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03x26 - House of Rainbows

Posted: 01/16/24 08:30
by bunniefuu
Come on, Eddie.

I'm in the worst place to be.


Help! Help! All because it's the middle of the night.


I'll call No one, because I don't have a phone.

Not panicking.

Not panicking.

No missed calls.

No texts.

- Did Victor use it?
- He wouldn't know how to.

So I guess he was telling the truth.

He found it.

What's going on? Eddie, um, stood Patricia up on their date.

It wasn't a date.

Would everybody stop saying he stood me up? He hasn't stood me up.


He failed to attend a prearranged meeting with Patricia.

He's late.

He just hasn't bothered to call me yet.

- You guys can go.

I've got this.

- That's weird.

Why wouldn't he call? Because he hasn't changed.

And it wasn't even a date.

I've had some bad prearranged meetings in my time too.

- Why don't you just call him?
- Because why should I make the first move? What if he's in trouble? I'll call him.

So how do we go from Jerome hating me to Jerome liking me? I'm way ahead of you.

- The science of love.

- I've been reading up on it.

Really, love is just a chemical reaction in the brain.

I've heard a lot of love songs, and none of them ever mention that.

It's all about signals.

You give them.

He reads them subconsciously.

Like? Like you stare at him for over three seconds.

- Isn't that creepy?
- No, no, it's science.

Ooh, and play with your hair when you're talking to him.

Boys love that, and it's a win

You get to play with your hair.


- Ah.

- Staring.

He canceled my call.

Or did it ring out? Well, did it ring out or did it cancel? It's an important distinction.

- Where is Eddie?
- He didn't He's late.

That's strange.

Message from Eddie.

"Checking out the school again.

All cool".

- See? Harmless.

- Not harmless.

He stood me up.


- Is that weird to you?
- Yeah, she said it wasn't a date.

No, I just mean about Eddie, taking off on his own, just texting her like that.

- Is that weird?
- Eddie's breaking rank? Not really.

"All cool"? Spend a day in class with them, you pick a few things up.

- What now?
- Now we wait.

Why? It's only a couple of hours till midnight.

No, no, no, no, no.

- We shall get him at midday.

- Midday? Why? We want him for the sin of anger, correct? Did he sound particularly angry to you? Yes, but if we can get him here, then we can trick him Oh, no, no, no, no.

He cannot be fooled.

He must be provoked.

And after a night spent in that crypt, there will be smoke coming out of his ears.

I'll have to explain his absence to school.

Hmm? Oh, yes, yes.

I'm sure you'll think of something.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a pin to drop.

He sent a text.

Yeah, but we should go and check up on him all the same, keep him out of trouble.

It is ten o'clock! He'll turn up.

You have five minutes precisely! It's actually 10:05.

Go to your room.

And then I want to hear A pin drop! "Headed out early.

Fill you in later".

- Early?
- I know.

- Hey, Patricia, have you seen Eddie
- No.

- Why? Where is he?
- Avoiding you, probably.

Do you think there's any reason to worry? About what?
- About, um
- Um About you, Jerome.

Why aren't you ready for school yet? Because I'm not going, my good man.

- You got picked?
- I got picked.

I am helping Mr.

Sweet to organize this year's interhouse sport tournament.

What sport is it this year? Dodge

- Oh!
- Yeah.

- Try again for the sisterhood.

- Yes, yes, yes.

Hey, Jerome.

What you got? I'm glad you asked.

"House about getting involved?" Hmm?
- Yeah.

Get it?
- Yeah.


Sweet liked it.

Well, I love it.

It's very good.

Jerome, Mr.

Sweet has asked me to tell you that Eddie, will be taking over your duties for the dodge
-ball promotions.

What? No, no! Miss Denby, this was supposed to be my day off I mean job.

Well, maybe you should get a parent on the staff too.

Now you better get changed and get to class.

He's not here.

Hey, hey, have you guys seen Eddie?
- No.

- No.

Tell Eddie when you see him that's called nepotism.

So you've seen him? Sweet's given him the day off to organize the dodge
-ball tournament instead of me.

- Do you buy that?
- Getting out of class? Totally.


Back to our regular programming.

I'll spend today working on the symbols from the canister.

Tonight we can do another Frobisher search.

No, I don't think that's such a good idea.

No, it's important.

I feel like the reason why I was sent here lies with this guy.

We need to find him.


But we wait till Eddie gets back.

- Zombie, huh?
- Mm, Frobisher zombies.


But I can't.

I have a date, don't you know?
- Yeah, we know.

- You won't shut up about it.

- Focus.

- Sorry, sorry.

Well, how's it going with winning Jerome over? Not good.

So far, he's just wary of me.

- Look, it's not like me to be nice to him.

- Did you do the three
-second stare? He just thought he had food on his face.

How about the love/hate thing like Eddie and Patricia? It's perfect you've already got the hate part down, all you have to do Add the word "love".


Suggest to Jerome it might mean something more.


What I wouldn't give for a little more light.

Help! Get off me! Get off! Let me go! Help! I have to get out of here.

Patricia Help! Anyone?
- Someone!
- He's perked up.

- Yes.

- Anyone! If only being insufferable was a sin.

Question is, is he angry enough? When I get out of here, if I find who did this Help! I'll prepare the t*nk room, and you find something to cover him with.

Someone! What? KT, could you, uh, do that more quietly, please? Sorry.

