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03x29 - House of Winning

Posted: 01/16/24 08:31
by bunniefuu
I hate that guy.

Ah, guys.

Oh, no! Someone sealed it up.

[Bell rings]

Ah! How did you know that When you spend enough time in the tunnels you uh, get used to the sound of impending doom.


We're back here again Booby traps.

There's there's got to be a way to shut it off.


No, I'm pretty sure this is foolproof.

It can't be foolproof.

I mean, it's 100 years old.

It can't be foolproof.

[Dramatic music]

- Yeah, it's foolproof.

- Yeah.

It's Frobisher, idiot.

He thinks of everything.

We're never getting into that room, are we? Well, we're certainly not tonight.

Come on, let's go.

Yeah, Anubis, baby.

High five.

We're gonna lose, badly.

Oh, big day, everyone.

Now, make sure you all have a full breakfast.

And remember it's the taking part that counts.

See? Even Trudy thinks we're gonna lose.

Hey, you're looking forward to our date? You know, I am, really.


I wasn't expecting that.

Now, are you happy to watch Mara's dog with me?
- I can't wait.

- Because you can't back out now.

- I can.

- No, you can't.

- I can.

- Can't.

Okay, you're all forgetting the most important fact.

Frobisher was in the house, right under all our noses.

He must be onto us.

Okay, why else would this trap have been set? No, we don't know that it was Frobisher.

It might've been Victor.


That thing could've taken our lives.

Victor's always been heavy, but he's never taken it that far.

Whoever put it there didn't want to put us off.

They want us out of the way.

So what now? There has to be another way into that room.

Well, I mean, if they're onto us, then we can Wh Oh, great.

You're stumped? But there has to be.

I [Dramatic music]

Harriet! Wow.

How do they do it in unison like that? They're robots.

!sis House are serious with italics.

Remember, I used to live there.

Their motto is, "win or die trying".

That's their motto? Wait, maybe it's "win and keep trying".

Oh, come on, guys.

Okay, think "winning".

- Winning.

- I am.

I bet on !sis House.

- You
- Look at them.

They're machines.


Okay, there's four to a team.

Okay, I need two people to join me with KT.

I'll play.

I'll play.

I'll play.

I'll play.

Oh, well, uh, except you, though, Fabian.

I've got a special job for you, okay? Really important.

What do you say, mascot? Ha
-ha! I have done it, Corbierre.

I have gained the trust of Robert Frobisher

Those children will meddle no more.

Now all I need to do Is find the next sinner.

- I'm just saying I bruise like a peach.

- You'll be fine.

Anubis House.

All right, Millie? Hi, Patricia.

Okay, he's trying to psych us out.

Just ignore him.

He just said hi.

Yeah, it's his best line.

It's true.

If you don't mind, I'm trying to talk tactics with my team.

You haven't talked tactics yet? You guys better warm up.

You're playing soon.

Why don't you just worry about yourself? Okay, Benji? Oh, I will.

- Good.

- Good.

Good! [Scoffs]

What was that? Trash talk.

Look, Fabian, I feel for you, I really do but, look at it from Eddie's point of view.

He's on a personal vendetta.

So I'm smart, so I can't be good at sports, is that it? Of course not.

Mara's sporty.


That came out of my mouth before I realized it.

[Students whooping]

Forget it.

I'm coming out.

Please don't laugh.

Why would I laugh? [Laughs]

That's why.


Come on, Anubis! Woo! Come on, Alfie! Come on! Aren't you supposed to be running up and down, getting the crowd worked up? I can't.

I'm not good at sports, remember? Oh, yeah.

[Whistle blows]

- Don't worry, KT.

- Come on.

Don't worry.

We'll win one eventually.

The law of averages.

Oh, that's not it.

It's just, I can't stop thinking about the hidden room.

It feels so close, and yet so far away.

I know.

But don't worry, okay? We'll figure it out.





