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03x24 - House of Greed

Posted: 01/16/24 08:29
by bunniefuu
Hello? Denby.

- Harriet.

- You scared me.

- Where is she?
- Who? The girl, the girl! She was here.

I was about to capture her, when KT.

Hey, KT!
- KT, what were you doing?
- Why were you at the Gate House?
- Why were you chilling with the zombies?
- We saw you on the video camera.

- Frobisher nearly had you.

- What? You can't just go walking into the Gate House.

- Why did you go off without telling us?
- I'm sorry.

I thought that maybe if I saw him, I would be able to tell whether he was What, evil? And then and then Miss Denby came, and I got really scared, and I had to get out of there.

I'm sorry, you guys.

I know it was a stupid thing to do.

KT, promise to me, you will not go back there alone again.


It's freezing.

How could you have been so stupid? I could have made her my first sinner, and you scared her away.

She must know you're awake.

But I have hardly left this awful house.

Awful? The constant noise bumps, bangs, screaming.

I did assume it was you, Harriet.

Perhaps I was wrong.

I was hoping that she wouldn't disturb you.

It's my friend.

She's staying here because she's been through a difficult time.

She's having terrible nightmares.

But I will make sure she won't disturb you again.

My work will be impossible if anyone finds out the ceremony worked.

The children cannot know that I have awoken.

I may have a way of containing the information.


Oh! He's writing his song.

Oh, I can't help to be smitten.

You're my love kitten.


He sounds like a hyena.


I can't believe he really thinks that Sweet picked him to represent the school.

You know, Operation Revenge is easier than I thought.

Oh, kitten.

I can't wait to see his dress rehearsal tomorrow.


I can't listen to anymore of this.



Magical they're gonna love that.

Oh, KT, is it that time already? Uh, no, you have five more minutes until the bell goes.

Is everything okay, Miss Denby? Oh, yes, I'm fine.

I'm just, um I'm just a bit upset.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Here I go again.

I, um I lost a dear friend yesterday.

It was it was very sudden.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

It was so unexpected.

I miss him terribly.

But I've run out of time this morning.

I wanted to lay these in the crypt.

What dear friend? Oh, listen to me carrying on when I have a lesson to plan for.

I excuse me.

I must go.


This is going to be the best science class we've ever had.

Wait, what did you tell Sweet? Just that Jerome had an exciting scientific demonstration he was desperate to show the class.

And you believe everything Miss Denby says? She seemed genuinely upset and really embarrassed that I saw her crying.

So Denby thinks Frobisher's died.

So do you? I don't know what to think.

KT, he's alive.

We saw him.

Do not start with the zombie thing.

Maybe he's died since I was at the Gate House.

She said it was sudden.

That's why I have to go to the crypt and find out.

If you go, we all go.

Does anyone else smell a big, fat rat? Hurry up and settle down, please.

As today's lesson is a practical one I thought we'd have more floor space in here.

Willow, will you pass out the work sheets, please? Ooh, and before we start, I believe Jerome Clarke has been preparing a little something he's rather keen to show us.

So Jerome, after you.

Jerome, goodness! I'm "Jeromeo".

And this is love kitten.

Baby, baby, you're a cat.

But you've got to know you're more than that.

You're the kennel to my tummy.

To the cream to my bowl.

You're my little fuzzy honey.

The meaning to my soul.

Okay, "cons" "Bad kisser, selfish, two
-faced, liar, and wig hair".

He only has one positive He's tall.

I can ever to be smitten.

You're my one, my only.





Clarke, what is the meaning of this? This is not wig hair! Clarke, sit! Joy.

Joy! What was that about? You made me look like a fool.

Oh, no, you don't need me for that, Jerome.

And besides, don't you think you deserved it? We saw your spreadsheet.

We know you two
-timed us both.

You tried to make a fool out of us.

So we thought we'd make a fool out of you.

Willow, if I could just explain what actually Jerome.

You are a lying, cheating cockroach.

You and me are so over.

And you and me are so over too.


Stay here.

Okay? Really? If anything bad happens, I need someone else that I can trust.

- Okay?
- Yeah.

Well, uh, isn't this festive? Looks like a zombie Christmas special.

You first.

After you.

Come on.

You can do this.

A little respect, Eddie.

He's my great

She was right.

He's really gone.

I had it all wrong.

I I did this.

- No.

- KT.

Alfie, come on.

Wait, what happened? Are you all right? Everything's gonna be okay.

How is it gonna be okay?
- I don't get it.

He was alive, we saw him.

- But Frobisher was over 130 years old.

KT, his body was weak.

Maybe he couldn't survive outside the t*nk.

That isn't your fault.

Let's get back to the house, guys, come on.

I'm sorry I let you down, gramps.

You should have never relied on me.

I need to be alone, guys.

I know, but this won't wait.

Look, I had to get you away from there before I told you.

It was way too dangerous.

- I'm not liking this chat already.

- Told us what, Eddie? You're scaring me.

What is it, Eddie? What is this about? Look, it's Frobisher.

He was tricking us.

He's alive.

I'm telling you, KT, it's true.

Okay, he was pretending.

Will you stop, Eddie? He was lying in a tomb.

What more proof do you need?
- He seemed pretty dead to me.

- Yeah, you did say so yourself, Eddie.

I had to.

He could hear us.

Look, when you left, I held my phone up to his mouth to check whether he was breathing.

Okay, and he steamed up the screen on my phone.

How many breathing dead guys do you know? Look, KT, he's alive.

I know Denby would do this, but he's my great

How could he do that to me? They're gone.

- Did they seem convinced?
- Utterly.

Oh, good.

Then let that be an end to their spying and meddling.