Don't you think putting these symbols in order is a bit premature when we don't even know what they mean? Oh, well, I'm shaking out the knot instead of pulling it.

Huh? I'm hoping if I start with the answer, I'll get the question.

Look, there are seven symbols.

What are there seven of?
- Days of the week.

- Yeah.

Wonders of the world.

Colors of the rainbow.

Willow's cats.

Colors of the rainbow.

Colors of the rainbow! What? Hey, helmet hair.


Aw, this is so us.

Sorry? Yeah, the way we fight like we hate each other.

Well, we do hate each other, don't we?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Except what?
- Patricia you know what? It's silly.

Oh, come on.


Patricia thinks that our hate for one another, is disguising the fact that we are attracted To one another.

No, I think it's just because we don't like each other.

Why is no one telling me to shut up! For once? Ugh! A little more light.

All I need to do now is learn how to fly.

- So the love/hate thing didn't work.

- No, forget about that.

Well, I mean, don't forget about it, but I have another way to make Jerome squirm.

You're going to replace his Hair Gel with bird poop?
- No.

- Oh.

You remember the family tree project, and mine was, like, way too complicated to focus on with my other assignments? Yeah.

Well, I hired an online agency to do it for me, and I just found out that my second cousin thrice removed is the late Lord Fox.

- Oh.

Who's that?
- I don't know.

But he's a Lord, and he's late.

It will drive Jerome crazy.

Wait till he finds out what he can't have.


- What can't he have?
- I'm second in line to Lord Fox's estate.

- Second.

- So who's the first? Some old lady.

Wait, so when she dies, that will make you A lady.

Oh, boy.


Hey, hey, come here, look.

I knew it.

I remembered reading this somewhere, and here it is, Frobisher was a Synesthete.

What's an asyn a synesth th so not gonna pronounce that.

A Synesthete is someone who mixes up their senses, so they can see sounds, or they can taste words.

Frobisher occasionally saw letters as symbols and colors.

Yeah, but how do you know which symbols are which colors? Well, Synesthesia is hereditary.

Me? Thud!
- Where's Eddie?
- He escaped.

- But how?
- Through the skylight.

Curse that boy! This is a disaster.

Robert will be absolutely No, no.

Not if we find another sinner.

But we must work quickly.

Well, who's most likely to exhibit hostile behavior? Williamson.

Patricia it is.

- She'll be at the school.

- Yes.

How does it feel? I have no conscience now.

And I've never felt so good.

What are you both doing here? Uh, well, actually we were just It was a rhetorical question.

Get out of my sight, both of you.

- Hey, Willow.

- Well, hi, Alfie.

- Where is everyone?
- Um, break is over.

- Oh.

- Listen, I was thinking about our date.

We could start with a burger followed by that horror movie you wanted to catch, maybe walk it off in the park afterwards.

- What do you think?
- Yeah, we could do that.

Or I was thinking Water fight.

- That's a Water Wowzer 3000.

- Ah! Awesome.


Hey, Eddie.



Eric, phone from the lost and found box.


Oh, but this is Edison's.

Is it? Oh, well, I'll leave it with you, then.

Yacker, are you okay? Look who decided to show up.

What's Sweet got you doing now, cleaning chimneys? What? No, you don't understand.

I had another vision.

You stood me up.

Stood you up? You stood me up.

I was waiting in the crypt, and you never The crypt? What are you talking about? I told you to meet me in the living room.

Living room?
- Well, this is not my fault.

- Really? Well, when I didn't show up, why didn't you come looking for me? Good question.

I was kidnapped.

Okay, I've heard some excuses in my time, but that? That's a first.

Why can't boys just be honest? "I'm not that into you, Patricia.

You're not my type".

- "I want to see other"
- Yacker! I'm sorry I stood you up.

It's okay.

Do you see anything, any colors at all? I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's all right.

Maybe I don't have the gift.

Not everything's hereditary.

No, it's just buried.

Maybe if we heightened your senses.

Huh? Well, your senses become heightened when the other ones are blocked off.

So if we blocked your ears, blocked your nose, blocking your nose would block your taste too.

What about feeling? Uh, float in a bath? She died.

The old lady died.

Oh, she died.

Poor woman.

Who did? The last person sitting between me and the entire estate of a Lord! I'm going to be rich! So you're a well, that would make you be a Oh, Jerome, spit it out.

You're standing in front of a lady.

Yeah, so that would mean that you, uh You have a Castle somewhere? A stately home? D
-disposable income? At least.

You know, I am sorry that I have been so unfair to you lately.


I haven't even noticed you exist.

- Mara, I was
- Funny how you're only interested when you think you can get something out of it.

Look, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean Well, this lady isn't gonna fall for it.

You and your scams are not welcome around here.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Anything? How can I block my hearing if you keep talking? I sorry!
- Did not.

- Did too.

- Did not.

- Eddie, where have you been?
- Hey, I know that look.

- No, we need to work as a team.

You can't just go off roaming around on your own.

- Roaming? I was kidnapped.

- What? I had a vision outside the house, Fabian.

They're getting stronger.

Of what? Tell me.

Let's just say we can't let Patricia out of our sights.

What? I think I saw it.

- Wait, you saw colors?
- Stop talking before I forget them! Go.

- You got it?
- Yeah.

All right.

So all you need to do is match the symbols in order of the rainbow.

- Okay, and then it should open.

- Okay.

What's the order? Uh, it's, um, red
- Blue Orange, yellow
- No, no, no, no, no.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.