[Door clicks open]

[Mysterious music]

[Whistle blows]

[Whistle blows]

[Cheers and applause]

- Time
-out, everyone.

- What for? I meant "huddle up".

Okay, in case you didn't notice, we lost that round.

I noticed, coach.

Yeah, yeah.

Thanks, Alfie, but, um.


Noticing stuff isn't how I want you to focus your energy.

- Hey, where are you going?
- Winning.

I want you to focus We've got a bit of time before the next match starts.

I thought I'd go and check out the blueprints for the hidden room again.

- Oh, KT, no.

- I know.

I know.

There's no other way in.

I just want to look.


My room, top drawer.

Good luck.

Victor We have a problem.

Another one? It's my sister.

She's escaped.

Well, well, well.

We need to find her.

Why? With any luck, we'll never see her again.

You don't understand.

She knows everything.

She could sabotage Ammit's arrival.

Victor, she's seen your face.

[Slams desk]

Will the effect of the soup still be strong?
- I think so.

- Good.

Then she'll be moving slowly.

She'll be probably still in the grounds.

Come on.

[Crowd cheering]

Come on! [Whistle blows]

That was cheating! Okay, !sis House are through to the final.

We can't beat them.

They do stuff in unison.

Yeah, hey, so they've got rhythm.

Okay, it's not like it's a dance competition.

Ooh, but we'd totally win at that.

We have to win the next game, or that's it.

We're out.

Especially if KT doesn't come back.

But, hey, I believe in you.

What a load of hooey.

You just don't want to lose to Ben.

She has a point.

Just win, will ya? Patricia.

Patri What is your problem? Remember that room we tried to access, like, only yesterday? You seem to have forgotten all about it.

We hit a dead end.

So you thought you'd use the spare time to beat Ben? Well, it had to happen sometime.

You two neither of you realize whoever shuts up first Makes the other one look like an idiot.

Neither of us? Have you been talking to him again? [Sighs]

Have [Dramatic music]

"When your friends are not your friends, the secret room is what you seek".

"When you reach a dead end, the time has come to dig deep".

"When your friends are not your friends".

What does that mean? [Glass shatters]

[Ominous music]


Harriet? What are you doing here?
- Are you okay?
- Don't touch me! Hey! I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm not gonna
- You
- Hey! Ah! Let me out! Hello! Let me out! Harriet! Hello! Hello? Is anyone out there? [Pounding]

Come on, Anubis!
- That's too rough!
- Hit him! No! Aren't you supposed to be mascot? Oh, we are Anubis.

[Whistle blows]

Fabian, why aren't you cheering? The spirit of the team rests with you.

Hey, he doesn't feel very motivated at the moment.

Hey, you are the most important player.

Okay? [Whistle blows]

Go Mara! Nice! You are the most important player.

-ha, nice.

You [Whistle blows]

Come on.

Uh! Did I get him? Ah! [Whistle blows]


Oh, better luck next time, hey, Millie? Um, your attention, please.

I've just been told that Fisher, who played for Mut House, no longer longer lives there.

Well, you will never get ahead by cheating.

Mut House is disqualified! [Crowd boos]

Which means that the Other side in the final will now be Anubis House! [Cheers and applause]

We're in the final! We're in the final! KT's still not back.

She went to find the secret room.

Now? Oh, oh, I'm sorry.

I'm guessing she thought her granddad would be more proud of her ending his quest rather than winning a sports tournament.


- She's gone.

- She can't be.

In her condition? She has to be around here somewhere.

Well, we've searched everywhere.

- Not the student houses.

- Don't be ridiculous.

Why would she go there? It's time to face facts.

You must tell Robert.

[Dramatic music]

Thank you.

Next up is the final.

Okay, we're up, Eddie boy.

- Yeah.

- Yes.

Eddie, what's wrong? Nothing.

I'm good.

It's just, I've never beat Ben at dodge ball before.


