've got responsibilities here.

Another time perhaps.

Oh, Alfie, what is it now? So today's the day.

Curtain up.

How are you all feeling?
- Mm
- I think I have stage fright.

We don't even have the last scene to the play yet.

All in good time.

You're in a very, uh, happy mood this morning, aren't you, Trudy? Yes, Fabian.

I suppose I am.

Might have something to do with the tall, dark stranger I met last night.

What tall, dark stranger? Well he was an old boy here.

Turned up late last night, wanted to have a little look around.

- Trip down memory lane, I think.

- Oh.

I must've met him before.

Face seemed very familiar to me, but
- Can't for the life of me place him.

- Uh, what was his name, Trudy? Smith.

Robert Smith.

Right, school.

Ten minutes.

Do not be late.

- Smith as in Smythe.

- What was Frobisher
-Smythe doing here? Isn't it obvious? He came to get one of us.

Where do you think you're going? I'm leaving, Victor.

I can't stay here anymore.

I see.

Well, if you are unhappy, I have no wish to make you stay.

Where do you intend to go? My Aunt in Linton.

She's expecting you? And you haven't told anybody here? I have no one to tell.

I see.

Well, you know I really don't think you should leave now whilst you're feeling so upset.

And with no one waiting for you at the other end.

Now, I suggest you go back to your room, and meanwhile, I shall call your Aunt and make all the arrangements.

I am sure I have her details.


You're welcome.

What? Victor! Victor! Victor! I know this hasn't gone entirely to plan, and we've had more than a few problems, but We need to pass this, guys.

So if everyone could try not to ruin it, that'd be great.

And Willow You're the new Jo.

Well done.

To squee or not to squee.

Squee! Alfie! I'm in the play.

- Well done.

- Yay.

Any more thoughts about the "lodge's heights"?
- No.

- Place of rest? No.


What? Where is the ultimate place of rest? Um
- My bed?
- No, Eddie.

Don't you get it? Place of rest, rest in peace.

- The crypt.

- Yeah.

Why are you talking about the artifacts without me?
- Don't you trust me or something?
- Easy, Yacker.

We just figured out the place of rest.

It's the crypt.

Ah, cool.


I just I don't want you to think I'm, like, you know, KT.

Hey, never.

Hey, Alfie.

What are you doing right now?
- Um
- We're going to the crypt.

- Right, because that sounds like fun.

- No, Sibuna calls, okay? We need to get that artifact.

KT? The time has come for KT to meet her relative, Corbierre.

Mm? Her Aunt? No, no, no, no, no.

Her great grandfather.

KT Where have you gone? Where have you gone? Wait, this is for KT.

What's this doing under Patricia's bed? Rutter where is KT? I wanted to ask you the same thing.

KT has, this morning, decided to leave the school.

It would appear she has already done so.

This is bad.

This is very bad indeed.

All right.

"In the place of rest, you will succeed".

The artifact could be anywhere.

Let's split up.

Sorry, KT, but this could be a clue.

I hate this crypt.

I don't want to be here.

Tunnels: Could be leading anywhere.

Secret rooms: Kind of intriguing.

Cellars: Dusty, but okay.

Crypts are for dead people.

All right? I'm making a stand.

Alfie says no more.

Clang! Alfie, you found it.

- Hmm?
- The second artifact.

Yes! "The sinners walk among you".

"The sinners walk among you".

Not so Fast.

Truancy Desecration Utter disrespect for the rules of this house and of the school This calls for punishment of the highest order.

Red eyes.