Nothing must stand in the way of our finding those sinners.

And as I cannot risk being seen again, regrettably You must find them for me.

Been a bit of a day, huh? You mean with the whole "seeing evil great
-grandfather dead" "then finding out he tricked me and is more evil than I thought" thing? Yeah, it's been a bit of a day.

But, you know, we're, like, here for you And Eddie.

He's, like, your number one fan.

You don't need to be jealous, Patricia.

Jealous? Who's jealous? Quit the denial.

You are still so into Eddie.

No, I'm not.

It's okay because I don't like Eddie that way.

Really? Well, considering you're such a great friend of his Maybe you could find out how he feels about me?
- I thought you weren't into him.

- Well, I lied.

They just look like swirls.

Well, maybe try putting them together in some way.

Try that one first.

Okay, whatever Frobisher and Denby are up to, they must know we're onto them.

Corridor snoop.

I bet Victor has no idea.

He didn't know anything about the book.


Alfie, whatever Miss Denby does out of school is her own business.

What are you muttering about, boy? What humph, nothing, Victor.

Alfie was just saying, Miss Denby has a boyfriend.

I'm sure that's no one's business but her own.

- Yeah.

- Oh, yeah, Alfie.

I saw him, too, at the Gate House, right? Distinguished, dark hair A sort of timeless look about him.

That's him, yes.

But Victor's right.

You know, it's none of our business.

None at all.

Coming to school? Yeah.

So I have finally come to do all those odd jobs you've been pestering me about.

I'm actually in a bit of a hurry to get to school, can we do this another time? Oh, I thought you'd be pleased, Harriet.

What was that? What? That noise through there.

Open that door.

Ah! Who is this? Come with me.


I'm sorry for not believing you about Frobisher.

I don't know why.

You've always been right.

Hey, don't sweat it.

You know, we just need to look out for each other.

- Okay?
- Sure, thanks.

Hey, what are friends for? Speaking of friends Say there's a boy who has a friend who's a girl.

And the girl likes the boy as more than just friends.


And she doesn't want to tell the boy because she doesn't want to ruin the friendship.

And he might not feel the same way, and then it would be really awkward for both of them and all of their friends.

Huh, yeah.

Well, the girl Should know that the boy really likes her But just as a friend.

And, you know, the boy hopes the girl is cool with that.

And they can still be friends.

Oh, sure.

- Okay.

- Cool.

That is my sister, Harriet.

I thought you were Harriet.

Well, you thought wrong.

I'm Caroline.

Harriet is my sister.

She was the original keeper.

But this could have had major repercussions on the ceremony.

That job should have been mine.

So you locked her away? She would never have been able to take care of Robert.

Hello, Victor.

- Robert.

- Mm.

You're awake.

But when? How? Thank you, Harriet.

That will be all.

Ah, it is good to see you again, hmm, Victor? Hmm.

So basically, Eddie's over me.

But we can change that.

- How?
- Make him jealous, of course.

Oldest trick in the book, get another guy interested, and Eddie will come crawling back.


But who with? No, no, no, no.

No way.

Ugh, I don't know what I ever saw in him.

From now on, I'm concentrating on my work.

Exams don't two
-time you.

Well, he's clearly never had his heart broken.



You're so clever.

And still none the wiser, Willow.

Joy pretends to like Jerome.

Jerome falls madly in love with Joy.

And then Joy throws him aside like a dirty, wet dishcloth.

- No.

- Oh, for us.

- But why?
- Because I've done nothing wrong.

Why do I have to be punished? And besides, why would he even like me? Because, unfortunately, if you remove the fact you hate each other You're actually perfect for each other.

You take that back.

You're so mean.

It's the truth.

You look well.

- Oh.

- You have been taking my elixir, I assume.

Oh, Robert, I I have spent my entire life Trying to decipher your recipe.

Regrettably, it has always eluded me.


I have much to thank you for.

You have performed your family role as The Enabler most admirably.

Well My My whole family, of course, has always been very loyal to you, unlike some.

Are you aware that our Miss Denby is not who she appears to be? She is not Harriet Denby, but her sister Caroline.

She stole her sister's identity for her own gain.

She keeps Harriet locked up here.

So she lied when she said that woman was a friend.

She deceived you, let you down.


Ah, finally, she has done something interesting.

Yes, but she's not worthy.

Why indulge her? Without her Eternal life and power will be ours alone.

Join me upstairs.

We shall discuss your plans further.

I'm telling you, it's perfect.

Ask Jerome out.

Slime ball extraordinaire?
- Uh, no thanks.

- But why? You need a guy to make Eddie jealous, and it's wrong to use someone that way.

Unless he's the biggest rat in the school.

- Huh, it's beautiful.

- Go get him, tiger.

Oh, fine.

I'll ask out another guy for Eddie.

So do you want to go out on a date with me or what? I'm I'm gonna have to go with "or what".

Why? Because you're as rude as I am, and, whilst I have no proof, I'm pretty sure you're a witch.

Wow, you're actually scared of me? Okay, forget it.

I don't want to go out with a wimp anyway.

Wait, so hang on, hang on.


Yeah, it's a date.


Are you suggesting we cut Denby out, take everything for ourselves? She is an imposter.

What right does she have? I, Robert, I have served you always.

I see you crave recognition for your service.

I think I have earned it.

All of my life, I have waited for this.

Robert, with your knowledge, we can be rich and powerful beyond our wildest dreams.

My knowledge.

And what will you bring, apart from greed? Yes.

Yes, I am greedy.

It's true.

But this is what I can bring Determination, hunger for success, the constant pursuit of more, ambition, Robert.

The greedy are always wanting.

Indeed, they are, Victor.



I seek only to