But it's about taking part, right? You're supposed to say, "you can do it".

You can do it.

A little late.

Whose side are you on? Look, all right, guys.

What we lack in presentation, we make up for in tenacity.

- Am I right?
- Yes.

But I care more about my arm and my head than I do about winning dodge ball.

I'm out.

- Jerome
- No! I'm out.

Look, don't worry.

KT will make it.

Look !sis House, they are bigger.

They're stronger.

They've got the advantage.

But together we will fight to the bitter end.

And not just for us Okay? For the future generations of Anubis, okay? So they can walk into these games with their heads held high and say "I am Anubis!"
- Who's with me?
- All: Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Yeah! Now all players, review positions, please.

- Guys, we're up.

- Okay.

I can't believe KT's missing this.

No way.

It's underneath me.

[Taps wood]

The secret room is underneath me.


We can do this.

Come on, guys, we can do this.

- Okay, come on.

Okay, Jerome.

- Ah.

- Jerome.

- No.

- One game.

- I can't I'm broken.

Come on, one more game.

Look at them.

How can we do this? We've got no Jerome, no KT.

What do you want us to do? At least it'll be over quicker with just the three of us.

We're dead meat.

Well, there's plan "B".

What's what's plan "B"? Uh Lose gracefully? Well, you could let me play.

Uh, well, Fabian No, don't give me all that "Oh, the mascot is the most important person" stuff.

I can't even get a wave going.

Yeah, I saw that.

[Clears throat]

Attention, please.

Students and teachers, please take your seats.

The final is about to begin! [Cheers and applause]

- You're in.

- Really?
- Let's go.

- All right! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Fabian, Fabian.

You don't have time to change.

You're gonna have to play in that.

- Come on!
- Come on, Anubis! Fabian! Come on, Mr.


You know you want to.


So you don't want to.

But you're gonna.

Come on.


In your face.


What? No! [Exhales]

[Intense music]

Pretend they're fifth graders, guys.

It's gonna be a piece of cake.

Fifth graders? We wouldn't have a change against first graders.


And now she could be anywhere.

How was this allowed to happen? She is too much of a risk.

Who knows what she might be capable of.

And where is the sinner you promised me? The girl? It's a delicate process.

I'm using social networking.


- What's that?
- Don't ask.

It's happening.

If it was happening I wouldn't be standing by four empty Sarcophagi, you incompetent fool.

Victor, how did that trap work out? Oh, perfectly.

Yes, perfectly.

No one will be getting into that room anytime soon.

Oh, very good.

From here on in, it is your job to acquire our next sinner By whatever means necessary.

Of course.

In the meantime, find that sister of yours And dispose of her.

- What?
- It's just Or do you need Victor to dispose of her for you? I'd be very happy to.

I'll deal with her, Robert.

Don't you worry.

[Whistle blows]

- Come on, Anubis!
- Woo! Come on, Fabian! Come on, Eddie! [Whistle blows]

Come on, Alfie, come on! [Whistle blows]

[Whistle blows]

- Okay.

- Come on, Fabian!
- You can do it, Fabian!
- Oh, I can't watch.

[Whistle blows]

[Whistle blows]

[Whistle blows]


Go, Fabian! Last one! [Cheering]

- Yes!
- What? Yeah! And the winners of this year's inter
-house dodge ball tournament is Anubis House! [All cheering]

[Dramatic music]

It should be here.

Anubis! Anubis! Anubis! Well done! Well done!
- Woo!
- Drinks are on me!
- Woo!
- Well done, guys! Well done, you guys.

- Yay!
- Excuse me.


Eddie Good game.


- Hoo
- Dude.

- Dude.

- Eddie.

Really? That was uncalled for.

It's Ben.

We should get to the house to see if KT's had a brain wave with the blueprint.

She missed the crucial part of the tournament.

- So much for being our star player.

- Let's just find her and fill her in.

[Suspenseful music]

Seriously? Ah!